Article Information
- January 31, 2024.
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Author Information
- Chunyan Zhanga,b,c,
- Jie Zhengd,
- Jin Liue,
- Guoqiang Xinga,
- Shupeng Zhanga,
- Hekai Chena,
- Jian Wanga,
- Zhijiang Shaoa,c,
- Yongyuan Lia,c,
- Zhongmin Jiangd,
- Yingzi Panf,
- Xiaozhi Liub,c,
- Ping Xuc,g,* and
- Wenhan Wua,b,c,h,**
- aDepartment of General Surgery, Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital, Tianjin, PR China
- bTianjin Key Laboratory of Epigenetics for Organ Development of Premature Infants, Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital, Tianjin, PR China
- cHigh Altitude Characteristic Medical Research Institute, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture People’s Hospital, Huangnan Prefecture, Qinghai, P.R. China
- dDepartment of Pathology, Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital, Tianjin, PR China
- eNorth China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, PR China
- fDepartment of Ophthalmology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, PR China
- gDepartment of Pharmacy, Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital, Tianjin, PR China
- hDepartment of General Surgery, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, PR China