Plasmodium malariae is geographically widespread but neglected and may become more prevalent as P. falciparum declines. We completed the largest genomic study of African P. malariae to-date by performing hybrid capture and sequencing of 77 isolates from Cameroon (n=7), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (n=16), Nigeria (n=4), and Tanzania (n=50) collected between 2015 and 2021. There is no evidence of geographic population structure. Nucleotide diversity was significantly lower than in co-localized P. falciparum isolates, while linkage disequilibrium was significantly higher. Genome-wide selection scans identified no erythrocyte invasion ligands or antimalarial resistance orthologs as top hits; however, targeted analyses of these loci revealed evidence of selective sweeps around four erythrocyte invasion ligands and six antimalarial resistance orthologs. Demographic inference modeling suggests that African P. malariae is recovering from a bottleneck. Altogether, these results suggest that P. malariae is genomically atypical among human Plasmodium spp. and panmictic in Africa.
Plasmodium malariae is a neglected malaria parasite species with a broad but irregular global distribution1 and the ability to cause persistent infections2. Parasite densities are typically lower than Plasmodium falciparum3 and most infections involve multiple species3. While P. malariae causes less severe clinical disease than P. falciparum, it can still be deadly owing to severe complications such as glomerulonephritis and/or anemia4–6. Prevalence estimates in sub-Saharan Africa vary, but may rival P. falciparum in some settings3,7–11, with a particularly high contribution to malaria morbidity during the dry season in areas with seasonal transmission12. Evidence from Tanzania suggests that as control measures reduce P. falciparum cases, P. malariae may become more prevalent13, as has occurred with P. knowlesi in Malaysia14 and P. vivax in the Solomon Islands15 and elsewhere16.
P. malariae is most closely related to non-human primate malarias found throughout African apes, as well as Plasmodium brasilianum, which may represent a recent anthroponosis17. These species form a distinct clade from other human Plasmodium spp.17. While the P. malariae genome is incomplete, it shares many 1-1 orthologous genes with P. falciparum, including genes that are putatively implicated in antimalarial resistance and erythrocyte invasion based on their P. falciparum orthologs18. Though genetic studies of P. malariae are extremely limited and only one incomplete reference genome is available, previous analyses suggest that it experienced a bottleneck after spilling over from non-human apes to humans17.
To date, genomic analysis of P. malariae has been limited. A recent microsatellite study of 75 P. malariae isolates from seven African countries identified no geographic structure, high diversity among the microsatellite markers, and strong linkage disequilibrium (LD)19. Microsatellite markers also showed higher diversity in African P. malariae than South American and Asian populations19. A single previous whole-genome sequencing study of P. malariae leveraged selective whole-genome amplification of 18 isolates from sub-Saharan Africa and Thailand. This study identified that the Thai isolates clustered independently from the African isolates in a maximum-likelihood phylogeny20. The study also identified mutations in the putative antimalarial resistance genes dihydrofolate reductase (pmdhfr), dihydropteroate synthase (pmdhps), and multridrug resistance protein 1 (pmmdr1)20.
To improve understanding of the population genetics and demographic history of P. malariae, we conducted the largest genomic analysis of P. malariae in Africa to-date, incorporating 77 whole genomes generated using a custom hybrid capture protocol. These 77 isolates span four high-transmission African countries: Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, and Tanzania. These genomes were used to characterize the P. malariae population in Africa, and compared to P. falciparum from similar geographic regions.
High sequencing coverage of African P. malariae isolates
Of 81 genomic DNA samples that underwent hybrid capture enrichment and sequencing, 77 yielded usable sequences and were used for downstream genomic analysis. These 77 samples include 7 samples from Cameroon, 16 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 4 from Nigeria, and 50 from Tanzania. Tanzanian samples spanned 14 regions across Tanzania.Enrichment was overall highly successful, but a lower proportion of P. malariae reads were extracted from lower density samples (Supplemental Figure 1). In the 77 samples that were successfully enriched and sequenced, sequencing coverage was high, with the mean coverage across all chromosomes surpassing 50-fold (Supplemental Figure 2). Forty samples (51.9%) had >50X coverage across all chromosomes, 58 samples (75.3%) had >20X coverage across all chromosomes, and 67 samples (87.0%) had >10X coverage across all chromosomes. A total of 178,179 high-quality SNPs were identified following quality and missingness filtering and repeat masking (see Methods).
Low complexity of infection
Complexity of infection (COI) was estimated using coiaf21 and was compared to that of 662 geographically matched P. falciparum isolates from the publicly available MalariaGEN Pf7 dataset 22 (Figure 1). The majority (92.2%, n = 71) of P. malariae isolates were monoclonal (COI= 1). Among the remaining six polyclonal samples, all but one contained two clones, while the remaining sample was estimated to contain three clones. By contrast, polyclonal infections were significantly (ANOVA F = 12.5, p < 0.001, df = 1) more common in P. falciparum. Of 662 geographically matched P. falciparum isolates, only 384 (58.0%) were monoclonal, while the remaining 278 (42.0%) were polyclonal. Infection by two clones was the most common form of P. falciparum polyclonal infection (71.6%, n = 199), similar to P. malariae. While country of origin was significantly associated with COI (F = 2.90, p = 0.034, df = 3), the interaction between species and country was not (F = 1.08, p = 0.340, df = 2). A Tukey post-hoc test identified no significant differences in COI by country within species.
Low nucleotide diversity
Among 3,763 candidate one-to-one orthologs between P. malariae and P. falciparum, 1,377 ortholog pairs were retained for nucleotide diversity (π) analysis following masking for coverage and repetitive regions (see Methods). The average π in P. malariae was 1.72 x 10-4, significantly lower (t = -113, p < 0.001, df = 5340) than the average π in P. falciparum, which was 6.11 x 10-3 (Figure 2A). SNP density was also lower in P. malariae than P. falciparum(Supplemental Figure 3).
High linkage disequilibrium (LD)
LD was calculated in PLINK23 for both P. malariae and the geographically matched P. falciparum isolates. Mean R2 values supporting linkage were plotted by distance between base pairs for both species (Figure 2B). While the mean R2 is higher in P. falciparum for distances < 5 bp (see Figure 2B inset), it is consistently higher in P. malariae at distances ≥ 5 bp. This difference in LD between the two species is highly significant (t = -108, p < 0.001, df = 73,920).
No evidence of population structure or geographic differentiation
Principal component analysis (PCA) of the 71 monoclonal P. malariae isolates shows no clear structure and no clear relationship between geography and genetic relatedness among isolates, as well as low explanatory value, likely pointing to the lack of genetic variation (Figure 3). Discriminant PCA (DAPC) identified seven population clusters, three clusters with multiple samples and four singletons, as the most likely possibility according to the Bayes Information Criterion, but these putative clusters do not correspond to geography (Supplemental Figure 4). ADMIXTURE calculated a lower cross-validation error for K=2 (0.244) than K=1 (0.260), but again the putative populations do not correspond to geography (Supplemental Figure 5). Finally, a genetic distance matrix identified three distinct clusters, but these clusters also do not correspond to geography and are not borne out in a maximum-likelihood phylogeny(Supplemental Figure 6).
P. malariae is recovering from a genetic bottleneck
In the absence of compelling evidence for population structure within African P. malariae populations, we performed demographic inference modeling to identify the most likely history of this population. Of the five models tested (Figure 4, the “three epoch” model, indicating recovery from a bottleneck, was the best fit for African P. malariae based on both log likelihood (LL) and the composite-likelihood Akaike Information Criterion (CL-AIC) (Supplemental Table 1).
Selective sweeps in orthologs of blood-stage vaccine target and putative antimalarial resistance genes
Genome-wide scans to detect selection identified numerous genes across the genome substantially deviating from neutral expectations. Genome-wide Tajima’s D scans across both genes and exons identified a negative skew (average D = -1.03 and -0.99, respectively), consistent with expectations of population expansion following a bottleneck, or potentially indicating directional selection and/or sweep. However, contrary to our expectations, none of the top hits identified by genome-wide nSL or Tajima’s D scans were red blood cell (RBC) invasion ligands or putative antimalarial resistance genes, other than P. malariae myosin A (myoA)24, which has a Tajima’s D value < -2 when scanning across exons, consistent with directional selection (Supplemental Figure 7, Supplemental Figure 8, Supplemental Table 2, Supplemental Table 3, Supplemental Table 4).
As such, we adopted a candidate gene approach to scan specific genes of interest due to their putative role in RBC invasion or antimalarial resistance. These genes included apical membrane antigen 1 (ama1), chloroquine resistance transporter (crt), circumsporozoite protein (csp), bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (dhfr-ts), hydroxymethyldihydropterin pyrophosphokinase-dihydropteroate synthase (pppk-dhps), Kelch13 (K13), liver surface antigen 1 (lsa1), multidrug resistance protein 1 (mdr1), multidrug resistance protein 2 (mdr2), multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (mrp1), multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (mrp2), merozoite surface protein 1 (msp1), ookinete surface protein P25 (P25), 6-cysteine protein P48/45 (P48/45), and thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (TRAP). For each of these genes, we performed McDonald-Kreitman (MK) tests to detect evidence of directional selection, as well as all of the tests incorporated in the DH software package to identify evidence of sweep.
A significant MK result was found for lsa1, but no other genes. lsa1 also had the second-highest direction of selection, 0.184, which is consistent with weak positive selection (Table 1).
However, significant D, H, and DH values were identified for six, nine, and ten genes, respectively (Table 2). Significant DH p-values consistent with selective sweep were calculated for the RBC invasion genes ama1, lsa1, msp1, and trap. DH results suggestive of sweep were also found in the putative antimalarial resistance genes crt, dhfr-ts, pppk-dhps, mdr1, mrp1, and mrp2.
We present the largest genomic study of P. malariae in Africa to-date, enabling a comprehensive analysis of this neglected malaria pathogen in the four high-transmission countries of Cameroon, DRC, Nigeria, and Tanzania. Using hybrid-capture enrichment, we successfully sequenced 77 samples, 71 of which were monoclonal and therefore included in further, more comprehensive analyses. Our study finds that P. malariae population genomics differ substantially from those of other human malaria species, including P. falciparum isolates from the same countries, with markedly low nucleotide diversity, no geographic population structure, high linkage disequilibrium, and no erythrocyte invasion ligands or antimalarial resistance gene orthologs identified in genome-wide selection scans. This suggests P. malariae may rely on markedly different strategies to persist in human populations, perhaps related to its ability to persist in human hosts undetected for months to years.
As has been seen in other non-falciparum species, COI was significantly lower in P. malariae than in P. falciparum isolates from the same countries. This trend was also observed in African P. ovale spp. infections25, and may reflect the lower prevalence and lighter transmission intensity of these non-falciparum species. In P. malariae, low COI may also correspond to its low genetic diversity and/or frequent transmission of the same clones. It is also notable that P. malariae has most often been detected as part of mixed infections with P. falciparum7–10.
In contrast to P. ovale curtisi25 and P. vivax26, P. malariae exhibits significantly lower nucleotide diversity than P. falciparum when comparing 1-1 orthologs. While a similar trend is also observed in P. ovale wallikeri25, the magnitude of the difference in P. malariae is much greater. The extremely low nucleotide diversity within P. malariae is likely a relic of the relatively recent bottleneck that occurred following zoonosis from the non-human primates where P. malariae originated17 and corresponds to a low effective population size (Ne). The lingering impacts of this bottleneck and corresponding low Ne are also reflected in the apparent lack of geographic population structure within African P. malariae. That lack of geographic population structure is supported by the failure of multiple methods to identify a consistent and parsimonious trend, including PCA, DAPC, ADMIXTURE, and maximum likelihood phylogenetics. Further support comes from the high linkage disequilibrium observed across the P. malariae genome; this delayed decay of LD over distances in the P. malariae genome suggests fewer recombination events between diverse strains over time.
While our analyses provide strong support for P. malariae experiencing a recent bottleneck, they also indicate that it is currently in recovery. The average genome-wide Tajima’s D value is negative, which is consistent with recovery from a bottleneck and/or selective sweep. We find significant evidence of selective sweep in genes of interest, as well as strong evidence from demographic inference modeling that P. malariae is in the recovery phase, with the three-epoch model having the best fit. Specifically, within P. malariae, that model could imply 1) an ancient population of non-human primate parasites that 2) experienced a severe bottleneck due to spilling over to human hosts and finally 3) began to recover from that bottleneck. While the African P. malariae population is still low in diversity and lacking in population structure, the model and our results suggest that Ne is on an upward trajectory.
P. malariae is highly unusual among human malaria parasites in that genome-wide selection scans identified neither erythrocyte invasion ligands nor antimalarial resistance orthologs as sites of notable balancing or directional selection using Tajima’s D and nSL. This difference is particularly notable in contrast with African P. ovale spp. from some of the same study regions, where multiple such genes had some of the highest values for both statistics25. However, the candidate gene approach detected signatures of selection in four erythrocyte invasion ligands (pmama1, pmlsa1, pmmsp1, and pmtrap) and six antimalarial resistance orthologs (pmcrt, pmdhfr-ts, pmpppk-dhps, pmmdr1, pmmrp1, and pmmrp2). The lack of identification of these genes in genome-wide scans may be due to the bottleneck recovery, along with the remarkably high LD in P. malariae.
Of the genes analyzed with the candidate gene approach, only pmlsa1 shows evidence of positive selection. This trend is unusual given that erythrocyte invasion ligands in other human Plasmodium spp. typically show evidence of balancing selection25,27,28. This finding may, however, reflect the susceptibility of the McDonald-Kreitman test to bias from demographic factors and slightly deleterious mutations29,30. Nonetheless, the signatures of selective sweep in pmlsa1, as well as signatures of positive selection at four erythrocyte invasion ligands point to a consistent trend within P. malariae. This sweep may have arisen as part of the process of adapting to human hosts following the zoonotic event, in which case mutations in either these genes or those with which they are linked would likely have provided a selective advantage.However, it is also possible that the sweep stems from the bottleneck itself, particularly if there has been more than one severe bottleneck31.
Selective sweep in the antimalarial resistance orthologs is more precedented25,32–34 within other Plasmodium spp. Given that P. malariae is most commonly found in mixed-species infections, it is subject to drug pressure like P. falciparum. However, as with the erythrocyte invasion ligands, it is also possible that sweep in these antimalarial resistance orthologs is more related to bottleneck recovery than to drug pressure.
This study is subject to several limitations. As with all Plasmodium genomic studies, our ability to perform robust enrichment and high-coverage sequencing was limited by parasitemia, meaning that we could only thoroughly analyze relatively high-density infections. However, the hybrid capture enrichment method is able to enrich much lower density infections than direct sequencing. Second, sampling for the parent studies was not nationally representative. While we have samples spanning 14 regions of mainland Tanzania, the geographic spread of the other three countries in this analysis is restricted to specific regions. While it is possible that we have failed to detect population structure that would only be apparent with the inclusion of samples from other regions, such as West Africa, the Horn of Africa, and Southern Africa, the observed lack of population differentiation between such disparate locations as coastal Tanzania and Nigeria suggests that such structure would be weakly geographically correlated if present at all. In addition, a previous microsatellite study that includes isolates from West Africa found the same lack of geographic separation19. Third, the incomplete nature of the available P. malariae genome assembly used both to design our RNA baits and to align sequencing reads, may have led us to miss variants and trends in biologically important regions of the genome which are currently not assembled in chromosomes. Fourth, the study design used for collection of these isolates varied, which may have introduced unexpected biases. Finally, the comparatively low positivity rates for P. malariae as compared to P. falciparum inherently limit which samples can be used for analysis. Nevertheless, this study remains the largest conducted to-date and enables genomic analyses across multiple geographies and populations.
This study augments our understanding of the population genomics and demographic history of the largely neglected malaria parasite, P. malariae, in Africa. As has been suggested by other studies, we find that P. malariae is a genomically atypical human malaria parasite, likely owing to the impact of a zoonotic spillover event and associated genetic bottleneck in its past. The lack of geographic population structure within Africa and the extremely low nucleotide diversity present unique challenges for genomic surveillance and molecular epidemiology, as they are likely to complicate efforts to track importation and transmission networks. While P. malariae is currently a relatively minor problem in Africa, there is evidence that this may change in the future13,35–38. As such, it may become desirable to tailor national drug strategies and/or design vaccines to target P. malariae as well as P. falciparum, in addition to monitoring the impact of interventions targeting P. falciparum on the P. malariae population. Such efforts will need to contend with the selective sweeps identified in many of the relevant loci. While there are limited studies of P. malariae genomics within Africa, there are even fewer elsewhere. Evidence of population differentiation between African and Thai isolates suggest that other malaria-endemic regions may not necessarily exhibit the same trends seen in this analysis. As such, epidemiological as well as genomic studies in Asia and the Americas are warranted.
DNA was isolated from 16,596 blood samples from six malaria studies conducted across sub-Saharan Africa using standard Chelex methods39. Samples were either dried blood spots or whole blood samples leukodepleted at the time of collection by CF11 filtration40. DNA isolates were screened by real-time polymerase chain reaction for amplification of the P. malariae 18S rRNA gene (Table 3), as described elsewhere11. Positive samples were considered for sequencing based on geographic diversity and amplification of the 18S rRNA gene before 36 cycles.
Library preparation and sequencing
Selected DNA isolates were fragmented enzymatically and underwent library preparation using the Twist Library Preparation EF 2.0 kit (Twist Bioscience, South San Francisco, CA). Libraries then underwent parasite DNA enrichment using a custom-designed Twist hybridization capture protocol using 280,042 RNA baits specifically designed to amplify P. malariae genomic DNA across the full genome without reacting with background human DNA. Enriched samples were then amplified, purified, and submitted for Illumina short-read 150bp sequencing on the NovaSeq 6000 S4-XP system with paired-end chemistry.
Sequencing data alignment and variant calling
fastqc v0.12.1 (https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/) was used to check the quality of raw sequencing reads before trimming sequencing adapters using Trim Galore v0.6.7 (https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/trim_galore/). Trimmed reads were then competitively aligned to the P. malariae (PmUG01 strain), P. falciparum (Pf3D7), and Homo sapiens (Hg38 strain) using BBSplit within BBMap v38.96 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/bbmap/). Reads that best aligned to the P. falciparum and H. sapiens genomes were discarded, and the remaining reads were then aligned to the PmUG01 reference genome with bwa-mem2 v2.2.146. picard v2.26.11 (https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/) was then used to sort and deduplicate reads before variant calling with GATK v4.5.0.047. Coverage statistics were calculated using samtools v1.2048,49.
Variants were called across each sample following the GATK best practices pipeline47. Variants were called using gVCF mode of the Haplotype Caller function within each chromosome of each individual sample before calling variants across all samples50. SNPs were then filtered with GATK if they met the following thresholds: quality by depth <2.5, Fisher strand bias >10, mapping quality >50, mapping quality rank sum <-2.5, read position rank sum <-2.5. The resulting filtered VCF was then filtered to biallelic SNPs using bcftools v1.2.049 and SNPs with greater than 20% missingness were excluded with vcftools v0.1.1551. SNPs falling within the hypervariable PIRs and SNPs within tandem repeats as identified by Tandem Repeats Finder v4.09.152 were masked in vcftools. Finally, only SNPs within the 14 chromosomes were retained for further analysis, with all SNPs on the mitochondrion, apicoplast, and extrachromosmal contigs excluded with bcftools.
Selection of matched P. falciparum samples
For comparison with sympatric Plasmodium falciparum parasites, whole-genome sequencing data from 384 P. falciparum isolates from the same countries of origin as the P. malariae isolates (121 from Cameroon, 93 from DRC, and 170 from Tanzania -while Nigerian data were available, the Cameroonian data were more geographically proximate to the Nigerian P. malariae isolates) were selected from the publicly-available Pf7 dataset22.
Nucleotide diversity
The OrthoMCL53 database implemented in PlasmoDB54 was used to identify orthologous protein-coding genes between the P. malariae and P. falciparum, and 3,763 one-to-one orthologs were analyzed to compare nucleotide diversity between the two species. Orthologs were masked based on the masking steps outlined above and also excluded if they were found outside of the P. falciparum core genome. In addition, ortholog pairs were excluded unless 60% of samples of each species had ≥ 5X coverage of the gene at least every 10 base pairs. Of the 3,763 candidate orthologs, 1,377 unmasked ortholog pairs were retained for final analyses. Nucleotide diversity (π) was then calculated in vcftools over each ortholog in each species, and the distribution of π by species was compared with a Student’s t-test.
Linkage disequilibrium and complexity of infection
Linkage disequilibrium across genomic intervals in each species was calculated using PLINK v1.90b7.223 with 100 bp windows and a minor allele frequency cutoff of 0.01. Complexity of infection was estimated for each isolate using coiaf v0.1.221 with a minor allele frequency cutoff of 0.05. Data visualizations were constructed in R v4.2.255.
Population Structure and Demography
vcfdo (https://github.com/IDEELResearch/vcfdo) was used to calculate within sample allele frequency (WSAF) among monoclonal samples, then filtered to SNPs with WSAF equal to 0 or 1, as heterozygous calls in monoclonal haploid infections are likely to represent sequencing errors or paralogous misalignments. Principal component analysis (PCA) of monoclonal isolates was performed in PLINK. Population structure among monoclonal isolates was also assessed using ADMIXTURE v1.3.056, discriminant PCA in adegenet v2.1.1057,58, genetic distance in fastreeR (https://github.com/gkanogiannis/fastreeR), and maximum likelihood phylogeny in RAxML Next Generation v1.2.2 (https://github.com/amkozlov/raxml-ng) following format conversion using vcf2phylip v2.8 (https://github.com/edgardomortiz/vcf2phylip).Demographic history was initially inferred using donni59 to determine rough estimates for one-population model parameters using the following models implemented in ∂a∂i60: “bottlegrowth_1d”, “growth”, “snm_1d”, “two_epoch”, and “three_epoch”. The 95% confidence intervals (CI) from the donni output were then used as bounds for optimization in dadi-cli61.Because of the high linkage in P. malariae62, model fit was compared using the composite likelihood Akaike Information Criterion (CL-AIC)63,64, calculated in a custom R script. To perform this calculation, the Godambe Information Matrix62 script in dadi-cli was modified to extract the H and J matrices for the 95% CI with 0.01 step size. All converged optimizations from the best fit file for each model were then used to determine median log likelihood values and median demographic parameter estimates.
Signatures of Selection
Among monoclonal isolates of each species, nSL65 was calculated at each SNP using selscan v2.2.066 and the SNPs with absolute values in the top 0.5% were intersected with the PmUG01 genome annotation using the ape v5.867, GenomicRanges v1.50.268, and plyranges v1.18.069 Rpackages. Tajima’s D was calculated in windows of 300 bp with a 10bp step size across the entire genome with vcftools; the top 0.5% (absolute value) of windows were analyzed as above.
To detect signs of selection within blood-stage vaccine target orthologs and antimalarial resistance gene orthologs (ama1, crt, csp, dhfr-ts, Kelch13, lsa1, mdr1, mdr2, mrp1, mrp2, msp1, p25, p48-45, pppk-dhps, trap), bcftools was used to generate fasta sequences for both coding sequences (CDS) and full gene sequences for each gene within each isolate for both P. malariae and P. falciparum, then sequences were aligned using MAFFT v7.49070. The CDS alignments were imported into DnaSP v6.12.0371, where the McDonald-Kreitman72 test for positive selection was calculated. Because the neutrality index is subject to bias, we calculated and reported direction of selection (DoS) instead73. The full sequence alignments of P. malariae sequences with one randomly selected P. falciparum outgroup sequence were analyzed with the Readms module of DH (https://github.com/drkaizeng/publications-and-software/blob/main/dh/dh.zip), which calculates Tajima’s D74, Fay and Wu’s H75, a p-value for the DH test76, and the E test76 over 10,000 coalescent simulations. The DH test is unique in its sensitivity to selective sweeps and insensitivity to demographic forces, whereas Tajima’s D and Fay and Wu’s H are both prone to demographic bias76.
Data Availability
Parasite sequence data is available through SRA (BioProject ID PRJNA1157442).
Data availability
Parasite sequence data is available through SRA (BioProject ID PRJNA1157442).
Code availability
Code used for analysis is available from GitHub at https://github.com/IDEELResearch/PmPopGen
Ethics declarations
As part of the parent studies from which samples were derived, written informed consent, assent, and/or parental consent was obtained from all participants.Institutional review board approvals were obtained for parent studies as follows: Cameroon, from the Gambia Government/MRCG Joint Ethics Committee (REF SCC1626); DRC, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (IRB#: 14-0489) and the Kinshasa School of Public Health (ESP/CE/015/014); Nigeria, from the Cross River State Health Research Ethics Committee (REC No CRSMOH/RP/REC/2017/809). For the MSMT samples, the study protocol was submitted to the Tanzanian Medical Research Coordinating Committee (MRCC) of the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) for review and ethical approval, which was granted. The protocol was also submitted for review and approval by the ethics committee of WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, which was also granted. All research participants were asked and provided individual consent (or assent for children aged 7–17 years of age) for their participation in the survey and biobanking for future research. For children under the legal age of adulthood in Tanzania (< 18 years), consent was obtained from a parent or guardian. An informed consent form was developed in English and translated in Kiswahili and used to obtain consent both verbally and in writing from all participants. All participants agreed and signed the consent or assent form or provided a thumbprint in conjunction with the signature of an independent witness in case the study participant was illiterate. All experiments were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. For the GANC samples, the study protocol was approved by the National Health Research Ethics Sub-Committee (NatHREC) of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; Atlanta, GA, USA) institutional review board.
This work was supported, in part, by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [grant number 002202]. Under the grant conditions of the Foundation, a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Generic License has already been assigned to the Author Accepted Manuscript version that might arise from this submission. Data collection in Geita, Tanzania was funded by USAID/PMI through Jhpiego and CDC. This study was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) [T32AI007151 to Z.R.P-H.; T32AI070114 to R.S.; R01AI107949 and R01AI129812 to A.T.; R21 AI148579 to J.B.P. and J.T.L.; R01AI137395 and R21AI152260 to J. T. L.; R01AI132547 and K24AI134990 to J.J.J]. This work was supported through the DELTAS Africa initiative (DELGEME Grant 107740/Z/15/Z). The DELTAS Africa initiative is an independent funding scheme of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS)’s Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) and supported by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD) with funding from the Wellcome Trust (DELGEME Grant 107740/Z/15/Z) and the UK government.
Competing interests
JBP reports research support from Gilead Sciences, non-financial support from Abbott Laboratories, and consulting for Zymeron Corporation, all outside the scope of the current manuscript.
Kyaw Lay Thwai, Claudia Gaither, Meredith Muller, and Srijana Chhetri provided laboratory assistance at UNC. Andrew Guinness wrote the R function to calculate CL-AIC. Professor Martin Meremikwu (University of Calabar Teaching Hospital) and Dr. Dr Tobias Apinjoh (University of Buea) provided invaluable support for field collections in Nigeria and Cameroon, respectively. The authors wish to thank participants and parents or guardians of all children who took part in the studies which were undertaken. We appreciate the support of the in-country teams, and other colleagues including community and health facility staff who took part in data collection or laboratory processing of samples.
↵† Co-first authors