Article Information
- November 20, 2024.
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Author Information
- Judite Langa, MD1,*,
- Maria Inês de Deus, MD1,
- Sarah Arciniegas, MSPH1,
- Argentina Wate, MD2,
- Erica Bila, MPH3,
- Arla Alfândega, MPH4,
- Nelice Mate, BS4,
- Irene Rungo, BS4,
- Gizela Azambuja, MD4,
- Kwalila Tibana, MD1 and
- Námita Eliseu, MD4
- 1Division of Global HIV & TB, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Mozambique
- 2US Agency for International Development (USAID), Mozambique
- 3US Department of Defense (DOD), Mozambique
- 4Ministry of Health, Mozambique
- ↵*Corresponding Author:
Judite Langa, hoo2{at}