Article Information
- April 16, 2022.
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Author Information
- Jordi Milla,*,
- Helena Montoliua,
- Abdel H. Moustafab,
- Andy L. Olivaresa,
- Carlos Alborsa,
- Ainhoa Aguadoa,
- Elodie Medinaa,
- Mario Ceresaa,
- Xavier Freixac,
- Dabit Arzamendib,
- Hubert Cochetd and
- Oscar Camaraa
- aPhysense, BCN Medtech, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,08018 Spain
- bDepartment of Cardiology, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona,08025,Spain
- cDepartment of Cardiology, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona,08036, Spain
- dIHU Liryc, CHU Bordeaux, Université Bordeaux, Inserm 1045, Pessac, France
- ↵*Corresponding author: Email address: jordi.mill{at} (Jordi Mill)