Background General Practitioners (GPs) play a key role in the treatment of adolescent depression and anxiety in Australia, but their capacity to provide effective care is likely compromised by long wait times for mental health professionals and services.
Aim To explore GPs’ referral practices to mental health treatment and services for adolescents with depression and/or anxiety, their knowledge of wait times and the perceived impact of these on GPs and their patients and proposed acceptable wait times.
Design, Setting and Methods An online survey of 192 GPs in Australia who treated adolescents (12 to 17 years old) with depression and/or anxiety.
Results GPs most frequently referred their adolescent patients with depression and/or anxiety to psychologists and the mean estimated wait time was 57 days (SD: 47.9), which was four times their proposed acceptable wait time (M: 16.7 days, SD: 27.0). The frequency of medication prescribing by GPs almost doubled during the wait time when compared to routine care (14.6% versus 8.3%, respectively). Almost all GPs (81.8%) increased their level of care due to long wait times but had limited training in adolescent mental health or knowledge on appropriate strategies to do so effectively.
Conclusion The findings signify the discrepancies between GPs’ preferences for mental health treatment availability in Australia and what they perceive to be acceptable and the experience of their adolescent patients who they have referred to specialist care. Greater knowledge of wait time strategies, adolescent mental health training, and improved communication between referrer and referred services may help GPs to enhance the quality of primary care provided to adolescent patients with depression and/or anxiety in Australia.
This is the first study to examine GPs’ knowledge of wait times for mental health specialists and services for adolescent patients with depression and anxiety in Australia.
The current study is strengthened by its focus on the most common mental health conditions in adolescents, however, different results may be found when examining GPs’ treatment patterns for mental health conditions that may have more immediate need for treatment (e.g. psychosis).
Due to the sample size and self-report nature, the study may not adequately represent the diversity of GPs across Australia or capture the full spectrum of challenges or treatment practices used by GPs.
Future research should explore other non-mental health related patient characteristics or profiles that may be at greater risk of negative effects during the wait time, such as unique developmental needs, socio-economic disadvantage and parental separation.
Additionally, qualitative methods, such as semi-structured interviews, may provide a richer scope of understanding of the impact of wait times on GPs and their rationale for treatment selection.
General Practitioners (GPs; or family physicians) are often the first source of professional help for adolescents when faced with mental health difficulties 1. GPs can enable diagnoses, facilitate timely access to treatment and specialists through referrals, and can foster positive help-seeking attitudes and behaviours 1–3. However, the rapid increase in mental health presentations due to the COVID-19 pandemic has increased pressure on GPs and mental health treatment providers globally 4–6. In Australia, average monthly GP visits for mental health by young people tripled throughout the pandemic and presentations for depression increased by 61% 7. While psychological therapy is the first-line treatment for adolescent depression 8 and anxiety 9, wait times for psychologists in Australia have exceeded three months 10–14. Wait times for other mental health professionals including psychiatrists and paediatricians have also been high, both in Australia and globally 11,12,15. The lack of availability of key specialists has therefore diminished the capacity of GPs to effectively treat their patients with mental health problems 16,17.
Prolonged wait times represent a period of significant clinical risk, for the treating GP and the adolescent patient because mental health symptoms are heightened but treatment has not yet begun. Longer wait times are negatively associated with every aspect of patient experience, including confidence in the care provider and the perceived quality of care 18.
Adolescents have reported that they engage in maladaptive coping behaviours during the wait time 10 while also returning more frequently to their GP 14. Consequently, GPs have reported that they have had to extend the psychological care they provide to their patients, but with limited training and resources to do so effectively 19. Consult durations are typically less than 20 minutes in almost all countries, further limiting the intensity of mental healthcare and support that GPs can provide 20. GPs have also reported professional difficulties and discomfort when treating adolescents with complex mental health conditions, especially those who self-harm or have suicidal ideation 21,22. GPs’ limited understanding of at-risk mental health states in adolescents is problematic because many young people expect GPs to initiate conversations around suicide and withhold this information until prompted 23. Many teens do not verbally disclose other behaviours or co-occurring symptoms that represent higher risk (e.g. disordered eating, psychosis, or substance misuse) and require a specific treatment 22.
Despite this heightened risk, there is currently no consensus on “acceptable wait times” for mental health treatment globally or consistent methods of tracking these. Across the United Kingdom 24,25, Norway 26 and Canada 27, four- to six-week wait times have been proposed for first session of psychological therapy whereas no standards exist in Australia. While optimal wait periods for mental health treatment remain unknown, in the state of New South Wales (NSW) Australia, 40% of individuals with a mental health condition felt that they waited “longer than acceptable” to get an appointment with a specialist, and this has increased over time, in both cities and regional/rural areas 28. There is a demonstrated need to understand the unique care needs during the wait time, particularly among health professionals like GPs who play a key role in connecting adolescents with the necessary care providers in a timely manner.
While prior reviews have examined the effectiveness of wait time interventions administered by mental health services 29,30, little research has examined how GPs respond to the lack of mental health service availability for their adolescent patients. There is some evidence that GPs recommend lifestyle interventions such as exercise to support patients’ self-management of their mental health 31. GPs have also reported greater active monitoring of their patients’ through frequent follow-up appointments 32. In some settings, GPs have used practice nurses to deliver various therapeutic techniques to support adolescents’ mental health while they wait for their specialist care 33,34. GPs have also recommended digital mental health resources to provide support outside of appointments 31. There is some evidence that GPs have increased the prescribing of medications for mental health symptoms (e.g. anti-depressants), although it is unclear whether service wait times have contributed to this 35–37. Overall, much remains unknown about the impact of service wait times on GPs’ treatment of adolescent depression and anxiety in Australia 8. Understanding how to support GPs when the choice of treatment is not available within an acceptable time may help to reduce the negative effects of long wait times on the adolescent, their family, and the GP.
Objectives of the current study
This study aimed to improve our understanding of GPs’ experiences of wait times for mental health treatment and services for adolescents with depression and anxiety in Australia. In doing so, we examined GPs’ referrals to specialist care and their other recommendations for adolescents presenting with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety, GPs’ knowledge of wait times for specialist mental health service providers, and GPs’ perceptions of acceptable wait times. We also examined the perceived impacts of wait times on GPs, their patients and their treatment. Together, these findings will help to increase our knowledge of how mental health service availability in Australia impacts GPs and their capacity to provide timely and high-quality care to their adolescent patients with depression and/or anxiety.
This study utilised a cross-sectional online survey conducted in Australia between May 2022 to November 2022. Ethical approval was obtained from the University of New South Wales Human Research Ethics Committee (HC220107).
Participant involvement
Prospective participants (GPs) were involved in the design of this research. An advisory group of GPs was established to oversee the design of the survey instrument and methods of recruitment. All participating GPs were notified of the results of the study via email.
Participants and screening
Participants were GPs working in Australia who reported that they were treating adolescents aged between 12-17 years with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.
Participants were required to be a registered GP with the Australian Allied Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. AHPRA numbers were verified using the national register. Other verification checks included an item where participants had to provide correct Australian Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers and name their Primary Health Network (PHN). A total of 837 surveys were submitted, with 645 (77.1%) removed due to being identified as invalid, fraudulent, or duplicates (n=521), ineligible (n=62), incomplete (n=55), or completed too quickly (n=7). Fraudulent and duplicate responses were detected by comparing survey response details (i.e., email, IP addresses) and response patterns (item responses and speed of response) 38.
Researchers reviewed suspected fraudulent responses and discrepancies were resolved by a third rater. See Supplementary Material for more detail.
Recruitment and consent
GPs were recruited through paid social media campaigns, adverts posted to GP groups on social media, articles in GP magazines, promotions at GP conferences (Sydney, May 2022), and newsletters by Australian PHNs. Adverts directed GPs to the online survey where participants were invited to review the study information and complete the consent form prior to taking part in the survey. Full legitimate responders received a 50AUD e-gift voucher.
The survey was designed in partnership with an advisory group of GPs. The questions in the survey were exploratory in nature given the lack of research in this area. More detail and a copy of the full survey is provided in the Supplementary Material.
GP characteristics. Age, gender identity, location of work (state/territory, postcode), years of experience, employment status (full-time, part-time), and number of practices worked in were collected. GPs were asked how frequently they consulted with adolescent patients (aged 12- 17 years) in a typical work week; the proportion of their adolescent patient load that presented with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety; whether the proportion of their adolescent patients presenting with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety in the past 12 months had increased, remained stable/unchanged, or decreased; if they had completed any additional training in mental health and if so, had completed any training specifically in adolescent mental health; how often parents (or equivalent) accompanied adolescent patients to the consultations.
Referral and treatment for adolescent depression and anxiety and the impact of wait times. Using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from never (1) to always (5), GPs were asked to rate how often they referred or recommended a list of 19 mental health professionals (e.g. psychologists), services (e.g. headspace), or interventions (e.g. health behaviour change) to adolescent patients with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety with the option to provide any others that were not listed. GPs were then asked to estimate the approximate wait time (in days) for some of the rebated mental health services in Australia, which included psychologists, psychiatrists, headspace centres, CAMHS, and inpatient units. GPs were also asked to rate how acceptable they perceived the estimated wait times to be using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from not at all acceptable to acceptable. GPs were then asked to nominate what they considered to be an acceptable service wait time. GPs were asked to report whether they or their practice monitored wait times for the professionals or services that they referred to and how helpful knowledge on wait times would be for informing their treatment decisions. GPs were asked how often they (i) referred adolescent patients to different services because the most appropriate service had lengthy wait times and (ii) increased their level of involvement in their patient’s care because of lengthy wait times.
Using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ (1) to ‘strongly agree’ (5), GPs were asked to rate their agreement with a list of 16 statements of the outcomes of wait times on them (e.g. additional burden on duty of care) and their adolescent patients (e.g. increased treatment drop-out/discontinuation).
Care provided to adolescent patients while waiting for referred mental health treatment. Using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘not at all’ (1) to ‘extremely’ (5), GPs were asked to rate how important it was that they provided mental health strategies or resources to their adolescent patients while they waited for treatment. GPs were then provided with a list of 13
interventions (e.g. sleep hygiene) and asked how frequently they recommended each on a 5- point Likert scale ranging from ‘never’ (1) to ‘always’ (5). GPs could specify other interventions in a free response option. GPs were asked to describe the optimal intervention for adolescent patients during the wait time (free response). GPs were asked to reflect on their recent experiences of referring adolescent patients to treatment and services and rate the quality of the clinical support that they provided to these patients and their parents/guardians from ‘very poor’ (1) to ‘excellent’ (5). GPs were then asked to rate their own level of knowledge about what strategies and resources are most helpful for their adolescent patients during the wait time using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘no knowledge’ (1) to ‘superior knowledge’ (5).
Data analyses
The survey was administered using Qualtrics and stored on cloud storage systems hosted on UNSW servers in Australia. All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS (version 28). Geographical area was determined using participants’ postcode and the Australian Government’s Area classification system 39. Outliers for estimated wait time duration were removed if the estimate was greater than 2.5 years. Two outliers were removed. For the “select all that apply” items, percentages were calculated by dividing from the overall total number of responses. To compare routine care with wait time care, tallies for the related interventions were calculated and then collapsed appropriately (i.e., participants reporting ‘often or always’ for exercise, diet, or physical activity were collapsed into ‘lifestyle modification’ category). Free response options were examined using thematic analysis. Two independent raters reviewed all responses and disagreements were resolved by a third independent rater.
Sample characteristics
The sample consisted of 192 GPs. The majority were female (71.9%, n=138), working full-time (59.9%, n=115), based in a single practice (71.7%, n=137) in a metropolitan area (69.3%, n=133, see Supplementary Table 1 for more detail). On average, GPs were aged 42.18 years (SD: 10.39, range: 23 to 73) and had 11.61 years of experience (SD:9.91, range 0.5-50). The majority (66.6%; n=128) frequently treated adolescents aged 12 to 17 years in a typical working week and indicated that parents (or equivalent) were often or always (57.8%; n=111) present in consultations. The majority also reported that the proportion of their adolescent patient load with symptoms of depression and/or anxiety was moderate (45.8%; n=88) or high to very high (54.8%; n=88) and that this had increased in the past 12 months (79.7%; n=153). More than half (63.5%, n=122) had completed additional training in mental health but less than one-third (29.2%, n=56) had training in youth mental health. Of GPs who frequently treated adolescent patients on a weekly basis (n=84), only half (50.0%, n=42/84) had youth mental health training.
GPs’ referrals and recommendations for adolescents presenting with depressive and/or anxiety symptoms
Outlined in Table 1, almost all GPs (92.2%) always or often referred adolescents with depressive and/or anxiety symptoms to psychologists. Psychiatrists, paediatricians, and other health professionals were referred to less frequently, with approximately 5% of GPs reporting that they never referred these patients to paediatricians. Nearly 40% of GPs frequently referred these patients to headspace centres and 1 in 10 GPs also frequently referred to CAMHS. Support groups and structured therapy programs were referred to less frequently, with up to one third of GPs reporting that they never referred to these types of service providers.
In addition to referrals, GPs frequently recommended their adolescent patients with depressive and/or anxiety symptoms received ongoing GP care (87.6%). Nearly 1 in 10 GPs (8.9%) almost always or often prescribed medication. Only one third of these prescribing GPs (31.3%, n=5/16) also frequently (i.e., always or often) referred to psychiatrists. Of the GPs who reported any prescribing of medication (i.e., rarely, sometimes, often or always, n=187/192, 97.4%), only 22.5% (n=42/187) often or always referred these adolescents to a psychiatrist and only 29.4% (n=55/187) had received adolescent mental health training.
GPs also frequently recommended sleep hygiene (84.9%) and/or lifestyle modifications (82.3%) to adolescent patient with depressive and/or anxiety symptoms. Two- thirds recommended mental health websites (63.5%) and over half recommended other digital resources (54.7%). In the free response, some GPs also reported recommending social, family, or peer support (12.3%), mindfulness or meditation activities (8.2%), and pursuing additional medical investigations (e.g. blood tests) (5.5%) for adolescents with depressive and/or anxiety symptoms.
GPs’ knowledge of wait times for mental health treatment providers
Most GPs (85.9%; n=165) reported that knowledge of the wait times for mental health treatment providers would help to inform their treatment decisions, although nearly all (94.8%; n=182) did not actively track these. The few GPs that tracked wait times did so by contacting the services directly and by asking the patient about their wait time in a follow-up consultation.
When asked to estimate the wait times of the services that they most frequently referred to, GPs reported that psychiatrists, headspace centres, and psychologists had the longest wait times (see Table 2). GPs in metropolitan areas reported significantly higher estimated wait times for psychiatrists (MD: +43.0 days, t=3.26, df=173, p<.001) and CAMHS (MD: +36.1 days, t=2.74, df=101.8, p<.05) than GPs in regional/rural areas. No other differences between areas were found (all p=.370-.521, see Supplementary Material for more detail).
Most GPs reported that the wait times for psychiatrists (88.5%; n=170), psychologists (85.5%; n=164), headspace centres (55.7%; n=106), and CAMHS (52.6%; n=101) were unacceptable. The wait times that GPs nominated as being acceptable for these services ranged between one and four weeks (6.6 to 27.7 days) and were all significantly lower (all p < .001) than the estimated wait times.
The impact of wait times on GPs and their patients
Over two-thirds of GPs (69.8%; n=134) reported that they often or always chose to refer to a different service due to long wait times and the majority (81.8%; n=157) often or always had to increase their level of care. Shown in Table 3, almost all GPs reported that long wait times negatively impacted their professional burden and duty of care (95.8%). Two thirds (66.2%) also agreed that wait times led to an increased prescribing of mental health medication. Almost all GPs agreed that long wait times increased adolescents’ likelihood of treatment dropout (95.3%), worsened the adolescents’ condition through deteriorating symptoms (92.2%), increased the risk of self-harm and suicide (90.6%), and reduced future help-seeking (90.1%). GPs also noted in the free response that long wait times increased family/carer stress (10.5%), increased negative perceptions towards the healthcare system (7.3%), and increased patient costs (5.2%).
Almost all GPs (95.9%; n=184/192) felt it was very important to provide mental health strategies and resources to their adolescent patients while they waited for treatment. Most of the GPs described their knowledge of appropriate strategies and resources for the wait time as adequate (47.9%; n=92) or basic (38.0%; n=73).
Ongoing GP appointments (89.1%, n=171), sleep hygiene (84.9%, n=163), exercise/physical activity (84.4%, n=162), mindfulness (74.5%, n=143), and diet modifications (66.1%, n=127) were the interventions most frequently recommended by GPs to adolescent patients during the wait time (see Supplementary Table 4). Over half of the GPs also frequently recommended mental health websites (67.7%, n=130) or other digital resources such as web-based programs (50.6%, n=97) or mobile apps (55.2%, n=106). In the free response, GPs also recommended social support resources (21.1%) and relaxation activities (e.g. meditation, reading, listening to music, 19.7%).
GPs rated the quality of clinical support that they provided to adolescents during the wait time as fair (35.4%; n=68, good (50.0%; n=96) or excellent (6.8%, n=13). Similar findings were reported for the quality of care provided to parents (or equivalent) (fair: 43.8%; n=84, good: 41.1%; n=79, excellent: 5.2%, n=10). As shown in Table 4, many of the interventions recommended by GPs for use during the wait time were interventions already used by GPs in routine care, with some exceptions. The frequency of medication prescribing almost doubled during the wait time when compared to routine care (14.6% versus 8.3%, respectively). Only 29.6% (n=55/186) of the GPs who reported any prescribing of medication during the wait time (i.e., rarely, sometimes, often or always, n=186/192, 96.7%) had received training specifically in youth mental health. There was also more frequent use of digital mental health interventions (+10.4%) and psycho-education handouts (+11.4%) by GPs during the wait time.
When asked to describe the optimal intervention for adolescents waiting for mental health treatment, GPs suggested ongoing GP appointments (30.7%), digital interventions (28.1%), lifestyle modifications (14.6%), multi-disciplinary support from other mental health or allied health professionals (13.5%) and check-ins (13.0%).
This survey explored GPs’ experiences of wait times for mental health treatment and services for adolescent patients with depression and/or anxiety in Australia, GPs’ estimates of wait times and the perceived impacts of these on their adolescent patients as well as their perspectives on acceptable wait times. Almost all GPs frequently referred adolescents with depression and/or anxiety to psychologists while also recommending lifestyle interventions. These practices are consistent with Australia’s clinical guidelines for depression and anxiety in adolescents 8,9,40 and the default referral pathways of GPs in prior research 33,41. However, almost all GPs reported that they had little formal knowledge of the wait times for the services that they referred adolescents to. The mean estimated wait time for psychologists was two months and this did not differ between geographical areas, although was lower than the 3-month average reported by Australian adolescents 14. The mean estimated wait time for psychiatrists exceeded four months and was higher in rural areas. However, there were high levels of variance in wait time estimates between the GPs and across all service, which may not be solely attributed to regionality. There was also variability in the proposed acceptable wait times. Unsurprisingly, on average, GPs reported that acceptable wait times for acute services (e.g. in-patient units) should be less than one week whereas up to two weeks would be acceptable for psychologists and up to one month for psychiatrists. Overall, the majority of GPs felt that the wait times for almost all mental health treatments and services in Australia were currently unacceptable and should be no more than one month for any service. These findings signify major discrepancies between GPs’ preferences for treatment availability in Australia and what they see as the experience of their adolescent patients with depression and/or anxiety who they have referred to specialist care.
GPs agreed that long wait times exacerbated the poor mental health of adolescents, and that they had an instrumental role in supporting these patients during the wait time. These findings are consistent with the viewpoints of Australian adolescents 14. However, many of the interventions recommended by GPs during the wait time were the same interventions recommended in routine care. This suggests that GPs were not introducing strategies or supports specifically to address the needs of adolescents while they waited for treatment. While it may be possible that some GPs accounted for long wait times in their routine care by initiating follow up appointments and encouraging self-management, this is unlikely given that almost all GPs had little knowledge of wait times or wait time-specific strategies.
However, one notable change emerged. Many GPs reported that long wait times increased their prescribing of mental health medication to their adolescent patients with depression/anxiety, with the frequency of medication use in the wait time almost double that in routine care and many who had prescribed medication had done so without referring to a psychiatrist or training in adolescent mental health. While the latter is likely to be due to the poor availability of psychiatrists, these findings indicate that many GPs who routinely treated adolescents with depression/anxiety may lack the expertise to appropriately prescribe anti- depressant medication to this age group, particularly during the wait time when other care is not yet in place 8. Future research should confirm this treatment pattern using objective data, given that antidepressant prescribing in Australia has already been found to be inconsistent with clinical treatment guidelines 42 10. Furthermore, although lifestyle interventions for depression are included in clinical guidelines 8, future research would benefit from clarifying whether GPs carefully assessed the suitability of these for their adolescent patients. Physical activity has been found to be the least preferred brief intervention among adolescent help- seekers 43 and the increased prevalence of disordered eating among depressed adolescents 7 may also lead to some behaviour change advice being contraindicated. Brief screening tools for high risk behaviours and symptoms may help GPs to ensure that any health behaviour change advice, particularly for disordered eating focuses on functional nutrition and movement rather than weight loss.
Most of the GPs had increased their involvement in patient care due to long wait times, which had a negative impact on their professional wellbeing. This is consistent with prior research, where many GPs have described themselves as “ethically stressed and frustrated” when unable to adequately manage the mental health needs of their patients 44. Future work may benefit from exploring how professional support for GPs can be strengthened when their adolescent patients are experiencing significant mental health treatment delays. Specialised training in youth mental health and wait time management strategies may be one potential way to increase GPs confidence in managing the wait time, given that only half of the participating GPs had training in adolescent mental health. Greater knowledge of service availability among GPs may also help them to direct referrals more appropriately and reduce wait times for their patients. Fostering greater dialogue and collaboration between the professionals making and accepting referrals may help to improve timely access to treatment by helping to (i) identify the professionals who are available within an acceptable period and (ii) ensure that the adolescents do indeed qualify for the referred service 21. Information-sharing between local psychologists and GPs on who can accept new referrals should be prioritised, given they are the most commonly used and many have been at capacity since the pandemic 45. Future research should also target psychologists and other treatment providers with long wait times to examine how often they see adolescents after a long wait who could have been referred to a more appropriate provider or one with less wait, and whether there are specific case presentations or help-seeking profiles that are more likely to be on unhelpful referral pathways. As mentioned, screening tools may also support GPs in ensuring that their adolescent patients are indeed waiting for the right treatment provider.
Digital referral systems have also been found to enable greater real-time tracking of service capacity at a localised level when compared to paper-based referrals 46,47. Digital systems for mental health have already been shown to be acceptable to GPs 48, increase patients’ uptake of low intensity interventions for depression 49, and enable smarter service planning and co- ordination of care when integrated and utilised 50,51. The Australian Government has recently implemented a new digital Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR- DST) in general practices to provide a standardised, objective approach to the assessment and treatment of mental health conditions 52. Future research should examine whether this type of approach supports more timely access to mental health treatment and services for adolescents in Australia. Lastly, family carers may be an underutilised support for GPs and adolescents during the wait time, given that many parents are often present at appointments and immediately available 53. While parents have reported their own preferences for care during the wait time 54, future work should endeavour to bring GPs, adolescents, and their carers together to design a cooperative approach to wait time care that not only meets the psychological needs of adolescents but also strengthens family support and the capacity of GPs to provide high quality care.
This study is the first to examine the impact of wait times on GPs’ treatment and referral patterns for adolescent mental health in Australia. This study may not adequately represent the diversity of GPs across Australia or capture the full spectrum of challenges or treatment practices used by GPs due to the small sample size. Future studies should aim to incorporate objective or patient-reported data to validate some of the patterns that emerged in our findings. Although our findings are also generally consistent with cross-national data, different results may be found in other countries with different healthcare systems. Future research should explore other patient characteristics or profiles that may be at greater risk of negative effects during the wait time, such as developmental needs, socio-economic disadvantage and parental separation 55. Additionally, qualitative methods, such as semi-structured interviews, may provide a richer scope of understanding of the impact of wait times on GPs and their rationale for treatment selection41.
This study highlights the limited knowledge of service wait times for mental health treatment among GPs in Australia despite their frequent referrals. referrals. Broader efforts to reduce service wait times must continue, particularly for psychologists and psychiatrists. Our findings further confirm the need for specialised professional development and training in adolescent mental health for GPs in Australia 21. GPs would also benefit from greater knowledge and training of targeted strategies for supporting adolescents’ psychological wellbeing during the wait time. Other recommendations include improving the communication and collaboration between primary care and referred services, more effectiveness studies on mobile apps for the self-management of mental health during the wait time and greater utilisation of family carers during the wait time. Further research in this area will help to enhance the positive and protective help-seeking relationships between GPs and adolescents.
Declaration of funding and/or competing interests
This research was supported by a generous donation from the Buxton Family Foundation, Australian Unity, the Frontiers Technology Clinical Academic Group Industry Connection Seed Funding Scheme, and the UNSW Medicine, Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction Theme and SPHERE Clinical Academic Group Collaborative Research Funding. BOD is supported by an NHMRC MRFF Investigator Fellowship (MRF1197249). AEW is supported by an NHMRC Investigator Fellowship (2017521). This work is supported by a NHMRC MRFF Million Minds Grant (MRF2035416).
Author contributions
BOD conceived the project and prepared all funding proposals with support from MSK, BP, AEW, BHR. BOD, BP, BHR, and TB led the development of the survey. BP, TB, MSK and EL provided research and operational support. MSK, TB, and BV analysed the data with statistical support from PJB. NG, JN, AEW, MT, TAB, and FI were chief investigators of some of the funding and provided scientific oversight. BOD and BV wrote the first draft of the manuscript with all authors providing feedback. All authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the Chief Investigator bridianne.odea{at}flinders.edu.au
We have revised the manuscript title, abstract, and objectives to clarify the aims and focus of the study. We have reduced some of the tables and updated some of the citations.