Latiné people differ markedly in our lived experiences in ways that are underappreciated. Meanwhile, variations in social experiences are known to be associated with differential health outcomes. We test whether immigration history is associated with health differences among U.S.-based Cuban refugees. Cubans from the circum-1980 Mariel Boatlift migration wave reported significantly higher instances of disability than Early Cuban Exiles, Freedom Flight refugees, and Special Period refugees. We also interviewed Miami-based Cubans. Participants described heightened discrimination in 1980s Cuba and U.S., which we hypothesize contributed to higher instances of disability refugees of that era. By understanding how differential social experiences shape health, we aim to provide a nuanced understanding of the social determinants of health and the ways adverse experiences can be combated.
One-Sentence Summary Even within a Latiné community from a single country of origin, we find that differential social experiences of immigrating to the U.S. are associated with variation in health outcomes.
Main Text
Severe health disparities exist among individuals of different racial groups, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses in the United States (1). Limited access to health resources (2), experienced marginalization (3), discrimination (4), and various other socio-economic factors are associated with higher rates of many diseases in minority populations (5).
Importantly, racial and ethnic groups are highly heterogeneous in their life experiences. Yet these groups are often homogenized in both public discourse and the scientific literature, undermining recognition of the potential contributions of this heterogeneity to morbidity and mortality. For example, terms like Hispanic and/or Latiné refer to a broad group of people who trace their ancestry to Spanish-speaking Latin-American countries and are composed of individuals from different genetic, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical backgrounds (6). Yet within the United States, Latiné populations have traditionally been treated and studied as a monolithic group (7).
Moreover, there is also substantial heterogeneity even within specific Latiné ethnic groups, which could result in differential health outcomes even among immigrants and their descendents from a single country of origin. In this study, we assess how immigration history and lived experiences factor into health outcomes among Cuban refugees in the United States. We ask: 1) Do health outcomes vary within and among different migration waves of Cubans to the United States? and 2) Are differential health outcomes within migration waves due to different lived experiences and environmental contexts? By understanding how differences in social experiences may relate to differences in health within one refugee/immigrant group, we model the importance of investigating heterogeneity within minority populations in the United States as a way to provide a rich and nuanced understanding of the social determinants of health and the ways these adverse experiences can be combated.
Cuban Migration to the United States
The movement of Cubans from Cuba to the United States has a long history, often punctuated by political events and economic conditions in Cuba (8). Here, we focus specifically on Cuban migration subsequent to the Cuban Communist Revolution of 1959. Post-revolutionary Cuban migration is often described as occurring in waves, each comprising the movements of individuals of distinct occupations, political positions, socioeconomic statuses, and races of Cubans to the U.S. (9–12). As Pedraza-Bailey (12) notes, “overall, the Cuban migration is characterized by an inverse correlation between date of departure and social class of the immigrants.” Even more severely, Bach (13) writes, “…there has been a total transplantation of the pre-revolutionary Cuban social structure to Miami, with all the implications of unequal wealth, power, and prestige.”
We aimed to test whether this heterogeneity is associated with differential health outcomes experienced by Cuban refugees living in the United States. The waves of interest for this study include: 1) Early Cuban Exiles (1959-1962), 2) Freedom Flights (1965-1973), 3) Mariel Boatlift (1980), and 4) The Special Period (1990 through the early 2000s). There is an additional wave, Operation Peter Pan, that was composed of over 14,000 Cuban children who were sent to the United States without a parent or guardian (14). In our analysis, we do not separate children that arrived during the Peter Pan flights into their own distinct wave, as they span from 1960 to 1962 and could not be distinguished from the Early Cuban Exiles migration wave in our dataset.
The Early Cuban Exiles were the first group of Cubans to leave after the Cuban Communist Revolution in 1959. These individuals were predominantly white, upper-, upper-middle, and middle-class Cubans who were the first beneficiaries of the Cuban Refugee Program, which, in part, sought to retrain medical professionals, teachers, and lawyers to be able to successfully continue their occupations within the United States (10, 15).
The second wave of migration, the Freedom Flights, occurred between 1965 and 1973, during which time Cubans with family members who had immigrated to the United States could leave the country and reunite with their relatives abroad (10). This immigration wave was primarily composed of individuals who were predominantly white and working-class.
In 1980, the Cuban government opened the port of Mariel in response to the Peruvian Havana Embassy Crisis of 1980, which allowed exiled Cubans to return and pick up their family members (9). Additionally, the Cuban government expelled individuals they deemed as “scum”, including any imprisoned individuals, those within psychiatric facilities, sex workers, and those who self-identified as queer (16). Cubans who came to the United States during the Mariel Boatlift were predominantly working-class and were more racially and ethnically diverse than previous waves, with this wave containing the highest percentage of Black and mestizo Cuban immigrants (10, 11).
The last wave - the Special Period - was disproportionately composed of Cubans of low-socioeconomic status (17). This wave did not include proportionally as many Afro-Cubans and mestizos as the Mariel Boatlift wave, and individuals typically traveled by rafts across the Caribbean Sea from Cuba to the Florida Keys (9).
Individuals from the Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift are more disabled than other Cuban migration/refugee waves
We initially analyzed survey data from Cuban-American participants in The National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS). The NLAAS is a population-based survey of Latiné and Asian American individuals across the United States, including Alaska and Hawai’i (18, 19). The purpose of the NLAAS is to collect information on the mental health needs and services used by individuals of Latiné and Asian descent, with a variety of additional data collected, including on socioeconomic variables, experiences of discrimination, and on physical health (20).
577 individuals within the NLAAS dataset at the time of our analysis were categorized as Cuban. We removed individuals from the sample that were born in the United States (N=86) and those whose migration year was ambiguous for wave categorization (N=25). Our final sample size for downstream analyses was 466, including 87 individuals categorized as Early Cuban Exiles, (mean age 62.49 ± 12.53), 105 individuals categorized as Freedom Flights (mean age 57.22 ± 13.88), 106 Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift individuals (mean age 51.72 ± 16.60) and 168 Special Period individuals (mean age 42.45 ± 15.60) (Fig 1; fig. S1).
Disability scores vary based on when Cubans came to the United States
We used several overall health measures present in the study to investigate health outcomes across Cuban migration waves. We specifically focused on measures of disability, as the consequences of adverse health may manifest in differences in an individual’s ability to function and participate in society (21). The disability measures used in this study include five of the six scores of the World Health Organization’s Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS) (22). WHODAS scores were generated using a 36-item instrument that measures the level of impairment of an individual within the last 30 days of taking the assessment. Level of impairment was measured across five domains (self-care, cognition, mobility, social interactions, and role functioning) and given a distinct score for each. Scores ranged from 0-100 with zero denoting no disability and 100 denoting full disability within each domain. We also created a sum disability score to capture an individual’s overall level of disability by adding together their five WHODAS scores.
We found that individuals from the Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift wave had sum disability scores (41.59 ± 81.76) that were 2.4x higher than the Early Cuban Exiles (17.14 ± 45.82, ANCOVA; p=0.020), 2x higher than the Freedom Flights (20.58 ± 53.38, p=0.045), and 2.5x higher than the Special Period (16.41 ± 44.13, p=0.0030) (Fig. 2). The Pre- and Post-Mariel wave also had significantly and >2x higher role functioning disability scores than the other migration waves (fig. S2). There was marginal significance in average self-care, cognition, mobility, and social interaction scores across Cuban refugee/migration waves, with individuals from the Pre-and Post-Mariel Boatlift having consistently higher scores across all domains (fig. S2).
We observed a similar pattern of more disability for Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift individuals when considering disability presence/absence rather than score (Fig. 3; Supp Material). Being part of the Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift wave significantly predicted disability presence across cognition scores (logistic regression; p=0.036), mobility scores (p=0.040), role functioning scores (p=0.029), and sum disability scores (p=0.018). Individuals in the Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift wave were 2.93x, 2.37x, 2.31x, and 2.31x more likely to have disability in cognition, mobility, and role functioning domains, and for the sum disability score, respectively (Fig. 3).
Medical and Everyday Discrimination
Experienced discrimination is known to be associated with adverse health outcomes (23). Among Cubans in the NLAAS, experienced Medical Discrimination (quantifying the amount of discrimination faced due to health problems within the last 30 days) significantly predicted the presence of disability within self-care scores (logistic regression; p=0.050), cognition scores (p=0.041), and social scores (p=0.023) (table, S2). Everyday Discrimination was marginally predictive of the sum disability score (p=0.091) and self-care scores (p=0.064), cognition scores (p=0.069), and social scores (p=0.073) (table, S2).
Medical discrimination was marginally significantly different across migration waves (ANCOVA, p=0.12; Fig 4A); individuals from the Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift reported experiencing the highest average level of discrimination (1.49 ± 1.12) relative to the Early Cuban Exiles (1.00 ± 0.00), the Freedom Flights (1.34 ± 0.83), and the Special Period (1.14 ± 0.47). Experienced Everyday Discrimination (quantifying daily unfair treatment within the last year) averages did not differ significantly across waves (ANCOVA, p=0.84) (Fig. 4B, fig. S3).
What was happening in Cuba and in the United States around 1980?
The results from this study suggest that Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift wave immigrants have had higher overall instances and severities of disability relative to other Cuban refugee/migration waves, even when accounting for age and other factors. Individuals from this wave were also more likely to have experienced higher levels of some forms of discrimination. Understanding the socio-political backdrop around the time of the Mariel Boatlift is thus essential to aid our understanding of how environmental variation may have been embodied by Cuban immigrants to contribute to the inter-wave health outcome disparities we observed.
Interviews conducted as part of an ongoing ethnographic study led by M.H. that aims to investigate differences in ancestry, health, and narratives of immigration of individuals of Cuban descent in South Florida help us begin to contextualize the results of our NLAAS analyses. Illustrative quotes from participants in this study are included in the below discussion.
Social crises in Cuba as push factors for immigration during the late 70s and early 80s
In the late 70s, Cuba experienced a severe economic crash (24). During this time, there was civil unrest, and Cubans rushed various embassies in Cuba as a way to seek asylum. One of these rushes, known as the Peruvian Havana Embassy Crisis of 1980, resulted in over 10,000 Cubans attempting to seek asylum in Peru.
In response to this crisis, on April 20, 1980, the Cuban government opened the port of Mariel and told the Cuban people that anyone that wished to leave may do so. Over the next six months, over 125,000 Cubans fled to the United States, predominantly through boats and ships. In addition to anyone who expressed interest in leaving (who were considered traitors), the Cuban government expressed that anyone they deemed as “scum” - including imprisoned and queer people, sex workers, and those in mental institutions - should also leave. Discrimination faced by these marginalized groups in Cuba, then potentially exacerbated by adverse social conditions and experiences in the United States, may have contributed to adverse health outcomes.
As one of the marginalized groups ostracized from the island, queer Cubans were a prevalent group migrating during the Mariel Boatlift. One participant who had many queer friends leave Cuba around the time of the Mariel Boatlift remarked:
“People who were gay in Cuba were marginalized. They would arrest them. They would arrest them. They abused them. That was terrible. They were sent to encampments. They did things to them that gay people don’t do…They couldn’t, as they say, come out of the closet. But there are gays where you can tell. And they, they beat them, they abused them. So, since they were marginalized in Cuba, that was one of the reasons why you could leave Cuba. Or because you were in prison, for stealing, for killing, for assault, what can I tell you? Or because you were gay.”
Another participant shared their father’s experience with an official while trying to board a boat during the Mariel Boatlift:
“I think [the official] told something…he probably like insulted [my dad]…and…[my dad] didn’t like that. [My dad] said something back and he just let the dog go and the dog, like, hurt my dad and attacked my dad as he was getting on the boat. And that was like…one of the last memories he has, like, vivid memories he has of leaving Cuba, was that moment.”
Heightened racial discrimination and anti-immigrant sentiment in 1980 United States
Over the course of post-revolutionary Cuba-United States relations, Cubans have been allowed certain privileges in immigrating to the United States relative to other groups. For example, Cuban refugees could be admitted to a legal pathway to obtain U.S. residency and eventual citizenship that has not been readily available to other large, Latiné immigrant groups in the United States, such as refugees from Central America and Haiti (25). Yet, despite the existence of privileged legal avenues for any Cuban to become a member of United States society, social sentiment towards Cubans has not been consistent over the timespan of the four refugee waves explored in this paper.
First, racial hierarchies within the Cuban community have affected the Cuban refugee experiences within the United States. Ethnic and racial categories are mutable. The definition of what constitutes a particular race or ethnic group in society changes based on what country you are exploring these questions in, how individuals of that country identify one another in relation to these groups, and over time. Cubans embody these changes over the course of their post-revolutionary migration to the United States.
As discussed in other literature, nonwhite Cuban refugees from the Mariel Boatlift were found to have less economic opportunities and more difficulties establishing themselves in the Miami Cuban enclave than their white counterparts, and all members of this wave suffered similarly relative to individuals from earlier Cuban migration waves (26). The Mariel Boatlift and the Special Periods were both more racially and ethnically diverse (11), with our work indicating that they experienced higher burdens of discrimination relative to their earlier counterparts, possibly in part as a result.
One participant from the study recounted her father’s experiences of racial discrimination in the United States after coming during the Mariel Boatlift:
“My dad is the only person that like I constantly saw it, through his imprisonment. If he had been able to speak English and if he had been white presenting, I think his experience would have been wildly different. Because I’ve seen it in so many other people, I have friends who’ve had their white dads that speak English go to prison for kidnapping and get out within less than a decade. My dad is a non-violent crime and served life for it. It doesn’t add up. What is the missing link? Is it that he couldn’t navigate for himself?…They did their years, everybody who was in that car did less than five years. My dad did 25 to life for it. He was the only dark skinned person in that car.”
Not only were Cubans of the Mariel Boatlift experiencing heightened discrimination, they were also facing stigmas associated with societal views of imprisoned people, sex workers, those in mental institutions, and queer people. During the year of the Boatlift, Miami was experiencing the first year of the AIDS epidemic and civil unrest as it related to the murdering of Arthur McDuffie, a Black insurance salesman who was killed by officers from the Dade County Public Safety Department.
Experienced prejudice and discrimination (23) and leaving one’s country due to social and/or economic strain can manifest in adverse overall health (27), perhaps especially in combination. Although we cannot yet definitively conclude that the negative experiences disproportionately faced by Mariel Boatlift period refugees had direct, deleterious effects on their health, these factors seem likely to explain the relatively elevated levels of disability observed among these Cuban-Americans relative to others, at least in part.
Heterogeneity exists both among and within Latiné groups, with important effects
Oftentimes, Latiné people are grouped together in studies as a monolith, thus collapsing any potential measurable variation that we, as people that are descendants from these groups, know and appreciate. The first author is a Cuban-American, born to parents who migrated during different Cuban refugee/migration waves. Being able to zoom in on variation in lived experiences within Cuban refugees, and tying that social variation to health, is an example of how we can better appreciate our diversity and the real effects of this heterogeneity. Demonstrating that Latiné people can vary significantly from a single country of origin, can, hopefully, inspire future studies that investigate heterogeneity within other similarly falsely-homogenized ethnic and racial populations in the United States. As we show, this variation can have significant effects on overall health and well-being. By understanding these specific differential life experience circumstances in which adverse health outcomes are arising (28, 29), we can better work towards collective solutions to mitigate these stressors for both current refugees/immigrants, and those who come to the United States in the future.
Materials and Methods
National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS)
The National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS) is one of three studies under the Consortium in Psychiatric Epidemiology Studies (CPES) administered by the University of Michigan and funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). NLAAS is a population-based survey sampling Latiné and Asian American individuals across the United States, including Alaska and Hawai’i. This survey sampled 27,026 households with 4,469 completed responses. Respondents were selected based on a four-stage national area probability sample, with a special focus on individuals of Puerto Rican, Cuban, Chinese, Filipino, and Vietnamese descent (19). The data for NLAAS are deposited in the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) online database under restricted access, where scientists interested in using the data can apply to use it via the ICPSR website (https://icpsr.umich.edu/). We received permission from ICPSR for this project under Application #36467 titled “Variability in health outcomes among Cuban immigrants and Cuban-Americans within the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS)” on January 12, 2023.
As our analysis of this dataset uses de-identified data, our NLAAS analyses were deemed “not human subjects research” by the Penn State Office of Research Protections (STUDY00020329) and thus did not undergo further Institutional Review Board (IRB) review. We used the latest version of data available from the NLAAS at the time of analysis, which was last updated on March 23, 2016.
Cubans within NLAAS
There were a total of 577 individuals of Cuban descent present within the study. We removed individuals from the sample that were born in the United States (N=86) and those whose migration year was ambiguous relative to what wave they would be categorized in (N=25). We had 87 individuals categorized as Early Cuban Exiles, (mean age 62.49 ± 12.53), 105 individuals categorized as Freedom Flights (mean age 57.22 ± 13.88) 106 individuals categorized as Pre- and Post-Mariel Boatlift (mean age 51.72 ± 16.60) and 168 individuals categorized as the Special Period (mean age 42.45 ± 15.60) (fig. S1). There were 247 females and 219 males within the sample. NLAAS quantifies location in the United States via a code called Region, with four possible options: Midwest, Northeast, South, and West. The majority of individuals in the sample (N=436) were from the South.
Health measures and statistics
We used several overall health measures present in the study to investigate health outcomes across Cuban migration waves. These included the five of the six scores of the World Health Organization’s Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS) (22). WHODAS scores were generated using a 36-item instrument that measures the level of impairment of an individual within the last 30 days of taking the assessment. Level of impairment was measured across five domains and given a distinct score for each. Scores ranged from 0-100 with zero denoting no disability and 100 denoting full disability within each domain. These domains are: CARESCORE, COGSCORE, MOVESCORE, SOCIALSCORE, and OUTROLESCORE.
CARESCORE measures an individual’s ability to tend to their own personal hygiene. COGSCORE measures an individual’s ability to understand, interact, and cognitively process the world around them. MOVESCORE measures an individual’s ability to move and get around within the home and outside in the wider environment. OUTROLESCORE measures an individual’s ability to complete daily life activities such as work, household activities, and caring for family. SOCIALSCORE measures an individual’s capacity for interpersonal interactions. Additionally, we created a composite disability score (denoted DISABILITYSCORE) by adding all WHODAS scores together for each individual of Cuban descent in our sample. This score allowed us to measure the overall instance of disability for each individual within the study and had a possible range from 0-500. We ran correlation tests and found that DISABILITYSCORE was significantly correlated with the CARESCORE (p < 2.2e-16, r = 0.63), COGSCORE (p < 2.2e-16, r = 0.62), MOVESCORE (p < 2.2e-16, r = 0.81), OUTROLESCORE (p < 2.2e-16, r = 0.91), and SOCIALSCORE (p < 2.2e-16, r = 0.58) (table, S1).
We also created binary variables of the WHODAS scores. Individuals with scores greater than zero were labeled as “present” for a disability and those with scores equal to zero were labeled as “absent”. This methodology has been used in other studies that also use NLAAS data, due to the zero inflation of many variables in the dataset (21, 30). We created a composite disability score (DISABILITYSCORE) to gain a full understanding of an individual’s level of disability and check whether DISABILITYSCORE was significantly correlated, and thus a good representation, of the various health measures that were used to create it. We calculated the mean and standard deviation for all health scores within each Cuban migration wave to gain insight into overall health (fig. S2). We performed ANCOVAs for health measures across Cuban Migration Waves while controlling for age, sex, and region, as has been accounted for in other studies that have used NLAAS data (31)). For ANCOVAs with p<0.05, we then used Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test for each pair of waves. We also performed logistic regressions on all health measures using Cuban Migration Wave as the predictor variable and health score as the outcome variable while controlling for age, sex, and region. We report p-values and odds ratios for each logistic regression (table, S2). All analyses incorporate sampling weights reported for NLAAS (variable name NLAASWGT). Including sampling weights in downstream analyses within epidemiological studies allows for our results to be made generalizable to populations of interest living in the United States.
Discrimination measures and statistics
To gain a better understanding of some of the social factors that may be impacting overall health, we analyzed data in NLAAS relevant to perceived medical discrimination and perceived everyday discrimination. Medical discrimination (FD21) was measured in the NLAAS survey using a single question asking the participant to recall the amount of discrimination they faced due to health problems within the last 30 days with possible answers being none (coded as 1), a little (2), some (3), a lot (4) and extreme (5). Additionally, we explored perceived everyday discrimination using a nine-item survey within NLAAS (variables DS1A-DS1I; table, S3). Questions were intended to understand various aspects of everyday life affected by experiencing prejudice. For example, question DS1A asks: With what frequency are you treated with less courtesy than others? Each question had six potential responses: almost every day (coded as 1), at least once a week (2), a few times a month (3), a few times a year (4), less than once a year (5), and never (6). Scores for these nine questions were added together to create a composite Everyday Discrimination Score (EDS) that ranged from 9-54, with lower scores indicating more discrimination and higher scores indicating less discrimination (table, S3). We performed ANCOVAs using both discrimination measures, with Cuban Migration Wave as the predictor variable. We also performed logistic regressions with the various health measures described above as the dependent variables and amount of discrimination as the independent variables, to estimate the extent to which discrimination predicts the presence of a disability. We report averages and standard deviations for discrimination scores in fig. S3.
We acknowledge that the breadth and depth of sexual and gender diversity cannot be appropriately understood within this study, as the only measure for doing so (labeled SEX within NLAAS) is binarized to female and male. We hope future epidemiological studies include our wider understanding of sexual and gender diversity within their data collection methods, as to better represent any population of interest.
Ethnographic Data: Cuban Immigration and Health Study (CIHS)
Ethnographic data included in this study is part of an ongoing project entitled the Cuban Immigration and Health Study (CIHS) run by M. Hernandez (first author). In this project, we are investigating the diversity that exists within individuals of Cuban descent in terms of their ancestry, lived experiences, and health outcomes. The authors used a snowball sampling methodology of individuals that live in the South Florida area, were of Cuban descent (either they, their parents, or their grandparents immigrated from Cuba after the Communist Revolution), and were 18 years of age or older. Ethnographic data for this project is collected via two approaches: surveys and semi-structured interviews. These tools are used to collect general demographic information (including age, family characteristics, income and other measures relevant to understanding socioeconomic position), year of migration, self-identified ethnicity and self-identified race, perceived ethnic discrimination, access to healthcare, medical history, adverse health risk factors, and narratives of arrival to the United States. Qualitative data from surveys is used to understand the general health profile of individuals from different migration waves in context with the results of the semi-structured interviews. Interviews were conducted in either English or Spanish, depending on the preference of the participant. Spanish language interviews were translated by M.H. During the semi-structured interview, we ask participants to recall frequency and instances of ethnic and racial discrimination, stories on hardships (or lack of) faced when arriving in the United States, social support and sentiments they received and perceived when arriving, and descriptions of overall health and wellbeing. These interviews seek to identify potential causal mechanisms for adverse health outcomes among Cuban migrants in general or among different Cuban migration waves, adding much needed context to studies like NLAAS. This project has been approved by Penn State’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) under study number STUDY00016932. The results from this study are forthcoming, however we chose to include several notable quotes that help contextualize some of the results of the NLAAS data and contribute to the overall discussion of the link between adverse social experiences and adverse health.
This research is supported by funding from:
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program grant DGE1255832 (M.H.)
National Institutes of Health grant 1F99HG012711-01 (M.H.)
Author contributions
M.H. and G.H.P. conceptualized the project, methodology, oversaw project administration, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. M.H. conducted and completed the investigation, created the manuscript visuals, acquired funding, and wrote the original draft of the manuscript.
Competing interests
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and materials availability
All data from the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS) were acquired through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR; https://icpsr.umich.edu). Code for all analyses performed is available via the GitHub repository https://github.com/maggiehern/CubansNLAAS.
The authors would like to thank the participants of the National Latino and Asian American Study, whose time and effort made this project possible.