Background Timely and informed public health responses to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 necessitate reliable information about infection dynamics. The case ascertainment rate (CAR), the proportion of infections that are reported as cases, is typically much less than one and varies with testing practices and behaviours, making reported cases unreliable as the sole source of data. The concentration of viral RNA in wastewater samples provides an alternate measure of infection prevalence that is not affected by human behaviours. Here, we investigated how these two data sources can be combined to inform estimates of the instantaneous reproduction number, R, and track changes in the CAR over time.
Methods We constructed a state-space model that we solved using sequential Monte Carlo methods. The observed data are the levels of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and reported case incidence. The hidden states that we estimate are R and CAR. Model parameters are estimated using the particle marginal Metropolis Hastings algorithm.
Findings We analysed data from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2023 from Aotearoa New Zealand. Our model estimates that R peaked at 2.76 (95% CrI 2.20, 3.83) around 18 February 2022 and the CAR peaked around 12 March 2022. Accounting for reduced CAR, we estimate that New Zealand’s second Omicron wave in July 2022 was similar in size to the first, despite fewer reported cases. We estimate that the CAR in the BA.5 Omicron wave in July 2022 was approximately 50% lower than in the BA.1/BA.2 Omicron wave in March 2022. The CAR in subsequent waves around November 2022 and April 2023 was estimated to be comparable to that in the second Omicron wave.
Interpretation This work on wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) can be used to give insight into key epidemiological quantities. Estimating R, CAR, and cumulative number of infections provides useful information for planning public health responses and understanding the state of immunity in the population. This model is a useful disease surveillance tool, improving situational awareness of infectious disease dynamics in real-time, which may be increasingly useful as intensive pandemic surveillance programmes are wound down.
Funding New Zealand Ministry of Health, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Royal Society Te Apārangi, Imperial College London, and University of Oxford.
Evidence before this study There has been a substantial increase in the number of publications focusing on wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) in recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. We searched PubMed for “wastewater based epidemiology” and found fewer than 10 papers per year prior to 2014 with a drastic increase to 463 in 2022. Approximately 52% of the WBE publications are related to COVID-19 (“wastewater based epidemiology” AND (“SARS-CoV-2” OR “COVID-19”)). Many studies have focused on detecting SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater systems but only 10 have estimated the reproduction number (“wastewater based epidemiology” AND (“SARS-CoV-2” OR “COVID-19”) AND “reproduction number”). No previous work has combined WBE with reported case data to estimate (relative) case ascertainment rate (“waste-water based epidemiology” AND (“SARS-CoV-2” OR “COVID-19”) AND “case ascertainment rate”). Previous work has estimated the reproduction number from reported cases assuming constant under-ascertainment but the issue of time-varying case ascertainment has not yet been addressed, except to demonstrate the effect of a pre-determined change in case ascertainment.
Added value of this study We present a model that, for the first time, enables reported case information to be combined with wastewater data to estimate epidemiology quantities. This work further demonstrates the utility of WBE; the reproduction number can be estimated in the absence of reported case information (although results are more reliable when case data are included), and wastewater data include information that, when combined with case data, can be used to estimate the time-varying relative case ascertainment rate.
Implications of all the available evidence In order to make informed and timely public health decisions about infectious diseases, it is important to understand the number of infections in the community. WBE provides a useful source of data that is not impacted by time-varying testing practices. Wastewater data can be quantitatively combined with case information to better understand the state of an epidemic. In order to determine the absolute case ascertainment rate (rather than the relative rate calculated in this work), there is a need for infection prevalence surveys to calibrate model results against.
1 Introduction
Understanding and predicting the trajectory of infectious diseases is important in planning an effective public health response. Reported case data depend heavily on testing modalities and practices which typically change over time, resulting in considerable uncertainty in the case ascertainment rate (CAR; the fraction of infections that are officially reported). During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries relied primarily on symptom-based testing programmes to inform situational awareness and public health responses. In Aotearoa New Zealand, the CAR for COVID-19 has been influenced by factors such as access to testing, a shift from healthcare worker-administered polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to self-administered rapid antigen tests (RATs), reduction in rates of symptomatic and severe disease due to rising population immunity, relaxation of testing requirements and recommendations, and/or lack of perceived need to test or ‘pandemic fatigue’ [1, 2, 3]. As a result, over time, officially reported cases of COVID-19 have become a less reliable measure of levels of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Data on hospital admissions and deaths are more consistent and are less affected by testing practices and behavioural change than reported cases but are subject to additional delays [4] that limit their usefulness for understanding disease dynamics. Infection prevalence surveys [5] that aim to regularly test a representative sample of the population are the gold-standard for tracking the spread of an infectious disease, but these surveys are resource intensive, making them harder to justify as countries move out of the acute phase of the pandemic. For example, regular SARS-CoV-2 infection prevalence surveys in the UK [6] have now been wound down and there are no current plans for similar surveys in New Zealand.
Wastewater surveillance, where levels of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater samples are measured, can provide additional data on the prevalence of the virus that are unaffected by individual testing and self-reporting behaviours. Wastewater surveillance (also known as wastewater-based epidemiology or WBE) also has the potential to contribute to an integrated global network for disease surveillance [7, 8, 9]. These data, however, can be highly variable and subject to other biases, such as rainwater dilution, sampling methodologies, and changing locations of selected sampling sites. To realise this potential, appropriate models and analytical tools are needed to deliver epidemiological insights from raw data. Previous work by [10] and [11] estimated Rt from wastewater data, compared the results with estimates derived from case data, and found that WBE can provide independent and reliable estimates of Rt.
Semi-mechanistic models based on the renewal equation are a popular method for epidemic forecasting and estimation of the instantaneous reproduction number [12, 13, 14]. Such methods are robust to constant under-ascertainment of cases, but may be biased by rapid changes in CAR and cannot provide any information about the total number of infections. In this paper, we extend the renewal equation framework [12, 13, 14] for reproduction number estimation to incorporate wastewater time-series data. The model treats the instantaneous reproduction number and CAR as hidden states and reported cases and quantity of viral RNA in wastewater as observed states. We use a sequential Monte Carlo approach to infer the hidden states. We apply the model to national data from Aotearoa New Zealand on reported COVID-19 cases and the average number of SARS-CoV-2 genome copies per person per day measured in municipal wastewater samples between January 2022 and March 2023. Because the relationship between infections and wastewater concentration is only determined in the model up to an overall scaling constant, it cannot be used to infer the absolute CAR but can be used to estimate relative changes in case ascertainment over time.
From March 2020 until December 2021 New Zealand used strict border controls and intermittent non-pharmaceutical interventions to suppress and eliminate transmission of SARS-CoV-2. By the beginning of 2022, there had been a cumulative total of around 3 confirmed cases of COVID-19 per 1,000 people and around 90% of the population over 12 years old had received at least two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. From October 2021, interventions were progressively eased and in January 2022 the B.1.1.529 (Omicron) variant began to spread in the community, causing the first large wave of infection. Since then community transmission has been sustained, with multiple further waves of infection being driven by various Omicron subvariants. Between 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2023, there was a cumulative total of around 440 confirmed cases per 1,000 people, most of which were from self-administered RATs. During this period, SARS-CoV-2 concentration was regularly measured at various wastewater treatment plants, providing an additional data source on changes in community prevalence over time.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Data
National daily reported cases of COVID-19 were obtained from the New Zealand Ministry of Health [15]. Until February 2022, these cases were diagnosed solely by healthcare-administered PCR testing. From February 2022, in response to the rapid increase in reported cases, RATs were widely distributed. Since then, the vast majority of reported cases have been from self-administered RATs, with results reported through an online portal. Reported cases are shown in Figure 1. As these data exhibit a clear day-of-the-week effect we remove the weekly trend before fitting the model (see Supplementary Material sec. 1.2 for details).
SARS-CoV-2 concentration data from wastewater samples collected by the Institute for Environmental Science and Research (ESR) were used for this study [16]. Wastewater samples were collected every week at municipal wastewater treatment plants located throughout the country, serving communities with populations ranging from 400 to over 500,000 people. Typically 70-90% of the national population connected to reticulated wastewater was covered by waste water sampling in any given week (60-124 sites, usually sampled twice per week). We aggregate the individual wastewater samples into daily estimates of genome copies per person by taking volume-weighted averages of the samples on each day and dividing by the total population connected to the sampled sites (see Figure 1).
2.2 Hidden state model
We construct a state-space model (Figure 2) consisting of time-varying hidden states (the instantaneous reproduction number Rt, daily case ascertainment rate CARt, and daily infection incidence It) and time-varying observed states (daily reported cases of COVID-19 Ct and daily wastewater observations Wt). We use subscript s : t to refer to all values between day s and t inclusive.
We assume the hidden states Rt and CARt follow independent Gaussian random walks, encoding the fact we expect them to vary continuously over time. We also assume that the hidden state It follows a Poisson renewal process, a simple epidemic model commonly used when estimating Rt [12]. Thus our state-space transitions are governed by:
Parameters σR and σCAR determine how quickly Rt and CARt vary. The standard deviation of the transition distribution for Rt → Rt+1 is given by σRRt, which means that Rt varies more rapidly at larger values. The distribution for Rt was truncated on (0, ∞) and for CARt on (0, 1). Finally, gu is the pre-determined generation time distribution, describing the proportion of transmission events that occur u days after infection (see Supplementary Material sec. 2.7).
We assume that the expected number of reported cases at time t is equal to CARt multiplied by the convolution of past infections with the infection-to-reporting distribution Lu:
Similarly, we assume that the expected number of genome copies per person at time t is equal to the convolution of past infections with the infection-to-shedding distribution ωu, multiplied by a fixed parameter α, representing the average total genome copies produced by an infectious individual:
We model reported cases using a negative binomial distribution:
which has mean and variance . A negative binomial distribution is used to account for noise in the observations beyond that predicted by a binomial distribution. This is a common choice in other methods of reproduction number estimation [14, 17].
We model observed wastewater data using a shape-scale gamma distribution:
which has mean and variance . The variable popt refers to the daily population in the catchment areas of the sampled wastewater sites at time t. Scaling by this allows the model to account for additional noise when fewer or smaller sites were sampled. On days when no sites were sampled, we let P (Wt = 0) = 1, meaning that the model filters on case data alone. The gamma distribution is a reasonably flexible choice for a non-negative continuous random variable, however other distributions could be considered, such as a Weibull or log-normal.
In the absence of additional information we are unable to estimate α, which represents the average total genome copies shed by an infected individual over the course of their infection.
This means we are unable to estimate the absolute value of CARt. Instead, we run the model with a range of different values for α, and estimate the change in CARt relative to its initial value. This additionally requires the assumption that α is constant over time, which is unlikely to be true in general and is a key limitation of our model (see Discussion).
The infection-to-reporting and infection-to-shedding distributions are calculated as the convolution of the incubation period distribution with the onset-to-reporting and onset-to-shedding distribution respectively. The incubation period is modelled as a Weibull distribution with mean 2.9 days and standard deviation 2.0 days [18]. The onset-to-reporting distribution is estimated empirically from New Zealand case data extracted on 16 September 2022, representing over 1.2 million cases, and has mean 1.8 days and standard deviation 1.8 days. The onset-to-shedding distribution comes from [19] and has mean 0.7 days and standard deviation 2.6 days. The resulting infection-to-reporting distribution has mean 5.8 days and standard deviation 2.6, and the resulting infection-to-shedding distribution has mean 5.2 days and standard deviation 2.9 days (see Supplementary Figure S1).
The model is solved using a bootstrap filter [22] with fixed-lag resampling. This produces estimates for the marginal posterior distribution of the hidden states at each time step. The random walk step variance parameters (σR and σCAR) and observation variance parameters (kc and kw) are estimated using a particle marginal Metropolis Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo method. We use uninformative uniform prior distributions for these parameters, with the exception of σCAR, where we use an informative prior distribution to ensure an appropriate level of smoothness in our estimates of CARt. Different parameter values are fitted in three-month blocks to allow for some variation over time. See Supplementary Material sec. 2 for further details of the numerical method. Code and data to reproduce the results are provided at https://github.com/nicsteyn2/NZWastewaterModelling.
3 Results
Reproduction number, relative case ascertainment, and infection incidence
The estimated value of the reproduction number Rt (Figure 3a) increased from around 1 at the beginning of 2022 to a peak of 2.46 (95% CrI 2.04, 3.20) on 18 February 2022 (95% CrI 10 Feb, 23 Feb), corresponding to the sharp increase in cases seen during the first Omicron wave, which was a mixture of the BA.1 and BA.2 variants [23]. The estimated value of Rt dropped below 1 on 1 March 2022 (95% CrI 25 Feb, 5 Mar) and infection incidence peaked on 28 February 2022 (95% CrI 23 Feb, 7 Mar), suggesting this is when the wave peaked.
The estimated CAR (Figure 3b) increased rapidly between mid-February and mid-March 2022. RATs became widely available for the first time in the last week of February 2022. This likely led to a significant increase in case ascertainment as the testing system, which had previously relied solely on laboratory-processed PCR tests, had become overwhelmed [3]. The estimated CAR approximately halved between April and July 2022, when a second wave of infection caused by the BA.5 Omicron subvariant [23, 24] occurred. This second wave was visible in both reported cases and wastewater sampling, with estimated peak infections occurring on 7 July 2022 (95% CrI 3 Jul, 12 Jul). The estimated CAR increased somewhat between mid 2022 and early 2023, with a noticeable dip in December 2022, possibly reflecting reduced testing during the Christmas and summer school holiday period (from mid-December to late-January/early-February). Alternatively, the estimated increase in CAR from mid-2022 could be explained by a decrease in the average genome copies shed by an infected individual α, although without further information we are unable to discern changes in α. Overall, the model provided a reasonably good fit to the observed data on cases and wastewater (Figure 3c-d).
Figure 4a-b shows the estimated daily incidence and cumulative infections for three values of α, corresponding to estimated CAR values on 1 April 2022 of 0.42 (95% CrI 0.35, 0.50), 0.61 (95% CrI. 0.51, 0.71), and 0.80 (95% CrI. 0.67, 0.93), for α= 2 × 109, 3 × 109, and 4 × 109 respectively. For comparison, the graphs also show the number of cases per capita in a cohort of approximately 20,000 border workers who were tested weekly between January and July 2022 [24], scaled according to population size. This cohort is not representative of the population and may not have perfect case ascertainment, so we do not expect the results to match exactly. However, they provide a limited validation that the model is producing plausible estimates for total infections.
Whilst peak reported cases (adjusted for the day-of-the-week effect) in the second wave were only 49% of the peak in the first wave (10,879 vs 22,038 respectively), under the assumption of constant α, the central estimate from the model suggests that true infections peaked at approximately 78% of the peak of the initial wave (Figure 4a). Figure 4c-e shows the estimated absolute and relative CAR and R. These panels show that, while we are uncertain about the absolute level of infections and CAR, the relative CAR and reproduction number estimates are robust to reasonable choices for (constant) α.
Parameter estimates
The estimated standard deviation σR of the random walk on Rt was greatest in the first time period (1 Jan – 31 Mar 2022) – see Table 2. This is unsurprising as it coincided with the rapid increase and then decrease in incidence associated with the first Omicron wave. σR decreased in the second period (1 Apr – 30 Jun 2022) and then remained relatively constant throughout the remaining periods (1 Jul 2022 – 31 Mar 2023). The estimated standard deviation σCAR of the random walk on CARt was also estimated to be greatest in the first time period, although this is primarily because we applied a prior distribution with a higher mean in this period (see Supplementary Material sec. 2.4).
The estimated variance parameters, kc and kw, for cases and wastewater observations, were lowest in the first time period (1 Jan 2022 – 31 Mar 2022). This implies there is more variability in the data that is not explained by the model in this time period, possibly as a consequence of the sharper variations in incidence compared to the later time periods. A less consistent weekly pattern in reported cases during the first time period, and higher levels of noise in wastewater observations at the low concentrations seen at the beginning of 2022, could also be contributing factors.
4 Discussion
WBE has been used globally for COVID-19 surveillance and has been shown to be a useful public health tool for policy and public health responses [26]. We have presented a semi-mechanistic model that combines reported cases with wastewater data to estimate the time-varying reproduction number and CAR. This work demonstrates the value of WBE and how the additional data that it provides can be combined with traditional monitoring (e.g., reported cases) to learn more about the state of an epidemic, disease dynamics, and the true number of infections in the community. This provides useful information to inform the public health response.
To make reliable estimates of the state of the epidemic from reported cases, it is essential to understand how case ascertainment changes with time. For example, are there fewer cases because there are fewer infections or because fewer people are reporting? We applied our model to national data from Aotearoa New Zealand and derived important insights into changes in case ascertainment over the 15-month period considered. Reported cases during the second wave in July 2022 were significantly lower than in the first wave in February and March 2022. However, the model inferred that there was a substantial drop in case ascertainment between these waves, and the true number of infections was likely more similar in each wave. The reduced CAR during the second and subsequent waves may have been due to a higher number of reinfections with individuals displaying fewer symptoms or due to “pandemic fatigue” and reduced compliance with public health measures, including testing. This type of insight would not be possible without regular wastewater surveillance data and without a robust analytical framework in which to integrate these data with traditional epidemiological data streams.
Strengths of our model include the fact that it has relatively minimal data requirements, requiring only time series for reported cases and wastewater concentrations. This means that it could be readily applied in other jurisdictions with wastewater surveillance programs, either for SARS-CoV-2 or other pathogens such as influenza viruses [26, 27]. It is a relatively simple model with minimal mechanistic assumptions and parsimonious parameterisation. This means that results are less sensitive to model misspecification or parameter uncertainty than more complex mechanistic models. The model presented here was operationalised by ESR in late 2022 and results for Rt and relative CAR are regularly provided to the Ministry of Health to inform situational awareness and decision-making.
There are several limitations to this model and the results. We assume that the average number of genome copies shed by an infected individual (the α parameter) was constant through 2022 and 2023 and did not depend on the infecting variant or history of prior infection or vaccination. It is possible that some of the inferred changes in CAR may be partly explained by these factors. For example, some of the inferred increase in case ascertainment between October and December 2022 may have been due to decreasing α, caused by a combination of new immune evasive subvariants displacing the previously dominant BA.5 variant [28] and/or an increase in the proportion of reinfections or asymptomatic infections [15]. Furthermore, as we are unable to estimate the true value of α, we are unable to estimate the absolute CAR. Nonetheless, relative CAR is a useful metric and, given an estimated range of values for α, we are able to provide plausible bounds on the total number of infections (Figure 4).
Wastewater surveillance does not provide any information on how infections are distributed among population groups (e.g. age groups, ethnicity) and biases in self-administered testing mean that case counts are not representative either. This information is important for assessing the clinical burden of disease and addressing health inequities [29]. Thus, other approaches are needed to determine the distribution of disease burden, such as representative sampling [6, 30], cohort studies [31] or sentinel surveillance [32].
As our model is flexible, future work could integrate hospitalisations (such as in [33]) and deaths data. In principle, this could allow the effects of varying CAR and varying rate of shedding per infection to be separated. However, this would additionally require the effects of age, immunity, ethnicity, and other variables on clinical severity to be accounted for.
The model could also be implemented at a regional level so that local epidemic dynamics can be compared. This paper has focused on modelling for inference: understanding epidemic dynamics that have already occurred. However, the state-space transition model coupled with the estimated parameters provides a natural method for forecasting [34, 14]. Forecasts generated using this state-space transition model naturally incorporate increasing uncertainty about the future reproduction number and CAR.
While this model has focused on COVID-19, there is a wealth of genetic information within municipal wastewater that could also benefit from modelling. The detection and concentration of viral, bacterial and anti-microbial resistance genes within wastewater have the ability to inform public health decision-making in a number of ways, especially as methodology is refined allowing more rapid turn-around times. As many jurisdictions seek to retain the wastewater capabilities they built during the pandemic phase of COVID-19 (and to diversify microbial targets), there is an ‘opportunity springboard’ to build tools that can predict the trajectories and spread of pathogens -modelling has a key role to play in this journey.
Data availability
Daily reported case data for Aotearoa New Zealand are available from the Ministry of Health at https://github.com/minhealthnz/nz-covid-data and seven-day average wastewater data are available from ESR at https://github.com/ESR-NZ/covid_in_wastewater.
Code to run the model and reproduce the results in this paper are available at https://github.com/nicsteyn2/NZWastewaterModelling.
The authors acknowledge the role of the New Zealand Ministry of Health in supplying data in support of this work. The authors thank the many city and district council staff members who collected the wastewater samples and the ESR laboratory staff who processed and tested the samples used in this study. This work was funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Health and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC). This work was supported by the NIHR HPRU in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections, a partnership between PHE, University of Oxford, University of Liverpool, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (grant number NIHR200907 supporting C.A.D.). L. M. W. was supported by a Rutherford Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship from New Zealand government funding, administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi. N.S. acknowledges support from the Oxford-Radcliffe Scholarship from University College, Oxford, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning (Imperial College London and University of Oxford). We thank A. Maslov for supporting this research through studentship support for N.S.