Background Early host immunity to acute respiratory infections (ARIs) is heterogenous, dynamic, and critical to an individual’s infection outcome. Due to limitations in sampling frequency/timepoints, kinetics of early immune dynamics in natural human infections remain poorly understood. In this nationwide prospective cohort study, we leveraged a self-blood collection tool (homeRNA) to profile detailed kinetics of the pre-symptomatic to convalescence host immunity to contemporaneous respiratory pathogens.
Methods We enrolled non-symptomatic adults with recent exposure to ARIs who subsequently tested negative (exposed-uninfected) or positive for respiratory pathogens. Participants self-collected blood and nasal swabs daily for seven consecutive days followed by weekly blood collection for up to seven additional weeks. Symptom burden was assessed during each collection. Nasal swabs were tested for SARS-CoV-2 and common respiratory pathogens. 92 longitudinal blood samples spanning the preshedding to post-acute phase of eight SARS-CoV-2-infected participants and 40 interval-matched samples from four exposeduninfected participants were subjected to high-frequency longitudinal profiling of 773 host immune genes.
Findings Between June 2021 – April 2022, 68 participants across 26 U.S. states completed the study and self-collected a total of 691 and 466 longitudinal blood and nasal swab samples along with 688 symptom surveys. SARS-CoV-2 was detected in 17 out of 22 individuals with study-confirmed respiratory infection. With rapid dissemination of home self-collection kits, two and four COVID-19+ participants started collection prior to viral shedding and symptom onset, respectively, enabling us to profile detailed expression kinetics of the earliest blood transcriptional response to contemporaneous variants of concern. In preshedding samples, we observed transient but robust expression of T-cell response signatures, transcription factor complexes, prostaglandin biosynthesis genes, pyrogenic cytokines, and cytotoxic granule genes. This is followed by a rapid induction of many interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), concurrent to onset of viral shedding and increase in nasal viral load. Finally, we observed increased expression of host defense peptides (HDPs) in exposed-uninfected individuals over the 4-week observational window.
Interpretation We demonstrated that unsupervised self-collection and stabilization of capillary blood can be applied to natural infection studies to characterize detailed early host immune kinetics at a temporal resolution comparable to that of human challenge studies. The remote (decentralized) study framework enables conduct of large-scale population-wide longitudinal mechanistic studies. Expression of cytotoxic/T-cell signatures in pre-shedding samples preceding expansion of innate ISGs suggests a potential role for T-cell mediated pathogen control during early infection. Elevated expression of HDPs in exposed-uninfected individuals warrants further validation studies to assess their potential role in protective immunity during pathogen exposure.
Funding This study was funded by R35GM128648 to ABT for in-lab developments of homeRNA, Packard Fellowship from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to ABT, and R01AI153087 to AW.
Host innate and acquired immunity is critical to the outcomes of ARIs1. Systemic dysregulation of pro-inflammatory molecules are associated with ongoing inflammation and poor outcomes, while effective coordination of early responses limits the severity and duration of symptoms2. However, detailed kinetics of early host responses soon after pathogen exposure prior to symptom onset or viral shedding are poorly understood, including those conferring protective immunity in exposed individuals who remained asymptomatic or test negative. As in-person venipuncture presents a significant logistical barrier to longitudinal studies requiring early and frequent samples, prior studies of natural ARIs were largely cross-sectional, were primarily focused on post-symptomatic infections, typically when nasal viral load were already in decline, and were often limited to infrequent sampling across inconsistent collection intervals3-6.
High-frequency longitudinal profiling of host peripheral immunity, particularly during extremely early presymptomatic phases, has largely been conducted in the setting of human challenge studies7-9. Controlled human infection models pose limitations to understanding the host response during natural infections10,11. Restricted by ethical and regulatory considerations, these models often employ use of a limited set of challenge strains, a uniform viral challenge dose, and are performed on low-risk, healthy volunteers (young adults), thus limiting their broad applicability to contemporaneously circulating variants and to the heterogeneity of population-wide immunologic backgrounds that are shaped by individual susceptibilities, and by prior vaccination and infection11. Studies of the host blood transcriptional response during presymptomatic phase of natural infections are very limited12-14 — with the first of such studies published by McClain et al. in 2021 that measured the pre-symptomatic host response to pre-COVID-19 respiratory viruses through daily monitoring of close contacts residing in college dormitories12. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Gupta et al, in 2021 measured the pre-symptomatic host response to SARS-CoV-2 through weekly surveillance of healthcare workers13. The first results of a SARS-CoV-2 human challenge study published in March 2022 did not assess the blood transcriptional response to the infection15. Based on this study, detectable nasal viral load (viral shedding) occurred between 40-76 hours post challenge followed shortly by onset of symptoms, making the pre-symptomatic phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection from natural exposures particularly hard to capture and characterize15. Thus, high-frequency daily measurements of the early host response to natural SARS-CoV-2 infection are unprecedented prior to this study.
A study framework that enables frequent longitudinal measurements, in a natural field setting, of the early host immune response to respiratory infections acquired through community transmissions can be integrated into the study design of future human challenge trials involving natural exposures to pathogens. For vaccine development, challenge by natural exposure to infected person has been proposed as future designs of human challenge trials to circumvent dose-escalation studies, and address limitations surrounding strain selection, diversity, and delays in manufacturing timelines16. A rapid dissemination of self-collection kits to recently exposed individuals across a wide geographic area (decentralized sampling) coupled with frequent self-collections at pre-scheduled infection timepoints and immediate on-site stabilization of the transcriptome is integral to conducting population-wide longitudinal mechanistic studies aimed at profiling detailed host immune kinetics during early and highly dynamic stages of natural infections (Figure 1). Our team developed homeRNA that enables self-collection and stabilization of blood17,18; we recently demonstrated its capability of capturing SARS-CoV-2 infection signatures in non-hospitalized adults and discriminating distinct infection response between previously vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals19. Here, we leveraged homeRNA to profile, at high temporal resolution, the pre-symptomatic immune kinetics during natural ARIs in recently exposed adults recruited across the United States. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first prospective longitudinal nationwide study to assess the pre-symptomatic blood transcriptional response to a natural respiratory infection at a temporal resolution comparable to that of human challenge studies.
Study design
This is a prospective longitudinal study aimed at profiling detailed kinetics of extremely early (pre-symptomatic) host immunity to respiratory pathogens with a focus on SARS-CoV-2 in non-hospitalized adults using self-blood (homeRNA) and nasal swab collection methodologies. Between June 2021 – April 2022, adult close contacts of individuals with a confirmed (SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid or antigen test) or suspected (symptomatic) COVID-19 infection who were asymptomatic at the time of screening were recruited from the general population throughout the United States. Each participant self-collected 10-14 blood and seven nasal swab samples over 4-8 weeks. Symptom burden was assessed on each collection day. The study was approved by the University of Washington (UW) IRB (STUDY00012546) and conducted at the UW. All participants provided informed consent. All samples were collected remotely by study participants and online surveys were administered through REDCap20.
Participants were recruited via social media (Facebook) and news platforms (WATE-TV), the Institute of Translational Health Sciences Participate-in-Research program, and the UW Husky Coronavirus Testing Study Sites. Adult close contacts were recruited directly via self-reported exposure and via referral from an index case (snowball sampling) (Figure 1A). Specifically, index cases (COVID-19+ symptomatic individuals) were enrolled and asked to refer their adult close contacts who gave permission. Eligible close contacts who provided informed consent were enrolled into the study for serial sampling of both blood and nasal swab samples as described below. In addition, individuals who recently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 via self-report but remained asymptomatic at the time of screening were enrolled into study. Participants were prospectively enrolled in two waves (June - October 2021; January – April 2022) until at least 15 participants with confirmed ARIs were reached. Longitudinal immune profiles of unexposed-healthy participants were obtained from a previously published study that utilized the same homeRNA collection and analysis platform19.
A study package containing homeRNA blood and nasal swab collection kits, prepaid return mailers, an informational packet with all instructions for use, a collection calendar with pre-scheduled collection dates, and specimen return instructions were mailed to study participants, who performed their first collection the day of package receipt. All participants collected blood and nasal swab samples daily for seven consecutive days (study days 1-7) followed by weekly blood collection for three additional weeks (study days 14, 21, 28) (Figure 1B). A subset of study-confirmed COVID-19+ participants were selected to extend blood collections for up to four additional weeks (study days 35, 42, 48, 56). Device use and symptom burden surveys were administered on each collection day. The first nasal swab from each participant were clinically tested for SARS-CoV-2 and test results were returned to close contacts with unknown infection status at the time of enrollment. 3-4 additional nasal swabs were selected based on symptom burden at the day of collection for multi-pathogen screening through a lab-developed assay (Table S1). Detailed immune kinetics of 773 innate and acquired immune genes (nCounter® Host Response Panel) were profiled using nCounter® direct digital counting of native RNA (Figure 1D)19. Detailed methods are described in the supplemental methods. Participants were classified based on their self-reported COVID-19 infection status at enrollment and virology status of collected nasal swabs (Figure S1A): 1) participants positive for SARS-CoV-2 were classified as “COVID-19+”; 2) participants negative for SARS-CoV-2 but positive for other respiratory pathogens were classified as “other virus”; 3) participants negative for all respiratory pathogens were classified as “exposed-uninfected”; 4) participants negative for SARS-CoV-2 on research samples but self-reported a recent SARS-CoV-2 positive test were classified as “COVID-19 probable”. COVID-19 probable participants who initiated their first collection > 14 days after their most recent positive test date were classified as “COVID-19 convalescent”.
Statistical analysis
Normalized expression counts are provided in supplemental data 1. Differential gene expression analyses across all pairwise comparisons were performed on ROSALIND® ( To assess temporal dynamics of host immunity throughout the course of infection, COVID-19+ participant samples were divided into seven temporal groups (G1-G7) relative to the onset of nasal viral shedding (Table S2). Pairwise comparisons were performed between each temporal group and all longitudinal samples from unexposed-healthy participants. To identify potential signatures of protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2, immune profiles from exposed-uninfected individuals were compared to both unexposed-healthy and exposed-infected individuals. For all pairwise comparisons, p-values were adjusted for multiple comparisons of all measured transcripts using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure21. An absolute log2 fold change of > 0.322 (1.25x) and an adjusted p-value of < 0.1 were used to identify differentially expressed transcripts. Significant genes identified from differentially expressed transcripts of all pairwise comparisons and their respective log2 fold change over the reference group, raw p-values, and adjusted p-values are listed in supplemental data 2. Detailed methods on RNA isolation, gene expression analysis, normalization procedures, and functional enrichment analysis of differentially expressed transcripts are described in supplemental methods.
Role of the funding source
The funders of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.
Between June 2021 – April 2022, 90 non-symptomatic adults with recent exposure to ARIs were enrolled for highfrequency serial sampling (Figure 2). 68 participants across 26 U.S. states completed the study (Figure 1C). 691/708 (97.6%) homeRNA blood samples, 466/476 (97.9%) nasal swabs, and 688/708 (97.2%) online surveys were completed and returned (Figure 2). 22 participants were withdrawn; 59% (13/22) did not initiate sampling procedures (Figure 2). The median age (n=68) was 38 (IQR: 28.0 - 47.8; range: 20-74) (Table 1). The study enrolled participants from diverse demographics including individuals from understudied, underrepresented, and underreported (U3) populations; 70.6% female, 23.5% Hispanic, and a combined 25% of U3 racial minorities (7.3% Asian; 5.9% Black, 11.8% two or more races) participants completed the study (Table 1).
362 swabs from 68 participants were analyzed for respiratory pathogens (Figure 2; Table S1). 32.4% (22/68) of participants were positive for respiratory viruses (Figure 2). SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed in 77.3% (17/22) of infected participants with a secondary attack rate of 11.9% (5/42) observed among close contacts (Figure 3A; Figure S1A). 16.2% (11/68) of participants reported recent SARS-CoV-2 infection but showed no virological evidence of infection on study swabs (COVID-19 Probable) (Figure S1A). 32 exposed close contacts remained test-negative (exposed-uninfected) (Figure 3A; Figure S1A). On first sampling, the median days post onset of viral shedding (days PVS) was 1 (range: -4 – 6) and the median days post symptom onset (days PSO) was 0 (range: -5 – 3) for all COVID-19+ participants (Table 1). 23.5% (4/17) of COVID-19+ participants were pre-symptomatic when initiated their first collection while 11.8% (2/17) remained asymptomatic throughout the observational window (Figure 3B). 11.8% (2/17) of COVID-19+ participants performed their first collection prior to detectable nasal viral load (pre-shedders), providing us with a unique opportunity to obtain high-resolution immune profiles of the earliest host immunity upon exposure to contemporaneous SARS-CoV-2 variants (Figure 3B).
To assess temporal dynamicity of host immune kinetics spanning the infection period, 92 longitudinal blood samples (10-14 timepoints/participant; -4 to 57 days PVS) from eight COVID-19+ participants were subjected to high-resolution immune profiling (Figure 1D; Figure 3C). Samples were binned into seven temporal groups (Figure S2A) based on their relative day PVS ranging from G1 (pre-shedding samples) to G7 (post-acute samples), and each temporal group was compared to unexposed-healthy participants derived from a comparable longitudinal cohort (Figure S2B-H)19. Early acute phase samples (0-7 days PVS) were further divided into two temporal groups (G2 and G3) to capture rapidly evolving immune signatures during early infection (Figure S2C-D). An increase in the number of differentially expressed genes was observed as infection progressed from the pre-shedding (G1) to early acute (G2/G3) phases, peaking at days 4-7 (G3) with 242 differentially expressed genes before a significant decrease during the mid-acute (G4/G5) phases, presumably in conjunction with resolution of infection and inflammation (Figure S2E-F). Another increase in number of differentially expressed genes was observed as the host entered the late acute (G6) to post-acute (G7) phases, potentially indicating a pivot from pathogen clearance to restoring immune homeostasis and building of immune memory (Figure S2G-H).
Functional enrichment analysis of significantly overexpressed transcripts from each temporal group (Figure S3A) showed prominent signatures of T-cell mediated immunity in G1 pre-shedding samples (Figure 4A and 4B; Figure S3B). CD69, the natural killer (NK) and T cell early activation marker and its upstream transcriptional regulators (FOS/JUN/JUNB AP-1 transcriptional complex) were overexpressed in the G1 pre-shedding phase samples along with T cell exhaustion markers (LAG3, PDRM1, TIGIT, CTLA4) (Figure 4C). Notably, robust expression of many innate interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) known to be hallmarks of early host antiviral response were lacking prior to viral shedding (Figure 4A). Instead, interferon-γ (IFN-γ), its downstream targets (GBP1-GBP5 GTPases), and the T-cell specific RANTES chemokine (CCL5) and its cognate receptor CCR5 (known to restrict HIV-1 replication) were enriched in pre-shedding samples. Cytotoxic cell signatures such as the immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR2DL3), killer cell lectin-like receptor (KLRD1), and cytotoxic granule proteins such as pore-forming granulysins (GNLY) and perforins (PRF1), and multiple death-inducing serine proteases (GZMA, GZMB, GZMH) were also overexpressed during early infection (Figure 4A). Given that IFN-γ is produced predominantly by cytotoxic cells, these results suggest extremely early activation of NK or effector T-cell activity and T-cell mediated viral elimination. Daily measurements during these early phases further demonstrate that expression kinetics of these early host responses can be highly transient as seen by a rapid transcriptional downregulation over the course of a day (Figure 5).
With the exception of one asymptomatic participant (Z271) who failed to mount a detectable interferon response (Figure 5), progression into the early acute (G2/G3) phases was marked by robust expansion of ISG expression along with DDX58/IFIH1 mediated induction of IFN-α/β (Figure S3A, Figure 4A-C). Viral load and host gene expression kinetics in individual participants further demonstrated that expression of antiviral ISGs was induced upon onset of nasal viral shedding and depict high homogeneity in temporal kinetics suggestive of a strong co-regulation of the transcriptional circuitry among the ISGs (Figure 5). The magnitude of ISG response depicts striking alignment with nasal viral load kinetics and dynamics of symptom severity, supporting their role in viral clearance (Figure 5). With frequent measurements enabling daily kinetics of early infection response, we observed a decoupling of IFI27 gene expression kinetics to that of other ISGs in several participants, with IFI27 displaying distinct temporal trends marked by delayed and prolonged expression. IFI27, a known ISG, was recently shown to outperform other biomarker signature panels in predicting cases from non-cases and proposed to be developed as an early screening biomarker for exposed close contacts to identify pre-symptomatic cases13. Recently, we demonstrated that IFI27 expression kinetics track closely with viral load kinetics in mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infections19. The decoupling of IFI27 expression kinetics from other ISGs suggests a distinct molecular machinery governing IFI27-mediated antiviral mechanism from that of other ISGs.
Evidence of abortive subclinical infections have been observed in individuals exposed to SARS-CoV-222. In human viral challenge studies, only a subset of experimentally infected participants developed clinical infections, suggesting the presence of early protective immunity in individuals who were exposed but did not progress to productive viral replication and clinical disease8,15. Here, we aimed to assess if evidence of early protective immunity can be observed in the blood transcriptional response of exposed-uninfected individuals with natural exposures to contemporaneous strains. To achieve this, we performed a nested case-control pairwise comparison between exposed-infected (nsamples=92; nparticipants=8) and exposeduninfected (nsamples=40; nparticipants=4) participants (Figure S5A). As anticipated, a robust interferon response was observed in SARS-CoV-2 infected participants (Figure S5A). We found elevated expression of 22 transcripts in exposed-uninfected individuals that were enriched in host defense to bacteria and fungi (Figure S5B) including a cluster of neutrophil-associated host defense peptides (Figure 6A). To assess if elevated expression of HDPs in exposed-uninfected individuals were reflective of either a transcriptional suppression in exposed-infected individuals or transcriptional activation in uninfected individuals, we compared their levels to unexposed-healthy controls (Figure S5A). Except for alkaline phosphatase (ALPL), all HDPs (BPI, DEFA4, LCN2, LTF, and S100A12) were significantly overexpressed in exposed-uninfected participants when compared to their levels in unexposed-healthy controls (Figure 6A and Figure S5A), suggesting that elevated expression of HDPs in exposed-uninfected individuals may play a role in host protection against progression to clinical disease upon pathogen exposure.
When expression levels of key neutrophil-associated surface receptors and markers (CEACAM3, CSF3R, FPR1, FCGR3A, SIGLEC5) were assessed, we did not observe a similar increase in expression in exposed-uninfected relative to healthy or infected individuals, suggesting that cell type composition alone cannot account for the elevated levels of HDPs observed in exposed-uninfected individuals (Figure S5C). In addition to HDPs, both mast cell-associated receptors and mediators (CPA3, HDC, MS4A2) (Figure 6A) and NK/effector T cell receptors (KLRB1, KLRC1, TNFRSF9) (Figure 6A) also displayed elevated expression in exposed-uninfected participants relative to infected participants. Notably, the CD137 TNF receptor (TNFRSF9) preferentially expressed on the surface of T cells activated by antigen presenting cells and known to contribute to clonal expansion and development of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was overexpressed in exposed-uninfected participants relative to both infected and healthy participants (Figure 6A and Figure S5A). Next, we assessed the temporal kinetics of several HDPs with known antimicrobial functions including the iron-sequestering protein lactotransferrin (LTF), siderophore-binding protein lipocalin-2 (LCN2), bactericidal-permeability protein (BPI), and the immunomodulatory neutrophil defensin 4 (DEFA4) to assess whether their elevated expression reflects a transient viral exposure-induced response (Figure 6B). As shown in Figure 6B, expression levels of HDPs were stable and consistently elevated in exposed-uninfected individuals throughout the four-week observation window. On the contrary, the viral exposure-induced expression of IFI27 depicted high temporal dynamicity with rapid upregulation during early infection followed promptly by downregulation as the infection resolved. This observation warrants further validation of exposed-uninfected individuals in larger cohort sizes to delineate mechanisms underlying host protection during pathogen exposure.
Early dynamics of host immunity following pathogen exposure can offer insights into pathways that confer susceptibility or protection against infection, or against symptoms despite infection. The earliest host transcriptional responses to viral infections can be rapid and transient 23-25, making them hard to capture in natural infections when exposure timelines cannot be controlled. In-person venipuncture still presents a logistical barrier to conducting longitudinal studies requiring frequent blood collections; high-frequency immune profiling of early blood transcriptional response is largely limited to controlled human challenge studies and there is currently an unmet need for a study framework that enables conduct of such studies in the natural field setting and in natural exposures to infections acquired through community transmission.
Here, we present a fully remote study framework that utilized self-collection of both blood and nasal swabs to characterize the dynamicity of a rapidly evolving immune state and report its use in an observational cohort aimed at profiling extremely early host immunity to natural respiratory infections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first prospective longitudinal study to perform high-frequency intra-individual measurements spanning the pre-shedding-to-convalescence disease continuum. Using home self-collection tools, we synced daily kinetics of viral load and host blood transcriptional response in natural infections. Self-collection and the fully remote study design enabled isolation of infected participants, eliminating exposure risks associated with in person studies during early disease when participants are most infectious.
A key strength of the study lies in the rapid dissemination of collection kits to participants over wide geographical areas, enabling large-scale recruitment across diverse communities throughout the United States (Figure 1C). Given that duration of the incubation period varies significantly between individuals and can be as short as several days, a short interval between symptom screening and first sample collection was integral to capturing exposed close contacts who were still in their pre-symptomatic phase. In this study, a small but interesting subset of participants were pre-shedders, who provided us with the unique opportunity to observe the earliest transcriptional changes in the periphery prior to measurable nasal viral load. Two pre-shedders were observed in our cohort: one progressed to moderate symptoms while another remained asymptomatic throughout the duration of the study.
Detailed temporal trajectories of 773 innate and acquired immune genes along with temporally aligned nasal viral load profiled for each individual participant led us to several key findings. Notably, robust expression of many ISGs known to drive the early inflammatory response to respiratory viruses were lacking during the pre-shedding phase of infection. Instead, we identified a group of transient early response genes that were induced in both pre-shedders regardless of their symptom outcomes and found that the early transcriptional response in the periphery consists of immediate early genes associated with the AP-1 transcriptional complex and prostaglandin biosynthesis, pyrogenic cytokines involved in inflammatory signaling, the type II interferon (IFN-γ) expressed pre-dominantly by T cells, and robust signatures of NK cells and cytolytic T lymphocytes (Figure 4).
Second, elevated expression of HDPs were observed in exposed-uninfected individuals relative to infected and unexposed-healthy participants. The antimicrobial properties of HDPs that confer protective immunity against various bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens are multifaceted ranging from indirect immunomodulation of the inflammatory cascades to direct nutritional immunity through metal sequestration and binding of microbial siderophores, an iron-acquisition small molecule produced by many bacteria and fungi. In SARS-CoV-2, defensins have been demonstrated to restrict viral entry in in vitro studies26 and owing to their longstanding reputation as key innate defenders, HDPs were quickly proposed in therapeutic applications against SARS-CoV-227 based upon antiviral efficacies observed from in vitro cellular assays. Our findings provide evidence in human studies for the potential protective role of HDPs against SARS-CoV-2, which can be validated in a larger cohort and for other ARIs using the decentralized study design introduced in this work. Aside from HDPs, we also observed elevated expression of TNFRSF9, a TNF receptor preferentially expressed on antigen-activated T cells, in exposed-uninfected participants relative to infected and healthy participants. Taken together, data from this pilot cohort supports a role for T-cell mediated immunity in early host transcriptional response to pathogen exposure, both during the pre-shedding/pre-symptomatic phase of infection as well as in exposed-uninfected individuals. Further evaluation of this population can offer valuable insights into host immunity that contributes to abortive infections or protection against development of clinical disease, and during infection, protection against severe disease 22,28,29.
There are several limitations to the study. First, our pilot cohort is limited to a small cohort size, resulting in a limited number of pre-symptomatic and pre-shedding participants observed. However, high temporal dimensionality of the dataset afforded by frequent intra-individual measurements (10-14 timepoints per individual) led to several key observations that can be further validated in larger cohorts. Second, unsupervised self-sampling methodologies are inherently susceptible to userassociated variations that can impact sensitive molecular assay readouts such as gene expression and SARS-CoV-2 viral load. This can result in underestimation of SARS-CoV-2 viral load that potentially sets the shedding onset timeline later than it is. Third, a significant subset of close contacts reported onset of symptoms by their first sample collection despite being asymptomatic the day prior. These participants, although not truly pre-symptomatic, offer a unique window into the prodromal phase and still enable us to study early immune events in addition to key mediators during the transition between presymptomatic to onset of illness. Lastly, the use of a small target response panel in addition to lack of evaluation of the localized host response in the airway limits the breadth of the biology observed in this pilot cohort. Future studies using genome-wide transcriptome coupled with evaluation of host mucosal response will enable us to correlate systemic responses to that in the mucosa and provide a comprehensive understanding of the host immunity soon after pathogen exposure.
In sum, we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of decentralized sampling using home self-collection tools to capture early, transient changes in host response soon after viral exposure in natural infections at high temporal resolution comparable to human challenge studies. Overarchingly, our study provides a technological and study framework—using homeRNA— to investigate detailed kinetics of host immunity to not just ARIs, but various infectious and non-infectious diseases with dynamic and rapidly evolving immune states, such as those characterized by recurrences or relapses (e.g., autoimmune disorders and malignancies). Most importantly, providing the autonomy of completing study procedures from a home setting to study participants themselves enables conduct of large-scale population-wide mechanistic studies across diverse communities. By reducing study burden, decentralized sampling has significant potential to augment enrollment of participants most affected by logistical barriers, particularly individuals from underreported, underserved, and understudied communities.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study and R scripts developed to perform analyses and visualizations are available upon reasonable request from the authors.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: FYL, KA, ABT, EB, AW
Methodology: FYL, HGL, AD, LS
Investigation: FYL, HGL, AD, LS
Analysis and visualization: FYL, HGL, TVN
Funding acquisition: ABT, AW
Project administration: FYL, GH, AD, MT, KA, HGL, ABT
Supervision: ABT, EB, AW, FYL
Writing – original draft: FYL, HGL, ABT, EB
Writing – review & editing: FYL, HGL, TVN, AW, JTS, MB, LS, ABT, EB
We would like to acknowledge Dr. Kimberly Dill-McFarland at the Department of Medicine, University of Washington for discussions surrounding bioinformatic analysis. The REDCap instance used is supported by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences, which is funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number UL1TR002319.
Declaration of Interest
FYL, EB, and ABT filed patent 17/361,322 (Publication Number: US20210402406A1) through the University of Washington on homeRNA. ABT reports filing multiple patents through the University of Washington and receiving a gift to support research outside the submitted work from Ionis Pharmaceuticals. EB has ownership in Salus Discovery, LLC, and Tasso, Inc. that develops blood collection systems used in this manuscript, and is employed by Tasso, Inc. Technologies from Salus Discovery, LLC are not included in this publication. He is an inventor on multiple patents filed by Tasso, Inc., the University of Washington, and the University of Wisconsin. ABT and EB have ownership in Seabright, LLC, which will advance new tools for diagnostics and clinical research, potentially including the homeRNA platform. The terms of this arrangement have been reviewed and approved by the University of Washington in accordance with its policies governing outside work and financial conflicts of interest in research. AW reports receiving clinical trial support to their institution from Pfizer, Ansun Biopharma, Allovir, GlaxoSmithKline and Vir; receiving personal fees from Vir; all outside the submitted work. MB has clinical research support from Ansun Biopharma, GSK, Vir Biotechnology, and Merck and receives personal fees from Allovir, Moderna, and Merck. JTS has clinical trial support from Aicuris and receives personal fees from Glaxo Smith Kline and Pfizer.
Data and material availability
All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. nCounter gene expression data available as normalized counts in supplemental data 2. R scripts developed to perform analyses and visualizations are available upon request from the co-senior authors.
This version of the manuscript has been revised to include results from additional analyses performed on the dataset.