Motivation The epidemiologist sometimes needs to combine several independent parameter estimates: e.g. (i) adjust an incidence rate for healthcare utilisation, (ii) derive a disease prevalence from the conditional prevalence on another condition and the prevalence of that condition, (iii) adjust a seroprevalence for test sensitivity and specificity. While obtaining the combined parameter estimate is usually straightforward, deriving a corresponding confidence interval often is not. bootComb is an R package using parametric bootstrap sampling to derive such confidence intervals.
Implementation bootComb is a package for the statistical computation environment R.
General features As well as a function that returns confidence intervals for parameters combined from several independent estimates, bootComb provides auxiliary functions for 6 common distributions (beta, normal, exponential, gamma, Poisson and negative binomial) to derive best-fit distributions (and their sampling functions) for parameters given their reported confidence intervals.
Availability bootComb is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=bootComb).
Key Features
bootComb derives confidence intervals with the required coverage for parameters that are computed from independent parameter estimates for which confidence intervals are reported.
Includes auxilliary functions for 6 common distributions (beta, normal, exponential, gamma, Poisson and negative binomial) to derive best-fit distributions (and their sampling functions) for parameters given their reported confidence intervals.
R package: open-source, easy-to-use, platform independent.
Stable version hosted on CRAN: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=bootComb
Latest development version available from GitHub: https://github.com/gitMarcH/bootComb
The development of bootComb was motivated by two very practical examples:
Obtaining a 95% confidence interval (CI) for hepatitis D virus (HDV) prevalence in a general population from the reported estimates and 95% CIs for the conditional prevalence of hepatitis D among hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive patients and the prevalence of HBsAg.1
Adjusting the seroprevalence estimate obtained from a novel antibody test for SARS-CoV-2 for the estimated sensitivity and specificity of this antibody test.2
In each case, 2 or 3 parameters had been estimated from independent samples and a functional form for how to combine the parameter estimates was available. However, it was not evident how to derive a 95% CI.
In order to obtain CIs that correctly propagate uncertainty from all estimates, the author implemented the algorithm detailed below. While in both examples above all parameters are probability / proportion parameters, the algorithm is in fact quite general: it can be used for arbitrarily complex functions to combine an arbitrary number of parameters, each with an arbitrary distribution function (provided it can be sampled from).
Context relative to previously existing software
For some situations, e.g. the sum of two parameters each approximately normally distributed, exact solutions exist.
There are software implementations for the example of adjusting a prevalence estimate for the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic test (e.g. Reiczigel et al,3 or https://larremorelab.github.io/covid-calculator24). The former of these assumes that sensitivity and specificity are known exactly.
For specific individual applications, a fully Bayesian model5or non-parametric bootstrapping6 will propagate uncertainty from all input parameters but implementation of such approaches requires substantial statistical programming expertise by the user.
Crucially, all of the above are tailored to specific applications and the author is not aware of a software implementation for the general problem of propagating uncertainty to derive CIs for arbitrary functions of an arbitrary number of parameter estimates each with an arbitrary probability distribution.
bootComb is a package for the statistical computation environment R7 and its source code has been written entirely in R. bootComb is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN; https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=bootComb) and can be easily installed from within R by simply typing the following at the R consolde:
Source code as well as the latest development version are available from GitHub (https://github.com/gitMarcH/bootComb), from where bootComb can also be installed, but this requires the devtools package.8
To compute highest density intervals bootComb makes use of the R Package HDInterval.9 If this package is not installed, bootComb falls back on the percentile method.
The algorithm
To state the problem in all generality, assume that a parameter of interest ϕ is computed from k = 2,3, … parameters θ= (θ1,…, θk) using a function g:
Now assume that for each parameter θj, j= 1,…, k, an estimate with an (1 −α) · 100% CI is reported.
An estimate for ϕ can be obtained by computing , but it is less obvious how to derive a CI for with correct coverage (1 − α) · 100%. For example, for independent parameter estimates, the naively computed interval will often be far too wide.
However, writing Θj for the estimator for parameter θj, and assuming Θj ∼ Fj, where Fj is some parametric distribution, for each parameter estimate , we can estimate a probability distribution from the reported . We can then use parametric bootstrap sampling to obtain an approximate CI for with the required coverage.
The general algorithm is given below:
For j= 1,…, k, estimate a distribution function for the estimate Θj from .
Assuming that the parameters θ1,…, θk (and their estimates ) are independent, obtain B bootstrap samples , for by sampling , …, k independently.
For each bootstrap sample b, compute .
Obtain a (1 − α) · 100% , using either the percentile10 or the highest density interval^11 methods on the empirical distribution for given by the sample .
Method for deriving CIs from a sample
Borrowing from Bayesian statistics, an alternative to the common percentile method,10 and which would be particularly appropriate for skewed distributions, the highest density interval11 can be used to derive the required CI. The advantage is that this would be the narrowest possible interval with the desired coverage and that the probability density estimated from the bootstrap sample is always higher or equal inside the interval compared to outside it. There is one caveat though: the highest density interval may not be a single interval but a set of intervals if the density is severely multimodal. In this case the single interval returned by bootComb may be too wide.
The user needs to inspect the histogram of the sample of combined parameter values to check that the distribution of values is not severely multimodal when using bootComb with the option method=“hdi”. The default is method=“quantile” which implements the percentile method.
This section contains worked examples for the two applications presented in the introduction section. The main computational routine, bootComb() is quite general and not limited to probability parameters as is the case in these two examples, where the beta distribution, natural candidate to use for probability parameters, was used.
1. HDV prevalence in the general population
A pre-condition for becoming infected with HDV is to be infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). To assess HBV prevalence, one can test participants for the presence of surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg). To assess HDV prevalence, one can test for the presence HDV specific immunoglobulin G antibodies (anti-HDV).
HDV is rare and since it is conditional on HBV, most studies report the prevalence of anti-HDV among HBsAg positive patients. To derive a estimate of the global anti-HDV prevalence , Stockdale et al1 conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis, to estimate the global conditional prevalence and, using estimates of HBsAg prevalence reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO), to derive :
To obtain a 95% CI for , the author implemented the algorithm described in this paper and which has now been generalised for the R package bootComb. The CI for for the global population, reported in Table 2 in Stockdale et al1 can be derived using
with 95% CI 2.7%, 5.0%)
with 95% CI 3.6%, 5.7%)
We obtain the estimate with 95% CI (0.11%, 0.25%).1
The estimated beta distributions for the two input prevalences in this example have parameters α = 39.62, β = 1012.19 and α = 69.60, β = 1445.16. This means that these prevalences can be interpreted as having been estimated from samples of sizes approximately 40 + 1012 = 1052 and 70 + 1445 = 1515, respectively. This can be used to check the coverage of the CI obtained via simulation using the bootComb function simScenproductTwoPrevs. Running simScenProductTwoPrevs(B=1000,p1=0.035,p2=0.045,nExp1=1052,nExp2=1515,alpha=0.05) shows that the 95% CI obtained for the product of to prevelances has 95.1% coverage, with a 95% CI of (93.6%,96.4%) from N=1000 simulations.
2. SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence adjusted for test sensitivity and specificity
Chibwana et al2 report the surprisingly high SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and associated low morbidity in health workers in Blantyre, Malawi. Writing π for the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2, out of 500 study participants, 84 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, with exact binomial 95% CI (13.6%, 20.4%).
However the immunological assay used in the study was novel and had been assessed in a limited number of samples with the following laboratory validation data:12
sensitivity: 238 out of 270 known positive samples tested positive .
specificity: 82 out of 88 known negative samples tested negative .
Writing psens = P(T|D) and pspec = P (T|D) where T is the event of testing positive, D is the event of being seropositive, and T, D are the complement events of T, D, the measured seroprevalence is related to the estimate of the actual seroprevalence as follows:
From this we can drive an equation to adjust the measured seroprevalence for the assay’s sensitivity and specificity: where we have substituted the estimated sensitivity and specificity in the expression on the far right-hand side.
To summarise, we have 3 parameter estimates , their 95% CIs and a functional form to derive the actual parameter of interest (). With this we can use bootComb, which includes a dedicated function, adjPrevSensSpecCI, for this problem:
This yields the estimate with 95% CI (3.9%, 19.0%). Had the uncertainty in the sensitivity and specificity been ignored, the 95% CI would have been (8.4%, 16.7%) instead. Figure @ref(fig:Fig1) illustrates this example. In fact, the bootComb package provides a function, simScenprevSensSpec, for running simulations for this particular application. This allows estimating the actual coverage of the CIs by running simScenprevSensSpec(P=0.1227, sens=0.881, spec=0.932, nExp=500, nExpSens=270, nExpSpec=88, B=1000). The bootComb 95% CI has estimated 95.3% coverage, with 95% CI (93.8%,96.5%), whereas ignoring the uncertainty in sensitivity and specificity yields only 75.7% coverage, 95% CI (72.9%,78.3%) (both CIs obtained from N=1000 simulations; bootComb also computes coverage for the latter interval if the argument assumeSensSpecExact = TRUE is passed to the function simScenPrevSensSpec).
This paper presents bootComb, an R package to derive CIs for arbitrary functions of an arbitrary number of estimated parameters, where each parameter estimate is distributed according to an arbitrary distribution function. bootComb samples from the empirical distributions of the input parameter estimates and uses either the percentile method or the highest density interval to obtain a CI for the parameter of interest.
The applicability of this R package is wide, but there is one important limitation, notably that in its current version, bootComb assumes that all parameter estimates are independent. Where this is not the case, the CIs computed by bootComb could have incorrect coverage. In the adjusted seroprevalence example, the three parameters that are combined are, in fact, not independent, even though the parameters were estimated from independent samples. This is apparent in a small number of adjusted prevalences <0 that were obtained. In most applications, especially where large sample sizes are involved, this error is likely to be negligible; in the example in this paper this is confirmed by the correct coverage of the CI. Nevertheless, future versions of the package will aim to support a limited number of joint distributions and/or copula functions.
bootComb provides an easy-to-use tool to the applied epidemiologist faced with the need to combine several independent parameter estimates.
At the time of publication, the most recent version of bootComb was 1.0.0. R version 4.0.2 and HDInterval version 0.2.2 were used for computations in this paper.
Data Availability
All data used in this article are fully contained within the text, tables and figures of this article. the software described in this article is available at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=bootComb.
The author was supported by a Wellcome Trust strategic award to Malawi - Liverpool - Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (grant: 206545/Z/17/Z).
The author wishes to thank his co-authors from Stockdale et al1 and Chibwana et a 2 to permit the use of examples from these works as use cases of the bootComb software.