Data Availability
Analysis code will be made available as supplemental files at the time of publication. FinnGen data is restricted and requires authorization for access: Unified Amp-PD Cohorts data is restricted and requires authorization for access: Information and access to the Terra computing platform can be found at Terra is developed by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in collaboration with Verily Life Sciences. The Terra system was used for access to AMP-PD data and for computing PD-GPRS scores using LDPred algorithm. LDpred is a Python-based software package which adjusts GWAS summary statistics for the effects of linkage disequilibrium (LD). The method reference is Vilhjalmsson et al. (AJHG 2015) []. LDPred code is available at Parkinsons Disease Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) summary statistics from Nalls et al. used for PD-GPRS calculation using LDPRed are available from a supplementary table to the publication[16]. Complete summary statistics table:, link to data table file is found under heading DATA ACCESS. Genome reference panel source is 1000 Genomes Project phase 3: