Background Existing analyses of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) against COVID-19 transmission have concentrated on the joint effectiveness of large-scale NPIs. With increasing data, we can move beyond estimating joint effects towards disentangling individual effects. In addition to effectiveness, policy decisions ought to account for the burden placed by different NPIs on the population.
Methods To our knowledge, this is the largest data-driven study of NPI effectiveness to date. We collected chronological data on 9 NPIs in 41 countries between January and April 2020, using extensive fact-checking to ensure high data quality. We infer NPI effectiveness with a novel semi-mechanistic Bayesian hierarchical model, modelling both confirmed cases and deaths to increase the signal from which NPI effects can be inferred. Finally, we study how much perceived burden different NPIs impose on the population with an online survey of preferences using the MaxDiff method.
Results Eight NPIs have a >95% posterior probability of being effective: closing schools (mean reduction in R: 50%; 95% credible interval: 39%–59%), closing nonessential businesses (34%; 16%–49%), closing high-risk businesses (26%; 8%–42%), and limiting gatherings to 10 people or less (28%; 8%–45%), to 100 people or less (17%; −3%–35%), to 1000 people or less (16%; −2%–31%), issuing stay-at-home orders (14%; −2%–29%), and testing patients with respiratory symptoms (13%; −1%–26%). As validation is crucial for NPI models, we performed 15 sensitivity analyses and evaluated predictions on unseen data, finding strong support for our results. We combine the effectiveness and preference results to estimate effectiveness-to-burden ratios.
Conclusions Our results suggest a surprisingly large role for schools in COVID-19 transmission, a contribution to the ongoing debate about the relevance of asymptomatic carriers in disease spread. We identify additional interventions with good effectiveness-burden tradeoffs, namely testing symptomatic individuals, closing high-risk businesses, and limiting gathering size. Closing most nonessential businesses and issuing stay-at-home orders impose a high burden while having limited additional effect.
1. Introduction
The governments of the world have mobilized vast resources to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. A wide range 1 of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) has been deployed, including drastic measures like national lockdowns and the closure of all non-essential businesses. Recent analyses show that these large-scale NPIs appear to be jointly effective at reducing the virus’ effective reproduction number. 2 As time progresses, more data becomes available from different countries that have implemented various NPIs (Figure 1). We can thus move beyond estimating the aggregate effect of a bundle of NPIs and understand the effect of individual NPIs.
Timing of NPI implementations. Crossed-out symbols signify when an NPI was lifted.
But, selecting the right policy depends on more than estimates of effectiveness. Drastic NPIs, such as society-wide social distancing, cause widespread disruption to many aspects of social life, including quality of life, economic prospects, 3 and, potentially, the mental health of the entire population. 4 When selecting policies, it is thus important to consider the burden they impose.
This paper’s aim is to estimate the effectiveness of various NPIs at reducing the spread of COVID-19 and their associated burden on the population.
To disentangle individual NPI effects, we need to leverage data from multiple regions with diverse bundles of NPIs. With some exceptions (Flaxman et al.2, Chen and Qiu5, and Banholzer et al. 6), previous data-driven studies focus on single NPIs and/or single regions (Table 1). In contrast, we evaluate the impact of 9 NPIs on the growth of the epidemic in 34 European and 7 non-European countries. To our knowledge, this is the largest data-driven model of NPI effects on COVID-19 transmission to date. Additionally, the focus of previous work has largely been on costly NPIs (Table 1). In line with our aim of identifying effective interventions with little burden, we additionally analyse the effects of several less disruptive NPIs (Table 2).
Existing data-driven studies of the effectiveness of observed (as opposed to hypothetical) NPIs in reducing the transmission of COVID-19.
NPIs included in the modelling dataset
Before collecting data, we experimented with two public datasets on NPIs, finding that they contained some incorrect dates and were not complete enough for our modelling.a By focusing on a smaller set of countries and NPIs than is present in these datasets, we were able to implement strong quality controls in our data collection. We make this high-quality dataset public, as well as the Epidemic Forecasting Global NPI database, a much larger but less rigorously verified dataset.
To estimate NPI effectiveness, we design a novel semi-mechanistic Bayesian hierarchical model with a time-delayed effect for each NPI. A key assumption of our model is that the effect of each NPI on the reproduction number is stable across different countries and over time. This assumption is present in all closely related works. Our model can be seen as an extension to that of Flaxman et al.,2 using both confirmed cases and deaths as observations to increase the amount of signal available for inferring NPI effects.
Constructing an NPI model is a perilous task since its conclusions can be sensitive to the assumptions and data. Therefore, it is crucial to validate it. However, such validation is often incomplete or absent from previous work. We perform what is, to our knowledge, by far the most extensive validation of any NPI model for COVID-19 to date—evaluating predictions for countries and time periods not seen during training (Figures 4 & 5), evaluating different models that use different observations (deaths and confirmed cases; Figure 6), testing robustness to unobserved NPIs (Figure D.10), and analyzing sensitivity to many perturbations (Appendix D). Nonetheless, our model comes with important limitations and uncertainties, which we discuss in Appendix H.
Finally, to study how burdensome people perceive different NPIs to be, we collected preference data using a best-worst scaling9 discrete choice online survey instrument. As community surveys are often successfully used in public health settings to estimate the preferences over various treatments and interventions,10 we believe this data can provide valuable input when evaluating NPIs. While there are many other ways to estimate NPI cost, for example by modelling economic impacts, these are often dominated by long-term effects. For example, a large part of the economic impact of closing schools could consist in human-capital loss.11 These long-term effects are currently hard to predict and are codetermined by economic policy responses and many other effects beyond the scope of this study.
Summary of contributions
High-quality data on the largest number of countries and NPIs studied to date, including several less costly NPIs
A novel combined model utilising both confirmed cases and deaths
Extensive model validation
Estimation of population preferences over NPIs and analysis of effectiveness-burden tradeoffs
2. Methods
2.1. Dataset
We collected a large database from 67 countries, which we call the Epidemic Forecasting Global NPI (EFGNPI) database. The database contains more than 1700 events, tagged with 194 keywords, which are distilled into 24 classes of NPIs. Details of the EFGNPI database are given in Appendix B.
As described in the introduction, we found that public datasets on NPIs contained frequent incorrect entries. We expect the same to be true for the full EFGNPI database. For the smaller set of NPIs and countries used in this study, we implemented further steps to ensure data quality (see below). The data used in this study, including sources, can be found at https://github.com/robust-npis/covid-19-npis.
We analyse 41 countriesc (see Figure 1) and 9 NPIs (Table 2). We only recorded when NPIs were implemented in most of a country. The window of analysis spans the period from 22nd January to 25th April 2020d, inclusive. Data on confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths were taken from the John Hopkins Center CSSE COVID-19 Dataset24,25.
Data collection
Gathering bans, school closure, business closure, stay-at-home order
For each NPI and each country, one to three contractors independently collected data on the start date of the NPI, including sources. Each country was then extensively researched by one of the authors, using media articles, government sources, and Wikipedia articles. The researcher finalised the data based on their research, the data in the EFGNPI dataset, the data provided by the contractors, and, if available, data from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker.7
To estimate the local prevalence of mask-wearing, we conducted surveys of n=908 participants from most of the countries studied. Respondents were asked about the number of people they had seen wearing masks (details in Appendix C). We also used Wikipedia and the masks4all dataset26 to ascertain when countries mandated mask-wearing in (some) public places. In all countries in which the government mandated mask-wearing, our survey results indicate that more than 60% of people started wearing masks around the time when the mandate was implemented.
The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker7 has complete data on testing policies implemented in different countries. To check its accuracy, we compared the data with the number of tests per confirmed case27 and found that activation of the testing feature was correlated with a substantial increase in the number of tests per confirmed case. We did not do further verification. As of version 5.0 of the dataset, our “symptomatic testing” feature corresponds to the following feature in the OxCGRT dataset: ID H2, levels 2-3.
2.2. Model
We construct a semi-mechanistic Bayesian hierarchical model, similar to Flaxman et al.2 The main difference is that we model both confirmed cases and deaths, allowing us to leverage significantly more data. Furthermore, we do not assume a specific infection fatality rate since we do not aim to infer the total number of COVID-19 infections. The end of this section details further adaptations which allow us to make minimal assumptions about testing, reporting, and the infection fatality rate (IFR). Please see Appendix F for further details.
We describe the model in Figure 2 from bottom to top. The growth of the epidemic is determined by the time-and-country-specific reproduction number Rt,c. It depends on: a) the basic reproduction number R0,c without any NPIs active, and b) the active NPIs. We place a prior (and hyperprior) distribution over R0,c, reflecting the wide disagreement of regional estimates of R0.28 We parameterize the effectiveness of NPI i, assumed to be similar across countries and time, with ai. The effect of each NPI on Rt,c is assumed to be multiplicative (and therefore independent) as follows:
where ϕi,c,t = 1 means NPI i is active in country c on day t (ϕi,c,t = 0 otherwise). In Section 3, we discuss this interaction between NPIs. There is a symmetric prior (and hyperprior) over αi, allowing for both positive and negative effects.
Model Overview. Purple nodes are observed or have a fixed distribution. The same structure is used for both deaths and confirmed cases. Our primary model combines both observations; it splits all nodes above the daily growth rate gt,c into separate branches for deaths and cases.
Growth rates
Nt,c denotes the number of new infections at time t and country c. In the early phase of an epidemic, Nt,c grows exponentially with a dailye growth rate gt,c. During exponential growth, there is a well-known one-to-one correspondence between gt,c and Rt,c:29
where M(·) is the moment-generating function of the distribution of the serial interval (the time between successive cases in a chain of transmission). We assume that the serial interval distribution is given by a Gamma(5.18, 0.96)f distribution30. Using (1), we can write gt,c as gt,c(Rt,c) (see Appendix F).
Infection model
Rather than modelling the total number of new infections Nt,c, we model new infections that either will be subsequently a) confirmed positive, or b) lead to a reported death,
. They are backwards-inferred from the observation models for cases and deaths, shown further below. We assume that both grow at the same expected rate gt,c:
are separate, independent noise terms. We seed our model with unobserved initial values,
, which have uninformative priors.g
Observation model for confirmed cases
The mean predicted number of new confirmed cases is a discrete convolution
where PC(delay) is the distribution of the delay from infection to confirmation. This delay distribution is the sum of two independent gamma distributions: the incubation period and the delay from onset of symptoms to confirmation. We use previously published and consistent empirical distributions from China and Italy,31–34 which sum up to a mean delay of 10.35 days. Finally, the observed cases Ct,c follow a negative binomial noise distribution with mean
and an inferred dispersion parameter, following Flaxman et al.2
Observation model for deaths
The mean predicted number of new deaths is a discrete convolution
where PD (delay) is the distribution of the delay from infection to death. It is also the sum of two independent gamma distributions: the aforementioned incubation period and the delay from onset of symptoms to death31,35, which sum up to a mean delay of 23.9 days. Finally, the observed deaths Dt,c also follow a negative binomial distribution with mean
and an inferred dispersion parameter.
Single and combined models
To construct models which only use either confirmed cases or deaths as observations, we remove the variables corresponding to the disregarded observations.
Testing, reporting, and infection fatality rates
Scaling all values of a time series by a constant does not change its growth rates. The model is therefore invariant to the scale of the observations and consequently to country-level differences in the IFR and the ascertainment rate (the proportion of the infected cases who are subsequently reported positive). For example, assume countries A and B differ only in their ascertainment rates. Then, our model will infer a difference in (Eq. (4)) but not in the growth rates gt,c across A and B (Eq. (2)-(3)). Accordingly, the inferred NPI effectiveness will be identical.h
In reality, a country’s ascertainment rate (and IFR) can also change over time. In principle, it is possible to distinguish changes in the ascertainment rate from the effects of NPIs: decreasing the ascertainment rate decreases future cases Ct,c by a constant factor whereas the introduction of an NPI decreases them by a factor that grows exponentially over time. The noise terms, (Eq. (2)), mimic changes in the ascertainment rate—noise at time τ affects all future cases—and allow for gradual, multiplicative changes in the ascertainment rate.
We infer the unobserved variables in our model using Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo36,37 (HMC), a standard MCMC sampling algorithm.
The model code can be found at https://github.com/robust-npis/covid-19-npis.
2.3. Preference elicitation
We collected preference data to study the direct impact of NPIs on people’s lives. We used a best-worst scaling discrete choice survey instrument, specifically MaxDiff,9 and surveyed N = 474 US residents recruited on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform. The platform typically yields participants with greater demographic diversity than typical internet samples.38 Note that this survey was entirely separate from the survey used for studying mask-wearing described above.
Each respondent was given a short description of all studied NPIs (Appendix G) and then presented with 12 MaxDiff questions with 6 options, where each option consisted of a type of NPI and a duration (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year). Participants were asked to select the two options that they perceived as overall least and most burdensome (example question in Appendix G).
Before analysis, 140 responses with inconsistent answers were discarded; we considered answers erroneous when they preferred a longer duration of an intervention (often this happened for participants who responded quickly). To extract utility scores, we used the analytical estimation for the multinomial logit model,39 as implemented in the bwsTools package40 in R.
2.4. Effectiveness-Burden-Ratio
To analyse how the effectiveness of NPIs compares to their social impact, we can use the utility scores derived from the survey responses. However, utility scores are on an interval scale, because the survey only asks for relative comparisons between options. 41 While respondents presumably dislike all choices, we cannot say that, for example, a stay-at-home order is three times worse than school closure.
To estimate the effectiveness-burden-ratio, we need to estimate a measure for the intervention burden on a ratio scale, which we call “perceived intervention costs”. These can be derived from the utility scores with additional assumptions, which are well justified by the empirical data (Figure 7, details in Appendix G).
With these, the effectiveness-burden-ratio EBRi of intervention i can be defined as:j
where mi is the multiplicative factor on R (e.g., for a 20% reduction in R, mi = 0.8), and ci is the cost of intervention i. To determine the error of EBRi, we used error propagation:42
where V(·) is the variance.
2.5. Ethics
The online survey experiments were approved by the Medical Sciences Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford (Ethics Approval Reference: R69410/RE001)
2.6. Role of the funding source
The funding source did not influence any aspect of study design, execution, or reporting.
3. Results
3.1. International timeline of NPI implementation
We aim to estimate the effectiveness of individual NPIs. If all countries implemented the same set of NPIs, on the same day, the individual effect of each NPI would be unidentifiable. However, many countries implemented different sets of NPIs, at different times, in different orders (Figure 1).
3.2. Model fits
The model fits the observations well in 3 randomly selected countries (Figure 3, left). The fits for all other countries can be found in Appendix E. Plotting posterior values of the noise terms and
shows periods where infections grew faster or slower than predicted based on the active NPIs, illustrating where the model might account for unobserved interventions or changes in reporting.
Model fits for 3 randomly selected countries. Vertical lines show the activation of NPIs. Shaded areas are 95% credible intervals. Left: Country-level estimates of daily new infections and smoothed confirmed cases Ct, and deaths Dt. Note that the curves show the fit to data, and not epidemiological forecasts. Middle: Estimates of reproduction numbers. Right: Inferred noise
and on new infections. Values above zero indicate that infections grew faster than predicted solely based on the active NPIs.
3.3. Held-out data experiments
An important way to validate a Bayesian model is by checking its predictions on held-out data.43 Our model makes sensible, calibrated forecasts over long periods in countries whose data was not used to infer the effectiveness of NPIs (Figure 4, see Appendix E for other countries).
Predictions for held-out countries. We randomly selected 6 countries with > 100 deaths. Empty dots are not shown to the model. 14 initial days are shown to the model, to enable inferring the country-specific R0.
We additionally validate our model’s predictions by holding out the last 20 days of both new cases and deaths for all countries. These are challenging predictions; the longest attempted period we found in related work was 3 days.2 The accurate forecasts in Figure 5 provide strong empirical evidence that our estimates of R are plausible.
Predictions for held-out last 20 days. These results were obtained by holding out the last 20 consecutive days for all countries and predicting them (these days were not available to infer NPI effectiveness). Each point represents a country. The plot shows 95% sampled posterior credible intervals and the median predicted values.
3.4. Effectiveness per NPI
The estimates of NPI effectiveness are our main result. To interpret them correctly, we need to keep in mind that our model assumes no interaction between different NPIs. In our model, each NPI reduces R by a multiplicative factor, independent of the context, i.e., the presence of other NPIs. This independence assumption is present in all multi-NPI studies we are aware of and seems reasonable for many NPIs. For instance, the effectiveness of closing businesses is likely to be similar whether or not schools are closed. However, in some situations, the effectiveness of an NPI might depend on its context. For example, if a stay-at-home order is in place, a larger fraction of the remaining transmission might occur in private spaces, and wearing masks in public spaces might be less effective.
Given this discussion, the effectiveness estimates should not be interpreted as the average effectiveness across all possible contexts, but rather as the (additional) effectiveness averaged across the contexts in which the NPI was present in our data. This result, which is equally important for the interpretation of other related studies, is derived for a simplified model in Appendix F.3. Figure 6 (bottom left) visualises the contexts of each NPI in our data, aiding interpretation.
Top: Posterior reduction in R for each NPI. The plot shows 50% and 95% credible intervals. A negative 1% reduction refers to a 1% increase in R. The following NPIs are hierarchical: gathering bans and business closures. For example, the result for Most Businesses Suspended shows the cumulative effect of two NPIs with separate parameters and symbols: suspending some (high-risk) businesses, and suspending most remaining (non-high-risk, but nonessential) businesses. The exact numbers are given in Appendix A. Bottom Left: The conditional activation matrix shows the situations encountered in our data. Cell values indicate the frequency that NPI i (x-axis) is active given that NPI j was active(y-axis) e.g., schools were closed whenever a stay-home-order had been issued (bottom row, second column from the right), but not vice versa. Bottom Right: Total number of days each NPI was active across countries.
Figure 6 shows the estimates of NPI effectiveness. Reassuringly, our three models have similar results. This suggests that results are not biased by factors that are specific to the deaths or cases model, such as changes in the ascertainment rate, reporting, and model-specific time delays. All NPIs except mask-wearing had a >95% posterior probability of being effective.
We confirmed the quality of the MCMC inference with the Gelman-Rubin convergence statistic44 (Appendix E).
3.5. Sensitivity experiments
We ran a wide range of sensitivity experiments on our combined model. Appendix D shows effectiveness-per-NPI plots for the many conditions we tested. Table 3 summarizes the results qualitatively. We diagnosed ‘low - moderate’ sensitivity when, for every NPI, all 95% credible intervals, but not all 50% intervals, overlap. ‘Low’ sensitivity means all 50% intervals overlap.
Results were stable, not affecting our conclusions.
Sensitivity of effectiveness estimates. Summary of the results in Appendix D. ‘Low - moderate’ sensitivity means that all 95% credible intervals overlap for all NPIs. ‘Low’ means all 50% intervals overlap.
Robustness to unobserved effects
The model assumes that there are no unobserved factors changing R (i.e., unobserved confounders such as spontaneous social distancing). But this is not necessarily true in practice. We test robustness to unobserved factors by computing NPI effectiveness whilst removing the observation of each NPI in turn. The sensitivity is low, supporting the claim that the model successfully unobserved factors.
Furthermore, we investigated robustness to unobserved confounding factors by including mobility data45 as an ‘NPI’ that serves as a proxy for behaviour changes. We find that the mobility data explains the effect of business closures and stay-home-orders, which is expected as the effect of these NPIs is mediated through retail and recreation mobility. The inferred effectiveness of other NPIs is unchanged.
We do not report sensitivity to:
The prior over the initial outbreak size N0,c (because it is already extremely wide, having a negligible effect)
Alternative models of infection and NPI interaction
3.6. Preference elicitation
We surveyed 474 US residents recruited on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform about their preferences regarding various NPIs using a best-worst scaling survey. 140 responses were filtered for internally inconsistent answers, and 334 were used for subsequent analysis (demographics in Appendix G). The NPI Symptomatic testing was not included in the preference elicitation because the mere option to get tested for Covid-19 when having symptoms does not impose any burden on people.
The ranking of the NPIs is largely independent of the duration (Figure 7). The duration-dependence of preferences is largest for mask-wearing, which is more preferable if required only briefly, and the most stringent interventions, stay-at-home orders and the closure of most nonessential businesses, which are perceived as particularly bad if implemented for unrealistically long durations. Table A.4 displays the aggregate utility scores across all durations.
NPI disutility scores in dependence of the duration of the intervention. Lower disutility implies higher utility and a stronger preference. Utilities are on an interval scale, the absolute values have no significance, only differences between utilities carry meaning. The error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval.
3.7. Effectiveness-Burden-Tradeoff
Figure 8 compares the effectiveness of different NPIs to survey participants’ preferences. With some further assumptions (see Section 2.4), we can convert the utility scores to a ratio-scaled measure of intervention burden and calculate an effectiveness-burden-ratio for every NPI (Figure 9).
Effectiveness of NPIs compared to survey participants’ preferences. The combined confirmed cases + deaths model was used for the effectiveness estimates. The dashed line represents no effect. Error bars indicate 95% credible/confidence intervals. The NPI Symptomatic testing was not included in the preference survey because the mere option to get tested for Covid-19 does not impose any burden on people. It is thus shown here on a separate x-axis.
Effectiveness-burden-ratio of NPIs. The combined active cases + deaths model was used to generate the effectiveness estimates. The dashed line represents no effect. The error bars display the standard deviation. The definition of the effectiveness-burden-ratio is given in Section 2.4.
4. Discussion
We find evidence for the effectiveness of several NPIs. The conclusions discussed here were robust across 15 sensitivity analyses.
Combining effectiveness estimates with results from preference surveys, we can draw interesting conclusions:
Closing high-risk businesses, such as bars and restaurants, appears only slightly less effective than closing most nonessential businesses, while imposing a substantially smaller burden.
There is no obvious best choice for gathering-size restrictions: though stricter limits are more effective, they are more burdensome, giving a similar effectiveness-burden ratio.
We now discuss some of the main or more surprising results in detail.
With no direct negative effects on the population and a demonstrable effect on transmission, testing of patients with respiratory symptoms looks very promising from an effectiveness-burden perspective.k Of course, the main negative effect of testing is the cost of purchasing and conducting tests. However, a recent economic analysis concluded that even testing asymptomatic people is vastly more cost-effective than indiscriminate measures.46.
We estimate a comparatively small effect for stay-at-home orders. The ‘stay-at-home order (with exemptions)’ NPI (Table 2) should be interpreted literally: a mandatory order to generally stay at home, except for exemptions. When countries introduced stay-at-home orders, they nearly always also banned gatherings and closed nonessential businesses and schools if they had not done so already (Figure 6). Accounting for the effect of these NPIs, it is not surprising that the additional effect of ordering citizens to stay at home is small-to-moderate. Accordingly, it may be acceptable to lift burdensome stay-home-orders, provided other NPIs stay active. Our result agrees with Banholzer et al.6 (they call this NPI ‘lockdown’), and we have not seen contradictory results in related work. In particular, the ‘lockdown’ NPI in Flaxman et al.2 includes several other NPIs. Chen & Qui5 found a significant effect, but without defining ‘lockdown’.
Mask-wearing was often introduced towards the end of our analysis period (Figure 1), meaning that it is, by far, the NPI with the least data (Figure 6). We conclude that we have insufficient data to make claims about the effectiveness of mask-wearing, and indeed, in most of our sensitivity analyses, the result for mask-wearing was the least robust one (Appendix D). In particular, we do not conclude that mask-wearing is likely harmful. Additionally, mask-wearing might have a reduced effect in the context of the particular countries we studied. People started wearing masks when interactions in public spaces were already limited by other NPIs. When relatively more transmission occurs in private spaces, wearing masks in public is expected to be less effective. This might explain the difference to Chen & Qui,5 who found a small significant effect of mask-wearing based on data from two countries (China and South Korea), as mask-wearing was common in South Korea before other NPIs were implemented.
School closures
All our models find a very large effect for school closures. This result is surprising, even when accounting for the fact that school closure usually coincided with university closure. However, the large effect was remarkably robust across our sensitivity analysis, different structural assumptions (e.g., about infection and NPI interaction - not reported) we implemented during our model checking process47, and across a long process of collecting data for additional countries and NPIs. By inspecting the data and the inferred infections, it is easy to see why the effect is so large: school closures are consistently followed by a clear reduction in growth (after the appropriate delay).
It is possible that our model confuses the effect of closing schools and unobserved behaviour changes. However, our sensitivity analysis showed that results are fairly robust to unobserved NPIs, suggesting they are robust to unobserved factors. Furthermore, we directly modelled unobserved factors by introducing mobility data ‘NPIs’ as a proxy for them. Again, the effect of school closures was unchanged. While these techniques closely mirror well-established sensitivity checks for unobserved causal effects,48,49 they, too, rely on assumptions.
A further concern is that school closures have a delayed effect on deaths and confirmed cases, since children are less likely to die or show symptoms than adults. However, the result is not sensitive to the mean delay we assume (Appendix D).
Additionally, since the closure of schools was often the first major NPI introduced (Figure 1), it may have caused public concern to increase, causing behaviour changes. We do not distinguish this indirect signalling effect from the direct effect (for any NPI). Conversely, reopening schools could also have a signalling effect.
Previous evidence relevant to school closures is mixed. Flaxman et al.2 and Banholzer et al.6 did not find a significant non-zero effect with their data (Banholzer et al. focused on primary schools). Limited data suggests that children are equally susceptible to infection but have a lower observed case rate than adults50-52—whether this is due to school closures remains unknown. There is insufficient data about transmission from children. However, viral shedding appears to be comparable across age groups.53,54 Little is known about the attack rate in schools (since they are closed); the best-documented case found that 38.3% to 59.3% were infected in one French high school.55 As our results suggest a large role of schools (and universities) in Covid-19 transmission, this topic deserves further study.
Our study is not without assumptions and limitations, which are discussed in greater detail in Appendix H. To highlight some important points: NPI effectiveness may vary across countries and time; we cannot quantify the influence of unobserved factors on our results; regional differences within countries complicate the analysis. Therefore, a high degree of uncertainty remains. Our results should not be seen as the final answer on NPI effectiveness and burdens, but rather as a contribution to a diverse body of evidence, next to other retrospective studies, experimental trials and clinical experience.
6. Declarations of interest
No conflicts of interests.
7. Authors’ contributions
D Johnston, JM Brauner, J Kulveit, G Altman, G Leech designed and conducted the NPI data collection S Mindermann, M Sharma, JM Brauner, A Stephenson, H Ge, YW Teh, Y Gal, J Kulveit, T Gavenciak, J Salvatier, M Hartwick, L Chindelevitch designed the model and modelling experiments. M Sharma, A Stephenson, T Gavenciak, J Salvatier performed and analysed the modelling experiments. J Kulveit, JM Brauner designed and conducted preference survey experiments. J Kulveit, T Gavenciak, JM Brauner conceived the research. S Mindermann, T Besiroglu, J Kulveit, JM Brauner did the literature search. JM Brauner, S Mindermann, G Leech, T Besiroglu, M Sharma, V Mikulik wrote the manuscript. All authors read and gave feedback on the manuscript and approved the final manuscript. JM Brauner, S Mindermann, and M Sharma contributed equally. Y Gal and J Kulveit contributed equally to senior authorship.
5. Acknowledgements
Survey participant compensation was funded by a grant from the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative. Jan Brauner was supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems [EP/S024050/1] and by Cancer Research UK. Mrinank Sharma was supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems [EP/S024050/1]. Gavin Leech was supported by the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Interactive Artificial Intelligence [EP/S022937/1].
Appendix A. Main results table
See next page. The effectiveness estimates are computed with the combined cases + deaths model. For the disutility scores, lower disutility implies higher utility and a stronger preference. Utilities are on an interval scale, the absolute values have no significance, only differences between utilities carry meaning. The zero point has no particular meaning. We can, e.g., say that the preference for Some businesses closed over Stay-at-home order was equally strong as the preference for Gatherings limited to 100 people or less over Some businesses closed (ca. 0.3 a.u., arbitrary units)
Main results of the paper. Mean § standard deviation and 95% credible/confidence interval.
Appendix B. The Epidemic Forecasting Global NPI database
Appendix B.1. Overview
Up-to-date information on the Epidemic Forecasting Global NPI (EFGNPI) database can be found at http://epidemicforecasting.org/containment.
The full database (DB) is a daily representation of the response of each of 97 countries. It aims at collecting as broad a range of NPIs as possible. However, data on minor NPIs is often hard to find. As a result, the absence of an entry does not necessarily mean that this NPI was not implemented by a country.
A smaller dataset, the EFGNPI Features dataset (FD), is derived from the full DB. The FD data aggregates many tags in the main database to produce a dataset easier to use in machine learning applications. The tags are also used to determine a stringency score for each feature. (Please note that details of how the FD data is produced from the main database may change slightly over time.)
Metadata for the two datasets
Appendix B.2. Collection
The underlying data was gathered by a team of volunteers. The database integrates many sources. Wikipedia entries were taken as a starting point for the set of NPIs implemented by each country. These were then refined by reference to national centres for disease control.
The full database is recorded as a dataset of tags. We began without a predefined list of attributes to record, so collection proceeded with a dynamic set of keyword tags as data on national responses was collected. After the data had been collected, a method for aggregating tags was created. The resulting database includes a ‘Source’ field for most rows.
Please note that the full EFGNPI database, in contrast to the data used in this study, has not been subject to extensive fact-checking.
Appendix B.3. Comparison to other datasets
Comparison to other datasets. *The database contains data on 97 countries, but only 67 of these are complete at time of writing.
It is important that researchers select the dataset appropriate for their use-case. We think that a particular strength of the EFGNPI database is that it tracks a vast array of NPIs, but possibly at the cost of completeness. For the features that are contained in it, it seems likely that the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker dataset will have the highest quality, given the large team behind this dataset. However, as we have stated in various sections of this paper: Given our experience with several public datasets and our own data collection, we encourage fellow Covid-19 researchers to independently verify the quality of public data they use, if feasible.
Appendix C. Mask prevalence survey
Volunteers and Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) workers were asked to fill out an online survey between 25th March and 7th April 2020. The first-round volunteers were recruited via Facebook posts and private emails, with a request to both complete the survey and share it with their contacts, especially overseas contacts. Owing to a lack of geographical coverage in the first round, a second round, surveying users of country-specific forums on Reddit, was conducted and completed on 28th April.
The survey features three sets of questions, regarding:
the requirements or recommendations to wear masks in the participant’s home country. (This question was added in the second round.)
the percentage of mask-wearers they saw in public at weekly intervals between the end of February and the beginning of April
the number of people in indoor public areas as a percentage of the usual number of people seen in these areas at weekly intervals between the end of February and the beginning of April
Both strategies (private word of mouth and public internet sampling) are likely to yield non-representative samples owing to self-selection. This could yield poor results if mask usage varies a lot within countries, for instance in large countries such as India and the United States. However, we found a good deal of consistency in responses within countries on specified days. The average standard deviation of “percentage of population wearing masks” within country-days was 18.6, while the same measure, between countries but within days, was 28.6. Given this, we expect the inclusion of countries with even a single response to give a better indication of mask-wearing behaviour in that country than assuming such countries to have average levels.
Appendix C.1. Data transformation and combination with government orders
We computed a binary feature of mask-wearing, attributed to the middle day of each week in the survey, by thresholding the average survey response for that week at 60%.
To create the mask-wearing feature used in our modelling, we combined the data from the surveys with data on government orders requiring the the wearing of masks in public places in the following way:
Total survey responses by country after data cleaning
We only considered survey results for countries with at least 5 responses
If there was either a government order or a mask-wearing start date according to the survey results (but not both), we accepted that date
If there was both a government order and a mask-wearing start date according to survey results, we accepted whichever was earlier. An exception were cases where the start date according to surveys was less than 3 days before the government order. In these cases we accepted the date of the government order (because the temporal resolution of the survey results was +/- 3.5 days)
Mask data in detail (sheet “combined”): LINK
Appendix C.2. Data calibration
If we assume that, for country days with over 15 responses, the true number of people wearing masks is given by the mean of the survey responses, we can estimate the misclassification rate for different numbers of responses by randomly sampling responses for that country day and comparing them with the sample mean excluding the selected responses. Table C.8 represents the average from 100 iterations of this procedure.
Results of bootstrap simulation (n = 100) of misclassification rates
Appendix D. Sensitivity results
We replicate the posterior of the effectiveness of NPIs, showing its sensitivity to variations of the assumptions and the data.
Recall that we show cumulative effects for two sets of NPIs: gatherings and business closures. This means that, e.g., a high sensitivity for closing some businesses will show up a second time as a high sensitivity for closing most businesses. This overstates the number of individual parameters αi which are sensitive. To illustrate this duplication, we have also plotted the first sensitivity with cumulative effects (Figure D.10) and without (Figure D.11). All other figures are cumulative.
Robustness to left-out / unobserved NPIs. Replications of the posterior in Figure EF for the combined model while hiding each of the NPIs once. Note that we display cumulative effects for gathering bans and business closures, so that any sensitivity of these NPIs is also cumulative, showing up multiple times on the graph. The figures thus overstate the number of parameters αi which are sensitive. Figure D.11 shows sensitivity without this accumulation.
Robustness to left-out / unobserved NPIs - with marginal / non-cumulative effects.
Sensitivity to including mobility data as additional ‘NPI’. Mobility data serves as a proxy for unobserved behavior changes. Mobility data explains most of the effect of business closures and stay-home-orders, which is expected as the effect of these NPIs is mediated through retail, recreation, and workplace mobility. Results were nearly identical when excluding workplace mobility (not shown). We did not experiment with other mobility categories such as groceries and pharmacy.
Sensitivity to mean delay from infection to confirmation (combined model). The default mean is 10.1 days (including the incubation period); it is shifted over a window of 8 days in this figure.
Sensitivity to mean delay from infection to death (combined model). The default mean is 23.84 days (including the incubation period); it is shifted over a window of 8 days in this figure.
Sensitivity to prior on the effectiveness parameters αi (combined model). The default prior has αi normally distributed with mean 0 standard deviation σ = 0.2 (Appendix F). The alternative priors we tested are 1) a very wide prior, with σ = 10 and a 2) Half-Normal prior that only allows for positive effectiveness.
Sensitivity to the standard deviation of multiplicative noise Lognormal(0, σn) on new infections (combined model). We vary σn. Deaths and cases have independent noise terms, with the same standard deviation σN. Note that a larger noise scale implies that the rates of ascertainment (testing) and fatality are allowed to change more rapidly. Predictably, results are less confident given more noise. Our default value was chosen by cross-validation (with the validation log-likelihood).
Sensitivity to the dispersion of the output noise on deaths and confirmed cases (combined model). We vary the parameter ψ, given in Appendix Appendix F. In our main model, we learned this parameter.
Sensitivity to 6 randomly selected left out countries with >100 deaths. Note the Czech Republic is one of the countries implementing mask-wearing before April, explaining the higher sensitivity.
Sensitivity to excluding days with few cumulative cases. By default, we mask days in each country before there were <100 cumulative cases, because imported cases could bias the numbers. Changing to <500 cumulative cases removes a substantial fraction of our data.
Sensitivity to shifting the serial interval distribution. A shorter serial interval implies a lower value of R0, so it is expected that the reductions in R will be smaller (since R0 will be small to begin with). Indeed, smaller reductions are sufficient given a smaller R0.
Sensitivity to the mean of the hyperprior on R0,c
Sensitivity to counting schools as open/closed in Sweden. Sweden closed high schools and universities on the 18th of March, but not elementary schools. We and Flaxman et al. counted this as “schools closed”, but Banholzer et al. counted this as “schools open”. This was the largest difference between our data on schools and Banholzer et al.
Appendix E. Additional Results
MCMC stability results. Values are close to 1, indicating convergence.
Appendix E.1. Posterior Correlation
Combined model posterior correlations. The parameters αi are typically negatively correlated for NPIs which are often used together, such as stay-home-orders and suspending most businesses, reflecting uncertainty about which NPI is reducing R. The effectiveness of the combination of two negatively correlated NPIs may have narrower uncertainty estimates than the individual effects we plotted in the main text and Appendix Appendix D.
Appendix E.2. Additional Country Holdouts
Holdout predictions of deaths and cases for all 41 countries (combined model). Empty dots are not shown to the model. 14 initial days are shown to the model, to enable inferring the basic R0. The results show that our model makes sensible and well-calibrated forecasts over long time periods. There are no predicted deaths in some regions because there were no recorded deaths yet in the first 14 days with data.
Appendix E.3. Additional model fits
Model overview. Purple nodes are observed or have a fixed distribution. The same structure is used for both deaths and confirmed cases. Our primary model combines both observations; it splits all nodes above the daily growth rate gt,c into separate branches for deaths and cases.
Appendix F. Additional Modeling Details
Appendix F.1. Data Preprocessing
We perform the following data preprocessing:
Our data for confirmed cases and deaths is given by the John Hopkins Centre for Systems Science and Engineering24,25. We smooth this data by averaging the number of cases and deaths in a five day period around every day, assuming the data is symmetric at the boundaries.
We mask new cases before a country has reached 100 confirmed cases. This accounts for cases being imported from other countries and rapid changes in testing regime when the case count is small.
To avoid bias from imported deaths, we mask new deaths before a country has reached 10 deaths.
Days where there are zero cases or deaths do not provide information about the relative change in the size of the epidemic. Therefore, they are masked.
Appendix F.2. Concise Model Description
Variables are indexed by intervention i, country c, and day t. All prior distributions are independent.
NPI Activations: ϕi,t,c ∊ {0,1}.
Smoothed Observed Cases: Ct,c.
Smoothed Observed Deaths: Dt,c.
Prior Distributions
Country-specific R0,
NPI Effectiveness:
Infection Initial Counts.
Observation Noise Dispersion Parameter
Infection Noise Scale, σN = 0.1 (selected by cross-validation).
Serial Interval Parameters. The serial interval is assumed to have a Gamma distribution with α = 1.87 and β = 0.28.30
Delay Distributions. The time from infection to confirmation is assumed to be the sum of the incubation period and the time taken from symptom onset to laboratory confirmation. Therefore, the time taken from infection to confirmation,
The time from infection to death is assumed to be the sum of the incubation period and the time taken from symptom onset to death. Therefore, the time taken from infection to death,
where α is known as the dispersion parameter. Caution: larger values of α correspond to a smaller variance, and less dispersion. With our parameterisation, the variance of the Negative Binomial distribution is
For computational efficiency, we discretise this distribution using Monte Carlo sampling. We therefore form discrete arrays, πC [i] and πD [i] where the value of πD [i] corresponds to the probability of the delay being i days. We truncate πC to a maximum delay of 31 days and πD to a maximum delay of 63 days.
Infection Model
where α and β are the parameters of the serial interval distribution. This is the exact conversion under exponential growth, following eq. (2.9) in Wallinga & Lipsitch.29 (Note that we use daily growth rates.)
represents the number of daily new infections at time t in country c who will eventually be tested positive (
similar but for infections who will pass away).
Observation Model: We use discrete convolutions to produce the expected number of new cases and deaths on a given day.
Finally, the output distribution follows a Negative Binomial noise distribution as proposed by Flaxman et al. 2
α is the dispersion parameter of the distribution. Caution: larger values of α correspond to a smaller variance, and less dispersion. With our parameterisation, the variance of the Negative Binomial distribution is
, so that smaller observations are relatively more noisy.
This model was implemented in PyMC356 with the NUTS MCMC sampling algorithm37.
Appendix F.3. Interpreting αi - Proof Sketch
We have previously noted that the effectiveness of each NPI, αi, may depend on the presence of other NPIs. For example, masks may be less effective when a stay-at-home order has been issued because more of the remaining transmission occurs in private spaces. We claimed that, in such a situation, we can roughly interpret the inferred effect αi of NPI t as the average additional effect it had in the contexts (i.e., the sets of simultaneously active NPIs) in which it was active. The average is over days and countries in which it was active.
Here, we formalize this claim for the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of αi with a simplified model in which we know the true values of Rc,t (perhaps from another model). In reality, these values are not known but rather estimated by our model. Although, we are performing Bayesian inference, the posterior density will be high where the likelihood is high, and thus this interpretation is still insightful. The maximum of our posterior (the MAP) will be close to the maximum of the likelihood (the MLE) since the influence of our prior distribution on αi is, empirically, small.
Simplified Model. We have NPI activations ϕi,c,t, where ϕi,c,t = 1represents NPI i being active in country c on day t. Assume that the true values of Rc,t, R0,c have been provided to us. Our simplified model is:
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-80.gif)
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-81.gif)
The log-likelihood can be written as:
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-82.gif)
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-83.gif)
Taking derivatives with respect to αi yields:
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-84.gif)
Finally, setting gives.
where Ni, is the number of days that NPI i was active. Rearranging gives the desired result:
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-86.gif)
is the average additional effect that NPI i had over the simultaneously active NPIs, where the average is taken over the days where NPI i was active.
Appendix F.4. Choice of σN
The value of σN is chosen by evaluating holdout country performance across a range of different values of σN.
Figure F.42 shows heldout predictive performance for The Netherlands across different values of σN. We choose values σN = 0.2 because it is the gives good holdout calibration. We included other countries in our analysis, leading to similar results.
Holdout performance for The Netherlands for a range of different noise scales, σN. Note that this graph was produced with a hyperprior on the effectiveness of each intervention, removed in the final version of the model.
Appendix G. Preference survey details
Appendix G.1. Description of NPIs as shown to participants
All school closed
All levels of schools are closed.
Restrictions on gatherings
All events and gatherings above a certain size are banned.
Most risky businesses closed
Selected businesses with a high risk of infection are closed, such as most restaurants or bars.
All non-essential businesses closed
Essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies remain open, but all other customer-facing businesses are closed.
Stay-at-home order
People are required to not leave their house, with exceptions for daily exercise, grocery shopping, and essential trips. Usually, this means that many non-essential businesses are closed as well. You can usually still go to work, but many companies will switch to work-from-home where possible.
Public health authorities tracing contacts
People who are infected have to share their contact history with epidemiologists and at-risk people are quarantined.
Special precautions in clinics and hospitals
People are screened for COVID before entering hospitals. People with COVID symptoms are given a face mask before they enter a clinic, or have to go to a dedicated COVID clinic.
Wearing masks
Wearing a face mask is mandatory when in the public.
Appendix G.2. Example question
This survey focuses on how socially and personally burdensome people perceive various COVID-19 mitigation measures to be.
In order to understand how to best react to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to find out how different mitigation measures compare to each other. In this survey, we are only interested in how mitigation measures affect people’s personal lives, but not in how effective different measures are at reducing the spread of COVID-19 nor what their effects are on the economy as a whole.
As such, we only ask about how different measures affect your life, not about how they affect the course of the pandemic.
Which of these mitigation measures would you find least burdensome, and which most burdensome?
The following shows a selection of mitigation measures that may occur as part of the response against Covid-19. Note that the measures differ in type and duration of deployment. Consider how burdensome would the measures be if they had the same effect on the reduction of COVID spreading.
Appendix G.3. Estimation of perceived intervention costs (ratio scale) from utility scores (interval scale)
Let u(i, d) be the average population utility score for a pair of intervention i and duration d. We now make two additional assumptions, which are well justified by the empirical data (Figure 7):
The utility can be expressed as the sum of two terms, where one term only depends on the intervention and the other term only on the duration: u(i, d) = ai + b(d)
The dependence on duration is logarithmic: b(d) = bln d
We can thus express the utility score as: u(i, d) = ai + blnd
We can then define the cost of intervention i as . This cost has the desired ratio property: The cost of intervention i2 is x times larger than the cost of intervention i1 iff the average survey participant would be indifferent between enduring i2 for some duration d′ and enduring i1 for duration x · d′.
Proof that the cost ci has the desired ratio property:
![Embedded Image](https://www.medrxiv.org/sites/default/files/highwire/medrxiv/early/2020/06/02/2020.05.28.20116129/embed/graphic-89.gif)
We use a linear model to find parameters ai and b, using utility scores for all pairs of measures and durations.
Appendix G.4. Demographics
Appendix H. Assumptions and limitations
Appendix H.1. Limitations of the data
We only record NPIs implemented nationally. For example, several regions in Germany implemented stay-at-home orders even though this was not ordered nationally. Regional orders do not appear in our data. Additionally, while we included more NPIs than previous work (Table 1), there are many NPIs for which we were not able to collect enough high-quality data for our modeling, such as public cleaning or changes to public transportation.
Appendix H.2. Model Limitations
Independence of country and time
We assume that the effect of NPIs on growth rates is similar across countries and time. However, the exact implementation and adherence of each NPIs is likely to vary. Our uncertainty estimates in Figure 6 account for these problems only to a strictly limited degree. Additionally, different countries have different cultural norms and age profiles, affecting the degree to which a particular intervention is effective. For example, a country where a higher proportion of the population is in education will likely observe a larger effect from a government order to close schools and universities.
Unobserved changes in behavior
Our method assumes that changes in the reproduction number are caused by the observed NPIs rather than unobserved factors such as spontaneous behaviour changes. We test the sensitivity of our results to unobserved interventions by hiding observed NPIs and by including mobility data. Our conclusions were stable (see Figure D.15), but removing our most effective NPI, school closure, increased the inferred effectiveness for gathering bans and business closures.
Testing, reporting, and the IFR
Our model can account for differences in testing (and IFR/reporting) between countries and over time, as discussed in Section 2). However, we have not used additional data on testing to validate if it does so reliably. Our model may struggle to account for changes in the testing regime—for instance, when a country reaches its testing capacity so that the ascertainment rate declines exponentially. An exponential decline would have the same effect on observations as an unobserved NPI. Consequently, we cannot quantify its effect on our results (though the sensitivity analyses look promising).
Interaction between NPIs
As discussed in Section 3, our model only reports the average additional effect each NPI had in the contexts where it was active in our data (derivation in Appendix F). Figure 6 shows these contexts, aiding interpretation. The effectiveness of an NPI can only be extrapolated to other contexts if its effect does not depend on the context.
Growth rates
The functional form of the relationship between the daily growth rate in the number of infections g and the reproductive number R holds exactly when the epidemic is in its exponential growth phase, but becomes less accurate as the number of susceptible people in a population decreases and/or control measures are implemented.
Signalling effect of NPIs
As we explained in Section 4 for school closures, we do not distinguish between the direct effect of an NPI and its indirect effect as it signals the gravity of the situation to the public. Conversely, lifting interventions may also have a signalling effect.
We work under the standard assumption of a well-mixed population (Anderson & May57). This could affect results in various ways. For example, suppose country A tests an older demographic than country B, and we are considering the effect of an NPI that mostly affects the older demographic (for example, isolating the elderly). Then the NPI will appear to have a greater effect on confirmed cases in country A, breaking the assumption that effects are stable across countries.
Appendix H.3. Limitations of burden estimation
We estimate the burden that different NPIs put on people’s lives. Of course, implementation of NPIs has many other costs (and benefits) than just the encumbrance on daily life. Many long-term costs of NPIs will also be codetermined by the economic policy response they engender, their impacts on global supply chains, their structural damage to networks of business contacts, and many other similar effects. Estimating these long-term impacts might be prohibitively difficult and is out of scope for this study. Nevertheless, these factors should be considered for policy decisions to the degree possible.
Our preference data is a sample of US residents only, in particular those working on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform. This may limit the international applicability of our cost-effectiveness estimates. Even though recruitment on Amazon Mechanical Turk usually results in greater demographic diversity than typical internet samples, 38 there will still be selection bias. It’s also important to note that, due to ethical reasons, the sample does not include participants under 18 years of age, which is a main limitation when estimating the perceived costs of closing schools.
Finally, using the mean population preference for policy decisions may be problematic in itself. For example, the closure of schools will likely strongly affect the parents of school children but pose little burden on the majority of people that are not parents of school children. The mean burden of closing schools may then just be moderate, but for policy decisions it is necessary to also take considerations around fairness and inequality into account.
This work was conducted in association with the EpidemicForecasting.org project
↵a We evaluated the following datasets:
Note that these datasets are under continuous development. Many of the mistakes we found will already have been corrected. Also, we know from our own experience that data collection can be very challenging. We have the fullest respect for the work of the people behind these datasets. In this paper, we focus on a much more limited set of countries and NPIs than these datasets contain, allowing us to ensure higher data quality in this subset. Given our experience with public datasets and our data collection, we encourage fellow COVID-19 researchers to independently verify the quality of public data they use, if feasible.
↵c The countries were selected by a case threshold (at the time of modelling), the availability of reliable data on NPIs, and how trustworthy we estimated the reporting of deaths from this country to be. Some particular countries were excluded for specific reasons. For example, we excluded South Korea because the country made heavy use of contact tracing which we don’t model (because data on contact tracing is very hard to get).
↵d 22nd January - 17th April for confirmed cases
↵e Many epidemiological models define growth rates as the exponent r in an exponential growth function. Here, we use daily growth rates instead for ease of exposition. These choices are mathematically equivalent. Note that we adapted equation (2.9) in Wallinga & Lipsitch29 to account for our choice.
↵f The two parameters are the shape and rate. The mean is 5.1 days.
↵g Since we treat new infections as a continuous number, its initial value can (and often should) be between 0 and 1.
↵h This is only approximately true. The negative binomial output distribution has a coefficient of variation diminishing with its mean i.e., smaller observations are relatively more noisy and carry less weight. Furthermore, whilst the prior over
could break scale invariance, the uninformative prior results in a negligible effect.
↵i However, our model may struggle when the ascertainment rate also changes exponentially over time. This could happen when a country reaches its testing capacity. See Appendix H.
↵j This particular functional form is chosen because it is a simple expression that satisfies three desirable properties:
repeated application of an intervention x times that has effectiveness factor m and a constant unit cost c has equal effectiveness-burden-ratio each time it is applied. Formally: for any c 2 ℝ+ and any m ∊ (0,1), we have that f(mx,xc) = f (m,c) for any x ∊ ℤ.
it is increasing in m
it is decreasing in c
k Note that we did not directly measure the burden of testing because this is not possible in the framework of our preference analysis (Section 3.6)