Article Information
- March 15, 2024.
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Author Information
- 1Movement Control & Neuroplasticity Research Group, Department of Movement Sciences, Group Biomedical Sciences, KU Leuven, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
- 2KU Leuven, Leuven Brain Institute (LBI), Leuven, Belgium
- 3Neuroplasticity and Movement Control Research Group, Rehabilitation Research Institute (REVAL), Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
- ↵*Corresponding author: Melina Hehl, Movement Control & Neuroplasticity Research Group Department of Movement Sciences, KU Leuven Tervuursevest 101 – box 1501, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium, Tel: +32 16 19 37 62, Email: melina.hehl{at}