Background Countermeasures against COVID-19 outbreaks such as lockdowns and voluntary restrictions against going out adversely affect human stress and economic activity. Particularly, this stress might lead to suicide.
Object We examined excess mortality attributable to suicide associated with COVID-19.
Method We applied the NIID model to suicide deaths by gender from October 2009 through August 2021 for the entirety of Japan. Effects of the great earthquake that struck eastern Japan on March 11, 2011 were incorporated into the estimation model. Results: Significant excess mortality by suicide was found during July 2020 and July 2021 for both genders. However, in August 2021, no excess mortality by suicide was observed among men; it was greater among women than among men. In all, 2950 excess cases of mortality were identified.
Discussion and Conclusion Excess mortality during the four months was more than double the number of COVID-19 deaths confirmed by PCR testing. Countermeasures against COVID-19 should be chosen carefully in light of such measures’ apparent exacerbation of suicide occurrence.
1. Introduction
Since the emergence of COVID-19, excess mortality from all causes has been low in Japan [1]. Data obtained throughout Japan actually show 12 and 104 cases of excess mortality, respectively, in August and October of 2020. These very few cases of excess mortality in Japan might be attributable to the fewer traffic accidents occurring because of voluntary restrictions against going out.
Nevertheless, countermeasures against COVID-19 outbreak such as lockdowns and voluntary restrictions against going out can cause stress to many people and can suppress economic activity. Countermeasures might lower incomes or lead to job loss. Such stress attributable to economic conditions might lead to suicide [2]. Such difficulties and their attendant risks should be included among the costs of countermeasures. Therefore, the present study examined excess mortality attributable to suicide caused by COVID-19.
2. Method
Except for some points, the estimation procedure was almost identical to that used for an earlier study [1]. Excess mortality was defined as the difference between the actual number of deaths and an epidemiological threshold if the actual number of deaths exceeded an epidemiological threshold. The epidemiological threshold is defined as the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the baseline. The baseline is defined as the number of deaths that are likely to have occurred if an influenza outbreak had not occurred. Therefore, if the actual deaths were fewer than the epidemiological threshold, then excess mortality was not inferred. Additionally, we defined negative excess mortality as the difference between the actual number of deaths and the lower bound of 95% CI if the actual deaths were fewer than the lower bound of 95% CI.
Data used for this study were those of monthly deaths from all causes, as reported from 2005 through February of 2021 [3]. The NIID model, the Stochastic Frontier Estimation [4–10], is presented as and where Dt represents suicide deaths in month/year t, Tt denotes the linear time trend, Vt is a dummy variable for routine pneumococcal vaccination, Ct is a dummy variable for effect of the great earthquake in eastern Japan in March 2011, and Mit is a dummy variable for the month. In addition, Vt takes a value of one after October 2014; otherwise, it is zero. Similarly, Ct takes a value of one in May, June, or July in 2011; otherwise, it is zero. If t is the i-th month, then Mit is one; otherwise, it is zero.
Moreover, νt and ωt are stochastic variables as νt ∼N(0, μ2) and ωt ∼N(0,ξ2); they are mutually independent. Although νt represents stochastic disturbances, ωt denotes non-negative deaths attributable to influenza. These disturbance terms in this model are parameterized by two parameters: ξ/μ and (μ2+ξ2)0.5. If the null hypothesis ξ/μ=0 is not rejected, then the Stochastic Frontier Estimation model is inferred as inappropriate.
The study area encompassed the entire nation of Japan. The study period for estimation was October 2009 through August 2021 because of data availability. Suicide is defined as X60-X84 in ICD10. We adopted 5% as the level at which significance was inferred for results.
3. Results
Figure 1 presents observed suicide deaths, the estimated baseline, and its threshold for men. Figure 2 presents corresponding data for women. These figures show that men are more numerous than women. However, consistent decline is apparent during the period for people of both genders. The sharpest spike occurred around May 2011, probably because of the great earthquake that struck eastern Japan on March 11, 2011. More than two months passed after the event before suicide increased. The second sharpest increase occurred probably in the latest period.
Because the estimated coefficients of the cross-term of routine vaccination initiation and time trend, earthquake dummy, and the cross-term of ICD10 revision and time trend were not found to be significant, we dropped these terms from the estimation equation (1). Table 1 presents estimation results without these variables. The estimated coefficients of the great earthquake in eastern Japan were 0.133 for men and 0.247 for women. That result implies that the numbers of suicide deaths jumped respectively by 13% and 25% because of the earthquake. It is noteworthy that the effect on women was greater than that on men, although the incidence of suicide death was much greater among men than among women.
Figure 3 presents findings of excess mortality attributable to suicide since 2019. Among women, clearly large excess mortality was found since June 2010. Among men, these were not greater than among women, but excess mortality among men was greater than that among women in November 2020. In the 14 months, total excess mortality by suicide was 3246.
4. Discussion
This study applied the NIID model to suicide deaths to detect excess mortality attributable to COVID-19. Results showed that significant excess mortality attributable to suicide was found for both genders during July 2020 three July 2021.
Especially, suicide among women was extremely high in October 2020. However, in November and December of 2020, excess mortality in suicide decreased. It might be affected by activation of the “Go To Travel Campaign” on July 22, which subsidized travel and issued coupons for shopping at tourist destinations. Its aim was to reinforce sightseeing businesses.
However, in August 2021, excess mortality was not observed among men. This month represented the first month of no excess morality in men or women since July 2020. This finding might indicate that the COVID-19 outbreak effects have ceased, at least among men. However, 91 cases of suicide excess mortality were observed for women during the same month. These asymmetric phenomena might indicate that suicide excess mortality among women was much greater than among men. The effects of the COVID-19 outbreak might continue for women for some time.
As described earlier, some excess mortality from all causes was found for August and October of 2020, respectively, as 12 and 104 cases. At least 12 cases of excess mortality among all causes in August might result from 304 cases of excess mortality attributable to suicide. At the same time, pneumonia deaths were recorded as 178, 314, and 75 cases of negative excess mortality, respectively in May, June, and July. Those figures were measured as the gap separating the observation and lower bound of 95% CI for the baseline if the former was lower than the latter in May, June, and July [11]. In August, negative excess mortality attributable to pneumonia was not found, although the observation was below the baseline. Therefore, excess mortality attributable to suicide was cancelled out partially by negative excess mortality attributable to pneumonia. Therefore, no excess mortality was found for any cause of death. However, in August, the negative excess mortality attributable to pneumonia was less than it had been earlier. Therefore, excess mortality from suicide led to overall excess mortality for all causes, although it was a very small number. In this sense, excess mortality attributable to suicide might be large in October, although data were not available because excess mortality from all causes was reported as a larger number than in August.
Some researchers in Japan have emphasized considerable excess mortality from all causes of death through June of around 48 thousand at maximum [12] when using the Farrington algorithm [13] and EuroMOMO [14]: those studies estimated excess mortality as three times greater than the number of deaths confirmed by PCR test. This study measured excess mortality as the gap separating observations and baseline, not a threshold, as in prefectures where observations were higher than the threshold. Therefore, their estimate of huge amounts of excess mortality might severely mislead people into adopting greater risks of infection by COVID-19 among the general population.
To ascertain the most appropriate countermeasures for COVID-19 in Japan, analyses of their cost–effectiveness is necessary. At that time, loss of quality of life should be counted among the costs of restriction of economic activity as a major aspect of countermeasures. That loss of quality of life remains as a subject for our next research challenge.
5. Conclusion
The obtained results show excess mortality by suicide between July 2020 and July 2021 for both genders. Especially, suicide among women in October 2020 was remarkable. Moreover, in August 2021, the excess mortality by suicide was observed only in women. Although the number of cases of suicide was greater among men than among women, effects of the COVID-19 outbreak for women might be greater than those for men. Continued careful monitoring of excess mortality attributable to suicide is expected to be necessary to control countermeasures for COVID-19 to ensure that they not to be too restrictive of business and daily life.
The present study is based on the authors’ opinions: it does not reflect any stance or policy of their professionally affiliated bodies.
Data Availability
National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Excess mortality in Japan, on October 2020.
7. Conflict of interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
8. Ethical considerations
All information used for this study was published on the web site of MHLW [12].
Therefore, no ethical issue is presented.
6. Acknowledgement
We acknowledge Dr. Nobuhiko Okabe, Kawasaki City Institute for Public Health, Dr.Kiyosu Taniguchi, National Hospital Organization Mie National Hospital, and Dr.Nahoko Shindo, WHO for their helpful support.
ICMJE Statement Contributors TS was responsible for the organization and coordination of the study. JK was the chief investigator and responsible for the data setting. YO developed the estimation model. All authors contributed to the writing of the final manuscript.
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