Article Information
- November 23, 2023.
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Author Information
- Michal Juraska, Ph.D.1,*,a,
- Angela M. Early, Ph.D.2,a,
- Li Li, Ph.D.1,
- Stephen F. Schaffner, Ph.D.2,
- Marc Lievens, M.Sc.3,
- Akanksha Khorgade, M.Sc.2,
- Brian Simpkins, B.A.1,
- Nima S. Hejazi, Ph.D.4,
- David A. Benkeser, Ph.D.5,
- Qi Wang, B.Eng.6,
- Laina D. Mercer, Ph.D.7,
- Samuel Adjei, M.B., Ch.B., D.T.M.8,
- Tsiri Agbenyega, M.B. Ch.B., Ph.D.8,
- Scott Anderson, B.S.2,
- Daniel Ansong, M.B., Ch.B., F.W.A.C.P.8,
- Dennis K. Bii, M.B.Ch.B, M.P.H.9,
- Patrick B.Y. Buabeng, M.B.A.8,
- Sean English, B.S.2,
- Nicholas Fitzgerald, B.S.2,
- Jonna Grimsby, Ph.D2,
- Simon K. Kariuki, Ph.D.9,
- Kephas Otieno, M.Sc.9,
- François Roman, M.D.3,
- Aaron M. Samuels, M.D.10,11,
- Nelli Westercamp, Ph.D.11,
- Christian F. Ockenhouse, M.D., Ph.D.7,
- Opokua Ofori-Anyinam, Ph.D.3,
- Cynthia K. Lee, Ph.D.7,
- Bronwyn L. MacInnis, Ph.D.2,
- Dyann F. Wirth, Ph.D.2,12,
- Peter B. Gilbert, Ph.D.1,13 and
- Daniel E. Neafsey, Ph.D.2,12,*
- 1Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Seattle, WA, USA
- 2Broad Institute, Infectious Disease and Microbiome Program, Cambridge, MA, USA
- 3GSK, Wavre, Belgium
- 4Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, Boston, MA, USA
- 5Rollins School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Atlanta, GA, USA
- 6Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
- 7PATH, Seattle, WA, USA
- 8Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology/Agogo Presbyterian Hospital, Agogo, Asante Akyem, Ghana
- 9Centre for Global Health Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kisumu, Kenya
- 10Malaria Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kisumu, Kenya
- 11Malaria Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA
- 12Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Boston, MA, USA
- 13Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Hans Rosling Center for Population Health, Seattle, WA, USA
- ↵*To whom reprint requests should be addressed Corresponding authors: Michal Juraska (mjuraska{at}; Daniel E. Neafsey (neafsey{at}
↵a These authors contributed equally to this manuscript