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- October 4, 2024.
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Author Information
- Stephanus T. Malherbe1,‡,
- Ray Y. Chen2,‡,
- Xiang Yu2,
- Bronwyn Smith1,
- Xin Liu3,
- Jingcai Gao4,
- Andreas H. Diacon5,
- Rodney Dawson6,
- Michele Tameris7,
- Hong Zhu4,
- Yahong Qu8,
- Hongjian Jin9,
- Shouguo Pan10,
- Lori E. Dodd11,
- Jing Wang12,
- Lisa C. Goldfeder2,
- Ying Cai2,
- Kriti Arora2,
- Joel Vincent2,
- Kim Narunsky13,
- Keboile Serole14,
- Rene T. Goliath14,
- Laylah Da Costa14,
- Arshad Taliep14,
- Saalikha Aziz14,
- Remy Daroowala14,
- Friedrich Thienemann14,15,
- Sandra Mukasa14,
- Richard Court14,16,
- Bianca Sossen14,16,
- Petri Ahlers1,
- Simon C. Mendelsohn7,
- Lisa White13,
- Aurélie Gouel11,
- Chuen-Yen Lau17,
- Samy Hassan15,
- Lili Liang3,
- Hongfei Duan18,
- Gita K. Moghaddam19,
- Praveen Paripati20,
- Saher Lahouar20,
- Michael Harris20,
- Kurt Wollenberg20,
- Brendan Jeffrey20,
- Mike Tartakovsky20,
- Alex Rosenthal20,
- Michael Duvenhage21,
- Derek T. Armstrong22,
- Taeksun Song14,
- Jill Winter23,
- Qian Gao24,
- Laura E. Via2,14,
- Robert J. Wilkinson14,25,26,
- Gerhard Walzl1,* and
- Clifton E. Barry III2,14,*
- 1DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Biomedical Tuberculosis Research, South African Medical Research Council Centre for Tuberculosis Research, Division of Immunology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa
- 2Tuberculosis Research Section, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 3Henan Provincial Chest Hospital, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
- 4Sino-US Tuberculosis Collaborative Research Program, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
- 5TASK, Cape Town, South Africa
- 6Division of Pulmonology, Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town Lung Institute, Centre for TB Research Innovation, Observatory 7923, Republic of South Africa
- 7South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, Department of Pathology, University of Cape Town, Observatory 7923, Republic of South Africa
- 8Kaifeng City Institute of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Kaifeng, Henan, China
- 9Xinmi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xinmi, Henan, China
- 10Zhongmu County Health and Epidemic Prevention Station, Zhongmu, Henan, China
- 11Clinical Clinical Trials Research and Statistics Branch, Office of Biostatistics Research, Division of Clinical Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 12Clinical Monitoring Research Program Directorate, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Frederick, MD, USA
- 13University of Cape Town Lung Institute (Pty) Ltd, Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700, Republic of South Africa
- 14Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, Observatory 7925, Republic of South Africa
- 15Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- 16Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Observatory 7923, Republic of South Africa
- 17HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 18Beijing Chest Hospital, Beijing, China
- 19Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, UK
- 20Office of Cyber Infrastructure and Computational Biology, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
- 21Research Data and Communication Technologies, Inc., Garrett Park, MD, USA
- 22Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
- 23Catalysis Foundation for Health, San Ramon, CA, USA
- 24School of Basic Medical Science, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
- 25Francis Crick Institute, London, NW1 1AT, UK
- 26Department of Infectious Diseases, Imperial College London, W12 0NN, UK
- ↵*Corresponding authors. Email: gwalzl{at} (G.W.); cbarry{at} (C.E.B.).
↵‡ These authors contributed equally to this work.