Objective Planning and predicting functional outcomes of endoscopic sinus surgeries (e.g., nasal airflow) based solely on visualizing Computerized Tomography (CT) or endoscopy poses a challenge to produce optimal clinical outcomes.
Study design Technology development, retrospective case report.
Methods A virtual surgery planning (VSP) tool is developed that can load any patient’s CT data and allow surgeons to remove obstructive tissue using both visual and haptic feedback endoscopically. Pre-calculated airflow resistance, wall shear stress, pressure drop are displayed on the anatomy to identify potential sites of obstruction. After each virtual surgery, changes in nasal airflow can be computed, and the process is reiterated until an optimal result is reached.
Results As proof-of-concept, a series of isolated or combined procedures were performed on CT of one patient, who had olfactory losses that may involve obstructions blocking the air/odor flow to the olfactory fossa (OF). For this patient, an isolated medial partial middle turbinectomy (PMT) demonstrated the best outcome, better than traditionally performed lateral PMT, while septal body reduction worsened air/odor flow to OF.
Conclusion This proof of concept case report demonstrates the potential usefulness of VSP in preoperative planning based on objective benchmarks and could be a valuable tool for optimizing future surgical outcomes.
Endoscopic nasal sinus surgery, pioneered by Messerklinger and further advanced by Stammberger and Kennedy1, has been the procedure of choice for the treatment of nasal obstruction and sinus disease, with an estimated 600,000 surgeries performed in the US every year2 alone. Nasal endoscopy provides landmark visualization and navigation for small instruments to operate within the nasal airway and sinuses. However, outcomes of these surgeries are highly variable, from short-term favorable outcomes of 60-90% to long-term outcomes as low as 30%3,4, potentially due to fact that planning and predicting functional outcomes (e.g., airflow) of endoscopic sinus surgeries can be difficult or deceptive based solely on visualizing Computerized Tomography (CT) or endoscopic images.
Virtual surgery planning (VSP) has been widely used in many other surgical fields that allows the surgeon to virtually plan the surgery to optimize surgical outcomes. Since previous endoscopic sinus surgery simulators5–14 mostly serve as surgical skill-training tools, we thus assembled an interdisciplinary team of engineers, computational scientists, and clinicians to develop an endoscopic sinus VSP system that utilizes state of the art computer graphics and 3D modeling that creates a desktop virtual environment to provide a prospective, preoperative guide that can optimize and improve surgical outcomes.
The prototype comprises three distinct but synergistic components—a volume renderer to provide 3D endoscopic visualization based on patient’s clinical computerized tomography (CT) imaging; a haptic endoscopy tool to navigate and perform the virtual surgery; and the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) system to predict the nasal airflow outcome. The simulator runs on a desktop workstation, using an Intel Xeon E5-1650 v3 processor, 32GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA Quadro P5000 graphics card. The rendering system uses CUDA for Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) and OpenGL version 4.0 for graphics rendering that requires little to no preprocessing of CT data, no manual image segmentation, has fast frame rates and is extremely efficient.
A haptic device (PHANTOM, SensAble Technologies, Inc., Woburn, MA) that can apply forces in three degrees of freedoms, provides interaction between virtual endoscopic tools and the 3D CT-based volumetric model during virtual surgery. A virtual camera is attached to the endoscope tool, and the angle and distance of the tool tip can be adjusted, while the camera view is updated as the virtual endoscope navigates the nasal airway. The combination of 3D visual rendering and the haptic feedback allows the surgeon to remove the virtual obstructive tissue similar to in endoscopic surgery.
The developed virtual surgery planning (VSP) tool can load any patient’s CT in DICOM format in real-time from various sources, e.g. cone beam CTs or conventional axial spiral CTs, and provide a highly detailed 3D visual display of the nasal sinus airway (see Fig 1 and Supplementary method). The ability to directly load versatile DICOM-format clinical CT images without pre-processing is the key to allow this simulator to be utilized widely in clinical settings. Using a standard mouse input device, the user can orient the patient’s face/sinus anatomy in any direction. Pre-calculated airflow resistance, wall shear stress, pressure drop are displayed on the anatomy to identify potential sites of obstruction. In figure 1, a microdebrider was selected as the endoscopic tool, with available tool selections to be expanded in future software versions. The size of the microdebrider can be virtually adjusted. To ease operation, the surgical tool and camera are combined into a single haptic device, so that the surgeon can operate with one hand and toggle between different tools such as the endoscope and the microdebrider using buttons on the haptic device that are easily accessible by the user’s index finger. CT image guidance is also supported so that the surgeon can visualize the real-time tool tip location on 3 orthogonal CT slices on the side panels, mimicking the operating room (OR) experience15. Virtual surgeries can be saved intermittently (“mini save” button) or undone (“restore volume” button) to allow for easy planning with multiple surgical options. By restoring and saving multiple versions of different surgical approaches, different outcomes on a single patient can be compared and the process is reiterated until an optimal result is reached.
As proof-of-concept, we performed a series of isolated or combined procedures on one patient, who had nasal valve collapse, septal body hypertrophy, and a middle concha bullosa, and confirmed unilateral olfactory loss only to the left side (PEA threshold: left = 5, right = 9.3, normative range: >=8) that may involve obstructions blocking the air/odor flow to the olfactory fossa (OF). Before virtual surgery, this patient’s computed area-averaged PEA absorption flux to OF on the left side was significantly below the normal range (Fig 2e) that was established from 22 healthy controls collected from a prior study16, confirming the likely obstruction-driven olfactory loss, whereas the patient’s right pre-surgery olfactory PEA flux was within the normal range. Based on VSP, an isolated medial partial middle turbinectomy (PMT) demonstrated the best outcome, better than traditionally performed lateral PMT, while septal body reduction worsened air/odor flow to OF.
This proof of concept trial demonstrates the potential usefulness of VSP in preoperative planning based on objective benchmarks and could be a valuable tool for optimizing future surgical outcomes. In contrast to previous systems which emphasize training5–14, the current VSP emphasizes on surgical planning. The endoscope environment and haptic feedback only serve as an intuitive interface for experienced surgeons to remove obstructive tissue and plan for surgery in a familiar and more effective way than say on CT scan or using a keyboard and mouse. The integration of an intuitive interface, ability to easily load patient image data, with clinically relevant outcome data (CFD) are significant advancements over previous attempts of sinus surgical planning simulators 17. Such a well-implemented planning tool is likely to have a higher transfer rate to the OR for practicing surgeons and broader clinical impact than those only for surgical training purposes. Finally, the optimized surgical plans can potentially be translated into a CT scan (see Fig 1) and loaded into image guidance systems in ORs to guide the surgeon during surgery, which may complete the full circle of personalized medicine: from planning, optimizing, and to the operating room.
Data Availability
All data, code, and materials used in the analysis are available to any researcher for purposes of reproducing or extending the analysis via institutional materials transfer agreements (MTAs).
Author contributions
Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Funding acquisition: KZ, GJW, DS
Investigation: BH,GM, AO, BS, BAO, DS, GJW, KZ
Visualization: GM, BH, AO, BS, KZ
Writing – original draft: KZ
Writing – review & editing: KZ, AO, GM, BH, GJW
Competing interests
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and materials availability
All data, code, and materials used in the analysis are available to any researcher for purposes of reproducing or extending the analysis via institutional materials transfer agreements (MTAs).
We acknowledge Bhakthi Deshpande, Chengyu Li and Zhenxing Wu of the Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, the Ohio State University, for their assistance in patient testing as well as in CFD simulations.
Funding: NIH-NIDCD R21 DC017530 and R01 DC020302 to KZ
Level of evidence: Technology development.
The authors declare no conflict of interests.