Analytical treatment interruption (ATI) studies are increasingly being performed to evaluate the efficacy of putative strategies towards HIV-1 reservoir elimination or antiretroviral therapy (ART)-free viral control. A limited number of studies have evaluated the impact of ATI on the HIV-1 reservoir in individuals on suppressive ART. Available data suggests that ATIs have transient impact on the HIV-1 reservoir, mostly measured by levels of total or integrated HIV-1 DNA, in peripheral blood cells prior to ATI and shortly after ART-mediated viral re-suppression. The long-term impact of intervention ATI studies on the latent, inducible HIV-1 reservoir remains uncertain. We report the first clinical study demonstrating an increase in the latent, inducible HIV-1 reservoir, measured by expression of tat/rev multiply spliced RNA, in nine individuals, despite more than a decade of re-suppressive ART, after undergoing an immune intervention ATI conducted in 2006-2009. Our findings challenge the status quo on ATI risk of viral reservoir reseeding and the long-term outcomes thereof.
A reservoir of immune cells harboring replication-competent HIV-1, established early during infection (within 3 to 6 days)1, persists in the body despite suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART) and presents a major hurdle to developing a cure for HIV-1 infection. Although raising several debatable ethical concerns 2–4, analytical treatment interruption (ATI) studies are increasingly being used to assess the efficacy of novel therapeutic strategies designed to target the viral reservoir and/or control HIV-1 in absence of ART 5–7. Findings from past and recent studies indicate that HIV-1 viremia during ATI may be associated with long-term adverse clinical events, clearly warranting vigilant follow-up of ATI study participants 8–10. One particular area of concern is the heightened risk of HIV-1 reservoir reseeding during ATI. Recent studies have reported viral reservoir diversity and dynamics shortly after ATI upon intervention, during ATI, but not after viral re-suppression 11–15. A few studies have assessed the impact of ATI on the viral reservoir, mostly at the level of total or integrated HIV-1 DNA, and after only a limited time following ART-mediated re-suppression (ranging from 3 months to two years)16–20, which provide insufficient insight with regards to the long-term outcomes of ATI on the stable, persistent viral reservoir. Here we examined the long-term impact of intervention ATIs by assessing different molecular compartments of the HIV-1 reservoir using peripheral blood samples, collected 15 years apart, from nine individuals who participated in an autologous dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapy ATI trial followed by more than 10 years of ART resuppression.
Cohort description
Between April 8, 2021 and June 6, 2021, we recruited nine chronically treated individuals with HIV-1 subtype B who interrupted ART during a non-randomized, phase I/IIa autologous DC-based immunotherapy trial conducted in 2006 (International Clinical Trial Registry Platform: Netherlands trial registry No. NTR2198)21 (Fig. 1a, Extended Data Table 1). All participants were stably suppressed with undetectable plasma HIV RNA (<50 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) for a median of 4.8 (IQR: 4.6-5) years, with CD4+ T cell counts >500 prior to enrollment into the trial. Although the DC vaccine was shown to be safe and well-tolerated 21, the elicited immune responses were not sufficient to control viral replication off ART as all participants experienced viral rebound (>1000 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) within two to eight weeks after ATI 21. The participants included in this study remained off ART for a median duration of 50 weeks (interquartile range (IQR): 28.5 - 96), with prolonged viremia, until resuming ART (Fig. 1b), which was in accordance with protocol-defined criteria based on CD4+ T-cell count or necessity of re-treatment according to earlier guidelines 21. From a retrospective analysis of routine clinical data, we observed that all participants achieved viral re-suppression (plasma HIV-RNA <50 copies/mL) within 18 months after resuming ART. Plasma antiretroviral drug levels measured one month after resuming ART were within therapeutic range. Approximately two years after resuming ART, while CD4+ T cell counts had increased to levels that were comparable to baseline, the CD4/CD8 ratio was significantly lower relative to baseline (pre vaccination, T0) (Extended Data Fig. 1). However, at enrollment into the current study, the participants had been virally suppressed for >10 years and the mean CD4+ T cell counts and CD4/CD8 ratio were comparable to baseline levels before vaccination and ATI (T0) (Extended Data Fig. 1). Viral blips (50-400 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) after viral re-suppression were detected in three participants with no clear clinical explanation (see note, Extended Data Table 1). There was no indication of ART failure, non-adherence, or potential reservoir-targeting medication administered over the years post ATI.
a) Schematic overview of the longitudinal study phase during the DCTRN vaccination trial, ATI (pre-Vac to 96 weeks) and after 13 years on suppressive ART. The study timepoints (T0-T4) are indicated using colored upward arrows. Analytical ART interruption (ATI) is shown with a red downward arrow. The period during participants restarted ART is indicated using a dotted horizontal line. After the DCTRN trial, participants were not followed up. T5 is during a routine care visit, and no samples were available for reservoir analyses. T6 is 13 years after resuming ART, participants were included in a follow-up study for a single leukaphereses procedure. b) Longitudinal plasma HIV-1 RNA kinetics after ATI. The downward colored arrows mark the time of restart ART. c) Changes in levels of total, intact and defective proviral DNA in peripheral CD4+ T cells in response to DC vaccination, ATI and ART (resuppression) (the shaded bars depict the ATI phase). Mixed effects model analyses and Tukey’s multiple comparison test were used to compare viral reservoir frequencies across timepoints (Adjusted P values are shown). d) Change in proportions of intact to defective HIV-1 DNA.
Transient changes in HIV-1 DNA during ATI
We assessed HIV-1 persistence at different molecular levels using peripheral blood samples collected at various time points during the DC-TRN trial phase; Baseline (T0, prior to DC vaccination); Pre ATI (T1, one week after the 2nd DC vaccination; and T2, one week after the 4th DC vaccination); Early ATI (T3, four weeks after ATI start); Late ATI (T4, >24 weeks after ATI start, the last time point before restart ART); and recently collected samples Post ATI (T6, >10 years on stable ART) (Fig. 1a). Firstly, we used the intact proviral DNA assay (IPDA) 22, to analyze the dynamics of intact and defective proviral DNA in response to vaccination and ATI. The DC vaccination did not lead to significant changes in the levels of total proviral DNA per 1 x 106 CD4+ T cells (T2 relative to T0) (Fig. 1c). Before ATI (T0 to T2), the proportions of intact proviral DNA increased in two participants, and decreased in four participants (Extended Data Fig. 2). Given this apparent variation at T2 we assessed the relationship between intact proviral DNA and time to viral rebound (TVR) to >1000 c/mL. The levels and proportion of intact proviral DNA at T0 trended negatively with TVR, although not significant, given the small numbers and low frequency of intact HIV DNA. Total HIV DNA strongly associated with TVR (r =-0.94, P=0.017) (Extended Data Fig. 3a-c). In contrast, one week after the last vaccination (T2), the proportion of intact proviral DNA trended significantly with TVR (r =-0.8264, P=0.0158) (Extended Data Fig. 3d-f). During ATI, as expected, the levels of intact proviral DNA increased (T3 and T4), concomitant with rebounding plasma viremia (Fig.1c and d, Extended Data Fig. 2). At T6, after >10 years of suppressive ART, the levels of total, defective (3’ Del/Hypermutated or 5’ Del), and intact proviral DNA were overall comparable to pre-ATI (T0, pre vaccination) and/or T2 (post vaccination) (Fig. 1c and d). Although, comparing T2 and T6, there was a clear upward trend in the levels and proportion of intact proviral DNA in four participants (Fig. 1c and Extended Data Fig. 2).
The frequency of gagpol viral RNA+ cells after a decade of re-suppressive ART is comparable to Pre-ATI
Intact proviral DNA assessment by IPDA does not indicate the capacity of proviruses to transcribe HIV-1 RNA. Therefore, we used a single cell approach, fluorescent in-situ hybridization coupled with flow cytometry (FISH-flow) 23, to determine the frequency of CD4+ T cells expressing unspliced HIV-1 gagpol viral RNA (vRNA) after ex vivo treatment with PMA/ionomycin. Due to the limited availability of clinical samples at T0, we were unable to assess the transcription-competent viral reservoir before vaccination. However, the frequency of gagpol vRNA+ cells per 1 x 106 CD4+ T cells did not differ significantly between the timepoints T1 (median 17.85, IQR: 12.84 - 62.60) and T2 (median 24.11, IQR: 12.05 - 51.34). In fact, the stability of this viral reservoir compartment was remarkable, with the frequency of gagpol vRNA+ cells before ATI comparable to T6, >10 years post ATI, on stable ART (median 17.6, IQR 12.32 – 43.62) (Fig. 2a). As viral translation inhibition has also been implicated to contribute to viral persistence 24,25, we assessed the frequency of cells simultaneously expressing gagpol vRNA and Gag p24+ protein (herein referred to as the translation-competent viral reservoir). Across all timepoints, the frequency of translation-competent reservoir cells was low to below detection limit, consistent with values reported in literature 23,25. Despite this, the trends in the dynamics of the Gag protein translation-competent reservoir were similar to that of the gagpol transcription-competent reservoir (Fig. 2b).
a) Change in reservoir cells expressing unspliced gagpol viral RNA after ex vivo treatment with PMA/ionomycin for 18 hours. b) Change in translation-competent reservoir (co-expressing gagpol vRNA and Gag p24 protein). Open symbols depict frequencies below the assay limit of detection (dotted line). c) Change in reservoir cells spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA (in vivo response). d) Pearson correlation between cells spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA before ATI and time to detectible plasma HIV-1 RNA to >50 copies/mL. e) Change in reservoir cells expressing tat/rev msRNA after ex vivo treatment with PMA/ionomycin for 12 hours. f) Change in reservoir cells inducibly expressing tat/rev msRNA after ex vivo treatment with PMA/ionomycin for 12 hours (i.e., Difference between cells with spontaneous tat/rev msRNA expression and after stimulation). Mixed effects model analyses and Tukey’s multiple comparison test were used to compare viral reservoir frequencies across timepoints. Adjusted P values are shown.
Sustained increase in the frequency of cells expressing multiply spliced RNA
Our group has recently developed a viral reservoir assay termed SQuHIVLa; Specific Quantification of inducible HIV-1 reservoir by LAMP, which leverages reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) performed in a single reaction, to exclusively detect tat/rev multiply spliced (ms)RNA26. The frequency of CD4+ T cells expressing tat/rev msRNA, which in part reflects viral expression from intact viruses, is more likely to reflect virion production than unspliced gagpol vRNA and may therefore serve as a biomarker of the replication-competent viral reservoir 27. Using SQuHIVLa we found that the median frequency of CD4+ T cells spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA at T1 (median 16.32, IQR: 13.23 −19.66) was comparable to T2 (median 19.31, IQR: 15.89 - 21.71. However, the significantly lower frequencies observed in 8/9 participants at T6, on stable ART (median 8.01, IQR: 3.84 −10.38) (Fig. 2c), suggests that more cells were spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA during the vaccination phase, possibly due to immune activation. The median frequency of CD4+ T cells spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA after DC vaccination trended negatively with time to detectable plasma HIV-1 RNA >50 copies/mL (Fig. 2d) and TVR to >1000 copies/mL (Extended Data Fig. 4a), the latter not statistically significant given the small sample size and limited variation in TVR to >1000 copies/mL, which was based on weekly plasma HIV-1 RNA measurements. After ex vivo treatment with PMA/ionomycin, we observed an increase in the total frequency of CD4+ T cells expressing tat/rev msRNA between the Pre ATI (T1 and T2) and Post ATI (T6) timepoints (Fig. 2e). Similar results were obtained using a 1-step tat/rev induced limiting dilution assay (1-step TILDA), as an alternative method to quantify cells expressing tat/rev msRNA, and the two assays positively correlate (Extended Data Fig. 4b, c). Next, we assessed the frequency of cells that could be induced to express tat/rev msRNA after PMA/ionomycin treatment (i.e., the difference between the frequency of cells expressing tat/rev msRNA spontaneously and after ex-vivo stimulation, hereafter referred to as the latent, inducible viral reservoir). Markedly, this viral reservoir compartment was significantly higher at T6 relative to T1 and T2 (P=0.0102 and P=0.0030, respectively) (Fig. 2f), indicating an expansion of this viral reservoir compartment.
This study provides clear insights, which invite pause and further consideration for future combination ATI trials towards HIV-1 cure; which measures of persistent HIV-1 reservoirs are clinically meaningful and what virologic assays are most appropriate to guide and assess ATI risk? It is plausible that the DC vaccination induced latency reversal in vivo, determined by levels of spontaneous tat/rev msRNA expression, which significantly trended with time to viral rebound. This finding further confirms tat/rev msRNA expression as an attractive biomarker to incorporate into HIV-1 cure-focused trials. Earlier studies by Fischer et al. similarly demonstrated tat/rev msRNA expression concomitantly occurring with the re-emergence of PBMC-associated HIV-1 particles (cellular viral rebound) after two weeks of structured ART interruption, which was predicted by during-therapy levels of nef msRNA transcripts in PBMCs 28. More recently, De Scheerder et al., showed an increase in tat/rev RNA transcripts, amongst elevated expression of restriction factors (SLFN11 and APOBEC3G), after ATI prior to viral rebound, indicating the use of these restriction factors and tat/rev RNA as potential biomarkers for imminent viral rebound 16. Importantly, despite the fact that the participants in this study underwent unconventionally long ATI with less stringent monitoring and ART restart criteria, we report no significant impact on the HIV-1 reservoir at the level of proviral DNA and gagpol viral RNA expression, consistent with reports from several recent, well monitored, short-term ATI interventions 16–19,29–32. After more than a decade of suppressive ART post ATI, defective and intact proviral DNA were overall comparable to baseline prior to ATI, although, a clear upward trend in the levels and proportion of intact proviral DNA was observed in four/nine participants. Cell associated HIV-1 gagpol vRNA expression at single cell level was remarkably stable across time points pre and post ATI, whereas the translation-competent viral reservoir, defined by gagpol viral RNA and Gag p24 protein co-expression, was more dynamic. Collectively, the available data, including ours, suggest that viral reservoir expansion during ATI is transient and supports the notion that sustained viral reservoir increase after ATI is not a concern, at least at the level of proviral DNA and cellular reservoirs expressing gagpol viral RNA. However, we also demonstrate a significant increase in the frequency of cells inducibly expressing tat/rev msRNA in all nine study participants, which challenges the status quo and demands further attention.
To explain our findings, we consider several factors. Indeed, the DC vaccination induced enhanced immune responses, which sustained throughout the ATI phase 33, but were not sufficient to control viral replication. Consequently, persistent immune activation during ATI would increase the number of target cells and drive clonal expansion. Moreover, while establishment of the latent reservoir occurs very early during primary infection1, the prolonged duration of ATI in this trial, in an ART era where substantial levels of prolonged viremia and CD4 T-cell declines were more acceptable in routine care, could have likely contributed to continuous viral reservoir reseeding of the latent, replication-competent reservoir during untreated HIV-1 infection 34–36. In addition, the discrepant outcomes on viral expression may be attributed to an altered proviral landscape and/or shifts in the replication-competent viral reservoir. In fact, transcription-competence determined by gagpol vRNA expression is shown to be a less proximate surrogate marker for replication-competence compared to tat/rev msRNA-expression 27,37 and the two viral markers poorly correlated with each other (Extended Data Fig. 4d and e). Moreover, recent work has demonstrated that defective proviruses can produce defective vRNA and proteins, which do not yield competent virions, but may drive changes in the proviral landscape 38–40. Notably, the levels of intact HIV DNA at T6 associated more with the frequency of tat/rev msRNA+ cells and not with gagpol vRNA+ cells (Extended Data Fig. 4f-h). An important limitation of our study is the absence of a control group in the DC-TRN trial. Thus, we cannot definitively exclude increases in the latent, inducible reservoir following a normal clinical course or consequent to aging on suppressive ART. However, studies in individuals on long-term suppressive ART have revealed essentially stable defective proviral levels whereas intact proviral DNA gradually declines in majority of individuals 41,42, although the frequency of cells with inducible tat/rev msRNA were not investigated in these studies. We postulate that the inability of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clearance together with the existence of intact but transcriptionally silent proviruses and clonal expansion is a plausible explanation for increases in latent, inducible viral reservoir compartment 41, triggered by the intervention ATI that these participants underwent. The clinical significance of this altered viral reservoir compartment and potential implications for future curative strategies warrants further research
To conclude, the discordant findings accentuate the complexity of assessing persistent viral reservoir dynamics in response to novel therapeutic interventions. Future intervention ATI trials should aim to include a comprehensive assessment of viral and immunological compartments before and during ATI, prior to viral rebound, to identify the most relevant biomarkers and gene signatures that are predictive of viral rebound. In this study, the frequency of intact proviral DNA and cells spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA trended negatively with time to viral rebound. It is important to further assess these parameters in combination with immunological and host gene expression profiles in prospective trials to ultimately guide decisions regarding the safety and risk of future intervention ATI trials. Indeed, the noticeable differences in the outcomes of the latent, inducible viral reservoir compartment warrant the need for vigilant monitoring for possible long-term reservoir reseeding consequent to an (immune) intervention, viral rebound post ATI, and after ART-mediated viral re-suppression (short and long-term).
Materials and Methods
Ethics statement
Participants of the DCTRN trial provided written informed consent prior to inclusion in accordance with the regulations of the institutional Medical Ethics Committee at Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam (MEC-2005-227 and MEC-2012-583). The remaining material from the DCTRN trial was stored in a registered biobank, which was approved by the Erasmus Medical Center Medical Ethics Committee (MEC-2022-0060). The HIV biobank is described at https://eheg.nl/en/Our-Projects/HIV-Biobank.
Plasma HIV-1 RNA monitoring
Quantification of plasma HIV-1 RNA was performed on three different platforms available at various longitudinal timepoints during DC-immunotherapy, at treatment interruption and on ART. Between 2002 and 2008, quantification was performed using the Roche Amplicor HIV-1 RNA monitor test (version 1.5) (LOQ 50 copies/mL). After 2009 plasma HIV-1 RNA was quantified using the COBAS TaqMan Assay (Roche); LOQ 20 copies/mL. As of 2021, plasma HIV-1 RNA was quantified using the Aptima HIV-1 Quant Dx assay; LOQ 30 copies/mL.
Clinical sample collection and cell isolations
Cryopreserved PBMCs obtained from large blood draws or leukapheresis material collected from the study participants during the trial phase and post intervention were used for this study. Upon thawing PBMCs, CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative magnetic selection using the EasySep Human CD4+ T cell Enrichment kit (StemCell Technologies) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The isolated CD4+ T cells were either directly used to quantitate HIV-1 DNA/RNA levels or treated with 100 ng/mL phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and 1 μg/mL ionomycin to enhance viral reactivation.
Intact Proviral DNA Assay (IPDA)
The levels of intact proviral DNA were assessed using lysed extracts of CD4+ T cells. Nucleic acid was isolated from at least 2 x 106 CD4+ T cells using the PCI extraction method. Duplex digital PCR (dPCR) was performed on an Absolute Q digital PCR platform (Thermo Fisher Scientific) using primer and probe sets targeting the packaging signal (λϑΙ) and Envelope gene (Env), following the manufacturer’s instructions and adapted intact proviral DNA assay protocol 22,43,44. Duplex HIV-1 dPCR reaction mix consisted of 1.8 μL Absolute Q DNA Digital PCR Master Mix 5X (Thermo Fisher Scientific), 1 μL packaging signal (λϑΙ) target FAM-probe (10x), 1 μL Env target HEX-probe (10x), 700 ng gDNA, diluted in nuclease-free H2O to a final reaction volume of 9 μL. The dark competition probe for APOBEC3G hypermutations in the ENV region was omitted this reaction setup. Measurements of the cellular gene ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p30 (RPP30) in a replicate well were used to calculate the frequency of CD4+ T cells. The duplex RPP30 dPCR was set up similarly using RPP30 primer and probe sets and 7 ng gDNA input. The primer and probe sequences used are provided below.
IPDA primers and probes
The frequency of cells expressing gagpol viral RNA (vRNA) and p24 protein were assessed using the Primeflow RNA Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific) following the manufacturer’s instructions and as described previously 23,45. Briefly, CD4+ T cells were isolated from PWHIV donor PBMCs by negative magnetic selection using the EasySep Human CD4+ T cell Enrichment kit (StemCell Technologies) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A minimum of 20 x 106 CD4+ T, resuspended at 1.5 x 106 cells/mL in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 μg/mL penicillin-streptomycin and Raltegravir (3 μM) and rested for at least 4 hours in a humidified incubator at 37°C and 5 % CO2. Cells were then treated with 100 ng/mL PMA and 1 μg/mL ionomycin to enhance viral reactivation. Eighteen hours post stimulation, cells were washed, pellets resuspended in PBS, and counted using an automated cell counter (Countess II, Thermo Fisher Scientific). At least 10 x 106 cells, with >55% viability, were subjected to the FISH-flow assay. CD4+ T cells were first stained in Fixable Viability dye 780 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 20 min at room temperature (1:1000 dPBS) and then fixed and permeablized using regeants from the Primeflow RNA assay kit according to manufacturer’s instructions. After permeabilization, the cells were stained with two p24 antibodies; anti-p24 KC57-FITC (Beckman Coulter, 6604667) and anti-p24 28B7-APC (MediMabs, MM-0289-APC), incubated in the dark for 30 min at room temperature, and an additional 30 minutes at 4 °C. Cells were then washed and resuspended in RNA wash buffer with RNAsin. mRNA was labelled with a set of 40 probe pairs against the GagPol region of vRNA (catalogue number GagPol HIV-1VF10-10884, Thermo Fisher Scientific) diluted 1:5 in the probe diluent provided in the kit. Target mRNA hybridization was carried out for 2 hours at 40°C. Samples were washed to remove excess probes and stored overnight, at 4 °C, in the presence of RNAsin. Signal amplification was then performed by sequential 1.5-hour, 40 °C incubations with the pre-amplification and amplification mix. Amplified mRNA was labelled with fluorescently tagged probes for 1 hour at 40°C. Samples were washed, resuspended in 200-300 μL storage buffer and up to 5×106 cells were acquired on a BD LSR Fortessa Analyser. Gates were set using stimulated, uninfected CD4+ t cells. Data were analyzed using the FlowJo V10 Software (Treestar).
Specific Quantitation of Inducible HIV-1 reservoir by LAMP (SQuHIVLa)
The frequency of cells spontaneously and inducibly expressing tat/rev multiply (MS) spliced HIV-1 RNA was assessed using a SQuHIVLa assay according to the protocol described elsewhere 26. Briefly, 2 - 5 x 106 total CD4+T cells were resuspended (1.5 x 106 cells/mL) in culture RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% FBS and 100 μg/mL penicillin-streptomycin, and rested for 6 hours in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5 % CO2. After incubation, some cells were left untreated and directly used to determine basal viral RNA expression or treated with 100 ng/mL PMA and 1 μg/mL ionomycin for 12 hours to induce viral reactivation. Cells from either condition were washed twice in RPMI 1640 media with 3% FBS, then resuspended in PBS and counted using an automated cell counter (Countess II, Thermo Fisher Scientific). A minimum of 0.5 x 106 CD4+ T cells, with > 50% viability, after PMA/ionomycin treatment were analyzed per SQuHIVLa assay performed on a CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System thermocycler (BioRad) as described elsewhere 26.
One-step Tat/rev Induced Limiting Dilution Assay (TILDA)
The frequency of cells expressing tat/rev multiply spliced (ms) HIV-1 RNA was assessed using a modified TILDA protocol 46 i.e. by direct amplification of tat/rev msRNA using a one-step RT-qPCR approach. Briefly, 2 - 5 x 106 CD4+ T cells isolated from PWHIV donor PBMCs were rested and treated with PMA/ionomycin as described for the other inducible reservoir assays. A minimum of 0.5 x 106 CD4+ T cells, with >50 % viability, after treatment with PMA/ionomycin were analyzed per assay. CD4+ T cells were added in limiting dilution, ranging from 3 x 104 cells - 3 x 103 cells (22-24 replicates), to a white 96-well qPCR plate (Biorad) containing 20 μL One-step RT-qPCR reagent mix; 5 μL Luna Probe One-Step RT-qPCR 4X Mix with UDG (No ROX) (New England BioLabs), 0.1 μL tat 1.4 forward primer and 0.1 μL rev reverse primer (both at 100 μM), 0.8 μL HIV tat/rev probe (5 μM), and 14 μL nuclease free water to a final reaction volume of 25 μL. The primer and probe sequences used, as published 46. The qPCR plates were sealed, briefly centrifuged at 600 x g for 1 min, and a CFX96 Touch Real-time PCR instrument (Biorad) was used to run the following thermocycling program; Carry over prevention step at 25°C for 30 seconds, reverse transcription at 55°C for 10 minutes, initial denaturation at 95°C for 3 minutes followed by 50 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 10 seconds and extension at 60 °C for 1 minute. The amplification curves in all positive wells at each dilution manually inspected after each run and the number of positive wells were used to determine the frequency of cells positive for tat/rev msRNA using the maximum likelihood method.
Statistics and reproducibility
Data are presented as median with Inter Quartile Range. Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated for non-normally distributed variables. Two-tailed P values were calculated. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. For the inducible viral reservoir quantification data below the limit of detection, the arbitrary value of 0.5 cells/million were used to plot the data but were not included in statistical analyses. Likely outlier data points were identified using ROUT(Q=10%) and excluded from statistical analyses. Mixed effects model analyses and Tukey’s multiple comparison test were used to compare viral reservoir frequencies across timepoints. Adjusted P values were calculated. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Biological replicates (that is, samples at longitudinal timepoints) were measured in most experiments except for inducible HIV reservoir quantification given the limited availability or quality of clinical material (particularly baseline samples). Technical replicates (that is, repeated measurements of the same sample) were as follows: for intact proviral DNA quantification by dPCR, at least two technical replicates; for FISH-flow, experiments were not technically replicated given the limited clinical material; for SQuHIVLa and 1-step TILDA, at least two independent experiments were performed where clinical material was sufficient. Prism 9 for Mac (GraphPad Software) was used to generate graphs and to perform all statistical tests.
Data Availability
All data needed to evaluate the results and conclusions in this article are provided in the main text, Methods section and Extended data section. Additional data related to the study may be requested from the lead contact T. Mahmoudi. Unique biological material, where available, can be obtained upon request.
C.L. received funding from the Dutch Aidsfonds (grants P-60602 and P-263); SR received funding from Dutch Aidsfonds (grant P-53302); C.R. received funding from Dutch Aidsfonds (grant P-53601); R.A.G. received funding from Dutch Aidsfonds (grant P-60804) and Horizon Europe (grant 681032);TMa received funding from Health Holland (grants LSHM19100-SGF and EMCLSH19023) and ZonMW (grant 40-44600-98-333) and a Building Synergistic Infrastructure for NL4Cure grant.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: C.L, and T.Ma; Methodology: C.L., T.H. and T.Ma; Investigation: C.L., T.H., H.A.B.P., K.S.H., and R.C; Data Curation and Formal Analysis: C.L. and T.Ma; Data Visualization: C.L. and T.Ma.; Project Administration: C.L., H.A.B.P., K.S.H. and T.Ma.;Supervision: T.Ma; Material and Funding Acquisition: C.L., S.R., C.R., R.A.G and T.Ma.; Writing – Original draft: C.L.; Writing – Review and Editing: C.L., T.H., H.A.B.P., K.S.H., R.C., C.R., S.R., J.J.A.vK., D.A.M.C.V., T.M., P.D.K., Y.M.M., R.A.G., and T.Ma.
Extended Data
(a) CD4+ T cell counts measured at selected study timepoints (b) CD4/CD8 ratio dynamics. Box plots with mean and range are shown. The shaded bars depict the ART interruption phase). Statistics inferred using a mixed effect analysis with multiple comparisons of the means (Tukey-Kramer test). Adjusted P Values are shown above the graphs.
Pie charts of intact and defective HIV-1 DNA (5’ Deleted [5’Del] and 3’ Deleted/Hypermutated [3’Del/Hyper]) are shown. The proportions of intact and defective DNA are shown as percentages of total HIV DNA copies/million CD4+ T cells. Intact HIV DNA was distinguished from defective HIV DNA using the intact proviral DNA assay (IPDA). N/A = not available.
(a-c) Relationship with time to viral rebound assessed at timepoint T0, before vaccination. (c)The frequency (percentage), of intact cells represents the proportion of intact HIV DNA copies to total HIV DNA copies/million CD4+ T cells. Open symbol represent sample not detected and thus not included in the correlation analyses. (d-f) Relationship with time to viral rebound assessed at timepoint T2, one week after the last DC vaccination and ∼two weeks prior to ATI. Spearman r correlations and two-tailed P values are shown.
a) Relationship between time to viral rebound and pre-ATI frequency of cells spontaneously expressing tat/rev msRNA at timepoint T2, one week after the last DC vaccination. The frequency shown is a ratio of cells with spontaneous expression of tat/rev msRNA to the number total number of cells expressing tat/rev msRNA after 12h ex vivo stimulation with PMA/ionomycin. Viral reservoir data were generated using a SQuHIVLa assay – ‘Specific Quantification of inducible HIV by LAMP’. (b) Pre and post ATI comparison of the frequency of cells expressing tat/rev msRNA after 12h ex vivo stimulation with PMA/ionomycin. Viral reservoir data were generated using a 1-step TILDA approach. A Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the means of the paired samples and a two-tailed P value is shown. (c) Pearson correlation of SQuHIVLa and 1-step TILDA using post ATI timepoint 6 viral reservoir data. Spearman correlations of the induced tat/rev msRNA+ reservoir and (d) the transcription-competent, gagpol viral RNA+ reservoir; (e) the translation-competent, gagpol vRNA+/Gag p24+, reservoir; (f) intact proviral reservoir (DNA copies/million CD4+ T cells) and (g) frequency of intact HIV DNA copies (ratio of intact to total HIV DNA). (h) Spearman correlation of the transcription-competent, gagpol viral RNA+ reservoir and the intact proviral reservoir (DNA copies/million CD4+ T cells).
We express our deepest gratitude to all the study participants for their valuable contribution to the DCTRN trial in 2006-2009 and to the current study, without whom this research would not have been possible. We also thank the internist-infectious disease specialists at Erasmus MC for their assistance in recruiting the study participants. Leukapheresis procedures and sample logistics were greatly supported by Erasmus MC HIV research nurses and clinical laboratory staff.