Article Information
- November 7, 2024.
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Author Information
- Supriya Bhavnani1,*,
- Alok Ranjan1,*,
- Debarati Mukherjee2,
- Gauri Divan1,
- Amit Prakash1,
- Astha Yadav1,
- Chaman Lal1,
- Diksha Gajria1,
- Hiba Irfan1,
- Kamal Kant Sharma1,
- Smita Dattatraya Todkar1,3,
- Vikram Patel1,4,+,# and
- Gareth McCray5,#
- 1Child Development Group, Sangath, India
- 2Indian Institute of Public Health Bengaluru, Public Health Foundation of India, India
- 3Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal University, India
- 4Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
- 5Keele University, UK
- ↵+Corresponding author; Prof Vikram Patel, Paul Farmer Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School Vikram_Patel{at}