Active arts engagement and depression in older adults in the United States: Longitudinal evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
View ORCID ProfileJessica K Bone, View ORCID ProfileFeifei Bu, Meg Fluharty, View ORCID ProfileElise Paul, Jill K Sonke, View ORCID ProfileDaisy Fancourt
Jessica K Bone
aResearch Department of Behavioural Science and Health, Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, University College London, London, UK
PhDFeifei Bu
aResearch Department of Behavioural Science and Health, Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, University College London, London, UK
PhDMeg Fluharty
aResearch Department of Behavioural Science and Health, Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, University College London, London, UK
PhDElise Paul
aResearch Department of Behavioural Science and Health, Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, University College London, London, UK
PhDJill K Sonke
bCenter for Arts in Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US
MScDaisy Fancourt
aResearch Department of Behavioural Science and Health, Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, University College London, London, UK
Data Availability
In this study, we combined several HRS public use datasets (RAND HRS Longitudinal File 2016 (V2); RAND HRS Detailed Imputations File 2016 (V2); RAND HRS 2008-2016 Fat Files). This data is all freely available from the HRS website.
Posted April 20, 2021.
Active arts engagement and depression in older adults in the United States: Longitudinal evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
Jessica K Bone, Feifei Bu, Meg Fluharty, Elise Paul, Jill K Sonke, Daisy Fancourt
medRxiv 2021.04.15.21255495; doi:
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