Article Information
- May 18, 2024.
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Author Information
- Artem Kim1,2,*,
- Zixuan Zhang1,2,
- Come Legros1,2,
- Zeyun Lu1,2,
- Adam de Smith1,2,
- Jill E. Moore4,
- Nicholas Mancuso1,2,3 and
- Steven Gazal1,2,3,*
- 1Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- 2Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- 3Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- 4Department of Genomics and Computational Biology, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
- ↵*Correspondence should be addressed to A. K. (artemkim{at} or S.G. (gazal{at}