Article Information
- March 30, 2021.
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Author Information
- Muhammad Shamsher Ahmed1,
- Scott Rory Hicks2,
- Rebecca Watson3,
- Rajia Akter Ahmed3,
- Lewis Jones4,
- Marcella Vaselli5,
- Meng-San Wu6,
- Fatima Hayat2,
- Libuse Ratcliffe7,
- Mark McKenna8,
- Paul Hine9,
- Sylviane Defres10 and
- Tom Wingfield11,*
- 1Senior house officer and honorary postdoctoral research associate in infectious diseases, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
- 2Locum Registrar in infectious diseases, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK
- 3Senior house officer in infectious diseases, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK
- 4Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK
- 5Foundation trainee, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK
- 6Specialist registrar in infectious diseases and medical virology, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK and London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
- 7Consultant physician in infectious diseases and general internal medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK
- 8Patient and family experience lead, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK
- 9Consultant physician in infectious diseases and general internal medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK
- 10Senior clinical lecturer and consultant physician in infectious diseases and general internal medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK
- 11Senior clinical lecturer and honorary consultant physician in infectious diseases and general internal medicine, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- ↵*Corresponding author:
Dr Tom Wingfield, W-01-034, Wolfson Building, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L3 5QA, UK, Tel: +44(0)151 705 3100, Email: tom.wingfield{at}