Glymphatic function in animal models supports the clearance of brain proteins whose mis-aggregation is implicated in neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The measurement of glymphatic function in the human brain has been elusive, limiting its potential in translational research. Here we described a non-invasive multimodal device for the first-in-human continuous measurement of sleep-active glymphatic flow resistance using repeated electrical impedance spectroscopy measurements through two separate clinical validation studies. Device measurements successfully (i) paralleled sleep-associated changes in extracellular volume that regulate glymphatic function, (ii) replicated preclinical findings showing glymphatic function is increased with increasing sleep EEG delta power, and is decreased with increasing sleep EEG beta power and heart rate, and (iii) predicted glymphatic solute exchange measured by contrast-enhanced MRI. The present investigational device permits the continuous and time-resolved assessment of glymphatic flow resistance in naturalistic settings necessary to determine the contribution of glymphatic impairment to risk and progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and to enable target-engagement studies that modulate glymphatic function in humans.
The glymphatic system is a brain-wide network of perivascular pathways along which the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding the brain exchanges with brain interstitial fluid, supporting nutrient distribution and waste clearance (Figure 1a-b). In animal models, glymphatic function supports the clearance of amyloid beta1,2, tau3–5, and alpha synuclein6,7, whose mis-aggregation is implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Glymphatic function is further postulated to be a mechanism for volume transmission of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine, serotonin and norepinephrine, and of neurohormones regulating brain-body homeostasis8. While this system is foundational to brain health and disease, measurement of glymphatic function in the human brain, principally by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is conducted in only a handful of academic neuroimaging centers9. Without a consistent, reproducible and accessible way of measuring this important neurobiology in humans, the promise of developing therapeutic interventions that target glymphatic function to treat and prevent neurological and psychiatric diseases remains elusive.
Studies in rodents have demonstrated that glymphatic function is more rapid during sleep compared to the awake state2,10. During periods of wakefulness, the interstitial space is narrow and tortuous, forming a high-resistance pathway that suppresses glymphatic flow, while during sleep fluid shifts from the intracellular compartment into the extracellular (interstitial) space, widening these pathways, and enhancing glymphatic function by ∼60% (Figure 1c-d).
Measuring glymphatic function across a range of physiological conditions demonstrated that faster glymphatic exchange is associated with increased electroencephalogram (EEG) delta band power, decreased EEG beta power, and reduced heart rate11. Studies utilizing contrast-enhanced (CE)-MRI to measure solute exchange between the CSF and brain interstitial compartments have confirmed in human participants more rapid glymphatic function during sleep12, although the poor temporal resolution of this approach13–15 has not permitted the relationship between EEG or cardiovascular features and glymphatic function to be defined in the human brain.
Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is widely used in medicine for body composition analysis and for monitoring cellular changes in settings including tumors and edema16–19. When alternating current is injected into tissue, at low frequencies the voltage drop depends primarily on the resistive pathway of the extracellular (interstitial) fluid, while at high frequencies cell membranes behave like capacitors allowing current to also pass relatively freely through the intracellular space (Figure 1c-e). This frequency dependence is the β-dielectric dispersion of the underlying tissue and its repeated measurement permits the detection of shifts in the extracellular and intracellular distribution of water within tissue17,20.
We propose that the biophysics of EIS can be leveraged to measure the fluid shift that occurs with changes in sleep-active glymphatic function. Because intracranial volume is constant, any change in this frequency dependence across repeated EIS measures reflects changes in the resistance of the extracellular space, which is inversely proportional to the extracellular fluid volume (Figure 1c-e). Within the brain, the extracellular compartment includes the brain interstitial space (∼16% of total volume) and a combination of CSF (∼10%) and blood plasma (∼6%)21. Small diurnal fluctuations occur in blood volume and in the CSF compartments, however these changes are small and offset one another across physiological states22,23. In contrast, sleep-wake differences in glymphatic function are associated with much larger shifts in the intracellular and particularly interstitial volumes2. Thus, sleep-wake changes in EIS measures will be sensitized to changes in brain intracellular and interstitial volume, and EIS-based measures of parenchymal resistance (RP) may represent a novel approach to track sleep-active glymphatic function.
We developed a wearable investigational device (Figure 2a-f) that overcomes several technical challenges surrounding the implementation of EIS as a measure of glymphatic flow resistance. To define the dynamic relationship between RP, sleep EEG features, and cardiovascular parameters through the course of an overnight period, EIS measurements must be made with high accuracy and temporal resolution. The investigational device performs measurements at frequencies between 1kHz and 256kHz and has a ∼3% measurement error in RP (Supplemental 4) enabling it to detect small changes in dispersion between repeated measures. It is important to ensure that device measurements are not affected by changes in electrode impedances that can occur over time, including those caused by the effects of motion on the electrode-skin interface. A non-traditional four-electrode impedance configuration was used with multiple excitation and sense configurations in combination with low-impedance, non-polarizable electrodes. This ensured high-fidelity measurements including at low frequencies due to the reduced sensitivity to motion artifacts, low noise, and stability of the skin-gel-electrode interface. A signal processing approach enabled identification of signal from noise using the real and imaginary parts of the impedance to establish if the measured response is related to the excitation signal or has been distorted by artifact. The device further integrated shielded cables to reduce effects of electromagnetic interferences, both external and internal to the device, and the design minimized stray capacitances affecting higher frequencies. The device is described in more detail in Methods and Supplemental Information including Supplemental Figure 2, Supplemental Figure 3 and Supplemental Tables 7 – 12. We note that glymphatic flow is determined by the parenchymal resistance to flow and the motive force driving CSF along the perivascular spaces (PVS) into the interstitial compartment. The resistance measured by the device is transcranial with a high temporal resolution of changes in global intracellular to interstitial fluid shifts.
Data were acquired using the investigational medical device developed by Applied Cognition Inc24,25. Transcranial impedance dispersion is estimated from each EIS measure using a dielectric relaxation model. In addition to EIS measurements, the device measures EEG, photoplethysmogram (PPG), impedance plethysmogram (IPG) and head motion (Figure 2a-f). We propose that the change in transcranial impedance dispersion, which we will henceforth term parenchymal resistance RP (RP = R0 − R∞), reflects shifts in brain intracellular and interstitial compartment fluid volumes that underlie changes in glymphatic function (Figure 1c-e). Supplemental 3 contains an intuitive justification of the physiological connection between EIS change and changes in glymphatic function. To test this, we evaluated whether RP measured with this device in human participants aligned with the central features of glymphatic function described in rodent models2,11.
Study Design
We conducted two clinical studies (denoted as “Benchmarking Study” and “Replication Study”) to validate the performance of the device’s RP measure as a surrogate of glymphatic flow resistance during sleep and wake (Figure 3, top). Both studies were cross-over trials where participants wearing the investigational device were subjected to one night of natural sleep and one night spent awake, separated by two or more weeks. The Benchmarking Study was conducted in The Villages® community, an active-lifestyle senior living community in Central Florida where the University of Florida maintains a satellite academic research center, The University of Florida Health Precision Health Research Center (UF Health PHRC). The Benchmarking Study was designed to define the effect of sleep on overnight RP measurements, as well as the relationship between RP and glymphatic function. It included overnight device recordings, overnight gold-standard polysomnography (PSG), and morning contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI) following intravenous gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) administration as a measure of glymphatic function. During the morning period, following pre-contrast MRI scanning, GBCA injection, and immediate post-contrast MRI scanning (totaling 2.5 hours spent awake), participants that were sleep deprived overnight were provided a 1.5 hr sleep opportunity prior to the final MRI scan, while those that slept normally overnight were kept awake during the 1.5 hr period (Figure 3, top). We evaluated whether, as predicted from prior rodent studies on the sleep-modulation of glymphatic function2,11, a) RP is reduced in sleeping compared to awake participants, b) whether reduced RP is associated with more rapid CSF-brain interstitial solute exchange measured by CE-MRI, c) whether RP is associated with increasing sleep EEG delta power and decreasing sleep EEG beta power, and d) whether reduced RP is associated with decreasing heart rate. The Replication Study conducted at the University of Washington did not include overnight PSG or morning CE-MRI and had as a primary outcome confirming the effect of sleep state on device-measured RP, and secondary outcomes confirming the associations between RP and sleep stages, heart rate, and EEG spectral band power. As noted in the detailed study description in the Methods section, these studies also evaluated novel non-contrast MRI measures of glymphatic function, sleep-sensitive changes in cognitive function, and sleep-sensitive changes in plasma Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers across a range of physiological sleep conditions. Those findings will be reported elsewhere.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
All studies were performed between October 2022 – June 2023 and were reviewed and approved by University of Florida Institutional Review Board (IRB No. 202201364, Benchmarking Study) and Western Institutional Review Board (IRB No. 20225818, Replication Study). The studies have been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06222385 and https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06060054). Written informed consent was obtained from all study participants during a screening visit, prior to any study activities. Studies were carried out in accordance with the principles of the Belmont Report. The Benchmarking Study enrolled 34 healthy participants 56-66 years of age. The Replication Study enrolled 14 healthy participants 49-63 years of age. Participants were excluded if they had cognitive impairment or clinical depression. Cognitive impairment was assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment26 (MoCA, 28.1 +/− 1.2; range 26, 30) and depression was evaluated using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale27 (GDS, 0.7 +/− 1.1; range 0, 4). Participants with a self-reported history of diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, pulmonary disease, neurological disease, depression or anxiety were also excluded from the study, as were participants planning travel to alternate time zones within two weeks of study participation. Participant demographics, MoCA and GDS scores are listed for each study, and for the combined dataset in Supplemental Table 1.
A Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram for the Benchmarking Study and Replication Study is provided in Figure 3 (bottom). Within the Benchmarking Study, the first three participants were removed from analysis because of a design change in the investigational device sensor positions. One participant was unable to complete the first MRI session and withdrew from the study. Of the remaining 30 participants (61.8 ± 2.7 years of age; 14 female, 16 male) that completed the Benchmarking Study, five overnight sleep studies and eight overnight wake studies failed data quality control due to excessive artifacts in the recordings, leaving 25 overnight sleep studies and 22 overnight wake studies in the Benchmarking Study with complete device, PSG and MRI data. Excessive movement artifacts during the morning recording periods resulted in the exclusion of data from five additional morning wake and one additional morning sleep opportunity periods, leaving 20 overnight sleep/morning wake and 21 overnight wake/morning sleep opportunity datasets with complete overnight and morning data. All participants enrolled in the Replication Study (55.6 ± 4.6 years of age; 7 female, 7 male) completed the protocol. All overnight sleep data were usable, but three overnight wake studies were removed, two because of excessive artifact and one because of non-compliance with the wake protocol. The higher number of quality control failures in the Benchmarking Study was largely due to the physical challenges caused by simultaneous data acquisition from both PSG and investigational device on the same night. Note that when the investigational device was used in the absence of PSG in the Replication Study, quality control failures were less frequent and restricted to motion artifacts in the awake condition.
Assessment of sleep and wake changes in parenchymal resistance
Study participants underwent one night of normal sleep and one night of sleep deprivation separated by 2-4 weeks. Sleep/wake or wake/sleep visit order was determined by random assignment following informed consent. In the Benchmarking Study, sleep and wake status was confirmed by PSG with anticipated differences in rapid eye movement (REM), and non-REM (NREM: N1, N2, N3) sleep stages observed between sleep and wake conditions. Similar differences were observed in the Replication Study, in which investigational device-based EEG was used to evaluate sleep parameters. EEG was assessed with the investigational device in both the Benchmarking and Replication Studies; these measures were used when combining EEG parameters between both studies. Averaged hypnograms showing sleep stage distribution throughout the overnight sleep period for the Benchmarking and Replication Studies are shown in Figure 4a-b (top), respectively. The averaged hypnogram for the overnight and morning periods for the Benchmarking study participants with complete data during both periods is shown in Figure 4c (left).
During the overnight period RP was continuously monitored. The results from the Benchmarking Study are provided in Figure 4a (bottom), which depicts the mean and standard errors of overnight RP. Each participant’s RP was normalized to the RP at onset of the observation period, and linear interpolation was used for missing RP values within each participant. Compared to the wake condition, overall RP during sleep was reduced by 8% (Wake 1.00 ± 0.06, Sleep 0.92 ± 0.06, T-test p < 0.001). When evaluated through the course of the overnight period, the RP during the wake period remained largely constant. In contrast, during the sleep period the mean RP decreased monotonically, reaching at the end of the sleep period a nadir ∼20% lower than at onset or under the awake condition. Similar results were observed the Replication Study (Figure 4b, bottom). Within the Benchmarking study, participants that were sleep deprived overnight received a 1.5 hr sleep opportunity in the morning. Over this period, RP began at a higher value (resulting from overnight sleep deprivation) but declined over the 1.5 hr sleep opportunity (Figure 4c, right). Among participants that slept overnight but were kept awake in the morning, RP during the morning period began at a low value (resulting from overnight sleep) but increased over the 1.5 hr period of wakefulness. These data demonstrate across two study populations that RP remains constant or increases during periods of waking but declines steadily through periods of sleep.
Association between sleep parameters and glymphatic function
Following the overnight sleep periods, participants in the Benchmarking Study underwent CE-MRI for the assessment of glymphatic function. Beginning at 7am, participants underwent a pre-contrast T1-weighted MRI scan, received intravenous GBCA (Gadavist, 0.1 mmol/kg), followed by T1-weighted MRI scans at 7-10 min (T10) and 240 min (T240) post-injection. We evaluated contrast enhancement in eight regions of interest (ROIs): frontal cortical gray and white matter, parietal cortical gray and white matter, temporal cortical gray and white matter, and occipital gray and white matter. Contrast enhancement at the T10 time point primarily reflects GBCA within the blood column, while enhancement at the T240 time point reflects GBCA leakage into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and into the brain interstitial compartments14,15. Glymphatic function was defined by measuring brain parenchymal contrast enhancement, the % change in T1-weighted signal intensity between 10-240 min post-GBCA injection (100% * (T240-T10)/T0) within each ROI.
To evaluate different sleep-related contributions to glymphatic function, we developed a general random intercept mixed model with eight ROI groups fit to the T10-T240 change in brain parenchymal enhancement. Our null hypothesis was that parenchymal contrast, including contrast in the interstitial compartment, was not influenced by sleep variables. Glymphatic function supports the movement of solutes into and out of the brain interstitial compartment, yet brain parenchymal enhancement includes contrast signal from the blood compartment (the initial source of the GBCA) and the CSF compartment (the intermediate space linking the blood and brain interstitium) in addition to the interstitial compartment (Figure 1f). Thus, we defined the null model to include regressors for vascular and CSF contrast in the mixed model: the T10-T240 change in blood signal within the internal carotid artery, and the T10-T240 change in CSF signal within the cerebral lateral ventricles. We also included the confounding biological variables of age, gender, and APOE ε4 status in the null model shown in Supplemental (bottom). The analyses of EEG powerbands, heart rate and sleep staging were performed on the overnight sleep period recordings. Pulse plethysmography and EEG were acquired concurrently and heart rate, EEG powerbands, sleep stage durations (REM; N1, N2, N3 NREM), number of awakenings and wake after sleep onset (WASO) were computed and included independently in the null model (Supplemental Table 2), and likelihood ratio tests used to compare the individual predictor model with the null model. Relative EEG delta, theta, alpha and beta powerbands were each expressed as the overnight mean of the powerband normalized to the average powerband value of the first three sleep epochs. Higher EEG delta power (mean 19.12, 95% CI 5.4819, 32.7599; P=0.0072), lower EEG alpha (mean −7.28, 95% CI −12.2638, −2.2935; P=0.0052) and beta (mean −5.33, 95% CI −7.7859, −2.8728; P<0.001) power were significantly associated with greater contrast enhancement. We next evaluated EEG-derived sleep stages within individual mixed models. Neither number of awakenings during the sleep period, nor wake after sleep onset (WASO) were associated with parenchymal contrast enhancement. Lower N1 sleep time was significantly associated with greater parenchymal contrast enhancement (mean −0.1274, 95% CI −0.2130, −0.0420; P=0.0043), while N2, N3 and REM sleep time had no significant association with parenchymal enhancement within these individual models (Supplemental Table 2). Thus, within individual mixed models, increased overnight EEG delta band power, reduced alpha and beta band power, and reduced time in N1 sleep are each associated with greater glymphatic function, each rejecting the null hypothesis that parenchymal contrast was not influenced by sleep variables (Supplemental Table 2).
Direct association between parenchymal resistance and glymphatic function
The device RP values were computed repeatedly throughout the overnight sleep period from each EIS scan. During sleep recordings, the RP was non-stationary, decreasing throughout the night as shown in Figure 4a-c. We observed that lower overnight RP was significantly associated with higher glymphatic contrast enhancement (mean −38.08, 95% CI −61.34805, - 14.8115; P=0.0018, Supplemental Table 2).
Combined effects of overnight parenchymal resistance, EEG spectral power, and heart rate on glymphatic function
We next utilized a comprehensive mixed model to define the contributions of RP, EEG spectral band power, and heart rate to parenchymal contrast enhancement. As in the individual mixed models above, this comprehensive model extended the null model that contains only contrast enhancement in the blood and cerebral ventricles as regressors, and age, APOE4 status, and gender as confounding biological variables. We evaluated the relative delta, theta and beta powerbands, omitting the alpha powerband to avoid multicollinearity in the model. We subjected the model to a backward elimination algorithm with a Wald’s p-value threshold of 0.05. Table 1 provides the full outputs of the analyses for each of the four intervention periods of overnight sleep opportunity, morning sleep opportunity, overnight sleep deprivation and morning awake of the study (Figure 3, top).
In reference to the models selected by backward elimination shown in Table 1, as expected, both blood and ventricular CSF contrast enhancement were strongly associated with parenchymal enhancement following the overnight sleep opportunity (blood mean 8.89; 95% CI 3.62, 14.16; P = 0.001; CSF mean 170.45; 95% CI 143.86, 197.04; P<0.001) and overnight sleep deprivation (blood mean 13.09; 95% CI 7.09, 19.10; P < 0.001; CSF mean 162.36; 95% CI 129.54, 195.19; P<0.001). For the overnight sleep opportunity, lower heart rate (mean - 54.48, 95% CI −79.51, −29.45; P<0.001) and lower RP (mean −52.55, 95% CI −74.76, −33.33; P<0.001) predicted greater contrast enhancement. Reduced EEG beta power predicted greater parenchymal enhancement (mean −6.29, 95% CI −8.54, −4.05; P < 0.001), while neither delta nor theta power exhibited significant associations within the multivariate model. In the overnight sleep deprivation condition, reduced EEG delta power (mean −20.77, 95% CI −34.34, −7.20; P = 0.004) and increased theta power (mean 7.89, 95% CI 1.13, 14.64; P = 0.026) predicted greater parenchymal enhancement, while neither beta power, heart rate nor RP showed significant associations within the multivariate model.
Combined effects of morning parenchymal resistance, EEG spectral power, and heart rate on glymphatic function
As shown in the study schematic (Figure 3, top), between 7:10 am and 9:30am (140 min post-injection, T140) participants underwent MRI scanning followed by instrumentation with the investigational device and PSG for the morning sleep opportunity or awake intervention. Because the mean terminal half-life of intravenous GBCA in adults with normal renal function is 109 min28, the post-injection blood contrast during the morning recordings was 60% cleared by T140 and 80% cleared by T240. Glymphatic function in the period between T140 and T240, would therefore dilute existing parenchymal contrast with CSF having 60% to 80% lower contrast concentration, a process analogous to ‘clearance’ of interstitial contrast. Thus, we would expect that an increase in glymphatic function during the period between T140 and T240 would be reflected as reduced parenchymal contrast enhancement at T240 (Supplemental Figure 1).
In reference to the models selected by backward elimination in Table 1, once again both blood and ventricular CSF contrast enhancement were strongly associated with parenchymal enhancement following the morning sleep opportunity (blood mean 11.73; 95% CI 7.89, 15.57; P < 0.001; CSF mean 145.25; 95% CI 125.08, 165.42; P<0.001) and awake intervention (blood mean 9.83; 95% CI 5.37, 14.29; P < 0.001; CSF mean 232.52; 95% CI 210.27, 254.77; P<0.001). During the morning sleep opportunity, RP begins to decrease (Figure 4c). Higher EEG delta power (mean −35.94, 95% CI −44.10, −27.78; P < 0.001) and lower RP (mean 55.35, 95% CI 33.01, 77.70; P < 0.001) predicted reduced parenchymal enhancement (greater contrast clearance).
During the morning awake period, RP increases from its overnight sleep ending level (Figure 4c). During this intervention, higher EEG delta power (mean −20.98, 95% CI −30.19, −11.77; P < 0.001), theta power (mean −15.27, 95% CI −19.51, −11.03; P < 0.001) and beta power (mean - 21.38, 95% CI −24.34, −18.43; P < 0.001) predicted greater contrast clearance as did lower heart rate (mean 235.70, 95% CI 201.64, 269.76; P < 0.001) and lower RP (mean 29.38, 95% CI 5.63, 53.13; P < 0.021). These findings are similar to those observed for the morning sleep opportunity and consistent with the explanation that an increase in glymphatic influx of CSF during this period dilutes the ISF contrast concentration and reduces the T240 MRI signal intensity.
Parenchymal Resistance, RP; Heart Rate, HR; Contrast Enhancement, CE; 95% Confidence Interval, CI; Backward Elimination, BE; Root-Mean Square Deviation, RMSD; within ROI variability, σ2; inter-ROI variability, τ00 ROI. Bolded P values reflect significant associations at P < 0.05. Shaded cells demark the null model that includes blood CE, CSF CE and potential biological confounders.
We used bootstrap analysis of the backward elimination algorithm for stability investigations on the impact of variable selection on bias and variance of the regression coefficient and bootstrap inclusion frequencies. We estimated the multivariate model using the backward elimination algorithm on 500 bootstrap data replicates with replacement for each intervention period (Table 1). The bootstrap inclusion frequency represents the percent of the 500 backward elimination models that retained each variable, while the bootstrap median is the median estimate for that variable. The relative conditional bias quantified the omitted variable selection bias of each variable from inclusion/non-inclusion of other variables from the full model. In the overnight sleep opportunity, in addition to vascular and CSF contrast enhancement (each with an inclusion frequency of 100%), RP (70.2%), EEG beta power (98.4%), and heart rate (93.0%) had high bootstrap inclusion frequencies and bootstrap median estimates comparable to the selected model estimates. Device-measured RP and ventricular contrast enhancement had the lowest relative conditional bias, and therefore their predictions of parenchymal contrast uptake were least affected by inclusion of the other variables. Findings in the morning sleep opportunity also showed high inclusion frequencies of the variables retained in the backward elimination algorithm on the full data set and bootstrap median estimates comparable to the selected model estimates, with vascular contrast enhancement (99.6%), CSF contrast enhancement (100%), RP (98.6%), EEG delta power (100%), and heart rate (100%). These regressors also had low relative conditional bias. These analyses suggest high model stability to perturbations of the data set29.
Lastly, we computed the percent of the residual variance of the null model that was explained by including EEG power band, heart rate and RP regressors for each intervention and computed the LRT between the null model and the intervention models. For the overnight sleep and sleep deprivation interventions, 24.5% and 12.7% of the residual null model variance was explained by including these regressors, respectively. The null hypothesis that parenchymal contrast enhancement is not influenced by these variables was rejected for the overnight sleep model (likelihood ratio 52.6, p-value < 0.001) and the sleep deprivation model (likelihood ratio 14.1, p-value = 0.015). Including the regressors in morning sleep and awake models explained 38.3% and 74.8% of the residual null model variance, respectively. The null hypothesis that the parenchymal contrast enhancement is not influenced by these variables during the morning sleep (likelihood ratio 79.5, p-value < 0.001) and awake condition (likelihood ratio 149.6, p-value < 0.001) were also both rejected.
Combined effects of parenchymal resistance and sleep stages on glymphatic function
We developed a second comprehensive mixed model to define the relationship among RP, sleep stages, heart rate and parenchymal contrast enhancement. As above, this comprehensive model extended the null model that contained contrast enhancement in the blood and cerebral ventricles as regressors, and age, APOE4 status, and gender as confounding biological variables. We evaluated WASO time, and time in N1, N2, N3 and REM sleep stages. Supplemental Table 3 provides the model output for the overnight sleep opportunity (top) and the morning sleep opportunity (bottom). In the overnight sleep opportunity model selected by backward elimination, as before lower RP was significantly associated with greater parenchymal contrast enhancement (mean −67.17; 95% CI −87.78, −46.56; P<0.001). In this model, more time in REM sleep (mean 0.16; 95% CI 0.09, 0.23; P<0.001), and less time in N1 (mean −0.32; 95% CI −0.43, −0.21; P<0.001), N2 (mean −0.10; 95% CI −0.15, −0.06; P<0.001), N3 (mean −0.07; 95% CI −0.12, 0.02; P=0.007) sleep and WASO (mean −0.07; 95% CI −0.12, −0.02; P=0.006) were each associated with greater contrast enhancement. Bootstrap analysis showed that blood and CSF contrast enhancement (each with an inclusion frequency of 100%), as well as RP (100%), REM sleep time (99.0%), N1 sleep time (98.8%) and N2 sleep time (98.0%) were the most stable elements of the model relating sleep stages to parenchymal glymphatic function, while the RMSD ratio for N2 sleep time, N3 sleep time and WASO showed substantial variance deflation following backward elimination (Supplemental Table 3) that is associated with weak or noise predictors.
In the morning sleep opportunity model selected by backward elimination, lower RP was significantly associated with greater parenchymal contrast clearance (mean 34.42; 95% CI 5.25, 63.59; P = 0.025), similar to the EEG band power model for this intervention. In this model, less time in REM sleep (mean 0.41; 95% CI 0.20, 0.62; P<0.001), and more time in N1 (mean −0.26; 95% CI −0.50, −0.02; P=0.04) and N3 (mean −0.17; 95% CI −0.33, −0.021; P=0.031) were associated with less contrast enhancement, or greater contrast clearance. N3 sleep did not survive bootstrap analysis while RP, REM and N1 sleep had inclusion frequencies of 65.4%, 88.2% and 61.6%, respectively (Supplemental Table 3).
Effects of sleep stages on brain parenchymal resistance
To understand if sleep stages had a differential effect on the overnight change in RP, we computed the mean of the first-order differences ΔRP for each sleep stage for the Benchmarking and Replication studies separately and combined (Figure 5). The mean ΔRP was negative and largest for N2, N3 and REM sleep stages reaching significance when the values for both studies where pooled together. This suggests that RP in Figure 4a-c decreases during N2, N3 and REM sleep.
Effects of large changes in EEG spectral power on brain parenchymal resistance
To define the relationships between sleep EEG powerbands, heart rate and RP, we modeled the relationship between the first-order difference ΔRP and the difference in spectral band power (Δdelta, Δtheta, Δalpha, Δbeta) and changes in heart rate ΔHR, during NREM, REM and Wake (Table 2). We utilized threshold regression to model the relationships between ΔRP and large changes in (Δ) band power or heart rate. A custom estimation procedure described in Supplemental Information was used to jointly estimate the threshold regression for the full positive and negative ranges of β band power and ΔHR. The full output of the threshold regression models is provided for the combined study data in Table 2. In both REM and NREM sleep, a large increase in Δdelta was significantly associated with a decrease in ΔRP (Figure 6a). In contrast during REM and NREM sleep, a large increase in Δbeta was significantly associated with an increase in ΔRP. The threshold models for the significant estimated effects of β band power on ΔRP are plotted in Figure 6b. The full output of the threshold regression model is provided for each site individually in Supplemental Table 4. Because the variables were standardized before model estimation, the regression estimates in Table 2 and Supplemental Table 4 can be interpreted as standardized effect sizes. Note that because of the slope ratio r, changes that exceed the positive change point tp have effect sizes given by the regression estimate multiplied by the slope ratio. The positive and negative thresholds are in units of standard deviation.
The asymmetric effect of EEG band power changes on RP shown in Figure 5 accounts for the progressive decline in RP that occurs through the course of the overnight sleep period, shown in Figure 4a-c. In the overnight wake state, Δbeta had a significant but small effect on ΔRP. ΔHR in NREM and wake had a small effect on ΔRP and a larger but non-significant effect in REM. The threshold model findings in Table 2 and plots in Figure 6a demonstrate that large changes in spectral band power are needed to alter RP. Because such large changes in EEG powerbands and HR occur at sleep stage transitions, we explored the associations between Δdelta and Δbeta and ΔRP at NREM-REM and REM-NREM transitions, and at Sleep-Wake and Wake-Sleep transitions. Table 2 provides the full model output on sleep stage transitions for data pooled from both study sites, while the significant estimated effects of Δdelta and Δbeta on ΔRP are plotted in Figure 6c. The full output of the threshold regression model on sleep stage transitions is provided for each site individually in Supplemental Table 5. During the NREM-REM, Wake-Sleep, and Sleep-Wake transitions, changes in EEG beta power and not EEG delta power underlie the observed changes in ΔRP. In contrast, during the REM-NREM transition, changes in EEG delta power and not beta power were associated with changes in ΔRP. In total,
We have described a non-invasive multimodal skin-interfaced wireless device for continuous measurement of brain parenchymal resistance RP using repeated EIS time-multiplexed with EEG and cardiovascular measurements. Through two separate clinical validation studies, we observe that brain RP measured by the device faithfully captures sleep-active changes in glymphatic flow resistance based on three complementary criteria established from studies in the murine and human brain. Brain RP declines overnight, paralleling sleep-associated changes in extracellular volume that regulate glymphatic function2. Brain RP is reduced with increasing sleep EEG delta power, and is increased with increasing sleep EEG beta power and heart rate11. Lastly, brain RP is a robust predictor of glymphatic function, measured by CE-MRI12–15,30. These findings demonstrate that this investigational device provides the first remote, non-invasive, and time-resolved measure of glymphatic flow resistance suitable for defining this sleep-active biology in naturalistic settings.
Several technological advances have enabled this work. We have developed a technique for low-noise EIS measurements using multiple excitation and sense configurations to determine the brain parenchymal impedances accurately. A signal processing approach enabled the segregation of signal and noise, using the Kramers-Kronig relations31,32 between the real and imaginary parts of the impedance to establish if the measured response is related to the excitation signal or has been distorted by noise or other artifact. Unlike applications of EIS to neurological conditions such as seizures, tumors or cerebral edema33–36, the rapid evolution of glymphatic function during sleep and its nightly variability make it suitable for monitoring with longitudinal repeated assessments. Data collected under a variety of scenarios in benchtop testing, agar phantom testing with biological interfaces and in-human testing indicate that this system yields consistent, repeatable results and shows longitudinal stability of the measured impedances.
A key first step in validating any potential measure of glymphatic function is assessing its performance against established, principally contrast-based, measures of glymphatic exchange. Initial studies characterizing glymphatic function in rodents utilized dynamic in vivo fluorescence-based imaging1,2,37. More recent studies in rodents, and recently in human participants, have utilized CE-MRI following either intrathecal or intravenous GBCA injection12,14,15,30,38. We evaluated whether device-based RP measures reflect glymphatic function by measuring overnight and morning RP, EEG, and the movement of GBCA into brain tissue over a four-hour timeframe. In the analysis, both overnight and morning RP emerged as robust explanatory variables of net contrast movement, in a regression model that included CSF and blood contrast levels, EEG neurophysiological parameters, age, gender and APOE e4 confounders. It is important to note that device-based RP measures are acquired with 2-minute temporal resolution whereas CE-MRI captures overall glymphatic function over a 4-hour window. This fine temporal resolution enabled translational validation of the physiological drivers of glymphatic function in the human brain for the first time. It further revealed that while key events during sleep were necessary to lower parenchymal resistance RP, low RP was sufficient to enhance glymphatic function independent of sleep in the morning period. In addition, it showed that sleep-related changes in RP do not shift with sleep-wake in a stepwise fashion, but rather accumulate through the course of time spent sleeping or awake. These observations are not inconsistent with prior studies in rodents that used real-time iontophoresis to measure sleep-associated increases in brain extracellular volume fraction2, as these observational studies did not directly test the causal effect of these changes in extracellular volume on glymphatic function, and did not monitor changes in extracellular volume fraction in a time-resolved manner over extended period. Future studies of the determinants of glymphatic function in human sleep will likely further refine existing conceptual models of sleep-wake regulation of glymphatic function.
The physiological mechanisms regulating glymphatic function have been defined almost exclusively through experimental rodent studies1,2,10,11,30,37,39,40, due in large part to invasiveness and poor temporal resolution of contrast-based measures of glymphatic function12–15,30. It is noteworthy that these rodent studies are not all in agreement. While multiple studies have reported more rapid glymphatic exchange under conditions of sleep, or under certain anesthetic regimes2,11,41–45, two studies46,47 have reported apparently slower clearance during sleep or under anesthesia. In the present human clinical studies, we demonstrate within-participant longitudinal declines in brain RP during overnight sleep, but not in awake participants. During morning recovery sleep, we demonstrate within-participant longitudinal declines in brain RP and during morning wake we observe increases in brain RP. This pattern is consistent with sleep-wake changes in extracellular volume fraction measured in mice and reported by Xie et al.2. Using overnight PSG followed by CE-MRI in human participants, we confirmed that glymphatic function in the human brain is associated with lower EEG beta power and heart rate, and in a simplified model with increasing EEG delta power. These findings sustain the physiological findings in mice from Hablitz et al.11. More broadly, these human CE-MRI-based imaging studies demonstrate that glymphatic solute exchange is more rapid under conditions of natural sleep, at least in human participants, and that these sleep-wake differences are regulated by sleep-related changes in RP, heart rate, and EEG spectral band power.
Linking changes in RP with sleep EEG features, we further demonstrate that the investigational device-based measure of RP exhibits the same dependence upon EEG delta power, EEG beta power, and heart rate during sleep. Conducting parallel time-resolved sleep EEG and RP measurements, we observed that rapid changes in RP occurred at sleep stage transitions between REM and NREM, and between sleep and wake. Transitions between REM and NREM exhibit large changes in EEG delta and beta powerbands, and in HR, consistent with our findings. Large changes in an EEG power within a frequency band can occur because of sudden bursts of oscillatory activity within the band’s frequency range. In rodents, recent experiments support a role for such synchronized oscillatory activity as a mechanism driving glymphatic flow by creating propagating ionic waves within the brain interstitium41. To our knowledge, this is the first time that these physiological drivers of glymphatic function have been confirmed in human participants, within an experimental setting permitting validation against current benchmark CE-MRI-based measures of glymphatic function well established preclinical features.
There are clear limitations both of the investigational device, and of the present study design. Existing MRI-based measures of glymphatic function remain poorly time-resolved but provide excellent cranium-wide anatomical resolution. In contrast, the present investigational device captures a measure of global brain glymphatic flow resistance with high temporal resolution. While finer anatomical resolution may have value in future iterations of the investigational device, it is important to note that the present design was sufficient to capture sleep-wake changes in glymphatic function, and to define novel neurophysiological drivers of these processes in the human brain. Study methodological limitations include protocol differences between the Benchmarking Study and Replication Study. The Benchmarking Study included CE-MRI as part of the neuroimaging package and gold-standard PSG concurrent with the device usage whereas the Replication Study did not include CE-MRI and used the device’s single-derivative EEG. Furthermore, the Benchmarking Study enrolled participants 55-65 years old living in Florida whereas the Replication Study enrolled participants 50-65 years old living on the West Coast. Despite these differences, after adjusting for age, study site and age-site interaction effects, we confirmed that the device’s single-derivative EEG showed good agreement with the PSG of the Benchmarking Study. Additionally, the pooled analysis and study-specific analyses of RP, EEG and HR were all in good agreement between studies. The Benchmarking Study was powered to detect a low to moderate correlation between RP and CE-MRI measures of glymphatic function, which was confirmed. Quality control of the investigational device filtered out measurements that did not satisfy the Kramers-Kronig relations31,32. Failed measurements were more common in the Benchmarking Study, particularly during the awake conditions. This is attributable to excessive motion, likely due to the technical challenges associated with conducting concurrent PSG and device-based sleep EEG measures in participants being kept awake by study staff. The low rate of quality-control failures in the Replication Study that did not involve PSG instrumentation supports this conclusion.
The characterization of the glymphatic system in rodents beginning in 2012 has spurred a great deal of interest into its potential mechanistic role linking sleep to cognitive performance, and sleep disruption to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, stroke, traumatic brain injury, headache and others42–45. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that glymphatic function is impaired in the setting of aging48, sleep disruption2, cerebrovascular injury49,50, and traumatic brain injury3, all risk factors for neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer’s disease. Experimental impairment of glymphatic function is sufficient to promote the development of the amyloid beta51–53 and tau pathology3–5 characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. In clinical populations, genetic and histological associations support a link between glymphatic dysfunction and the development of clinical disease52,54–56. Yet the technical challenges of real-time dynamic measurements of glymphatic function in human clinical populations have proven a challenging barrier to defining the causal role of glymphatic function and dysfunction in the development of neurological and psychiatric conditions in these populations. Whether glymphatic dysfunction contributes to development of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease remains to be directly tested. The present investigational device may permit the continuous and time-resolved assessment of glymphatic function in naturalistic settings necessary to define whether glymphatic impairment contributes to risk and progression of Alzheimer’s disease and its underlying pathological processes. The ability to assess glymphatic function over short timescales may enable target-engagement studies to identify and test pharmacological, device-based and lifestyle/behavioral interventions for modulating glymphatic function in humans. Assessment of these processes may also permit the identification of clinical populations with impaired glymphatic function, at risk for the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and who would thus be ideal candidates for therapeutic approaches targeting glymphatic clearance. Similar avenues now remain open outside the realm of neurodegenerative conditions as glymphatic dysfunction is implicated in an ever-increasing list of sleep-related neurological and psychiatric conditions.
Investigational Device
System Architecture
The Applied Cognition device is a wearable multi-sensor acquisition system that uses an STM32WB5MMG microcontroller (ST Microelectronics, NV). It consists of a primary module housing the main electronics board and a 430 mAh Li-ion battery, two earpieces each housing one electrode, one accelerometer and one photoplethysmogram sensor, and two separate mastoid electrodes. A device schematic and visualization of signal outputs is provided in Figure 2a-f. Sensor data is stored in on-board FLASH memory and is downloaded via a USB port for offline analysis. The relevant sub-systems are further described below.
Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to measure electrical impedance using the AFE4500 analog front-end (AFE) from Texas Instruments. Four electrodes – two in-ear and two mastoid – were used to deliver the excitation current across the head and sense the resulting voltage. The two mastoid current injection sources were initially co-located inside the ear next to the Ag/AgCl sensors but because of salt-bridging were externalized to the mastoids. In a departure from traditional four-electrode measurements, where excitation and sense electrodes are fixed, the AFE4500 was programmed to implement a technique developed by Texas Instruments where multiple excitation and sense configurations are used to determine the contact impedance and body impedance accurately.
Measurements were successively performed at eighteen frequencies ranging from 1 kHz to 256 kHz following a logarithmic series, all with excitation current below 50 μA root-mean-square (rms). Frequencies were in alternating order from high-low to minimize any impact on impedance drift during each scan. Sensed voltages were quadrature-demodulated, filtered and digitized internally by the AFE4500 to provide in-phase and out-of-phase components. Measurement time for each frequency was adjusted to give consistent signal-to-noise ratio across the frequency range, resulting in a scan time of 106 seconds.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) was measured with an ADS1299-4 AFE from Texas Instruments, between the two in-ear electrodes (differential measurement). A third electrode (left mastoid) was used to drive the common mode. While these electrodes were shared with the EIS, the two measurements were time-multiplexed and a pair of analog multiplexers (TMUX1136, Texas Instruments, Inc.) effectively decoupled EEG and EIS sub-circuits and respective measurements. For EEG, both in-ear electrodes were also buffered (OPA376, Texas Instruments, Inc.) in the earpiece. These buffers were bypassed (analog multiplexer TMUX1136, Texas Instruments, Inc.) for EIS or electrode impedance measurement.
The ADS1299-4 was programmed to have a sampling rate of 250 samples-per-second (24-bit samples) and an input range of ±180 mV. The common mode drive was actively derived from the in-ear electrodes. Both mastoid electrodes were also connected to an input channel so that the low-frequency (31.25 Hz) impedance of each electrode could be measured using the internal current source of the ADS1299-4. Such impedance measurements were performed before starting a recording session, and then automatically between EEG periods and EIS. EEG measurement periods were 170 seconds long, and the sequence EEG-EIS-Electrode impedance repeated until the end of the recording session. A sample EEG spectrogram and hypnogram, derived from the device EEG is shown in Figure 2b.
Impedance Plethysmogram
In addition to impedance spectroscopy, real-time bioimpedance was acquired simultaneously with the EEG, using the MAX30001 AFE (Analog Devices, Inc.). The four-electrode configuration shared electrodes with the EEG, with the two mastoid electrodes used for current injection and the two in-ear electrodes for voltage sensing. A 96 μA current at 82 kHz was used for excitation. Such high frequency excitation is effectively filtered by the ADS1299-4 and does not corrupt the EEG signal. The MAX30001 built-in synchronous demodulator filtered and ADC recovered the in-phase component of the sensed voltage and digitized it at 64 samples-per-second (20-bit resolution). The resulting impedance measurements had a noise floor of 3 mν rms (100 ν load), enabling the detection of blood pulsations. A sample trace from a study participant, derived from the device IPG is shown in Figure 2d. Note that the impedance shifts measured in either the respiratory or cardiac frequency bands range between 50 to 150 mν. In contrast, impedance shifts detected by EIS were at least an order of magnitude greater.
Photoplethysmogram and Acceleration
In-ear reflective photoplethysmogram (PPG) was measured with two miniature, fully-integrated optical sensors MAXM86161 (Analog Devices, Inc.) located in each earpiece, facing the anterior wall of the ear canal. One side was programmed to use green light (530 nm), while the other used alternatively red (660 nm) and infrared (880 nm) lights. To achieve a tight synchronization with EEG samples, the sensors ran at 1024 Hz for each color, and the most recent samples available at the time of the EEG read were averaged, resulting in a 250 Hz output rate and a phase variation <1 ms. A sample trace of the left (red) and right PPG (green) from a study participant is provided in Figure 2f.
In-ear acceleration (X,Y,Z) was measured using two miniature MEMS Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) LSM6DSOX (ST Microelectronics, NV) located in each earpiece. Similar to the PPG, the sensors were run at 833 Hz (each axis) and averaged to ensure tight time synchronization between sensors. A noise floor of 1 mg rms enabled the resolution of cardiac/blood pulsations, in addition to posture and activity. From these accelerometer data, a ballistocardiogram is derived, as shown for a study participant in Figure 2e.
In-ear electrodes were laser-cut from silver sheets 100 microns thick and 99.9% purity. The electrodes were 4.5 mm diameter plates with a 1 mm-wide stem. The electrodes were abraded and sonicated in distilled water, dip-coated with Ag/AgCl ink provided by Creative Materials Inc (SKU EXP 2653-138-1) and cured at 100°C for 60 min. Following curing, they were sintered at 427°C for 60 minutes under low-flow argon gas.
Once fabricated, all electrodes were characterized according to the ANSI/AAMI EC12 standard for AC impedance57, DC offset voltage, combined offset instability and internal noise, and bias current tolerance (Supplemental Table 7). Pairs of electrodes were also connected to the earpiece circuits with clip-on wires and tested on an agar phantom as described in the Device Testing section.
Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Validation
Measurement accuracy was first evaluated using a test fixture simulating the load and the four electrodes (Supplemental Figure 2). The load was either purely resistive (R, 20-100 ν), or slightly reactive (2R1C, 20-100 ν in parallel with 470 ν and 22 nF in series) to mimic the brain parenchyma. The electrodes were implemented as either (i) low impedance (270 ν resistor in series with a 1 kν resistor and 180 nF capacitor in parallel), or (ii) high impedance (620 ν resistor in series with a 3.3 kν resistor and 82 nF capacitor in parallel), in order to simulate the frequency-dependence of typical Ag/AgCl electrodes, but also to ensure a minimal impedance at high frequencies. Two 10 ν resistors were added between the electrodes connected to the same side of the load to simulate the tissue impedance between these electrodes as well. Supplemental Table 8 describes the benchtop tests performed and Supplemental Table 9 and Supplemental Table 10 contain the results.
Device Testing
In addition to the EIS test fixture, stability and reproducibility of EIS measurements over twelve hours were evaluated with an agar phantom. A slab (5-10 mm thick) of conductive agar was first cast using a solution of 2.5% weight agar (Living Jin USA, Inc.), 0.64% weight NaCl (RND Center, Inc.) and distilled water. Electrodes (mastoids and earpieces for the final testing) were then coated with conductive gel (Electro-Gel, Electro-Cap International) to reduce the contact resistance, and placed on the agar slab in a pattern geometrically similar to the electrode location on the head. A 12-hour recording was performed, resulting in a total of 450 minutes of EEG recording, 159 EIS cycles and 160 electrode impedance checks. The results of a 12 hr agar phantom EEG test is shown in Supplemental Figure 3.
Signal Processing – Parenchymal Resistance
A python neuroprocessing pipeline developed by Applied Cognition performed the data analysis of the signals captured by the investigational device. The neuroprocessing pipeline runs in the Amazon Web Services cloud on a distributed architecture allowing for fast parallel execution of participant device readings.
An EIS scan by the investigational device measured impedances Z(ω) at 18 frequencies f (ω = 2πf) ranging from 1,000 Hz to 256,000 Hz and took 106 seconds. The frequencies were measured in the following permuted order for each scan (all in Hz): 2276, 102400, 1600, 64000, 4551, 51200, 12800, 85333, 3200, 25600, 1000, 32000, 6400, 8533, 128000, 204800, 256000. During the EIS scan, all other device sensors were powered off except the left-in-ear IMU that sampled at 1Hz to detect head motion and position. The EIS scans were duty-cycled throughout the recording period with 165 second neurophysiology scans that captured data from the other sensors: EEG, PPGs and IMUs. Four electrode impedance checks at 30Hz and lasting 7 seconds were performed during the neurophysiology scan and immediately preceding the EIS scan.
The Cole-Cole model58–60 is commonly used to analyze EIS data. The analysis is based on the four parameters contained in the Cole equation R0, R∞, α and τ. As the excitation frequency ω (ω = 2πf) increases to large values, the capacitive cell membranes are invisible to the excitation frequency and the impedance Z(ω) approaches R∞. The four excitation and response electrodes are positioned trans-cranially and at large ω measure total intracranial brain volume. As the excitation frequency ω decreases approaching DC values, the capacitive cell membranes prevent any transmembrane conduction and the impedance Z(ω) approaches R0 the measure of electrical resistance through extracellular fluid.
The value of τ in the Cole-Cole model is the inverse of tissue characteristic frequency 2πfc. The Cole-Cole α describes the divergence of a measured dielectric dispersion from the ideal dispersion exhibited by a Debye type of dielectric relaxation, and is widely assumed to be related to a distribution of the relaxation times in the system involved. The value of α ranges from 0.5 to 1 with a value of 1 reducing the Cole-Cole model to the Debye model.
For each EIS scan, the four parameters were estimated using a non-linear least-squares fit (Python SciPy’s least_squares) with the Trust Region Reflective algorithm that is a robust method suitable for large sparse problems with bounds. The α parameter was found to be close to one in the estimations and thereafter set to one, reducing the Cole-Cole model to the Debye model. The remaining three parameters were estimated with bounds of 0 to 90Ω for R0, 0 to 70Ω for R and bounds for determined by requiring the characteristic frequency f to lie between 16kHz and 160kHz. The parameter bounds where confirmed to encompass neurophysiological values in all participants by plotting all EIS scan resistance (real values of impedances Z(ω)) and reactance (imaginary values of impedance Z(ω)). Furthermore, no parameter solutions lay on a boundary for each scan across the range of dynamic impedance spectroscopy measurements for all participants.
Prior to fitting the Debye model to the EIS scan data, to compensate for stray capacitance, time delay effects from signal transmission and electrical components, the impedances Z from each scan were rotated by multiplying by the factor ejωT with the value T chosen so that the reactance at the highest frequency of the scan was zero59. This rotation was independently validated using EIS scans recorded on the benchtop tests using known impedance loads (Supplemental Table 10). The root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) of the Debye model fits to the benchtop tests (Supplemental Table 8) are reported in Supplemental Table 11.
Each EIS scan measures RP at a point in time and to evaluate glymphatic function the Debye model fits need to detect small changes in RP. With the device time-multiplexing settings, the device completes approximately 84 scans over a 7-hour night of sleep. The statistical models require significance testing of the mean change in RP between sleep and wake, and testing significance of predictors of RP in linear mixed models. These tests depend on the SD of the Debye model dispersion and the number of EIS scans (Supplemental Table 12). Details of these analyses are found in Supplemental 4.
During EIS, tissue behaves as a linear, time-invariant and causal system allowing the use of Kramers-Kronig relations to identify electrical impedance measures that are corrupted by artifacts from motion, electrode impedances and other sources31,32. The Kramers-Kronig transform allows the real part of the electrical impedance measure to be derived from the imaginary part and vice versa31. These relations are used as validity tests for measured spectrums. When the real and imaginary impedance measures do not satisfy the Kramers-Kronig relation the measure is discarded. The Python PyEIS1.0.10 repository was used for Kramers-Kronig impedance validation. The validation uses the method of Schönleber32 to avoid ambiguities in the linear Kramers-Kronig validity tests due to under- and over-fitting.
In addition to the Kramers-Kronig validity tests, EIS measures were discarded if for any of the four electrode impedances, the difference across successive time measures exceeded 1kΩ or if the EIS scan was collected during a wake interval on a participant randomized to sleep. The first condition ensured that the electrode impedances were maintained within a narrow range during the EIS scans and the second condition ensured that the EIS scans were representative of sleep physiology for participants randomized to sleep.
Signal Processing – Electroencephalography
The raw EEG tracings from the device and the commercial PSG (Philips Respironics Alice 6 LDx Diagnostic Sleep System) were time-synchronized by time-aligning a 100-ms square pulse generated by the device every 10 seconds and stored both in the device flash memory and in the PSG recording through as an unused auxiliary analog input channel. Each raw tracing was notch filtered at 60 Hz using a second-order infinite impulse response (IIR) notch digital filter (Python SciPy iirnotch). The digital filter was applied to the signal forward and backward with a combined filter phase of zero (Python SciPy filtfilt). The signal was then bandpass filtered between 0.3 Hz and 50 Hz using a finite impulse response (FIR) filter with a Hann window (Python SciPy firwin). The length of the low-pass filter was 501 and the length of the high-pass filter was 2,401.
During the observation periods, participants were not allowed to touch devices that were plugged to power outlets. Other non-physiologic sources included excessive head motion that led to signal artifacts from the electrode-skin interface. Physiologic sources of signal artifact included electrooculogram, electrocardiogram and electromyogram. The signals where partitioned into time-aligned 30-second epochs. Epochs containing one or more peak-to-peak signal amplitude exceeding 350 µV or maximum power in the Welch power spectrum exceeding 1,000 µV2/Hz were removed. In addition, the device left in-ear and right-in ear IMU signals were used to filter excessive motion by filtering epochs with peak-to-peak values on an x-, y-, or z-axis on either ear that exceeded 100 milli-g during sleep and 200 milli-g during wake.
The power spectral density of each 30-second epoch was computed using Welch’s method61 (Python Scipy welch) using 10-second segments and 50% overlap across successive segments. Relative power bands were computed for delta power (1-4 Hz), theta power (4-8 Hz), alpha power (8-12 Hz), sigma power (12-15 Hz), beta power (15-30 Hz) and low gamma power (30-50 Hz), each normalized to the total power in the power spectral density. Simpson integration of the power spectral density was used for computing the total power and respective band powers.
Hypnogram staging of each 30-second epoch used automated scoring (Python yasa 0.6.3 SleepStaging) trained and validated on 3,000 nights of data from the National Sleep Research Resource62. The automated scoring uses a single EEG derivative and a single EOG channel. For device hypnogram staging the single in-ear transcranial derivative was used and for the commercial PSG, hypnogram staging using C3-A2 and C4-A1 derivatives were recorded separately. The PSG left EOG channel was used for commercial PSG hypnogram staging. An additional T3-T4 transcranial PSG derivative was used for hypnogram staging as another comparison to the device’s transcranial in-ear derivative. The internal agreement of commercial PSG and agreement between investigational device-based EEG and PSG are presented in Supplemental Table 6.
Signal Processing – Heart Rate
The photoplethysmography (PPG) left and right raw signals were bandpass filtered between 0.5 Hz and 10 Hz using a finite impulse response (FIR) filter with a Hann window (Python SciPy firwin). Empirical mode decomposition was used to identify peaks in the raw signals (Python emd 0.6.2) using a box-car rolling window of 100 observations63. Heart rate variability metrics were computed after removing outliers, ectopic beats and interpolating missing values (Python Aura-healthcare hrvanalysis). Both time-domain features (standard deviation (SD) of the inter-beat-interval of normal sinus beats, sdnn) and frequency-domain features using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (low-frequency signal power lf between 0.04-0.15 Hz considered a mixture of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, high-frequency signal power hf between 0.15-0.4 Hz representing beat-to-beat changes from parasympathetic vagal activity, and the low-frequency to high-frequency ratio (lf-hf-ratio) were computed64.
The device inertial-measurement units (IMU) were located inside the left and right ear canal and provided left and right cartesian coordinates of acceleration measured in milli-g where 1,000 milli-g is the acceleration caused by earth’s gravitational force. Each in-ear component from the device is uniquely and reproducibly oriented on account of the ellipsoidal shape of the human ear-canal and the matching shape of the in-ear component. From this orientation, head position and motion (acceleration) were resolved from each set of IMU samples that included gross positions such as supine, reclined, upright, left and right.
Clinical Study Design
The Investigational Device was evaluated in two studies, a Benchmarking Study conducted in The Villages community in Florida in partnership with the UF Health PHRC, and a Replication Study conducted at the University of Washington in Seattle. These studies were reviewed and approved by University of Florida Institutional Review Board (IRB No. 202201364) and Western Institutional Review Board (IRB No. 20225818), respectively. Written informed consent was obtained from all study participants during a screening visit, prior to any study activities.
Participant Recruitment
Following distribution of study flyers in public-facing locations in senior recreation and/or local medical centers, the Benchmarking Study enrolled 34 healthy participants 56-66 years of age and the Replication Study enrolled 14 healthy participants 49-63 years of age. Participants were cognitively intact and had no history of clinical depression, confirmed during screening using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Other exclusion criteria included a history of diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, pulmonary disease, neurological disease, or anxiety. Participants planning travel to alternate time zones within two weeks of study participation were also excluded. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram for the Benchmarking Study and Replication Study is provided in Figure 3 (bottom), and participant exclusions are detailed in the Results section.
Demographic data including age, sex, APOE4 allele status, MOCA and GDS for the Benchmarking Study, Replication Study, and Combined Studies are provided in Supplemental Table 1.
Study Protocol
As shown in the study schematic (Figure 3, top), this is a cross-over study in which participants took part in two overnight study visits, one undergoing normal sleep and the other undergoing overnight sleep deprivation, at a 2-4 week interval. Each overnight study visit consisted of three study periods beginning at 1900 hrs, 0700 hrs, 1330 hrs separated by two intervals – an overnight interval (2300-0630 hrs), and a morning interval (0800-1130 hrs).
Benchmarking Study
Beginning with arrival to the study suite at 1900, participants underwent a blood draw for APOE genotyping and assessment of amyloid β and tau biomarkers (Aβ1-40, Aβ1- 42, phospho-tau181, phosho-tau217, non-phospho-tau181, non-phospho-tau217; C2N Diagnostics65–67) and 60 min of non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning (sequences detailed below). On completion, participants were instrumented for commercial polysomnography (PSG, Philips Respironics Alice 6 LDx Diagnostic Sleep System) that included a 10-20 EEG montage with electro-oculogram (EOG) and submental electromyogram (EMG). Electrode impedances were required to be below 5 kν. Participants were last instrumented with the Investigational Device, and device electrode impedances required to be below 5 kν.
The Overnight interval lasted from 2300-0630 hrs the following morning. To support study planning, participants were randomized to undergo either normal sleep or sleep deprivation for their initial overnight visit following completion of their informed consent, however this information was not shared with the participants. To reduce likelihood of preparation bias on the part of participants (i.e. altering sleep schedules or taking naps in anticipation of sleep deprivation visits) participants were not informed of their initial visit assignment until 4pm the day of their arrival. Both PSG and Investigational Device recordings took place continuously throughout the Overnight interval. Throughout the overnight period, sleep-assigned participants were allowed to sleep normally without interruption. Participants assigned to the sleep deprivation were monitored by study staff to ensure adherence to the sleep deprivation protocol.
Between 0700-0745 hrs the next morning, all participants were administered a cognitive battery that included the 5-minute psychomotor vigilance test for sustained attention68,69, symbol-digit modality test of processing speed, trail making test part A and part B for assessing executive function70, and digit span forward test of working memory71. Following the cognitive battery, participants underwent a blood draw for amyloid β and tau biomarkers and a second non-contrast MRI scanning session (denoted T0 in Results section). Immediately following the second non-contrast MRI scan, participants underwent intravenous gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) injection (Gadavist, 0.1 mmol/kg), followed by T1- and T2-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI scans 7-10 min after GBCA injection (denoted T10 in Results section).
Participants were escorted back to the study suite where they were re-instrumented with the commercial PSG and the Investigational Device. The Morning Interval ran from 0800 to 1130. Participants who assigned to the sleep condition in the Overnight Interval were required to remain awake and were monitored by study staff to ensure adherence; those assigned to the sleep deprivation condition in the Overnight were allowed to sleep. During this interval both the PSG and Interventional Device recorded data. The third assessment period commenced at the end of the Morning Interval. Participants underwent a final blood draw for amyloid β and tau biomarker assessment and then had a third MRI scanning session, including non-contrast sequences and T1- and T2-weighted contrast-enhanced sequences at approximately 4 hrs post-GBCA injection (denoted T240 in Results section).
Replication Study
The Replication protocol was an abridged version of the Benchmarking protocol. The inclusion/exclusion criteria were identical to the Benchmarking study except for the lower age cut-off. Participants were similarly randomized to a night of sleep or a night of sleep deprivation on their first visit, with a crossover to the alternative sleep/sleep deprivation assignment on their second visit. The protocol for the Replication Study was identical to that of the Benchmarking Study excepting that 1) Participants did not undergo commercial PSG, sleep was assessed by Investigational Device EEG; 2) Participant sleep deprivation adherence in the Overnight Interval was assessed retrospectively using the sleep EEG; 3) The cognitive battery did not include the digits forward working memory test; 4) Participants underwent only non-contrast, and not contrast-enhanced MRI.
Cognitive Assessments
The 5-minute PVT from Texas A&M University System CSE72 and digits forward recall from Cambridge Cognition71 were administered on an iPad. The paper-based SDMT from Western Psychological Services73, the TMT A and TMT B74, were administered by a clinical coordinator trained in administering these tests. The cognitive battery was administered in a quiet room with minimal distractions on the morning following sleep/wake and prior to the neuroimaging and phlebotomy. The administration of each test was preceded by the corresponding practice test. We have included a description of these tests within the overall protocol for completeness. The results of these cognitive tests, and their relationship to Investigational Device outputs, sleep parameters, fluid biomarkers, and MRI measures of glymphatic function will be reported elsewhere.
Plasma Biomarkers
The APOE genotyping, amyloid β and tau plasma biomarkers were analyzed using mass spectrometry by C2N Diagnostics75. The sample collection procedure was provided by C2N Diagnostics. Venipuncture and blood draw from the antecubital fossa were performed using a 22-gauge butterfly needle to minimize red blood cell hemolysis. A total of 10 ml of blood was drawn into a K2 EDTA Vacutainer. The blood was centrifuged for 15 min using a swinging bucket rotor at 500-700 x g with the brake on. Immediately after centrifugation, four 1.0 mL plasma samples were aliquoted into four Sarstedt 2.0 ml Micro Tube without disrupting the plasma/cell interface when transferring plasma. A calibrated air-displacement hand-held pipette with a polypropylene pipette tip was used. After aliquoting plasma into the Sarstedt Micro Tubes, the tubes were immediately capped and frozen at −40°C. When the tubes were ready to be shipped to C2N Diagnostics, they were packed into a plastic zip-lock bag with plenty of dry ice, placed in an absorbent towel and cryobox, and express couriered to C2N Diagnostics priority overnight. In the present report, we utilize APOE4 allele status as a covariate in our analysis, and we have included a description of plasma biomarker assessment within the overall protocol for completeness. However, the fluid biomarker levels, and their relationship to Investigational Device outputs, sleep parameters, cognitive tests, and MRI measures of will be reported elsewhere.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Approach
MRI scanning at The Villages site was conducted on a 3T Siemens Vida system at Lake Medical Imaging, while scanning at the University of Washington site was conducted on a 3T Philips Ingenia Elition X at the Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center. In the present report, to define the relationship between brain RP and glymphatic function, we utilize CE-MRI from Benchmarking Study participants following the overnight sleep condition. We have included a description of the other MRI-based approaches within the overall protocol for completeness. However, the relationship between these different MRI measures of glymphatic function, Investigational Device outputs, sleep parameters, cognitive tests, and fluid biomarker levels will be reported elsewhere.
Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Contrast-enhanced MRI involves intravenous administration of a Gadolinium chelate that shortens T1, T2, and T2* relaxation parameters of the tissue it traverses through. Specifically, in this study, shortening of the T1 relaxation parameter enhances MRI signal that is proportional to the amount of Gadolinium and its characteristic relaxivity. Gadolinium passes quickly through the cerebral and peripheral vasculature within the first 5-30 minutes. A fraction of the contrast enters the CSF and ISF14,15 over many hours and finally almost 99% of the contrast exits the body by renal clearance. The passage of intravenous GBCA from the vasculature to the CSF and ISF was measured in terms of a delayed signal enhancement at approximately 4 hours after administration. Two prior studies have shown that delayed enhancement following contrast injection between 3 and 6 hours is indicative of solute (in this case, GBCA) transport via the CSF-ISF glymphatic exchange14,15. At the Villages®, we performed 3D T1-weighted magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo (MPRAGE) with TR/TI/TE = 2300/900/2 ms, resolution = 1×1×1 mm3, field-of-view = 256×256×208 mm3, total acquisition time = 5:12 min before contrast injection. The post-contrast MRI image (T10) was acquired approximated 7-10 minutes after contrast injection and its acquisition was identical to the pre-contrast image. A second post-contrast scan was acquired about 4 hours (T240) later using identical imaging parameters.
Structural MRI
Structural T1 MRI was used for classifying the brain tissue into lobar gray matter, lobar white matter, and CSF as well as for segmenting regions-of-interests including the hippocampus, sagittal sinus, internal carotid arteries, lateral ventricle, and subarachnoid space. The T1 images were also used for registration purposes for all other imaging modalities. The T1 images were used for determining PVS morphometry76,77. Scanning parameters for the Benchmarking Study are identical to the contrast-enhanced MRI. Scanning parameters for the Replication Study were TR/TI/TE = 12/1000/4.5 ms, resolution = 0.8×0.8×0.8 mm3, field-of-view = 256×240×166 mm3, total acquisition time = 5:24 min. Since inclusion of T2 MRI significantly improves PVS detection, a T2 MRI with TR/TE = 3200/561 ms, resolution = 0.8×0.8×0.8 mm3, field-of-view = 256×240×166 mm3, total acquisition time = 4:32 min was also added.
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI is a multi-shell diffusion imaging approach to measure water movement at different scales of distance and time. Glymphatic transport includes movement of CSF in the subarachnoid space and the interstitium at a slow speed (∼1 mm/s) over large distances (∼100-200 um)1,30,40. This perivascular movement of CSF through the subarachnoid compartment is upstream of its exchange with the ISF along the penetrating intraparenchymal vasculature and hence could serve as an important correlate of glymphatic function78. The imaging parameters for the Benchmarking Study were: TR/TE = 5500/124 ms, resolution = 1×1×5 mm3, field-of-view = 250×250×150 mm3, parallel imaging factor = 2, multi-band factor = 3, fat suppression with Spectral Presaturation with Inversion Recovery (SPIR), b values = 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 700, 800, and1000 s/mm2, and total acquisition time = 7:01 min. The b = 0 s/mm2 was acquired with reverse phase encoding to correct for field distortions. The imaging parameters for the Replication Study were TR/TE = 2978/90 ms, resolution = 1×1×5 mm3, parallel imaging factor = 2.2, field-of-view = 230×196×115 mm3, fat suppression with SPIR, b values = 0, 10,40,80,100,150,200, 300,500,700, 800, 900,1000 s/mm2, and total acquisition time = 8:08 min. A Split echo (SPLICE) acquisition was used to eliminate the need for distortion correction.
Multi-Echo, Multi-Delay Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) MRI
Multi-echo, multi-delay ASL measures perfusion and time for exchange of water across the endothelium. This time metric is dependent on perfusion, endothelial permeability, and the glial vascular unit including the AQP4 water channels that are critical to the perivascular CSF-ISF exchange78,79. This protocol was implemented only for the Replication Study as a Hadamard-encoded ASL acquisition, TR/TE = 5000 ms, resolution = 1×1×5 mm3, field-of-view = 230×196×115 mm3, post labeling delay = 650, 950,1210,1510,2083,2383 ms with background suppression, label duration = 3400 ms, and TE = 0,40,80, 120 ms. Total acquisition time = 12:40 min. A conventional arterial spin labeling (ASL) protocol was implemented in the Benchmarking Study due to the lack of availability of the multi-echo component. The parameters were: TR/TE = 4420/22 ms, resolution = 1.7×1.7×4 mm3, field-of-view = 220×220×96 mm3, post labeling delay = 500, 900,1000,1100,1200,1400,1600,1800, label duration = 1800 ms. Total acquisition time = 2:37 min. The sequence was acquired twice. A reference M0 images was acquired in both studies with identical parameters but without background suppression or labeling.
Fast Functional MRI
A sub-second functional MRI sequence was implemented to separate and regress physiological noise (cardiac and respiratory signals) as well as to capture slow CSF oscillations in the ventricles80. The protocol for the Benchmarking Study was TR/TE = 400-500/30 ms, resolution = 3.6×3.6×3.6 mm3, flip angle = 70°, multi-band factor = 4, field-of-view = 230×2430×101 mm3, fat suppression, no. of volumes = 365 using SPIR, total acquisition time = 2:37 min. Heart rate and respiration were monitored using the BIOPAC MR160 and synchronized with MRI acquisition. The Replication Study used a gradient-echo, echo planar imaging sequence with TR/TE = 400-500/30 ms, resolution = 3×3×4 mm3, flip angle = 42°, multi-band factor = 6, field-of-view = 240×240×123 mm3, slice gap = 0.4 mm, fat suppression using SPIR, no. of volumes = 450, total acquisition time = 3:00 min. Two single volume, spin echo acquisitions were also acquired with opposite phase encoding to allow for distortion correction. Heart rate and respiration were monitored using the sensors built into the Philips scanner and synchronized with MRI acquisition. Glymphatic CSF-ISF exchange is at least partly driven by vasomotion, which may be reflected by periodic motion in the CSF spaces. This CSF motion correlates well with sleep stages, with power of the slow CSF oscillation increasing from wakefulness to the N1 and finally to the N2 stage80.
Phase-Contrast MRI
The phase contrast MRI is used to quantify CSF efflux from the Aqueduct of Sylvius. The peristaltic motion of CSF at the Aqueduct is measured by gating the MRI signal to the participants and calculating the CSF motion into and out of the brain over a cardiac signal. Variations in CSF efflux velocity appear to follow the cardiac and respiratory signals and may impact glymphatic CSF-ISF exchange. The Benchmarking Study protocol for this MRI was the following: a single slice acquisition perpendicular to the Aqueduct of Sylvius, TR/TE = 21/6.6 ms, resolution = 30.6×0.6×6 mm3, flip angle = 10°, 40 phases per cardiac cycle, and velocity encoding for 12 cm/s, total acquisition time: 2:00 min. The Replication Study protocol included the following: a single-slice acquisition perpendicular to the Aqueduct of Sylvius, TR/TE = 12/7.9 ms, resolution = 30.6×0.6×4 mm3, flip angle = 10°, 15 phases per cardiac cycle, and velocity encoding for 12 cm/s, total acquisition time: 2:02 min
Statistical Approach
The Benchmarking study was designed to have 80% power at a significance level of 5% to detect a low-to-moderate correlation r (r=0.5) between the device measurements and CE-MRI measurement of glymphatic function. The Replication study was designed to have 80% power at a significance level of 20% to detect a low-to-moderate correlation r (r=0.5) between the device measurements and non-contrast MRI measurement of glymphatic function and to detect overnight sleep/wake differences in brain parenchymal resistance.
The parenchymal resistances RP computed from each EIS scan from the device were normalized to the sleep/wake onset values to allow comparison across visits and participants. To reduce measurement variability of the sleep/wake onset value, the value was inferred from a linear regression to the initial RP values. The overnight change in RP per participant visit was taken as the average of the normalized values for that visit. For example, a value of 1 indicated that there was no overnight change from the onset value and a value of 0.8 indicated a 20% overnight reduction from onset. A Student’s T-test group comparison between sleep/wake visits, group mean and SD were calculated.
Contrast-enhanced MRI of sleep-related glymphatic function was analyzed using a random intercept linear mixed effect model (R, lme in the lmne package). Glymphatic function was defined by measuring brain parenchymal contrast enhancement, the % change in T1-weighted signal intensity between 10-240 min post-GBCA injection (100% * (T240-T10)/T0) at each of eight regions of interest (ROIs): frontal cortical gray and white matter, parietal cortical gray and white matter, temporal cortical gray and white matter, and occipital gray and white matter. Only sleep visits were analyzed leading to a one level of grouping, the eight ROIs, for the participant sleep visit. All models included regressors in the mixed model for the T10-T240 change in blood signal within the internal carotid artery, and the T10-T240 change in CSF signal within the cerebral lateral ventricles to compensate for the influence of vascular and CSF contrast on parenchymal enhancement. Potentially confounding biological variables age, gender, and APOE ε4 status were also included in all models.
To evaluate different sleep-related contributions to glymphatic function, overnight changes from sleep onset for each of the four recorded EEG relative band powers (delta, theta, alpha, beta) and for HR were computed. The recorded values were normalized to their respective value at sleep onset and a single statistic, the average of the overnight normalized values, computed per participant visit. The four hypnogram sleep stages (N1, N2, N3, REM) and WASO were each summed into single total sleep stage durations and total WASO duration per participant visit. The device RP normalization and averaging has been previously described. Models were run separately for each of the four EEG relative band powers (delta, theta, alpha, beta), for each of the four hypnogram sleep stages (N1, N2, N3, REM), for WASO, for HR and for device RP. Two full models were then fit to the data, with the EEG band power and the hypnogram sleep stages separated into distinct models because of collinearity across those predictors. The variance inflation factor (R ‘vif’ function from the ‘car’ package) was used to test for predictor collinearity using a threshold of 5. The EEG powerbands included were limited to delta, theta and beta because of collinearity among the four relative band powers. HR and the device RP were included in both full models. Each full model was reduced to a selected model using backward elimination of predictors with a threshold Wald’s p-value of 0.05.
Model selection stability, or robustness of the selected model to perturbations in the dataset, was tested using resampling-based multi-model inference29. The dataset was bootstrapped resampled with replacement to generate 500 bootstrapped datasets. For each of these datasets the two full models were estimated and reduced to a selected model using backward elimination. The bootstrap inclusion frequency (the percent of bootstrap datasets that included the predictor), the RMSD ratio (the RMSD of the predictor bootstrap estimate divided by the standard error of that coefficient in the full model and expressing the variance inflation or deflation caused by variable selection), the relative conditional bias (quantifying the variable-selection-induced bias to expect if a predictor is selected) and the bootstrap median of each predictor coefficient were reported.
The analyses of device RP values with EEG band powers, heart rate and hypnogram staging were performed on the overnight sleep recordings. Analyses were grouped into REM sleep and NREM sleep (N1, N2 and N3). The device resistances were computed repeatedly throughout the night from each EIS scan. During sleep recordings, these data were non-stationary. After normalization to sleep onset as previously described, first-order differences ΔRP and ΔX for X one of the EEG band powers or HR were incorporated into individual random intercept linear mixed models to evaluate their relationship. Threshold regression models were used in the linear mixed model. A custom estimation procedure described in Supplemental Information was used to jointly estimate the threshold regression for the full positive and negative range of the predictors. The hinge threshold model was analytically reduced to estimation by linear regression which allowed it to be used in a random intercepts linear mixed effects regression model. The autocorrelation function and augmented Dickey Fuller tests were used to confirm stationarity of the differenced variables ΔRP and ΔX and also of the fitted model residuals (R, acf and adf functions).
In addition to the analyses of ΔRP and ΔX for X one of the EEG powerbands or HR during REM sleep and NREM sleep, these were analyzed at hypnogram transitions NREM to REM, REM to NREM, sleep to wake and wake to sleep. The analysis was similar, using threshold regression models in a random intercept mixed linear model.
Univariate outliers were trimmed at the 0.5 and 99.5 percentile. For multivariate analysis, the Mahalonobis distance was computed and outliers trimmed at the 0.5 and 99.5 percentile of the Mahalonobis distance. All regressions were adjusted for potential confounding effects of age, sex and APOE genotype. All tests were considered significant at a 5% level if the 95% confidence interval (CI) did not contain the null hypothesis. All statistical analyses were performed in R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) or Graphpad Prism 8.0.0.
We reported the pooled findings of the Benchmarking and Replication study for both the investigational device transcranial resistance measurements and EEG parameters.
Supplemental 1: Analysis of device EEG and commercial polysomnography
The single derivative device EEG was validated against the commercial PSG (Philips Respironics Alice 6 LDx Diagnostic Sleep System) in participants that underwent concurrent device and PSG sleep recording as part of the Benchmark study. Both hypnogram sleep staging and sleep parameters were validated using a confusion matrix between the device prediction and the PSG prediction both per participant and pooled across participants. Prediction metrics computed included sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy and F1 score. The device EEG with EOM and the PSG C3-A2, C4-A1 derivatives were individually input into the automated hypnogram scoring (Python yasa 0.6.3 SleepStaging). Manual scoring of the PSG by a sleep physician (YC) was used as the gold-standard. The results of these comparisons are provided in Supplemental Table 6.
Supplemental 2: Threshold regression model and estimation
Threshold regression models were fit on data that spanned the full positive and negative range of abscissa values. These models are defined by a positive turning point tp ≥ 0 where for x ≥ tp the regression line goes from f(x) = 0 to f(x) = mp(x – tp) and a negative turning point tn ≤ 0 where for x ≤ tn the regression line goes from f(x) = 0 to f(x) = mn(x – tn). These models can be reduced to linear regression. First transform the data (x, y) → (x, y) were For values of tp, tn and r, a least squares estimator can be used to fit a linear model to the transformed data values (x, y). With , the transformed data is linear, through the origin and has slope mn. When r = 1 both slopes are identical; for r ≠ 1 the positive half-space slope equals the regression estimate multiplied by r. Hence, for r < 1 the positive half-space slope is less than the negative half-space slope and for r > 1 the positive half-space slope is greater than the negative half-space slope.
The linear fit was estimated using an F-statistics, the ratio of the explained variance (due to the model) and the unexplained variance (residuals). Grid search over the parameter space tp, tn and r was carried out and the values that minimized the mean sum of squared residuals (and hence maximized the F-statistic) was reported81. To avoid edge effects, tp and tn were set to ±1.5 standard deviations82. Random intercept linear mixed models were similarly fit to the transformed data and grid search used to solve for the parameters that minimized the mean sum of squared residuals for the fixed effects. The autocorrelation function was used to confirm no residual autocorrelation following model estimation and fit.
Supplemental 3: Physiological basis for electrical impedance spectroscopy change with glymphatic function
In normal adult men (women) between the ages of 60-86 years, the GM, WM and total intracranial volumes (TIV) are 614.3 ± 60.1 (562.6 ± 50.1 ml), 534.0 ± 57.2 ml (476.6 ± 44.7 ml) and 1603.0 ± 133.0 ml (1425.9 ± 109.0 ml)83. Average adult cerebral blood flow (CBF) is approximately 750 ml/min or 12.5 ml/sec. Assuming HR of 60 bpm, 12.5 ml of blood injected into the brain causes an approximate 50 mΩ decrease in the device IPG sampled at 80 kHz (see for example Figure 2d, IPG-Impedance Plethysmograph data taken from a female study participant). At 80 kHz, EIS measures the extracellular compartment and most of the intracellular compartment. Thus, the 12.5 ml increase in blood volume, representing a 12.5/1425.9 = 0.88% change in TIV, would be measured as a 50 mΩ decrease in resistance by EIS.
At low frequencies, EIS measures changes in extracellular volume. The interstitial cortical volume fraction α in awake rodents has been shown to be 14.1% and in sleeping rodents 23.4% whereas the tortuosity λ of the interstitial space remained unchanged across sleep and wake2,84. This suggests that in rodents, the sleep-induced volume expansion of the interstitial space occurs from a change in the cross-sectional area and not length. This is noteworthy because resistance of a conductor is proportional to where 𝑙 is the length and A the cross-sectional area. Therefore, the increase in interstitial space fluid with glymphatic function will increase the cross-sectional area of the interstitial space channels and proportionally decrease the transcranial electrical resistance. In humans, the measurements range from 15-20%85 but changes with sleep/wake have not been assessed. Using the rodent data as a proxy to what we might expect in humans, we would expect a 66% increase in interstitial volume with sleep to occur from of a 66% increase in cross-sectional area of the interstitial channels. The remaining extracellular compartment volumes contributing to the resistance at low EIS frequencies are CSF and blood plasma that occupy a total volume comparable to the awake interstitial volume. Therefore, the net extracellular compartment volume increase, or effective cross-sectional area increase, with sleep is 33%. Using the IPG relationship between fluid volume change and transcranial impedance, a 0.88% increase in fluid volume was measured as a 50 mΩ decrease in transcranial electrical resistance implying that a 33% volume increase would be measured as an 1875 mΩ decrease. This analysis uses the conclusion that the interstitial volume increase of glymphatic function is an increase in the interstitial channel cross-sectional area and similarly the assumption that the intravascular volume increase of cardiac output is from an increase in the intravascular cross-sectional area. The preceding analysis assumed a 66% increase in interstitial volume fraction as seen in rodents. Assuming a smaller 25% volume fraction increase and using the same analysis, we would expect a 710 mΩ decrease in transcranial resistance with sleep.
Supplemental 4: Benchtop and agar phantom characterization of electrodes and device
Electrodes were characterized according to the ANSI/AAMI EC12 standard for AC impedance, DC offset voltage, combined offset instability and internal noise, and bias current tolerance57. Defibrillation overload recovery was not tested as it is not relevant to the present application. Pairs of electrodes were immersed in a 140 mM NaCl solution, facing each other and separated by 3-4 mm. AC impedance at 10 Hz was measured using a multifunction DAQ module (Analog Discover 2, Digilent) configured for 2-point impedance measurement. An excitation voltage of 100 millivolts peak-to-peak (mVpp) and a 10 kΩ series resistor guaranteed a maximum current of 10 microamps peak-to-peak (μApp). DC offset voltage was measured with a Fluke 87V multimeter. Offset instability and internal noise were measured over five minutes using a 24-bit digitizer module (ADS1299EVM, Texas Instruments, 67 nV resolution) sampling at 2000 samples per second, calibrated using a Keysight EDU33212A Signal Generator. Recorded data was subsequently filtered with a 0.15-100 Hz first order bandpass (simulating EC12 filtering) or the 0.3-50 Hz EEG bandpass filter described in Signal Processing – Electroencephalography. Peak-to-peak values over the 5-minute period are reported. Bias current tolerance was measured with a multifunction DAQ module using its 14-bit digitizer (0.32 mV resolution) as data logger (sampling every 10 seconds for 8 hours), and its power supply to apply 200 nA DC across the pair of electrodes (2 V across a 10 MΩ resistor in series). The maximum voltage deviation relative to the initial offset voltage before current application is reported. All results are found in Supplemental Table 7.
Benchtop validation of the investigational device EIS compared the measured to the theoretical resistance and reactance at each frequency on a circuit model of brain parenchymal impedance (the load) with separate models for each of the four electrode impedances. The circuit diagram for these benchtop measurements is shown in Supplemental Figure 2. The load was modelled using 2R1C parallel circuit and the four electrode-skin interfaces were modeled by individual 2R1C circuits with a charge transfer resistance in parallel to a double layer capacitance that was in series with a resistor embodying the electrolyte and stratum corneum resistance. The resistance and capacitance values for the load were based on observed participant resistance and reactance over the EIS frequencies. Two sets of parameters for the electrode impedance models were used, a low-impedance model and a high-impedance model. These were selected to cover the observed range of subject electrode impedances over the range of EIS frequencies. The parameters for the complete set of benchtop tests are found in Supplemental Table 8 and included (i) calibration measurements of purely resistive loads, (ii) calibration of a 2R1C load varying the parallel resistor Rs to simulate changes in the interstitial space resistance, and (iii) calibration of a fixed 2R1C load while varying the electrode impedances at each electrode between low and high impedance settings to test the sensitivity to expected variations during use. The absolute error between the measured and theoretical resistance and reactance for the benchtop tests are reported in Supplemental Table 9 and in Supplemental Table 10, respectively. The measured impedances reported were rotated by multiplying by the factor e−jωT with the value T chosen so that the reactance at 256kHz was zero59. The absolute error of the resistance reveals a systematic positive bias implicating contributions to the resistance in the device or benchtop setup that were not fully compensated by the device calibration. For the measurements of the 2R1C benchtop tests, the resistance bias is 0.278 Ω and the bias un-adjusted and adjusted RMSE are 0.321 Ω and 0.144 Ω, respectively. The reactance did not show a systematic bias. The RMSE of the reactance for the 2R1C benchtop tests is 0.128 Ω. Because we are interested in the dispersion of the resistance over frequencies, or the difference between the resistance at a low frequency and at a high frequency, the bias cancels out. Using the signal processing pipeline to fit the Debye model, Supplemental Table 11 reports the dispersion prediction error from theoretical value at each frequency relative to 128 kHz. Reported values are for the 2R1C electrode impedance sensitivity tests. The 1 kHz minus 128kHz dispersion is representative of the parenchymal resistance RP computed from the difference between the extrapolated DC resistance and the infinite frequency resistance. This dispersion had an RMSE of 0.147 Ω approaching the bias-adjusted RMSE of the 2R1C benchtop tests in Supplemental Table 9, and represents a 3.1% measurement error in the theoretical dispersion value of 4.766 Ω.
The device EIS showed the accuracy needed to reliably measure a single RP value but to evaluate glymphatic function it needs to detect changes in RP. These changes are small by comparison to the absolute value of RP. As discussed, the overnight decrease ranges between 500 mΩ and 2000 mΩ. With the current time-multiplexing settings, the device completes approximately 84 scans over a 7-hour night of sleep, or 6 to 23 mΩ average decrease between scans. The statistical models used in the analysis of the Benchmarking Study and Regression Study required significance testing of the mean change in RP between sleep and wake, and testing significance of predictors of RP in linear mixed models. These tests depend on the SD of the Debye model dispersion estimate which for the electrode impedance sensitivity tests was 0.113 Ω, slightly less than the bias-adjusted RMSE. Supplemental Table 12 shows that the minimum change in RP with 25 and 100 EIS scans that is statistically significant is 44 mΩ and 22 mΩ, respectively. Note that during sleep, RP decreases with glymphatic function and therefore each measurement arises from a distribution with a different mean but the same SD σ. Using the linearity of expectation and statistical independence of each RP measurement, the standard error of the mean of RP is for n samples. Using the Fisher transform86 to solve for the minimum significant correlation detectable at a given sample size, Supplemental Table 11 reports that weak to moderate correlations of RP with predictors will be significant at 100 and 25 EIS scans, respectively. These estimates are optimistic since not all sources of error are accounted by the electrode impedance sensitivity tests.
Agar phantom testing over 12 hours was used as a final quality check for each fully assembled device. These tests measured the device combined noise level from the electronics, electrochemical interfaces between the electrodes, EEG gel and agar. Supplemental Figure 3 shows the device periodogram, EEG recording and power spectral density from an agar phantom test.
Data availability
The data supporting the results in this study are available from the corresponding author with Institutional Review Board approval and Data Use Agreement permitting non-commercial use of data for independent validation, publication and sharing of new findings.
Code availability
Code used for the analysis and to produce figures are available upon reasonable request to the corresponding author.
Revised Figures 3,4,5,6, added Supplemental Figure 1, added additional results to Tables 1,2, Supplemental Table 3, and updated Results and Discussion to reflect additional results.
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