Deep learning based phenotyping of medical images improves power for gene discovery of complex disease
View ORCID ProfileBrianna I. Flynn, View ORCID ProfileEmily M. Javan, Eugenia Lin, Zoe Trutner, Karl Koenig, Kenoma O. Anighoro, View ORCID ProfileEucharist Kun, Alaukik Gupta, View ORCID ProfileTarjinder Singh, View ORCID ProfilePrakash Jayakumar, View ORCID ProfileVagheesh M. Narasimhan
Brianna I. Flynn
1Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin
Emily M. Javan
1Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin
Eugenia Lin
2Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
Zoe Trutner
2Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
Karl Koenig
2Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
Kenoma O. Anighoro
2Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
Eucharist Kun
1Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin
Alaukik Gupta
1Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin
6Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Tarjinder Singh
3The Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
4The New York Genome Center
5The Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Prakash Jayakumar
2Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
Vagheesh M. Narasimhan
1Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin
7Department of Statistics and Data Science, The University of Texas at Austin

Data Availability
All our data comes from the UK Biobank Study under application ID 65439.
Posted March 09, 2023.
Deep learning based phenotyping of medical images improves power for gene discovery of complex disease
Brianna I. Flynn, Emily M. Javan, Eugenia Lin, Zoe Trutner, Karl Koenig, Kenoma O. Anighoro, Eucharist Kun, Alaukik Gupta, Tarjinder Singh, Prakash Jayakumar, Vagheesh M. Narasimhan
medRxiv 2023.03.07.23286909; doi:
Deep learning based phenotyping of medical images improves power for gene discovery of complex disease
Brianna I. Flynn, Emily M. Javan, Eugenia Lin, Zoe Trutner, Karl Koenig, Kenoma O. Anighoro, Eucharist Kun, Alaukik Gupta, Tarjinder Singh, Prakash Jayakumar, Vagheesh M. Narasimhan
medRxiv 2023.03.07.23286909; doi:
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