Data Availability
Computer codes for the statistical analyses and aggregated data are available from the corresponding authors upon request to the corresponding author. The consent given by the participants in the two cohorts does not open for storage of individual level data in repositories or journals. Access to individual level data sets from the MoBa database requires an application, approval from The Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway, and an agreement with MoBa and the endpoint registries, which can be obtained by applying at (for more information, see the MoBa website, or email Mor.BarnData{at} Data from the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) used in this study is managed by The DNBC Secretariat at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark, and can be made available to researchers, provided approval from The DNBC organization, compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and approval from the data owner (Statens Serum Institut). Researchers who wish to apply for access to data sets for replication purposes should apply through the DNBC Secretariat (see Access to data sets requires approval from the local Data Protection Agency (in a Danish context; "Fortegnelsen") at the researcher's institution and an agreement with the DNBC at Statens Serum Institut.