Introduction This study investigated the effects of seating distance and orientation on engagement in novice and experienced learners in a large classroom explicitly designed for Team-based Learning (TBL). Learning what affects TBL engagement may improve its implementation.
Methods Participants were novice first-year and experienced second-year undergraduate medical students in Singapore (male=103, female=57). Their age ranged from 18 to 23 (M=19.5, SD=1.06). This quasi-experimental study considered two factors. Firstly, the distance from the teams’ table to the tutor’s table. Secondly, students’ orientation at each table, with either their front or back facing the tutor. Engagement was measured using two instruments, Situational Cognitive Engagement Measure and Classroom Engagement Survey at two TBL sessions – before and after swapping seating arrangements.
Results For experienced students, seating distance did not significantly affect engagement (p=0.08–0.89). Novice student’s engagement levels decreased significantly for those who moved further; M=3.30 to 2.98 (p=0.009–0.023). However, overall engagement also decreased post-swap regardless of direction moved; M=3.26 to 3.00 (p=0.004). For both cohorts, seating orientation did not significantly affect engagement (p=0.07–0.62). Those unaffected by seating arrangement commended the classroom’s design, such as screens all around and quality audio-visual system. Novice students exhibited a stronger preference to sit nearer to the tutor than experienced students. Both groups preferred sitting with their front- facing the tutor.
Discussion Within specially designed TBL classrooms, seating distance and orientation did not significantly affect engagement. Technologically enhanced team-centric spaces provide a favorable environment for TBL, though students’ preferences for seats may change with more TBL experience.
Seating Arrangement and Engagement
There is a growing literature on the importance of learning spaces and how it affects teaching and learning[1]. Especially, learning spaces affecting the delivery of higher education[2] and the medical curriculum[3]. The effects of physical space on human activity has been studied where the area of environmental psychology examines subjects such as psychological comfort with space and its incentivising effects[4]. Classroom designs can vary in many forms to strengthen classroom discussions[5]. In traditional lecture hall settings, engagement is worst towards the back of the class[6], grades decreased as distance from the instructor increased, and a smaller proportion of students participated in larger class sizes[7]. On the other hand, semicircular arrangements allow for more comfortable discussion between tutor and students and within students themselves[8]. The students also asked more questions and learnt more compared to traditional row and column organization[9]. Such decentralised layouts encourage participation and show that the classroom’s physical attributes clearly affect the engagement of students.
Cognitive engagement is the psychological construct characterized by active involvement in learning, where students have autonomy[10] and put effort to invest in studying[11-13]. It varies depending on the activity[14], increasing as knowledge is gained, and with more independence in the task involved[15]. It is important in the learning process as cognitive engagement is related to positive outcomes in students, such as improved grades[16], motivation[17] and favorable attitudes towards learning[18].
Team-Based Learning
Team-based learning (TBL) is a structured, learner-centered and instructor-led method of active learning relying on small group interaction and class-wide discussion[19, 20]. TBL use is increasingly popular in medical education[21] with positive outcomes in many areas from attitudes and graded assignments[22], to critical thinking, teamwork and communication[23, 24].
A TBL session comprises of three phases: preparation, readiness assurance and application exercise (AE) phase[25] (Figure 1). The preparation phase involves individual learning outside the classroom using resources provided by the school. The subsequent phases occur in the classroom. Firstly, the students start with an Individual Readiness Assurance Test, a closed book multiple-choice question test, which is then repeated in teams, the Team Readiness Assurance Test, and a “burning questions” (BQ) discussion. Lastly, the AE phase challenges students with practical scenarios, which provides them with an opportunity to apply their knowledge gained. This study was conducted at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. TBL is our main pedagogical method for the first two years of medical undergraduate learning. (Refer to Rajalingam et al[26], large-scale TBL paper for more information. TBL procedures described here may vary between institutions.)
Schematic of a typical Team-Based Learning (TBL) process from the Preparation to Readiness Assurance, Burning questions and Application Exercise phase at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Descriptions about what each phase entails and their average duration are included. TBL procedures described here may vary between institutions.
A theory about the underlying psychological process[27, 28] through which TBL works is that it increases students’ cognitive engagement and subsequently affects achievement[14].
Previous TBL research found a significant increase in students’ engagement[29-32], where the nature of the tasks promotes participation and discussion while making students process the information[25]. Thus, learning what affects engagement may improve the effective implementation of TBL.
Many medical schools that have implemented TBL have also made physical changes to the classroom to accommodate this instructional approach. In this study, our main interest is the effect of seating arrangement on TBL engagement. However, limited research exists in this field. One study by Espey M[33] examined classroom layouts and their impact on TBL. Although grades were not significantly affected, students felt they worked more effectively in classrooms that easily accommodate group work and attitudes improved. With varying cohort sizes among institutions[34], there may be concerns of large-scale TBL implementation as class size increases, students sitting further away maybe disadvantaged. Furthermore, in a previous local study, cognitive engagement fell significantly during BQ and AE tutor explanation phases compared to the previous phases[14]. Exploring the effects of seating arrangement may promote engagement during these tutor-centred phases. While other factors like gender have been examined in the context of seating position[35], the effect of exposure to TBL has not been explored, such as the differences between novice and experienced students.
In this study, we aimed to investigate two factors associated with seating arrangement. Firstly, the effects of seating distance from the tutor on class engagement in TBL. Secondly, if seating orientation within the team, which is the direction students are facing, affects class engagement in TBL. The hypotheses are: (1) sitting nearer to the tutor results in higher engagement and (2) sitting with their front facing the tutor class results in higher engagement.
Study Design
In this quasi-experimental study, students were assigned to teams of 5-7 based on TBL principles[36]. Our classroom design includes a dual-tiered seating circular layout, six big screens all around the periphery of the room, chairs with wheels around fixed tables and microphones for every team. Usually, the teams’ seating positions are permanent for the entire academic year. Tutors were situated in front and remained static for the purposes of this study, reflecting the default situation during TBL sessions. As teams were seated in a circular arrangement, seating orientation was reported as either sitting with their front or back to the tutor. Seating distance from the teams’ table to the tutor’s table ranged from 2.5m to 11m.
Engagement was assessed at two points: BQ and AE, both after tutor explanation. These were chosen as engagement fell significantly compared to the previous phases[14]. Also, seating distance likely affects engagement when the tutor speaks in front of the class, rather than during intra-team discussion at other phases where students discuss within their teams.
The intervention involved rearranging the students’ seating layout and collecting data before and after this swap (see Supplementary Digital Appendix 1 for lesson topics). After obtaining baseline response, teams were swapped front-to-back, with an average change of 4.5m. Students could choose their own seats at the new table. 12-13 teams moved nearer to the tutor, labelled as Group A while 11-12 teams moved further, labelled as Group B (Figure 2). One TBL session was given for students to adjust to their new positions before collecting responses at the subsequent lesson a week later. Researchers were present to conduct the surveys at appropriate intervals. We used SurveyMonkey platform to collect responses electronically.
Classroom seating arrangement at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The team numbers are represented by the circles. Left: Original seating positions before the swap. Right: New seating positions after swap. Group A: 13 teams (in orange) moved nearer. Group B: 12 teams (in blue) moved further.
There is a dual-tiered circular seating arrangement with 6 large screens all around the periphery, chairs with wheels around fixed tables and microphones for every team. Tutors are in front of the class and remained static.
150 first-year and 138 second-year undergraduate medical students were recruited with 85 and 75 responses collected, respectively. With one month of TBL experience prior to the study, the first-year students were now referred as the “novice” group. Second-year students had one year of TBL experience and were referred as the “experienced” group. Their age ranged from 18-23 (M=19.5, SD=1.06), with 103 (64%) males and 57 females.
Assessing cognitive engagement
We used two validated self-reporting instruments to assess TBL engagement.
Firstly, the Situational Cognitive Engagement Measure (SCEM) was used to assess cognitive engagement at various TBL phases[15] (see Supplementary Digital Appendix 2 for complete survey). This 5-point Likert scale 4-question survey captures cognitive engagement of the ongoing activity at that instance. This tool developed items to assess the dynamic aspect of engagement, student’s will to persevere on the activity and how immersed they are which links back to the concepts of cognitive engagement. Previous studies[15] attained adequate reliability, including one in a similar local context[14].
Secondly, the Classroom Engagement Survey (CES) was used when each TBL session ended. This 5-point Likert scale 8-question survey retrospectively assesses overall engagement of the class (see Supplementary Digital Appendix 3 for complete survey). Its construct validity was established from previous TBL studies involving undergraduate nursing and medical students[30-32], obtaining high reliability with Cronbach Alpha of 0.80-0.89.
We decided to use both the SCEM and CES as measures of engagement as both instruments measure slightly different aspects of engagement. The SCEM measures how students perceive their immediate engagement while engaged with each TBL activity, while the CES asks students to retrospectively report how engaged they were throughout the TBL session. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for internal reliability with values greater than 0.80 being desirable[37]. For the SCEM and CES instruments, our mean values were 0.72 and 0.83 respectively, indicating an acceptable to desirable degree of internal reliability.
Lastly, open-ended response questions were provided to further qualitatively explore students’ preferences with seating arrangement and engagement. Students were asked if they
(1) preferred sitting nearer to the tutor, (2) preferred sitting with their front-facing the tutor, (3) reasons for their seating preferences, and (4) if they preferred their original or new seating position.
To compare pre- and post-swap groups, independent-samples T-test was conducted to assess both the effects of seating distance and seating orientation on engagement. Significance levels were set at p<0.05. We used SPSS version 24 (IBM, Armonk, New York).
While the SCEM and CES tend to measure slightly different aspects of cognitive engagement, we found moderate correlation[38] between the two instruments in our study with Pearson’s Correlation r=0.57, p<.001.
Seating distance and engagement
In the novice cohort, Group A (students moving nearer to the tutor), there was no statistically significant change in SCEM scores. For Group B (those who moved further away), SCEM scores decreased significantly. Overall, between the pre-and post-session, SCEM scores decreased significantly for the entire cohort.
In the experienced cohort, there was no statistically significant change in SCEM scores for both Group A and Group B. Overall, between the pre-and post-sessions, there was no significant change in the SCEM scores. (Table 1)
Mean SCEM Scores (SD) in Novice and Experienced Group Students Before and After Swapping Seating Arrangements at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The results from the CES indicated a similar pattern to the SCEM results.
In the novice cohort, for Group A (students moving nearer to the tutor), CES scores did not significantly change while in Group B (those who moved further away), CES scores decreased significantly. Overall CES there was no statistically significant change in the pre- and post-session.
In the experienced cohort, for both Group A and B, CES scores were not statistically significant. Overall CES scores decreased slightly post-swap but were not statistically significant. (Table 2)
Mean CES Scores in Novice and Experienced Group Students Before and After Swapping Seating Arrangements at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Seating orientation and engagement
In both novice and experienced students, SCEM scores for those with their fronts facing the tutor were lower than those with their backs facing the tutor but were not statistically significant.
In novice students, CES scores for those with their fronts facing the tutor was higher than those with their backs facing the tutor but was not statistically significant. In experienced students, CES scores for those with their fronts facing the tutor was lower than those with their backs facing the tutor but was not statistically significant. (Table 3)
Comparing Seating Orientation and Mean SCEM and CES Scores in Novice and Experienced Students at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Interaction between seating distance and orientation
A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to assess the interaction between seating distance and orientation which was not statistically significant. Novice group: F(1,81)=0.228, p=0.63. Experienced group: F(1,71)=0.937, p=0.34.
Student preferences
Participants were asked to rate, on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), how much they preferred sitting nearer to the tutor and sitting with their front-facing the tutor.
Novice students preferred sitting nearer to the tutor compared to sitting further away. (M=3.45 vs M=2.53) (p<0.001) while experienced students had no statistically significant difference in such preferences (M=2.62 vs M=2.61) (p=0.95).
Both novice and experienced students had a statistically significant preference to sit with their front-facing the tutor compared to facing the back. Novice: M=4.20 vs M=3.56 (p=0.001). Experienced: M=4.21 vs M=3.62 (p=0.003)
Further analysis revealed that 86 (51%) students felt that seating distance did not affect their learning, with common reasons such as screens being all around the room and audio from the speaker being well heard. 104 (61%) preferred sitting with their front-facing the tutor, with common reasons being a preference to look at the tutor while they are speaking and feeling more focused. Some quotes from students include: “I don’t think it (seating position) affects my learning as there are screens around the studio”, “The classroom is 360° so it doesn’t matter”, “audio from the front of the class can be easily heard everywhere” and “acoustics are good enough such that the lesson can be heard clearly”.
We investigated the effects of seating distance and orientation to the tutor on TBL engagement in a large classroom specifically designed for TBL. Engagement levels were assessed before and after seating positions were swapped, using two separate instruments.
Novice students showed a significant drop in engagement in those that moved further with a moderate effect size which supports the original hypothesis. However, when analysing them together, overall engagement dropped post-swap regardless of direction moved. Experienced students showed no significant change in engagement based on seating distance.
Additionally, novice students displayed a stronger preference to sit nearer to the tutor compared to experienced students.
From these, it is highly likely that the very act of changing seating layouts influenced the novice groups’ engagement. On closer analysis of students’ preferences, we asked if they preferred their original or new seats and found that 40 (80%) novice students preferred their original seats compared to only 21 (48%) experienced students. A possible explanation is that the novice group, being only one month into medical school, were inexperienced with TBL pedagogy and still familiarising with learning in a new university. After adjusting into this new learning style for one month, any change could influence how they pay attention in class. Experienced students had at least one-year of TBL experience and were well acclimatised to learning in such settings. A simple change in seating distance hardly affected their engagement. This may illustrate that as students become more familiar with the TBL process, they acquire skills which compensate for any minor distractions caused by the physical environment. Novice students were more susceptible to changes in the physical environment and may have a higher need for psychological safety.
For both groups, engagement levels were not significantly impacted by seating orientation. But they strongly preferred to sit with their front-facing the tutor. From general classroom observations, some students compensated by turning their whole body to face the tutor. With circular tables and a decentralised classroom, it is impossible for every student to sit with their front-facing the tutor. While the audio-visual system allows students to follow discussions even when seated far back, it cannot compensate for students’ preference to look at the tutor.
Overall, our results refute the initial hypotheses that sitting nearer or facing the tutor results in higher engagement because students were not significantly affected by their seating arrangement.
Practical implications
The findings of this paper provide important and practical implications on seating arrangement in the TBL classroom. Juxtaposing the strong preference to sit nearer or face the tutor and the insignificant effect of seating arrangement on engagement, there appear to be deeper factors at play. While students displayed a preference to sit nearer or face the tutor, they can overcome such physical inconveniences and feel similarly engaged at their less ideal spot. We postulate that medical students generally have higher motivation levels given the work needed to get into medical school and the commitment to a specific career[39]. With this motivation to learn, they adapt to wherever they seat and pay attention regardless. Also, tutors are relatively less involved compared to team interactions for the overall TBL experience (assessed with CES tool), possibly explaining why students were not affected by seating arrangement and reinforce the rationale of TBL as a learning modality.
Quotes from students showed that classroom design was influential for their learning. The implication is that learning space design does have an impact on learning and engagement. While other institutions are compelled to use traditional learning spaces for TBL, our institution specially designed the classroom, according to well-documented architectural and human factors, to facilitate TBL[26]. The circular layout with dual tiered seating, six screens and microphones at every table allows students to follow and contribute to discussions wherever they are. Learning spaces are only as successful as the students’ motivation and willingness to best make use of it[40]. This motivation allows students to fully utilise the technological space and adapt to less preferred seating positions.
Other studies comparing traditional and active learning classrooms substantiates this, showing improved ease of working in teams[33], higher student engagement[41, 42] and grades[43, 44] in specialised classrooms for interactive pedagogies. Previous reports highlighted that aligning physical learning spaces with the curriculum is valuable to the holistic health professions education[3]. Classroom layouts that allowed students to see everyone contributed to the perception of a safe learning space[45]. Therefore, such team- centric learning spaces provide an engaging setting, favourable for active, collaborative learning[26].
This study has some limitations. Firstly, as all TBL sessions differed, results may be confounded by factors such as TBL topics, TBL length, student fatigue and tutor variation. This was especially true in novice students where post-swap engagement dropped significantly as highlighted above. Secondly, only medical students were recruited and are not representative of the general TBL population, which includes other health professions[22], science[24, 46] and business[47] courses. Thirdly, due to sample size constraints, this study had no control group that did not change seats. Changing seats itself may be disruptive and having a group which swapped seats but not move nearer or further would make comparisons more robust. Lastly, survey responses fell significantly after the swap, with 64 (40%) fewer responses from 160 to 96, which may affect the accuracy and reliability of the results. Possible reasons include the interruptive nature of the survey as lesson flow was disrupted three times. But this was unavoidable to capture ongoing engagement. Given these limitations, this study contributes meaningfully to the literature by being the first quasi-experimental study that we know of to explore the relationship between seating arrangement and engagement in TBL.
There were no significant effects of seating distance or orientation on TBL engagement. There was, however, a preference for novice students to sit nearer to the tutor. Also, both experienced and novice students had a strong preference to sit with their fronts facing the tutor. Compared to experienced students, novice students were affected more by changes in seating arrangement who may showcase their need for early psychological safety.
The specially designed classroom were important reasons students felt unaffected by seating arrangements. The findings reassure us that, with proper attention to the physical space, students are not at a disadvantage from their seating arrangement, which supports utilising specialised active learning classrooms for TBL.
Declaration of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Ethical Approval
The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Nanyang Technological University [2019-06-036].
Supplementary Appendices
Supplementary Appendix 1
Topics and questions for the 4 TBL sessions
First-year students’ session 1 pre-swap
First-year students’ session 2 post-swap
Second-year students’ session 1 pre-swap
Second-year students’ session 2 post-swap
Supplementary Appendix 2
Example of the Situational Cognitive Engagement Measure.
It consists of 4 questions on a 5-point Likert scale. During the Burning Questions / Application Exercise, on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 (not true at all) and 5 (very true for me), please indicate how true the statements are for you:
I am engaged with the topic at hand
I put in a lot of effort understanding the topic
I wish I could still continue for a while
I am so involved that I forget everything around me
Supplementary Appendix 3
Example of the Classroom Engagement Survey (CES).
It consists of 8 questions on a 5-point Likert scale with 1 (Strongly disagree) and 5 (Strongly agree). From the following statements, please choose the option that best described the extent to which you agree with about today’s class.
Most students were actively involved
I had fun in class today
I contributed meaningfully to class discussions
Most students were not paying attention
I paid attention most of the time
I did not enjoy class today
I participated in the class most of the time
I would like more class sessions to be like this one
The authors wish to thank the undergraduate students from LKCMedicine Class of 2023 and 2024 for their kind participation in the surveys.