Personal protective beliefs and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic at a large, multi-campus, public university in Pennsylvania: a cross-sectional survey
Jill Stachowski, Ryan Murphy, Lauren Pomerantz, Prabhani Kuruppumullage Don, View ORCID ProfileBradley Long
Jill Stachowski
1Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA
BSRyan Murphy
2Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
MDLauren Pomerantz
3Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
MDPrabhani Kuruppumullage Don
4Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
PhDBradley Long
5Harrell Health Sciences Library, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine – University Park Regional Campus, State College, PA
Data Availability
All personally non-identifiable data produced are available online at Mendeley Data.
Posted September 24, 2024.
Personal protective beliefs and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic at a large, multi-campus, public university in Pennsylvania: a cross-sectional survey
Jill Stachowski, Ryan Murphy, Lauren Pomerantz, Prabhani Kuruppumullage Don, Bradley Long
medRxiv 2024.09.23.24314227; doi:
Personal protective beliefs and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic at a large, multi-campus, public university in Pennsylvania: a cross-sectional survey
Jill Stachowski, Ryan Murphy, Lauren Pomerantz, Prabhani Kuruppumullage Don, Bradley Long
medRxiv 2024.09.23.24314227; doi:
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