Data availability
The summary association statistics for all proteomic GWAS in this study have been deposited in the DataShare repository (available under There is neither Research Ethics Committee approval, nor consent from individual participants, to permit open release of the individual-level research data underlying this study. The datasets generated and analysed during the current study are therefore not publicly available. Instead, the research data and/or DNA samples are available by managed access from accessQTL{at} on reasonable request, following approval by the QTL Data Access Committee and in line with the consent given by participants. Each approved project is subject to a data or materials transfer agreement (D/MTA) or commercial contract. The UK Biobank genotypic data used in this study as a LD reference panel were approved under application 19655 and are available to qualified researchers via the UK Biobank data access process.
Code availability
All analyses were conducted using publicly accessible software tools, which are detailed both in the main text and within the Methods section.
Data handling was done in Python 3. Main modules used include pandas (v1.4), scipy (v1.4), numpy (v1.20) for data transformation and statistical analysis, requests (v2.22) for data download via API, and matplotlib (v3.2) for creating graphs. Scripts will be made available upon request.