Low-cost generation of clinical-grade layperson-friendly pharmacogenetic passports using oligonucleotide arrays

Data availability
Due to privacy reasons the individual-level data cannot be made publicly available but can be made available upon reasonable request. The individual-level data from Lifelines that support the findings in this publication were obtained from the Lifelines biobank under project application number ov21_0355. This request should be directed to the Lifelines Research Office through email (research{at}lifelines.nl) or by using the application form on their website (https://www.lifelines.nl/researcher/how-to-apply/apply-here). Access to the Lifelines NEXT Project data will be granted to all qualified researchers and will be governed by the provisions laid out in the LLNEXT Data Access Agreement: https://groningenmicrobiome.org/?page_id=2598. This access procedure is in place to ensure that the data is requested solely for research and scientific purposes, in compliance with the informed consent signed by Lifelines NEXT participants. Scripts and other software central to this manuscript is available on GitHub (https://github.com/molgenis/PGx-passport-pilot/ and https://github.com/molgenis/asterix). Other analyses of genotype data and publicly available reference data is performed using standard bioinformatics practices, for which the code is made available upon request.
Subject Area
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