Background Monkeypox virus (MPXV) clade Ib, first detected in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in September 2023, spread internationally within months, prompting a WHO emergency declaration. Data on how this clade differs from others, including the incubation period which both shapes outbreak dynamics and informs epidemic response strategies, remain limited.
Methods We use clinical, laboratory and reported exposure data from suspected and qPCR-confirmed mpox cases in Uvira, DRC to estimate the incubation period for MPXV clade 1b. We developed a Bayesian model to estimate incubation periods of various symptom onset definitions (rash, fever, any symptom), demographic factors and putative transmission route (sexual vs. non-sexual).
Results Among 92 PCR-confirmed cases, the median incubation period from exposure to rash was 18.6 days (95% CrI: 15.2-22.6). Five percent of cases are expected to develop a rash within 5.4 days (95% CrI; 3.4-7.6) and 95% within 37.6 days (95% CrI: 30.3-47.0). The incubation period differed by putative transmission route: sexual transmission had a shorter median (9.5 days, 95% CrI 3.7-16.4) than non-sexual transmission (18.9 days, 95% CrI: 15.3-23.0).
Conclusions Incubation periods for clade Ib are longer than previous estimates for other MPXV clades, but vary strongly by sexual vs. non-sexual exposures, the former closely aligning with observations from the predominantly sexually transmitted clade IIa global outbreak. These findings highlight the significant differences by transmission route – likely reflecting differences in infectious viral dose and suggest the need to revise global post-exposure monitoring recommendations.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the epicenter of the current multi-country outbreak of clade I monkeypox virus (MPXV)1. Mpox cases in South Kivu, eastern DRC, have been linked to a new MPXV subclade, clade Ib, estimated to have emerged in September 2023.2 Early transmission chains of clade Ib were primarily attributed to sexual exposures.3,4 A shift to broader, non-sexual, community transmission has since been observed in parts of eastern DRC where young children are now predominantly affected.5
The differences between the natural history of clade Ib and other variants of MPXV remain unclear. The incubation period is the time between infection and symptom onset, which is linked to the speed of outbreaks and determines the feasibility and impact of control interventions.6 Estimates of the incubation period have typically ranged from 1-2 weeks though most estimates come from the predominantly sexually-transmitted clade II.7–10 Based on these estimates, the World Health Organisation recommends a 21 day ‘observation period’ for risk reduction precautions and for epidemiologic studies.11 Changes in the incubation period of MPXV as the virus evolves may undermine these recommendations, yet we know of no estimates of the incubation period clade Ib. This gap may limit our ability to tailor efficient responses to the ongoing MPXV clade Ib epidemic.
Here, we present estimates of the incubation period of MPXV clade Ib based on case data from South Kivu, DRC, focusing on its variability across demographic characteristics and putative transmission routes.
Study setting and population
This analysis is based on surveillance data from the Mpox Treatment Center in the Uvira health zone in South Kivu province, eastern DRC. Uvira is a predominantly urban area with approximately 460,000 inhabitants, 65% of whom reside in the city of Uvira. Located on the northwestern shore of Lake Tanganyika, it shares a land border with Burundi and is connected to Tanzania via the lake. The city spans 12 km north to south and 2 km inland, with a high population density. Uvira is historically prone to cholera outbreaks, experiencing 1–2 per year due to inadequate water and sanitation infrastructure, frequent flooding, and population displacement caused by both floods and armed conflicts. The Uvira health zone is one of DRC’s mpox clade Ib hotspots, prioritized for interventions such as vaccination. It reported its first mpox case on May 2, 2024, eight months after the outbreak was declared in Kamituga, a remote mining town 360 km away. Initially, suspected cases, mostly adults, were managed in outpatient or community settings. However, as cases increased, an Mpox Treatment Center (MTC) was established on June 8, 2024, within the Uvira general hospital. With support from Médecins Sans Frontières, mpox care, including essential medicines and meals for patients and caregivers, became free at the Uvira MTC on June 17.
Case definitions and data collection
The official DRC Ministry of Health case definition for mpox includes three criteria: (1) sudden high fever followed by a vesiculo-pustular rash, primarily on the face, palms, and soles; (2) the presence of at least five smallpox-type scars; or (3) fever >38.3°C, severe headache, lymphadenopathy, back pain, myalgia, and severe asthenia, followed within 1–3 days by a progressive rash spreading from the face to other body parts, including the palms and soles.12 The community case definition is broader, classifying any person with fever and a skin rash as a suspected case. At the Uvira MTC, following outbreak confirmation, a simplified case definition was applied: anyone presenting with a skin rash or papulo-vesicular or pustular eruptions was considered a suspected mpox case.
Starting from June 2024, the clinical staff at the Uvira General Hospital’s Mpox Treatment Centre (MTC) conducted structured interviews with suspected cases. Data were collected on demographics, exposure history, and clinical manifestations, using forms on the KoboCollect platform. A suspected case contact was defined as someone with a rash, lesions and/or similar symptoms to the patient or a confirmed mpox case, contacted in the three weeks prior to symptom onset or diagnosis of the clinical case.
MTC staff collected skin lesion secretions with a dry swab, whereas oro-pharyngeal secretions were taken with a swab that was soaked into a viral transport medium. While lesion swabs were meant to be collected and tested from all suspected cases, only a subset had test results due to stockouts of materials and reagents during this phase of the outbreak. The subset of suspected cases that were tested had dry lesion swabs tested by qPCR with GeneXpert (Xpert® Mpox; Cepheid, Sunnyvale, USA) or the Radi® Fast Mpox Kits (KH Medical, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea). A subset of samples was tested with Tibmolbiol® qPCR kits (TIB Molbiol, Eresburgstrasse, Berlin, Germany) for sub-clade confirmation.
Statistical inference of the incubation period
The aim of the statistical modeling framework was to infer the distribution of the incubation periods of MPXV clade Ib for different definitions of symptom onset (fever, rash, any symptom), and its variability across key factors, including demographic characteristics and transmission routes. To do so, we used Bayesian methods to obtain a robust estimate of the incubation period distribution accounting for the limitations of the data and known sources of bias in the estimation of epidemiologic delay distributions.13 A full model description is given in Supplementary Methods Section S2.
For each reported contact with a suspected case, we had information on whether a single or multiple exposures occurred, the type of exposure, and the date of most recent exposure. Our modeling framework accounted for multiple reported contacts per case, censored times from exposure to symptom onset as only time to most recent contact was reported, and right-truncation of the time from exposure to symptom onset as only contacts in the previous 21 days were recorded). We compared across multiple distributional assumptions typically used for incubation period estimation (Log-normal, Gamma and Weibull), and across different assumptions on the probability of unreported exposures in the community based on the observed epidemic curve (no additional community exposures vs. exposures as a function of the epidemic curve).
We produced separate incubation period estimates for different symptom types: fever, rash, and any symptom. In addition, we produced stratified estimates by demographic characteristics (age [below 5 vs. 5 and above], sex), exposure type (sexual vs. non-sexual, see definitions in Supplementary Material Section S1.1), epidemic period (before vs. after to Sep 1st, 2024, Supplementary Figure S2), and hospitalization status (inpatient vs. outpatient).
Inference was drawn using a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler as implemented in the Stan programming language. Model comparison was performed using estimated leave-one-out cross-validation log-predictive density.14
Clinical surveillance and reported exposures of mpox cases
Of the 973 cases recorded between June and October 2024, 35.6% (346/973) of suspected mpox cases reported having contact with a suspected mpox case, with 70% (243/346) of them reporting temporal information of these contacts. Among the cases with complete contact information and valid laboratory results (123/243), 72% were PCR-positive (92/123) and 25% were negative (31/123). The distribution of cases by age, sex and self-reported exposure types were similar for all clinical cases and those positive by PCR (Table 1).
Mpox patient demographics and exposure details for all cases (N=243) and PCR-confirmed cases (N=92).
The 243 clinical cases with complete contact information reported contact with 320 suspected mpox cases. 79% (192/243) reported contact with a single suspected case and 21% (51/243) to more than one suspected case (Table 1). The majority of cases reported non-sexual physical contact with a case (95%) and/or respiratory contact (84%), with most exposures reported to have occurred within the household. Only 8% of cases reported sexual exposures.
Incubation period estimation
We estimated the incubation period based on data from 92 PCR positive cases with complete data on reported exposure to suspected cases, and performed a sensitivity analysis on 243 clinical cases, including those with negative PCR results as the diagnostic sensitivity of the qPCR tests for MPXV Clade Ib is not well characterized and those who were not tested. Among all cases, the median time from most recent contact (before symptoms) to rash onset was 9 days (Interquartile Range, IQR: 3–14), 8 days (IQR: 2–13) to fever onset, and 7 days (IQR: 2– 14) to any symptoms.
We estimate that the median time from exposure to rash onset is 18.6 days (95% CrI: 15.2-22.6) (Figure 1, Table 2), with 5% of infections estimated to develop rash within 5.4 days of exposure (95% CrI; 3.4-7.6), and 95% estimated to develop rash within 37.6 days (95% CrI: 30.3-47.0). Estimates of the median time to onset of fever (17.0, 95% CrI: 13.5-21.1) and of any symptom (16.1, 95% CrI: 12.8-20.1) were slightly shorter (Table 2).
Main model estimates (Weibull distribution, without community infections), shown for PCR-positive cases (main results, n=92) and all patients with reported contacts (n=243) by symptom type. Estimates for all distributional assumptions are provided in the Supplementary Material.
a) Posterior draws of the incubation period cumulative distribution function (lines, 100 draws) and estimates of quantiles of interest (points: mean, bars: 95% CrI) by diagnostic test result. Estimates are shown for the log-normal distribution assumption, and the main model (no community infections). Dots indicate the median incubation period estimate. b) Estimates of the median incubation period (dots: mean, bars: 95% CrI) by strata for the overall estimates (first facet) and across different case grouping categories against the overall estimate (horizontal dashed line).
We found evidence of differences in the incubation period by transmission route (Figure 1b, Table 3). The median rash incubation period was shorter for putative sexual vs. non-sexual transmission (median 9.5, 95% CrI: 3.7-16.4, vs. 18.9, 95% CrI: 15.3-23.0) (Supplementary Material Section S1.2). We estimate a shorter rash incubation period in the early phase of the epidemic (prior to Sep 1st, median 11.7, 95% CrI: 9.0-15.1) versus the later phase (after Sep 1st, median 24.3, 95 % CrI: 19.5-29.7), consistent with previous evidence of a shift from sexual to non-sexual transmission.5 While not statistically significant, the median incubation period was also slightly shorter for PCR-positive cases fifteen years and older compared to others, and for inpatients (hospitalized) vs. outpatients (Supplementary Tables S3-S4). We estimate similar differences in stratified estimates for time to fever and any symptom onset (Figure S4, Supplementary Tables S3-S4).
Main model estimates (Weibull distribution, without community infections) are shown for PCR-positive cases (main results, n=92) and all patients with reported contacts (n=243)). Stratified estimates are provided by self-reported exposure pathway. Estimates for all distributional assumptions and stratifications are provided in the Supplementary Material.
Estimates of the incubation period using all clinical cases were similar to those for the PCR-positive cases (Figure 1, Table 2). Estimates of the median and lower quantiles of the incubation period were robust to distributional assumptions (Table S1); however, estimates of the time to 95% of cases developing symptoms were longer if a log-normal distribution was chosen.
We estimate the median incubation period for MPXV clade Ib in Uvira, DRC to be 18 days. This is longer than estimates for MPXV clades Ia or IIb (9–10 days),7,10 and slightly longer than, but not completely inconsistent with, historical estimates of the incubation period of smallpox.15 We find evidence of differential incubation period by route of transmission. The incubation period from sexual contact was substantially lower (9.5 days) than for non-sexual exposure (19 days) and was similar to estimates for the predominantly sexually transmitted MPXV clade II.
The fact that previous MPXV clade II incubation period estimates align closely with our clade Ib results for sexual contacts, but not with the longer overall estimates, may be at least in part attributable to biological factors. Higher infectious doses are known to shorten the incubation periods of viral infections.16,17 Taken together, our exposure-stratified clade Ib results and previous clade II estimates thus support the hypothesis that MPXV incubation periods are shorter after sexual exposures due to higher viral infectious doses than for non-sexual contacts. In Uvira, we find that the mode of transmission appears to have changed over the course of the epidemic, from predominantly sexual in the early weeks to mainly non-sexual in the later.5 These shifts in transmission may therefore explain our longer overall incubation period estimates, as most cases for which we had contact information were recruited in the later phase of the epidemic. Our longer estimates may also stem from methodological differences, as we here correct for common sources of downward-bias,13 including censoring due unknown exact contact dates, and right-truncation as we only asked about exposures in the past 21 days following WHO recommendations.18
Over one-third of cases (38.5%, 95% CrI: 26.5-51.3, Supplementary Table S5) developed rash after the WHO’s recommended three-week monitoring period for exposed individuals and recall period for epidemiologic investigations. Either broad changes to this guidance or locally adapted time bounds could improve our ability to both understand and ultimately contain this virus.
These results come with several limitations. First, we attribute these estimates to clade Ib, yet cases were not all clade typed. However, all 45 samples from Uvira that were clade typed with Tibmolbiol® qPCR clade typing kits (TIB Molbiol, Eresburgstrasse, Berlin, Germany) were clade Ib, as were all samples in the province of South Kivu that were clade typed at INRB Goma. Second, data were collected during routine surveillance activities, allowing for limited descriptions of contacts and exposures. We only asked about the date of most recent exposure to a suspected mpox case and do not have the lower bound on the exposure period. We accounted for these sources of uncertainty in the models and results were robust to various assumptions about this lower bound. Finally, our estimates of the right tails of the incubation period have more uncertainty than the median because of their sensitivity to distributional assumptions.
Our results illustrate that the incubation period of MPXV clade Ib is longer than previously characterized MPXV variants, and highly dependent on transmission route, which has important implications for outbreak management. The observed shorter incubation periods for sexual vs. non-sexual exposures suggests that dose and exposure site may have a major influence on the timeline of disease, underscoring the need for flexible and locally adapted public health responses. The current three-week monitoring period recommended by WHO may be insufficient for the majority of clade Ib non-sexually transmitted infections, potentially leading to missed cases and ongoing transmission. Strengthened surveillance, extended monitoring periods, and targeted interventions based on dominant transmission routes could improve containment efforts in South Kivu and beyond. Future research should aim to confirm these findings in other regions and further explore the ways in which viral dose and exposure site may influence the natural history of disease.
Financial support
This work was supported by the Gates Foundation (INV-079976) and funds from the Geneva Centre for Emerging Viruses. The Gates Foundation had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Patient Consent Information
The data used in this study were collected with the Uvira health zone team for public health surveillance. Ethical approvals were obtained from the Institutional Review Boards of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (reference number IRB00030442) and the Université Catholique de Bukavu (UCB/CIES/NC/019/2024) to use those data.
Potential conflicts of interest
All authors report no potential conflicts.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: ASA, EBM; Data curation: PMB, JJ, EBM; Formal Analysis: JP; Funding acquisition: SN, IC, ASA, EBM; Investigation: PMB, PKB, TFM, LB, SMS, NM; Methodology: JP; Project administration: PMB, LB, ASA, EBM; Resources: JB, IE, DM, EBM; Software: JP, MO, DM; Supervision: PMB, LB, JB, ASA, EBM; Validation: JB, DM, EBM; Visualization: ; Writing – original draft: JP, MO, ASA, EBM; Writing – review & editing: JP, PMB, PKB, TFM, LB, SMS, JB, SN, IC, JJ, NM, JK, IE, ECL, DM, JL, ASA, EBM