Article Information
- May 10, 2023.
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Author Information
- Jisoo A. Kwon1,*,
- Neil A. Bretaña2,
- Nadine Kronfli3,4,
- Camille Dussault3,
- Luke Grant5,
- Jennifer Galouzis5,
- Wendy Hoey6,
- James Blogg6,
- Andrew R. Lloyd1 and
- Richard T. Gray1
- 1Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
- 2University of South Australia, Australia
- 3Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- 4McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- 5Corrective Services NSW, Australia
- 6Justice Health Forensic Mental Health Network NSW, Australia
- ↵*Correspondence to:
CDr Jisoo Amy Kwon, Surveillance Evaluation and Research Program, The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia, akwon{at}, Phone: +61-2 9385 0900 Fax: +61-2 9385 0920