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Article Information
- February 20, 2024.
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Author Information
- Apirat Katanyutanon1,
- Wichai Thanasopon1,
- Chaninan Sonthichai2,
- Piyada Angsuwatcharakorn2,
- Jira Chansaenroj3,
- Ratchathorn Nakabut4,
- Sarandhorn Naritpavalun4,
- Yanathep Prasitsomsakul4,
- Paranyu Surakhot4,
- Phuvich Pompim4,
- Nasamon Wanlapakorn3,5 and
- Yong Poovorawan3,6,*
- 1Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office, Bansuan, Mueang Chonburi, Chonburi, 20000, Thailand
- 2Vaccine protection, Division of Communicable Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi, Thailand
- 3Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
- 4Secondary school, Triamudomsuksa School, Bangkok, Thailand
- 5Division of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
- 6FRS(T), the Royal Society of Thailand, Sanam Sueapa, Dusit, Bangkok, 10300, Thailand
- ↵*Corresponding author: Address for correspondence: Yong Poovorawan, M.D. Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. E-mail: yong.p{at}