Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales are a significant threat to global public health. Here, we characterize blaOXA-23-positive Proteus mirabilis (n=8) and Escherichia coli (n=3) isolates from human clinical samples collected between 2021–2024 in the UK. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was used to generate data, and a core gene SNP-based phylogenetic tree was constructed to assess the genomic relatedness among the isolates. To provide an international context, we included publicly available genomes. Short-read mapping to a reference genome enabled reconstruction of the genomic neighborhood around blaOXA-23. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination was performed using broth microdilution and results interpreted using EUCAST guidelines. UK P. mirabilis isolates belonged to ST142 and were closely related (2–13 SNPs) to French isolates from 2017-2019. E. coli ST38 isolates harboured blaOXA-23 and showed high genetic relatedness (5–9 SNPs) among themselves. In P. mirabilis, blaOXA-23 was associated with transposon Tn6703, while E. coli harboured a novel composite transposon, designated Tn7816, bordered by two copies of IS15DIV and with three copies of blaOXA-23. blaOXA-23 was integrated into the chromosome in all isolates. All isolates were resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (>32 mg/L) and with meropenem MICs above the EUCAST screening cut-off (0.5–1 mg/L). In conclusion, UK blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis isolates belong to the same clonal lineage (ST142) previously reported in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France, suggesting introduction of this lineage into the UK. This is the first report of an E. coli ST38 lineage with chromosomally-encoded blaOXA-23 located within a novel transposon Tn7816.
WGS plays an important role in identifying the mechanism(s) of transmission of emerging carbapenemase genes.
IMPACT STATEMENT Most diagnostic assays primarily focus on detection of the ‘big 5’ carbapenemase gene families (KPC, OXA-48-like, NDM, VIM and IMP), which are globally dominant in Enterobacterales. OXA-23-like carbapenemase genes are predominantly identified in Acinetobacter baumannii meaning that their presence in Enterobacterales is likely underestimated. In this study, we report the identification of blaOXA-23 in Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli isolated from UK clinical samples following incorporation of blaOXA-23-like as a target in the multiplex-PCR assay used to screen all Gram-negative bacteria referred to the UK’s national reference laboratory for investigation of carbapenem resistance. To enhance our understanding of the genomic epidemiology of blaOXA-23 we utilized short-read sequencing to characterize all isolates, and long-read assembly polished with short-read to determine the genomic context of blaOXA-23 in E. coli. WGS analysis provided invaluable insights into the genomic relatedness among the isolates, identifying that blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis isolates were closely related to those previously reported in Europe and uncovered a novel transposon associated with blaOXA-23 in E. coli. In addition, blaOXA-23 was chromosomally located in all isolates, with the potential for stable vertical inheritance. The results of this study highlight the need to further characterize Enterobacterales isolates suspected of carbapenemase production but negative for the ‘big 5’ carbapenemase gene families and further demonstrates the role of WGS in characterizing bacterial strains and mobile genetic elements associated with the emergence and transmission of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms.
DATA SUMMARY Illumina short-read, contigs and MIC (if available) data for P. mirabilis (n=8) and E. coli (n=3) blaOXA-23-positive isolates from the UK are available in the ENA database under Bioproject PRJEB80458. The Illumina polished version of the long-read-only (Nanopore) assembly for 1697008 (ES1) E. coli isolate is accessible under the assembly accession number GCA_964341145. The accession number for each genome and the metadata generated in this study are provided in the Table 1.
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales were designated as critical priority pathogens by the World Health Organization (WHO) because of their limited treatment options and widespread prevalence1. Carbapenem resistance in Enterobacterales is primarily driven by the acquisition of one or more of the ‘big 5’ carbapenemase genes, primarily β-lactamases of Ambler class A (blaKPC), class B (blaNDM, blaVIM, blaIMP) and class D (blaOXA-48-like)2. In contrast, blaOXA-23 is commonly present in Acinetobacter baumannii and has been disseminated globally3, but has only been occasionally reported in Enterobacterales. Chromosomally-encoded blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis was first detected in 1996 in France and since then, isolates have been reported in various European countries in clinical4–10 and animal samples5. In contrast, reports of blaOXA-23 in E. coli are very rare, with the first clinical case identified in Singapore11, and 14 subsequent cases documented in India between 2013-201412. Since 2020, the UK’s national reference laboratory has screened all Gram-negatives submitted for investigation of carbapenem resistance with a multiplex PCR including blaOXA-23-like, blaOXA-40-like, blaOXA-51-like and blaOXA-58-like families. Here we describe the genomic characterization of the first UK P. mirabilis and E. coli isolates harbouring blaOXA-23.
Bacterial isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Isolates were referred to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections (AMRHAI) Reference Unit for investigation of carbapenem resistance following recovery from clinical human specimens (urine, rectal swab and wound) collected in the UK between 2021 and 2024. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed using broth microdilution against AMRHAI’s standard antibiotic panel and results interpreted according to the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) clinical breakpoints version 14.013.
Whole genome sequence and genome collection
Paired-end short-read sequencing was performed using Illumina technology. The methods for DNA extraction and WGS were previously described14; briefly, DNA was extracted from RNAse-treated lysates using a QIAsymphony DSP DNA Midi kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and sequenced on a Hiseq 2500 instrument (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) using the standard 2×101Lbp sequencing protocol. Additionally, a complete chromosome sequence determined by MinION sequencing was available for the blaOXA-23-positive 1697008 E. coli isolate (with the alternative name of ES1; GenBank: CP133856.1). Long-read sequencing was performed on a minION Mk1C device (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Oxford, United Kingdom) using an R10.4.1 flow cell following library preparation using the rapid barcoding kit SQK-RBK114.24. Basecalling was performed using the high-accuracy model.
blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis genomes (n=56) from previous studies were included for international context (Supplementary Table S1). Draft genomes were available for most isolates: a subset of the French isolates had accessible Illumina short-reads, and a complete chromosome sequence was available for one isolate from France (named as VAC; GenBank: CP042907.1). Furthermore, 32 blaOXA-23-negative E. coli ST38 genomes from a previous UK study15, with Illumina short-read availability, were included for comparative genome analysis with the blaOXA-23-positive E. coli ST38 (Supplementary Table S1). More details are available in the supplementary methods (see Supplementary Material).
Assembly, typing and screening of AMR determinants
Illumina reads were processed with Trimmomatic v0.3916 (default parameters) to eliminate adapters and poor-quality bases. Subsequently, the trimmed reads were utilized to assemble draft genomes using SPAdes v3.11.117 with default parameters and the --careful option. Assemblies were evaluated using Quast v5.2.018 for summary statistics, and quality was also assessed with CheckM v1.2.219, where any genomes with less than 95% completeness and/or assembly contamination exceeding 2% were excluded. The long-read-only assembly obtained using Flye v2.9.1-b1780 and Medaka v1.7.2 for the 1697008 isolate (also known as ES1; Genbank CP133856.1) has been further polished using Illumina reads and Pilon v1.2420 to correct a small number of mismatches (31 SNPs and 40 indels, which represent 0.001% of the sequence) in the assembly. This Illumina polished version of the complete chromosome for the 1697008 isolate is available under assembly accession number GCA_964341145. This Illumina polished version was used in subsequent analysis. AMR genes and point mutations were identified in the assemblies using AMRFinderPlus v3.12.821 with database version 2024-01-31.121. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) schemes for Proteus spp. and E. coli were utilized to determine the sequence type (ST) of each isolate through the pMLST portal (https://pubmlst.org/). Phylotyping for E. coli was conducted using the ClermonTyping v20.322 tool.
Phylogenetic analysis
The assemblies were annotated with Bakta v1.9.223, followed by pangenome analysis to identify core genes and generate a core gene alignment using Panaroo v1.3.324 from which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were extracted. The genetic relatedness among the P.
mirabilis isolates was assessed through phylogenetic analysis, for which a maximum likelihood tree was constructed using the extracted SNP data with the IQ-TREE v2.2.2.625 with the ModelFinder Plus (MFP) option for identifying the optimal model for the data. Phylogenetic reconstruction also included information on invariant sites; branch supports were assessed with 1000 ultrafast bootstraps (UFBoot)26 approach implemented in IQ-TREE. The genetic relatedness for E. coli ST38 isolates was assessed using the same phylogenetic methods. The cophenetic distance was used to measure the evolutionary distance between the isolates connected by their most recent common ancestor (MRCA) on a phylogenetic tree. Then, these cophenetic distances were multiplied by the length of the core gene alignment to express the distance in terms of SNPs. More details of the phylogenetic analysis are available in the supplementary methods (see Supplementary Material).
Mapping short-reads and genomic context
To assess the vehicles that potentially mobilize blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis and E. coli, the genomic context was investigated by using Snippy v4.3.627 to map sequence reads to a reference genome (complete VAC chromosome (GenBank: CP042907.1) as a reference for P. mirabilis and the complete chromosome of 1697008 (assembly: GCA_964341145) as a reference for E. coli) and reconstructing the consensus sequence for each isolate (details in supplementary methods [Supplementary Material]). The consensus sequence for each isolate was annotated with Bakta v1.9.223 to identify insertion sequences (ISs) and AMR genes. The annotation of the transposable elements associated with blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis was performed as described by Bonnin et al. 20205. The complete chromosome sequence available for isolate 1697008 enabled the identification of the genomic context associated with blaOXA-23 in E. coli. This was achieved through manual annotation based on the genetic characteristics of transposable elements,26 including the presence of insertion sequences, terminal inverted repeat (IR) sequences, and target site duplications (TSD), also known as direct repeats (DR). Additionally, IslandViewer 428 was used to identify genomic islands within the 1697008 genome. Finally, the genomic contexts of blaOXA23 were compared using Blastn v2.15.029 and visualized along with their annotations using the genoPlotR v0.8.1130 R package.
Clonal relatedness of OXA-23-producing P. mirabilis and E. coli isolates
The blaOXA-23 gene was identified in eight P. mirabilis and three E. coli (Table 1). A pangenome analysis of 64 OXA-23-producing P. mirabilis genomes resulted in a core gene alignment length of 2,513,546 bp (with 21,152 SNPs), representing 65% of the average total genome length of included sequences. Sixty-two of 64 isolates belonged to ST142, while the remaining two isolates were ST135 and ST185. There was substantial genetic diversity observed between isolates of different STs, with an average 13,791 SNPs between ST142 isolates and both ST135 and ST185, and 11,501 SNPs between the ST135 and ST185 isolates. All ST142 isolates formed a main cluster with some divergence between clades (Figure 1), with an average pairwise SNP difference of 102 between these isolates. This main ST142 lineage encompasses isolates derived from France, Belgium, Germany and the UK, as well as from diverse sources of human and animal origin.
The phylogenetic relationship analysis included blaOXA-23-positive ST142 isolates from the UK (n=8) and isolates obtained from prior studies (n=54) conducted in various European countries. Next to the tree are represented the metadata such as country, source, year, ST and AMR determinants. “NA” label within year field, indicated that year-related information was not available, while “NA” in ST indicates that it was not feasible to establish the ST due do missing or incomplete MLST loci, this includes the absence or partial coverage (44%–86%) of recA in 11 genomes, the absence of pyrC in one genome or partial coverage (75%–58%) of dnaJ in two genomes, possibly attributable to fragmented contigs. Bootstrap support ≥95% (blue dots) indicates well supported clades, with the clade of interest highlighted in green.
Seven out of eight isolates from the UK were highly related, with a range of 0 – 9 pairwise SNPs, and grouped together in the tree. The remaining UK isolate exhibited slight divergence and was placed in a different cluster, with pairwise SNP distances ranging from 15 – 21 SNPs when compared with the group of seven highly similar isolates. In this study, a clade was defined as a group of isolates sharing a common ancestor and supported by a bootstrap value ≥95%. The ‘clade of interest’ was specifically designated to the clade containing the seven UK isolates and 15 international isolates, and showed a median pairwise SNP difference of 28 (IQR: 6 to 62) between the isolates. Within this clade of interest, when compared to the international isolates, the seven UK isolates were closely related to six French isolates (PmOXA23-19, PmOXA23-17, PmOXA23-18, PmOXA23-6, PmOXA23-16 and O88A7), with pairwise SNP distances ranging from 2 – 14 pairwise SNPs distance among them. This clade of interest includes the French VAC isolate, for which a complete genome is available. The French VAC isolate differed from the seven UK isolates by 29 – 34 SNPs (Figure 1). These relationships suggest that the isolates detected in the UK may have been introduced recently.
The first detection of blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis occurred in France during a study conducted between 1996-19994. Subsequent sporadic detections were reported in clinical samples from 2016-2018, also in France. Notably, the affected patients had no history of international travel, indicating possible community acquisition of blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis7. Similarly, no travel history was reported for any of the patients from which UK isolates were recovered. blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis have subsequently been reported from twelve hospitals in France6, a routine screening sample in Finland in 20149, clinical samples in Germany between 2013 and 20228 and in Belgium and France, including animal samples, between 2014 and 20185. More recently, blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis has been identified in clinical samples from Switzerland between 2017 and 202310. Overall, these findings indicates that the expansion of the ST142 lineage has driven the spread of blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis in multiple countries and sources.
The core gene alignment of the UK E. coli isolates consisted of 3,353,881 bp (with 11,479 SNPs), representing 63% of the average total genome length of included sequences. All isolates belonged to ST38 and phylogroup D. The three blaOXA-23-positive isolates from geographically distinct regions of England (East Midlands, London, South East) were highly related, with pairwise distances between 5 – 9 SNPs. In comparison, when these three blaOXA-23-positive isolates were analyzed alongside available ST38 blaOXA-23-negative isolates, much larger pairwise genetic distances were observed [median (IQR) pairwise distance: 297 (216 to 723) SNPs]. To date, there have been only two previous reports of blaOXA-23 in E. coli: in ST4108 in Singapore (n=1)11 and ST471 in India (n=14)12; however, these studies did not generate WGS data for those isolates. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to report the presence of blaOXA-23 in E. coli ST38 in Europe.
Antimicrobial susceptibility
In addition to blaOXA-23, the P. mirabilis ST142 isolates were found to harbor between 8 and 15 additional antimicrobial resistance genetic determinants (AMR genes; Figure 1; Table 1), which potentially confer resistance to eight different antimicrobial classes; nevertheless some of these AMR genes relate to intrinsic resistance (i.e. tet(J) to tetracycline and cat to phenicol)5.
All phenotypically tested P. mirabilis and E. coli isolates from this study were resistant to ampicillin (>32 mg/L) and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (>32 mg/L). Most (6/8; 75%) isolates were also resistant to piperacillin/tazobactam (16 mg/L for P. mirabilis and >64 mg/L for E. coli). This aligns with the fact that OXA-23 enzyme can also hydrolyze penicillin class antibiotics31. All P. mirabilis isolates exhibited resistance to gentamicin, likely due to the presence of aac(3)-IIe. However, all isolates were susceptible to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime and cefepime. This AST profile is expected as OXA-23 does not hydrolyze extended-spectrum cephalosporins6. The meropenem MICs of all isolates were within the susceptible range but above the EUCAST screening cut-off for investigation of suspected carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (>0.12 mg/L). However, all three E. coli and one P. mirabilis isolate were resistant to ertapenem, with MIC values ranging from 1 to 2 mg/L (Table 1). The observed low-level of carbapenem resistance agrees with the previous definition that OXA-23 is a weak carbapenem-hydrolyzing enzyme at least in P. mirabilis5,6, and that the bacterial host may impact on whether OXA enzymes are capable of hydrolyzing carbapenems32.
Composite transposon harbouring blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis ST142
The neighboring genes of blaOXA-23 were annotated in the flanking sequences, obtained using a short-read mapping approach with the French VAC P. mirabilis genome as a reference (Supplementary Figure S1). As previously reported in the French VAC genome5, blaOXA-23 is located within the transposon Tn6704 (6,779 bp of length) with a gene configuration ISAba125– IS3–ISAba14–ATPase–blaOXA-23–ISAba1–IS4, which is part of a larger composite transposon Tn6703 (55,077 bp of length)5 (Figure 2A). The association between ISAba1 and blaOXA-23 has been well-documented in both A. baumannii3, and in P. mirabilis5,7,9,10 and ISAba1 is known to provide a promoter sequence that facilitates the expression of blaOXA-2333.
A) Composite transposon Tn6703 present in P. mirabilis ST142 isolates from the UK (n=8) and France (with the VAC isolate as a reference) carrying AMR genes, and specifically Tn6704, which harbors blaOXA-23. Boundaries of Tn6704 are indicated by the 9-bp target site duplication (TSD) GATGAAGCG and for Tn6703 by 8-bp TSD TAATTTCC. B) A novel composite transposon Tn7816 associated with blaOXA-23 in blaOXA-23-positive E. coli ST38 in UK isolates (n=3). The two blaOXA-23-negative isolates yielded contig-level sequence assemblies, where the operon yjiGHJKLMN and genetic configuration yjiGHJKLM–IS15DIV–yjiN were in a single contig, respectively. Genes are represented by arrows indicating the direction of transcription. blaOXA-23 is indicated by orange arrow, ATPase by light green arrow, ISAba1 by dark green arrow, IS15DII and IS15DIV by light blue arrows, other insertion sequences and additional AMR genes are indicated by dark blue arrows, other genes within the transposon by grey arrows, and other genes outside the transposon by white arrows. Grey areas between the linear plots represent nucleotide sequence identity (mostly >90%).
When comparing the VAC reference genome to the UK genomes, Tn6703 was found to harbor six additional AMR genes in addition to blaOXA-23 in all genomes, conferring resistance to aminoglycosides (two copies each of aph(6)-Id [also known as strB] and aph(3’’)-Ib [also known as strA]; three copies of aph(3’)-Ia and one aac(3)-IIe), sulfonamides (sul2) and phenicol (floR, except one UK isolate). The VAC reference genome carried an additional four AMR genes [aminoglycosides: aac(3)-IVa, aph(4)-Ia and aadA31; lincosamides: (lnu(G)] that were absent from all UK isolates (Supplementary Figure S1). These findings align with previous observed variability in the gene content of the composite transposon Tn6703 among the French5 and Swiss10 isolates.
Novel composite transposon associated with blaOXA-23 in E. coli ST38
The genomic context of blaOXA-23 in E. coli ST38 from the UK was assessed using the 1697008 complete E. coli chromosome as a reference in the short-read mapping analysis. To further elucidate the transposon integration within the chromosome of the ST38 lineage, blaOXA-23- negative E. coli ST38 genomes were also included in this study for comparative analysis (Supplementary Figure S2). This analysis revealed the integration of IS15DIV (which included left (IRL) and right (IRR) inverted terminal repeats sequence 14-bp GGCACTGTTGCAAA) within the chromosome of blaOXA-23-negative ST38, flanked by 8-bp TSD sequence CATGATTT. This integration disrupted the yjiGHJKLMN operon, resulting in the formation of a new genetic configuration, yjiGHJKLM–IS15DIV–yjiN, in these isolates (Figure 2B and Supplementary Figure S2). In the 1697008 isolate, along with the other two blaOXA-23-positive E. coli, blaOXA-23 was identified within a genomic island that corresponded to the boundaries of a novel transposon, which was named Tn7816 according to the Transposon Registry database (https://transposon.lstmed.ac.uk/tn-registry). Tn7816 is a composite transposon bordered by IS15DIV (which belongs to the IS6 family transposase and is similar to IS2634) at both ends, flanked by 8-bp TSD sequence CATGATTT only at the right-end (Figure 2). This structure suggests a deletion of the left-end TSD sequence during transposition and rearrangement events. Tn7816 carried three copies of blaOXA-23, each embedded within the specific genetic context: IS15DIV–DDE–DUF192–umuC–umuD–IS1007–IS1–IS1A–IS1–IS1A–blaOXA-23–ATPase (Figure 2). While this configuration differs from those previously reported in A. baumannii3 and P. mirabilis5, the presence of IS1 linked with blaOXA-23 is consistent with a previous report of plasmid-borne blaOXA-23 in E. coli11. However, previous studies on E. coli ST4108 and ST471 were unable to characterize the detailed genetic context of plasmid-borne blaOXA-23 due to PCR assay limitations11,12. With all of this, we can hypothesize that E. coli ST38 might have acquired an OXA-23-encoding plasmid followed by integration of blaOXA-23 into the chromosome via mobile genetic elements, as reported here. A blastn search (https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi) against the NCBI Core nucleotide database (core_nt) identified E. coli ST457 isolate CE1628 (GenBank CP053852.1) from Australia (avian origin) with partial alignment with the transposon Tn7816 sequence. However, in that genome the genomic context of blaOXA-23 (IS15DIV [inverse orientation]–DUF192–umuC–umuD–IS1007– IS1–IS1A–blaOXA-23–ATPase) and chromosomal location differed from the one investigated here. Specifically, the CE1628 isolate contains only a single copy of each blaOXA-23, IS1 and IS1A.
Consequently, this study presents the first comprehensive characterization of this unique blaOXA- 23 genetic context within E. coli.
In conclusion, our study underscores the significant role of transposon-carrying lineages in the emergence, dissemination and persistence of chromosomally-encoded blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis and E. coli. Our findings provide key insights into three major aspects. First, the wide distribution of blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis across multiple sources and countries, including the UK, France and Germany, suggesting international transmission of the blaOXA-23-positive P. mirabilis ST142 lineage. No epidemiological link could be established between the French, German and UK isolates, as they were collected in different years and none of the UK patients had a history of recent travel abroad. However, the high genetic relatedness between P. mirabilis ST142 isolates from the UK and France, along with the earlier observations within France, suggest a possible introduction of this lineage into the UK. Second, the association between the previously characterized transposon Tn6704, which includes ISAba1, and the composite transposon Tn6703, which contains IS15DII, with blaOXA-23 in P. mirabilis, has been established. However, a notable variability in the gene content within Tn6703 was observed, which may be attributed to the dynamic nature of transposable elements. Third, the emergence of blaOXA-23 in an E. coli ST38 lineage in the UK was facilitated by a novel composite transposon Tn7816 characterized by the presence of IS1, IS15DIV and three copies of blaOXA-23. Together, these observations highlight the role of WGS in characterizing novel carbapenemase producers and associated mobile genetic elements, which may inform development of interventions to mitigate the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
Further studies are needed to monitor if blaOXA-23 becomes more widely established among Enterobacterales; however, surveillance is likely to be hampered by the lack of coverage of blaOXA-23 in commercial molecular assays8, which instead focus on the ‘big 5’ carbapenemase gene families. As per the UK Standards for Microbiological Investigations35, suspect Enterobacterales isolates exhibiting resistance to amoxicillin/clavulanate and/or reduced susceptibility to meropenem (MIC >0.12 mg/L) but negative for the ‘big 5’ carbapenemase gene families should be referred to the AMRHAI Reference Unit for further investigation.
This study was performed as part of UKHSA’s routine work, with additional funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (NIHR200915), a partnership between the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the University of Oxford, to support staff time on the project.
KLH, KO, DW and NS secured funding to support the study. KLH, KO and DW designed the study. DM, AC and RP performed and oversaw microbiological testing. JFT carried out nanopore sequencing of isolate ES1/1697008. RZ performed the data analysis. RZ and KLH wrote the manuscript, and all authors edited and approved the final draft of the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing interests. However, UKHSA’s Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections Reference Unit has received financial support for conference attendance, lectures, research projects or contracted evaluations from numerous sources, including Accelerate Diagnostics, Achaogen Inc., Allecra Therapeutics, Amplex, AstraZeneca UK Ltd, AusDiagnostics, Basilea Pharmaceutica, Becton Dickinson Diagnostics, bioMérieux, Bio-Rad Laboratories, BSAC, Cepheid, Check-Points B.V., Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Department of Health, Enigma Diagnostics, Food Standards Agency, GlaxoSmithKline Services Ltd, Helperby Therapeutics, Henry Stewart Talks, IHMA Ltd, Innovate UK, Integra holdings, Kalidex Pharmaceuticals, Melinta Therapeutics, Merck Sharpe & Dohme Corp., Meiji Seika Pharma Co. Ltd, Mobidiag, Momentum Biosciences Ltd, Neem Biotech, Nordic Pharma Ltd, Norgine Pharmaceuticals, Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Rempex Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Roche, Rokitan Ltd, Smith & Nephew UK Ltd, Shionogi & Co. Ltd, Trius Therapeutics, T.A.Z., VenatoRx Pharmaceuticals and Wockhardt Ltd.
Not applicable.
We gratefully acknowledge the use of the UKHSA core facilities HPC cluster servers. We thank hospital diagnostic laboratories for submitting the isolates reported here.
AUTHOR NOTES: Supplementary methods, two supplementary figures, and one supplementary table are available as Supplementary material in the online version of this article.
- antimicrobial resistance
- antimicrobial susceptibility testing
- DR
- direct repeats
- European Nucleotide Archive
- European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
- interquartile range
- IR
- inverted terminal repeats
- MICs
- minimum inhibitory concentrations
- multi-locus sequence typing
- polymerase chain reaction
- SNPs
- single nucleotide polymorphisms
- ST
- sequence type
- target site duplication
- whole genome sequencing
- World Health Organization