Article Information
- February 13, 2024.
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Author Information
- Franz Castro1,*,
- Caroline Cerilli1,*,
- Luanjiao Hu2,
- Lisa Iezzoni3,4,
- Varshini Varadaraj1 and
- Bonnielin K. Swenor1,5,†
- 1Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
- 2Lurie Institute for Disability Policy, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA
- 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
- 4Health Policy Research Center, Mongan Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
- 5Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
- ↵†Corresponding author. Email: bswenor{at}
↵* These authors contributed equally to this work