Increasingly extreme weather events in high malaria burden areas threaten progress to disease control targets. Yet, data on the impact of these events on control programs remain rare. Using unique data from Madagascar, we estimate high rates of infection in the wake of two major tropical cyclones. Evidence that infection rebounds rapidly during gaps in interventions indicates maintaining continuity of coverage is crucial to limiting burden. Relative to other interventions, recently available malaria vaccines have a longer duration of protection, with the potential to address interruptions in prevention deployment. Evaluating this use case, we quantify the reduction in symptomatic infections expected for a range of vaccination scenarios. We find long-lasting interventions such as vaccination are a key mitigation measure against climatic disruptions to disease control.
Main Text
Malaria remains a major global health challenge (1, 2). Much work has investigated how the coincident challenge of climate change threatens progress to malaria control (1). Rising temperatures modify mosquito vector dynamics (3–5), altering infection risk (6, 7), but these impacts are often focused in low burden areas at the altitudinal and latitudinal margins of malaria transmission (8–10). By contrast, extreme weather events, with some types likely to increase in frequency or severity due to climate change (11–14), disrupt public health efforts (15–19), including in areas where the burden of malaria is concentrated. Data on the impact of climate-related disasters on malaria infection remain rare (18, 20, 21), despite high rates of exposure to such events in malaria endemic settings and the clear importance of disruptions amidst the changing landscape of malaria control activities.
In response to stalled progress in malaria control in high burden countries and the development of new treatment and prevention tools (1), the World Health Organization (WHO) and national malaria control programs are preparing the large-scale deployment of new interventions. These include scaling the mass distribution of antimalarial chemoprophylaxis and treatment (e.g., seasonal or perennial malaria chemoprophylaxis, SMC, PMC), and vaccination (see Table S1). Continuity is important to all of these interventions, as their effectiveness erodes over time, thus requiring regular re-administration. Extreme weather events threaten that continuity by delaying or degrading public health activities (18). Understanding the barrier this poses to achieving malaria control targets requires detailed data on infection risk during periods of likely disruption. However, limitations in surveillance systems make such data rare.
Tropical cyclones are an example of extreme weather events repeatedly shown to disrupt health systems for weeks to months following the event (21–26). Madagascar, our focus here, is subject to regular tropical cyclones (Figure 1), resulting in widespread destruction, population displacement, and damage to healthcare-related infrastructure (Data S1). We leverage a unique dataset comprising repeated measures of malaria infection status surrounding cyclone events (n = 20,718 observations) to develop a platform to explore the spectrum of recommended interventions and their robustness under climate change.
1. High rates of exposure to cyclones and malaria infection
1.1 Cyclone frequency and disruptive effect in Madagascar
Cyclone frequency and severity has increased in the southern Indian Ocean (27, 28) with storms in Madagascar causing repeated humanitarian emergencies in recent years. Cyclones Batsirai and Freddy destroyed over 300 health facilities (29–32) and resulted in an estimated 112,115 and 290,000 people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance in 2022 and 2023, respectively (33) (Figure 1D). Excess rainfall for Cyclone Batsirai was made more likely by increased greenhouse gas and changes in aerosol emission per climate attribution studies (34). Our study site, Mananjary district, is located on the east coast of Madagascar, a moderate to high malaria transmission area.
1.2 Characterizing malaria infection rates
We characterize rates of malaria infection from a longitudinal cohort study of a random sample of 500 households (2954 individuals, all ages) from 10 localities (Figure 2A). Repeated sampling of malaria infection status by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) was performed for the period July 2021-April 2023 (mean number of samples per enrolled individual = 7.7, median = 9) (Figure S1). The interval between samples was short (mean = 57.4 days, median = 52 days) relative to the duration of an untreated P. falciparum infection (approx. 180 days (41, 42)), indicating a low probability of natural infection clearance prior to the next sample. All individuals positive for malaria were treated to clear infections, allowing estimates of rates of infection and re-infection (see methods). During the course of the study, the area was impacted by Cyclone Batsirai (February 5, 2022) and Cyclone Freddy (February 21, 2023), providing estimates of malaria infection rates in the period before and for the 2 months after each event.
1.3 Malaria infection results: Force of infection and exposure following cyclones
We derive estimates of the force of infection (FOI) by age and season from ten follow-up sampling time points (see methods) (Figure 2B). FOI peaked for school-aged children (Figure S2), consistent with the higher frequency of infection commonly observed in this group (e.g., (44)). Transmission fluctuated seasonally, with the percentage of school-aged children expected to be infected within a month ranging, by site, from 0.8-9.1% in October to 4.9-44.3% in May (Figure 2C). At the higher FOI sites (e.g., MNJ.01, MNJ.08, MNJ.09, MNJ.10), we estimate 13.5-35.6% of younger children and 20.0-49.1% of school aged children were exposed to malaria infection in the 2 months following Cyclones Batsirai and Freddy (Figure 2D). Equipped with these empirically derived estimates of the scale of the rate of infection, we can evaluate the potential impacts of disruptions to malaria control programs during cyclone season.
2. Malaria incidence is sensitive to brief disruptions in control
2.1 Supplemental malaria interventions in the context of disruption
Current operational plans for high malaria burden countries, including Madagascar (45), recommend implementing or expanding interventions using anti-malaria drugs to reduce burden in targeted populations, as a supplement to existing base activities (i.e., bednet distribution). Approaches use the regular administration of either a standard first-line antimalarial with a short half-life (protective against reinfection for 13-15 days (46)) to clear existing infections (mass drug administration, MDA, or mass testing and treatment, MTaT) or a longer lasting antimalarial (protective for 21-42 days (47, 48)) to also prevent new infections (seasonal or perennial malaria chemoprophylaxis, SMC, PMC, or intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, IPTp) (see Table S1).
2.2 Consequences of temporal gaps in coverage
We explore the deployment of each of these supplemental interventions across the observed range of FOIs, introducing delays to follow-up administration rounds at different points along a seasonal cycle (see methods). Following the cessation of drug administration, protection decays at a rate determined by the drug half-life, and infections accumulate at a rate determined by the FOI for that locality, age group, and seasonal period (Figure 3A). Historical cyclone data for Madagascar indicates the time interval with the highest risk for storm impact occurs between January-April, contributing 81.8% of recorded tropical cyclones (Figure 3B). For a disruption that results in prophylactic protection ceasing on March 1st, we estimate 5.3-11.9% of younger children and 8.0-17.6% of school aged children are infected by day 20 in high FOI sites. This indicates that the temporary gaps in prophylaxis administration likely in the aftermath of extreme weather events are a major challenge for control programs aiming to minimize burden (e.g., maintain infection below a 1% or 10% threshold) among vulnerable children.
2.3 Incidence results are robust to variation in the force of infection
Our initial estimates of FOI indicate that prevalence rebounds rapidly when drug-based treatment and prevention coverage ceases (e.g., reaching 10% for school-aged children within 8-92 days by site). Future changes to malaria transmission dynamics or uncertainty in initial estimation of FOI may result in variation in the rate of rebound. For example, undercounting infected hosts due to imperfect RDT sensitivity will result in an underestimation of FOI (Figure S3). To account for this, we evaluate a range of FOI scenarios (Figure 3C). Increasing FOI results in prevalence reaching the threshold prevalence level sooner (e.g., for school aged children, reaching 10% prevalence 3-31 days sooner for a 50% increase in FOI), demonstrating that rapid rebounds in prevalence are robust to RDT sensitivity or other sources of underestimation. Alternatively, FOI could be decreased by reductions in the intensity of transmission achieved by intervention rounds prior to the disruption event. However, even in optimistic scenarios where earlier rounds of drug administration substantially reduce transmission rates, prevalence rebounds are only slightly delayed at high FOI sites (e.g., by 8-9 days for a 50% decrease in FOI for sites MNJ.01 and MNJ.10). These data suggest chemoprevention-based intervention regimes with currently available drugs are of limited efficacy in maintaining a low prevalence of infection in the face of climate-driven disruptions for the FOI ranges likely in moderate to high transmission settings.
1. 3. Vaccination under climate-driven disruption to control
3.1 Modeling vaccination
An exciting shift for malaria control is the recent availability of anti-malarial vaccines. Uniquely, vaccines have a substantially longer duration of protection (i.e., > 10 months (49, 50)) than currently used chemoprophylaxis drugs and the time interval relevant for seasonal, climate-driven disruptions such as tropical cyclones (i.e., 3-4 months). Additionally, vaccines using new technology such as mRNA may improve upon the efficacy against clinical disease observed so far for the recently authorized RTS,S (50-56%) (49) and R21 (68-75%) (50) vaccines. To evaluate the potential of vaccines to reduce malaria burden under climate disruptions, we quantify the reduction in burden under a range of scenarios of vaccine coverage, efficacy, and symptomatic rates of infection (see methods) (Figure 4A). Symptomatic rates are obtained from our cohort study where we find 37.0-53.2% of infections among children are associated with observable symptoms (Figure S4), in line with previous estimates of asymptomatic infection rates in moderate to high transmission settings (without vaccination) (51).
3.2 Vaccination has the potential to reduce malaria burden following extreme weather events
When 70% of the targeted population has completed the full course for a vaccine with efficacy 68-75% (that reported for the R21 vaccine in phase 3 trials (50)) prior to the disruptive event, a 47.6-52.5% reduction in the expected proportion of symptomatic infections is expected (Figure 4B). This level of vaccine coverage is plausible given the coverage (approx. 70%) reported for routine childhood immunization in the country (52, 53). Existing estimates of vaccine efficacy are obtained on high background rates of access to and use of bednets and other vector control interventions (54). Estimates of bednet usage in Madagascar are 70-80% on the east coast of Madagascar (55) and at our study sites we estimate usage was 72.6-82.6% before and 69.4-76.4% after the two cyclone events (Figure S5). The number of cases averted is dependent on the infection rate and the symptomatic rate. Using the observed parameter values for the highest force of infection site (MNJ.10) and 50-70% coverage with the R21 vaccine as an example, we estimate, per 1000 children, a decrease from 135.1-193.5 symptomatic infections in the 2 months following a February cyclone to 64.1-101.4 symptomatic infections under vaccination (with 45.9-101.6 cases averted, respectively) (Figure 4C).
3.3 Vaccination results are robust to modest efficacy and coverage
Vaccine completeness or timeliness may be imperfect for a fraction of the population, for example due to the timing of a child’s birth relative to planned vaccination dates or missed vaccination rounds. Additionally, efficacy may wane in subsequent years (50). To account for this variation in the degree of protection we explore a range of proportions of partially protected individuals (Figure S6). We also explore a range of symptomatic infection probabilities, including scenarios where symptomatic infection becomes more probable as infection derived immunity declines under lower incidence (Figure S7). We find vaccination can lead to a substantial reduction (i.e., approx. 50%) in the frequency of symptomatic malaria infection during disaster aftermath, results that are robust to even moderate vaccine efficacy and reasonable vaccination coverage (Figure 4B-C).
1. Temporal gap-filling as a potential use case for malaria vaccination
Leveraging a unique dataset from Madagascar, we demonstrate that discontinuities in protection against malaria are a critical threat to efforts to reduce burden. Extreme weather events are a challenge to maintaining continuity. Climate change amplifies the risk of some extreme weather events (56), including tropical cyclones (11), with potentially devastating consequences relevant for health (18). The role of the disruptions likely to result from climate-driven disasters, and the best options for response, have been neglected in the study of climate change and malaria.
Vaccination, recently available for malaria, has the unique feature of a protective effect sufficient in duration to persist through disruptive events, such as cyclones and their aftermath. To date, assessments of the cost-effectiveness of vaccination, and priority areas for vaccine deployment, do not account for the additional benefit of long lasting protection, even when moderate, against disease in times of disruption. Our findings suggest a new use case for vaccines, the deployment of vaccination in areas vulnerable to climate-driven or other disruption.
2. Limitations: Diagnostic uncertainty from reliance on RDTs and moderate vaccine efficacy
Ideally, estimates of infection rate would be determined with highly sensitive diagnostics (e.g., PCR) (51, 57). Here, as in many settings with limited access to advanced health infrastructure, diagnostic options were constrained to field-deployable, rapid diagnostics (e.g., RDTs). We developed a set of sensitivity analyses to allow inference under the expected diagnostic uncertainty, with general applicability to other settings reliant on RDTs for surveillance. While RDTs are likely to miss low parasitemia infections (58), the extent to which these contribute to clinical burden, the target for vaccination, is unclear (41, 59). Additionally, as described above, undercounting these infections minimally alters the magnitude of timing of infection rebound relevant for disaster response.
As malaria control programs prepare to scale up interventions to meet ambitious targets in coming years, investment across multiple control options must be evaluated (60). Benefits from covering any temporal gaps in drug administration present an important case for considering vaccination, even given current shortcomings. Limited vaccine efficacy and questions as to cost-effectiveness across varied settings (61–63), alongside their minimal transmission blocking activity, and restricted age range for which data are available (e.g., children < 4 years) mean that vaccines are unlikely to be deployed alone. Efforts that combine prevention approaches with different kinetics, even though they may appear redundant during periods without disturbance, are likely needed to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events. Such approaches could include reinforcement of vector control interventions such as bednets during periods of population displacement (64–66), strengthening health facilities to minimize damage (67, 68), and creative drug distribution approaches for prophylaxis that avoid dependence on storm-vulnerable infrastructure (for example, for intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy, IPTp).
3. The need for more research on attribution and disaggregating mechanisms of risk
A limitation of our study is reliance on estimates of aggregate risk of infection following a climate event. A challenging but important task for future investigations will be to separate the proportion of risk attributable to background and seasonal trends from the direct and indirect impacts of an extreme weather event. We hypothesize tropical cyclones alter the risk of infection through multiple mechanisms such as flooding, population displacement, and destruction of housing and clinics (18, 21, 69), that interact to modify mosquito vector abundance, host exposure to infection, and access to and use of prevention and treatment. We find the overall magnitude of infection to be high, which will dictate the burden experienced during disaster aftermath and the likely response to control measure scenarios. Obtaining further resolution, however, is limited by difficulty in deriving expectations for a non-cyclone impacted year for the study area. This is due to the scarcity of long-term data with direct estimates of malaria infection rates and the high frequency of cyclones. Both cyclone seasons of the present study (2022 and 2023) featured major storms and, at the national scale, Madagascar has experienced 48 cyclones with intensity at or greater than a category 1 hurricane in the 44 years since 1980. Additionally, storms will interact with multi-year changes in underlying drivers of malaria risk, such as periodic mass bednet campaigns, and any residual damage to infrastructure from previous years’ storms. Despite these complexities around identifying a storm’s possible impact on transmission potential, critically, any decline in the continuity of access to healthcare and the deployment of control measures will increase population exposure to transmission. As a result, data on total risk of infection following a climate event, even when the fraction attributable to the event is low or uncertain, will be valuable for planning and should be a priority for future surveillance efforts.
4. Implications for disease control in an era of increasingly extreme weather
The overwhelming majority of global malaria cases and deaths come from a subset of African countries (e.g., 20 African countries contribute 86% of global cases) (1). The context of stalled progress in control efforts in these high burden settings, the broad effects of climate change, new recommendations for expanded chemoprevention, and the advent of vaccination create a new environment for malaria control. Health system and infrastructural disruptions in these high burden areas could be a major consequence of climate change for malaria. Continuity in public health efforts will be decisive for global efforts to reduce the burden of this pathogen. Severe tropical cyclones, a source of likely disturbance, have marked seasonality, making the timing of their impact predictable and enabling anticipatory interventions such as vaccination. Other forms of disturbance (e.g., civil conflict (70, 71)) may be less predictable in their timing, but could benefit from similar analyses. In addition to malaria, other infectious diseases subject to control regimes reliant on the regular distribution of drugs or vaccination may be vulnerable to climate-driven disruption (23, 72). This warrants increased attention on the interaction between climate and the continuity of public health access. Our data suggest, in the malaria and tropical cyclones case, vaccination – less sensitive to short term disruption – will be a key mitigation measure.
Data Availability
All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. Data files are available at a github repository: https://github.com/bennyrice/mananjary_cyclone_code
CRS SCP4 Multisectoral Malaria Project (BLR, SM, MR)
The Falcon Award for Disease Elimination - The Climate Edit by the Global Institute for Disease Elimination (GLIDE) (BLR, MR)
The Ren Che Foundation and the AWS Impact Computing Project at the Harvard Data Science Initiative (HDSI) (CDG)
The High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) at Princeton University (BLR, GAV, CJEM)
Author contributions
Conceptualization: BLR, MR, JL, BG, CDG, AW, BG, CJEM
Methodology: BLR, BG, AW, BG, CJEM
Investigation: BLR, ER, SM, MR, HR
Visualization: BLR, BG, CJEM
Funding acquisition: BLR, MR, JL, CDG
Project administration: BLR, MR, JL
Writing – original draft: BLR, BG, CJEM
Writing – review & editing: BLR, ER, JL, GAV, AW, BG, CDG, CJEM
Competing interests
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and materials availability
All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. Code and date files are available at a github repository: https://github.com/bennyrice/mananjary_cyclone_code
Supplementary Materials
Materials and Methods
1. Study area: Mananjary district, southeastern Madagascar
Located in southeastern Madagascar, the Mananjary district (region Vatovavy) is a coastal district with perennial malaria transmission. The district extends approximately 60 km to the north and south of the district capital, the city of Mananjary (−21.22 S, 48.35 E) where the only hospitals in the district are located. As of 2018, 90.1% of the population of the district lives in rural kaomina (“communes”) (Institut National de la Statistique Madagascar).
From Malaria Indicator Surveys, malaria prevalence among children 5 years or younger in the east coast of Madagascar averaged 9-18% from 2011 to 2021 (55, 73–75), placing the district in the WHO defined moderate transmission stratum. In terms of seasonality, higher prevalence was estimated for December to May from re-analyses of health facility data (76, 77), with a peak around April (78). Few recent epidemiological studies with active sampling are available from the region, but prevalence among households (all ages) varied from 3-46% by locality in 2017 from cross-sectional prevalence surveys (44, 79).
2. Extreme weather event data
Historical data on the occurrence of extreme weather events was sourced from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) data (accessed 21 February 2024) and EM-DAT from the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) (accessed 21 February 2024). See Data S1 for the full list of weather events.
Search criteria were all storms where the eye passed within a 60 nautical mile (approx. 111 km) buffer of Madagascar’s coastline. This buffer was chosen because extreme rainfall and winds may extend across the diameter of a storm. Tropical cyclones are defined as systems with maximum sustained wind speeds > 119 km/h, equivalent to a Category 1 Hurricane per the Saffir-Simpson scale used in the Atlantic basin.
3. Longitudinal sampling
3.1 Prospective cohort study
A stratified random sample of 500 households evenly distributed among 10 rural sampling clusters (communities or tanana) were recruited and enrolled during a baseline sample in July-October 2021. Informed consent or assent was obtained for study participants prior to enrollment. Enrolled households were followed longitudinally for 10 follow-up sampling time points. Clusters were rural (defined as more than 5km from the Mananjary district capital) and approximately 10 km apart on average.
Study procedures received approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (IRB#21-0111), Comité d’Ethique de la Recherche Biomédicale (CERBM) at Ministère de la Santé Publique de Madagascar (N°019/MSANP/SG/AMM/CERBM 2021), the Mananjary district health office, local government authorities, and community leaders.
Figure S1 shows the proportion of the cohort negative, positive, and unsampled by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) per time point. The participation rate, calculated as the percentage of enrolled individuals screened, ranged from 62.5-91.0% per time point. We consider individuals with visible bands for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) or histidine rich protein 2 (HRP2) antigens as positive. The RDTs used were the AccessBio CareStart™ Pf/Pan RDT or Abbott Diagnostics Bioline™ Malaria Ag Pf/Pan RDT per manufacturer’s protocol.
3.2 Screening for malaria and symptoms
All individuals in enrolled households were screened for malaria at approximately 2-month intervals (mean interval between samples = 57.4 days, median = 52 days, n = 20,718 total observations). On site diagnosis by RDT was performed at the time of screening and a blood sample was collected on a dried blood spot (DBS) for later molecular confirmation. Individuals, or a surrogate for younger children, also completed a questionnaire on bednet usage and symptoms adapted from refs. (80, 81). Sensitivity analyses were performed to account for RDT sensitivity and specificity (Figure S3).
Individuals positive for malaria by RDT were offered treatment by an onsite physician with artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) using the standard first line treatment for Madagascar (artesunate amodiaquine, AS+AQ). To observe treatment adherence, at minimum the first dose of the three-day course of treatment was observed directly by the research team. Symptomatic individuals or individuals requesting a consultation were offered a consultation with an onsite physician.
3.3. Accounting for RDT sensitivity and specificity
Due to imperfect sensitivity and specificity for RDTs, false positive and false negative RDT results may bias inference of infection rates. From a previous study, an estimated 97% of infections in the east coast region of Madagascar are by Plasmodium falciparum and 88% of RDT positive infections were confirmed by molecular follow-up (82). In studies of diagnostic performance, RDT sensitivity and specificity was estimated to be approximately 80-90% (83, 84).
We use a binomial sampling approach to explore the effect of diagnostic error. We simulate ‘false negatives’ by drawing from a binomial distribution with probability 1 − sensitivity such that a fraction of RDT negatives become positive. Likewise, we simulate ‘false positives’ by drawing from a binomial distribution with probability equal to the specificity such that a fraction of RDT positives become negative. Figure S3 shows simulations over a range of sensitivity and specificity values, where we repeat the force of infection estimation methods (described in the following section) for 500 replicates. These results illustrate minimal bias across plausible ranges of sensitivity and specificity. When the proportion of positive tests is small, accounting for possible false negatives results in an increase in the expected proportion infected. For sites with a high proportion of positive tests (i.e., approximately 50%), false negatives and false positives are similarly likely such that the expected proportion infected is minimally changed.
4. Estimating the force of infection
The interval before infection probability reaches a given threshold will hinge on target prevalence and the rate at which individuals become reinfected. To evaluate this, we define λ as the force of infection, or rate at which susceptible individuals become infected. The catalytic model (85) then defines the probability of evading infection up until time t as:
and the probability of having been infected by time t (or cumulative density function of infection) is
For malaria, infected individuals are susceptible to reinfection. The rate at which this occurs within the time interval of interest will be negligible when the force of infection is low and/or the time interval considered is short, estimated to be the case here (e.g., within 1-2 months). We consequently proceed with the estimates based on F(t).
Because no evidence of resistance to ACT antimalarials has been reported to date from Madagascar, we assume the clearance rate of asexual and sexual stages of the parasite to be high. Given our direct observation of the early doses of anti-malarial treatment for infected individuals, we assume adherence to the treatment course is high and successful clearance of parasite infections following treatment. Thus for individuals positive at ti and ti+1 we assume that a new infection has occurred over the time interval.
The force of infection may vary according to time-invariant covariates such as geographic site, and individual age (which can be considered approximately time-invariant at least over the time-scales considered). We can fit these quantities using a generalized linear model fitted with a binomial likelihood using a complementary log-log link, such that if πi is the probability of being infected over interval i, the link function is provided by ηi = log (−log (1 − πi)). The cumulative density function can then be expressed as: F(ηi) = 1 − exp (−exp (ηi)) from which it can be deduced that the link function must take the form ηi = βXi+ log(t) where β is a vector of coefficients, and Xi is the corresponding design matrix of covariates for interval i. Introducing this back into the cumulative density function yields
indicating that the force of infection is defined by: (βXi), as desired (86).
To additionally capture seasonal fluctuations in the force of infection (by their nature time-varying), we can introduce covariates reflecting the number of days each individual at each measurement was exposed to different seasons of transmission (e.g., days in each month); and we can additionally introduce smooth terms to capture non-linear patterns. The extended force of infection is then provided by:
Where the parameter α takes a different value for each of the ten study sites; s(agei) indicates a smoothed pattern across age, Mj,i reflects the number of days an individual i was exposed to the jth month of the year, with γj the corresponding parameter converting this into effects on the force of infection. Finally, we also include a random effect for household, as there was evidence of consistent effects across households. The final expression for the force of infection is thus:
Where Hi corresponds to the random effect mapping the household of individual i.
5. Exploring the consequences of disruptions during intervention rollout
To explore the deployment of new mass chemoprevention and chemotherapy interventions, we simulate the early phases of these interventions, when the program is building towards, but has not yet, interrupted transmission. As a result, ongoing transmission results in the reaccumulation of infections, at a rate determined by the force of infection, following each intervention round until transmission is interrupted (i.e., force of infection approaches 0). We first investigate the return time, which we define as the maximum time interval between intervention rounds for a given force of infection where malaria prevalence is maintained below a chosen target level in the targeted population (see supplementary methods for full details).
The required program return time Δc necessary to maintain prevalence below a chosen threshold z is defined by:
The estimated force of infection captures the rate at which individuals become infected, and interventions occur at intervals of Δ days, and clear pt percent of infections. Conservatively, we assume clearance for treated individuals to be 100% such that treatment successfully reduces infectiousness and treated individuals do not participate in transmission. This is supported by the lack of evidence of resistance to ACTs in Madagascar to date and evidence ACTs clear gametocytes (87). Subsequent to this intervention, mosquito vectors infected with parasites prior to the intervention or from contact with subsets of the population not covered by the initial round serve as a reservoir for infection. Thus ‘clearedj hosts start to become infected again from continued exposure. The longer the interval Δ, the higher the prevalence of malaria reached within the target population.
We initially make no assumptions about feedbacks associated with transmission, and additionally disregard recovery without treatment, since time intervals to recovery are typically long. Supporting this, published estimates of the distribution of duration of untreated P. falciparum infections (mean duration approximately 180 days (41, 42)) indicate that the probability of recovery without treatment between our longitudinal samples (mean sampling interval 57 days) and during a disruption interval (e.g., 2 months) are very low.
6. Simulating additional control activities: Prophylaxis and vaccination
In addition to a primary intervention where a round of standard first line antimalarials (e.g., ACTs) is applied to clear existing infections, various interventions that prolong the duration of protection may be considered, from drug combinations with a longer prophylactic period to vaccination.
6.1 Mass drug administration with longer lasting chemoprevention
Including a longer-lived antimalarial (e.g., sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, SP, or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine, DP) can prevent reinfection for the duration of effective prophylaxis. We define the mean duration of prophylaxis as D. We first consider a mass drug administration (MDA) scenario where all individuals, regardless of infection status, are given the ACT treatment paired with a prophylactic. When used to prevent reinfection for clinical cases this has been termed post-discharge malaria prophylaxis (PDMC). We also consider application in a mass test and treat (MTaT) activity where only individuals identified as positive for malaria infection receive the chemoprevention (see Table S1 for definitions).
Because the drugs likely to be used in PDMC, MDA, and MTaT scenarios are the same as those for seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) and intermittent preventive treatment (IPT), and thus have the same duration of protection, the return time for all can be modeled as D + Δ(.
6.2 Vaccination
Vaccination with the currently available antimalarial vaccines may provide a benefit in reducing clinical cases when providing access to treatment or chemoprevention is unlikely. We use estimates of the efficacy of antimalarial vaccines against clinical malaria reported from clinical trials for the RTS,S (approx. 55%) (49) and R21 vaccines (approx. 75%) (54, 88).
In the simplest analysis, the expected number of clinical cases results from the rate of exposure, λ, giving the probability of being infected over an interval, and the probability of infection being asymptomatic (a) or symptomatic (s = 1 − a). Given no data on efficacy against infection (Ei) for currently approved vaccines, we conservatively assume Ei = 0. For a proportion, v, of children fully vaccinated at the beginning of cyclone season, with a vaccine of efficacy of Es (defined as reduction in probability of symptomatic malaria), we estimate the probability of symptomatic infection among children over an interval of length t following cessation of intervention due to a disruption:
See Table S2 for parameter definitions and estimates.
Supporting Information
Data S1
Tropical cyclones and related humanitarian disasters in Madagascar since 1980 (xlsx)
Data S2
Locality information for study sites in Mananjary district, Madagascar including site codes, administrative division names, and coordinates of midpoints (xslx)
Data S3
Line list data of individual rapid diagnostic test (RDT) results and sample dates (csv)
Data S4
Tropical cyclone tracks data from IBTrACS (csv)
Accessed from: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/international-best-track-archive-for-climate-stewardship-ibtracs/v04r00/access/csv/
Data S5
Global estimates of average annual tropical cyclone exposure from Jing et al 2023 (39) (csv)
Data S6
Spatial estimates of Plasmodium falciparum incidence rate for 2020 from the Malaria Atlas Project (tif)
Accessed from: https://data.malariaatlas.org/
Data S7
National level estimated incidence of malaria from the World Health Organization (xlsx)
Data S8
Bednet usage questionnaire response data for the Mananjary cohort study (csv)
Data S9
Symptoms questionnaire response data for the Mananjary cohort study (csv)
We thank the CRS Multisectoral Malaria Project staff for support and the CRS Madagascar office and Mananjary malaria project staff for assistance with data collection: Dr. Virginie Andreas Nambinina Ralisoa, Dr. Elanirina Andrianoelivololona, Elodie Mialinjaka Rabarijaona, Tahiniony Tonie Ludjette Rakotozafy, Johnson Rakotohasimbola, Juloce Lidovique Razafindrakoto, Hermann Raelison Paratoaly, Aymardine Flashe Kantomananjara, Simon Razafindrasoja, Arisoa Beatrice Marie Sandrine Niry, and James Hazen. We thank the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) at Princeton University for support.
References and Notes
- 1.↵
- 2.↵
- 3.↵
- 4.
- 5.↵
- 6.↵
- 7.↵
- 8.↵
- 9.
- 10.↵
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- 12.
- 13.
- 14.↵
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- 16.
- 17.
- 18.↵
- 19.↵
- 20.↵
- 21.↵
- 22.
- 23.↵
- 24.
- 25.
- 26.↵
- 27.↵
- 28.↵
- 29.↵
- 30.
- 31.
- 32.↵
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- 38.↵
- 39.↵
- 40.↵
- 41.↵
- 42.↵
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