Article Information
- September 17, 2020.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (January 3, 2020 - 03:06).
- You are viewing Version 2, the most recent version of this article.
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Author Information
- Giulia Barcia1,2,
- Marlène Rio1,
- Zahra Assouline1,2,
- Coralie Zangarelli3,
- Charles-Joris Roux4,
- Pascale de Lonlay5,
- Julie Steffann1,2,3,
- Isabelle Desguerre6,
- Arnold Munnich1,2,3,
- Jean-Paul Bonnefont1,2,3,
- Nathalie Boddaert4,
- Agnès Rötig2,3,
- Metodi D. Metodiev3 and
- Benedetta Ruzzenente3,£
- 1Department of Genetics, Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Paris, France
- 2French Reference Center for Mitochondrial Diseases (CARAMMEL).
- 3Laboratory for Genetics of Mitochondrial Disorders, UMR U1163, Paris Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Imagine Institute, Paris, France
- 4Department of Pediatric Radiology, INSERM UMR 1163, INSERM U1000, Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, Imagine Institute, Paris Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Paris, France
- 5Reference Center for Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, Imagine Institute, Paris Descartes University, INEM-1151, G2M, MetabERN, Paris, France
- 6Department of Pediatric Neurology, Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
- ↵£correspondence: Benedetta Ruzzenente, Imagine Institute, Genetics of Mitochondrial Disorders, 75015 Paris, France; e-mail: benedetta.ruzzenente{at}