Background Multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens pose a grave threat to global health, with Klebsiella pneumoniae being a particular concern due to its hypervariable extracellular matrix capsule and frequent development of extended-spectrum β-lactamases and other antibiotic defenses. Treating K. pneumoniae-induced infections with antibiotics is becoming increasingly challenging, necessitating the development of new approaches to address this problem. Phages have emerged as a promising alternative to antibiotics due to their high host specificity, abundance in nature, and evolvability. However, their host specificity makes it difficult to target highly diverse bacterial species using phage therapy.
Methods In this study, a K. pneumoniae bacteriophage was characterized using double-agar overlay (DLA), host range testing, and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) MinION long-read sequencer for whole genome sequencing.
Results The phage was isolated from a hospital sewage drain and showed activity against multi-drug resistant K. pneumoniae, and showed extensive activity against strains from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Sequence analysis confirmed that the phage belonged to the family Siphoviridae, subfamily Unclassified Webervirus.
Conclusion The findings of this study highlight the potential of sewage samples as a rich source of bacteriophages against medically important pathogens. Further studies on the biological characteristics of this K. pneumoniae bacteriophage could yield valuable insights into the development of a potential therapeutic agent for K. pneumoniae specific infections. It is worth noting that although the viruses were only found in sewage from places with increasing reports of K. pneumoniae infections, such as public hospitals, they hold promise for addressing the growing problem of multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens.
Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) is a facultative anaerobic and gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the genus Klebsiella and the Enterobacterales group. K. pneumoniae is most commonly found in the human body’s upper respiratory tract and intestines [1]. It is one of the most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial infections, which include urinary tract infections, pneumonia, septicemia, and soft tissue infections [2]. These infections are caused by K. pneumoniae in the elderly, infants, and immunocompromised patients. Earlier it was the extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) resistant K. pneumoniae strains that were the most common drug-resistant strains of K. pneumoniae. However, due to the wide use of carbapenems, Carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae (CRKP) has been on the rise. As a result, carbapenem resistance in K. pneumoniae is frequently associated with antimicrobial resistance to other antibiotic classes, making treatment of infections challenging [3]. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control have jointly categorized MDR, extensively drug-resistant (XDR), and pandrug-resistant (PDR) bacteria [4] and K. pneumoniae strains have been classified as XDR and are rapidly emerging as PDR by acquiring resistance to tigecycline and polymyxin antibiotics [5]. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major problem in Asia and, recently, Bangladesh has shown a high prevalence of carbapenem-resistant organisms [6]. Among the carbapenemase genes, NDM-producing strains have been detected along with oxacillinase-48-like producing strains [3]. The emergence of hypervirulent and antibiotic-resistant strains emphasizes the critical need for effective anti-pathogen strategies to prevent its spread.
Bacteriophage therapy is emerging as a promising treatment option to combat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are naturally occurring bacterial viruses that can specifically infect and kill bacteria [7]. Phage therapy has gained renewed interest due to the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance and the lack of effective treatment options [10]. Studies on animal models have shown the efficacy of bacteriophages in treating infections caused by K. pneumoniae. For instance, in mouse models, bacteriophage therapy provided significant protection against respiratory and other infections caused by K. pneumoniae, such as liver abscesses and bacteremia [8, 9]. These promising findings highlight the potential ofbacteriophage therapy as an effective alternative to antibiotics for the treatment of K. pneumonia infections.
The article presents the genome sequence of a K. pneumoniae bacteriophage that was isolated from a hospital sewage drain located at the Evercare Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The phage was named Klebsiella phage mfs (Accession Number: OP611406) and was propagated using K. pneumoniae strains that were previously collected from hospital samples from different regions in Dhaka, Bangladesh [10]. The isolation of phages from hospital sewage samples highlights the potential of these sources as rich and accessible reservoirs of bacteriophages that can be utilized for the development of novel therapeutics against medically significant pathogens such as K. pneumoniae.
Bacterial isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility assay
In this study, clinical strains of Klebsiella spp. (NGCE-311, NGCE-327, NGCE-472, NGCE-635, NGCE-636, NGCE-637, NGCE-639, NGCE-645, NGCE-706, NGCE-707, NGCE-711, NGCE-920) were isolated and grown from different clinical samples collected at DCIMCH and Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital (SSMCH). Escherichia coli was used as a control. To determine the antibiotic susceptibility of the Klebsiella strains, an antibiotic susceptibility test was performed using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. The selected antibiotics for the susceptibility test included commonly prescribed antibiotics in Bangladesh, such as amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, and meropenem. The results of the antibiotic susceptibility test were interpreted according to the Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute: CLSI guidelines.
Isolation of phages
Klebsiella phage mfs was isolated during enrichment from sewage water collected from a hospital sewage drain at Evercare Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The sewage water appeared sediment-filled, turbid, and slightly green, with calm water. The isolation procedure began with the addition of a final concentration of 0.05 M SM buffer (pH 7.0) to the sample, followed by the addition of 1 M NaCl. The mixture was incubated for 60 minutes at +37°C at 100 rpm in an environmental shaker incubator. The supernatant was then removed and centrifuged (14000 rpm, 10 minutes) using a Beckman Coulter centrifuge, US. The pellet was dissolved in 1 ml of 0.1 M Tris–HCl buffer following the removal of the supernatant (pH 7.0). Subsequently, the resulting suspension was filtered through 1.2 µm, 0.45 µm, and 0.22 µm filters (MF-Millipore, US). The filtrate was then stored at -20°C.
Phage amplification and purification step was carried out by combining 250 ml of Luria Bertani (LB) broth and 10 ml of K. pneumoniae cells cultured overnight. The mixture was then placed in separate shaking flasks, each containing K. pneumoniae cells from a distinct strain (NGCE-311, NGCE-327, NGCE-472, NGCE-635, NGCE-636, NGCE-637, NGCE-639, NGCE-645, NGCE-706, NGCE-707, NGCE-711, NGCE-920). Afterwards, the flasks were incubated for 6 hours at +37°C and 100 rpm on an Environmental Shaker-Incubator. Next, 1 ml of bacteriophage filtrate was added to each flask and the mixture was incubated overnight. The following morning, the lysis of the bacterial culture was observed. The contents of the flasks were then centrifuged and filtered, and the resulting filtrates were refrigerated at 4°C.
The cells of K. pneumoniae were suspended in a physiological salt solution. The concentration of cells in suspension is about 109 CFU per milliliter (colony-forming units per ml). Then, 10−1 to 10− 5 serial dilutions of each of the four obtained filtrates containing bacteriophages in physiological salt solution were prepared. In tubes containing soft agar (0.6 percent), 0.2 ml of culture and 0.1 ml of a specific dilution of the bacteriophage were added and mixed. The resulting mixture was distributed on Petri dishes containing solid nutrient agar and incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. Following the incubation period, the plaques obtained were evaluated.
Using the double-layer technique, the lytic spectrum of the accumulated bacteriophage was evaluated. Seven strains of K. pneumoniae were used as test cultures. The cells of K. pneumoniae were suspended in a physiological salt solution. The cell concentration in suspension was approximately 109 CFU per milliliter. 0.2 ml of culture was added to tubes containing soft agar (0.6%), mixed, and then poured onto nutrient agar-coated Petri dishes. The phage suspension was then spotted on the soft agar in several dilutions. The samples were then incubated at 37°C for 18 to 24 hours. Plaque morphology (halos or no halo) is recorded, and images are taken.
Host range testing
To determine the novel phage’s host range, spot tests in top-agar semi-solidified media were performed. Drops of 1 µl of each phage were spot inoculated onto bacterial lawns of various clinical isolates and incubated for 24 hours at 37°C to allow plaques to form. Zones of bacterial lawn clearing, suggesting cell lysis, were categorized as follows: (1) identifiable plaques, (2) total bacterial lawn clearing, (3) turbid bacterial lawn, or (4) no effect. The presence or absence of halos, as well as the reduced turbidity of the bacterial lawn encircling plaques or clearings, were also noted. In addition, we inoculated 105 PFU of phage into bacterial cultures during their exponential growth phase (log phase) and incubated the cultures at 37°C in a plate reader (Multiskan FC, Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 10 hours to determine the strength of lysis using time-lapse turbidity (OD) measurements every 10 minutes.
Extraction of phage genomic DNA
The Favorgen Viral DNA/RNA Kit (Origin: Taiwan) was used for the process of phage DNA extraction following the manufacturer’s instructions. A number of centrifugation processes were carried out with great care because the supernatant was initially taken, but in order to obtain the DNA, it was necessary to collect the pellet at the very end. To prevent degradation, DNA samples were frozen at a temperature of -20°C and kept in the freezer. DNA concentrations were measured by NanoDrop spectrophotometer, Model ND-1000, Origin: Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA.
Phage genome library preparation, sequencing, and assembly
In this study, the approach was undertaken to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the sample. A Rapid PCR Barcoding Kit (SQK-RPB004) from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (Minion Mk1C) was used for library preparation.
The library preparation protocol used was the simplest library preparation protocol that allowed sequencing from low DNA input and uses PCR to enable enough data to be generated. The process ensures the quality of DNA is checked thoroughly for experimental success, and begins with the addition of Fragmentation mix. The fragmentation mix cleaves and add the transposase adapter to the genomic DNA. This is then attached to barcoded rapid attachment primer, which then undergoes PCR. After PCR, the products are cleaned using the Agencourt AMPure XP, and rapid 1D sequencing adapters are attached to DNA ends, and the DNA is ready to be loaded on the primed flow cells.
The libraries were sequenced using Minion Mk1C R9.4 flowcells, and real-time basecalling was performed to generate fastq files. The necessary reagents and flow cells were sourced from ONT (Littlemore, Oxford, United Kingdom). The raw fastq files were assembled using the Flye v2.9 assemblers for de novo assembly with default settings to obtain high-quality contigs suitable for downstream analysis [11]. The contigs were then polished using Racon v1.4.20 [15] with the MinION reads as the consensus.
The assembled contigs were mapped back to the reference bacteriophage using Contiguator v2.7 [16], and the full-length contigs of the bacteriophage were identified. The contigs fasta files were used for downstream bioinformatics analysis, which included gene prediction, annotation, and functional analysis. The average nucleotide identity (ANI) of the phage was determined using OrthoANIb (OrthoANI using BLAST) [12]. The genome with an ANI >95% was designated as the same species. Furthermore, functional annotation was performed using the Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST) server [18].
Genomic Analysis
The genome of the phage was annotated using Prokka [13] and PHASTER [14], and a comprehensive diagram was generated using the user-friendly SnapGene® software (GSL Biotech; available at snapgene.com). The phage taxonomy was determined by adding the phage isolate genome to the VIPtree database [15] and performing BLASTn and tBLASTn analyses against NCBI [16].
Resistance profiling of selected isolates
Top of form Twelve K. pneumoniae isolates were collected from diverse clinical sources including blood (n=2), tracheal aspirate (n=1), urine (n=6), and sputum (n=3) (Figure 1). The strains originated from three diagnostic/healthcare centers located in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Dhaka Central International Medical College and Hospital (DCIMCH), and Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital (SSMCH). Based on antibiotic susceptibility profiles, all twelve isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR) where six of them were found to be extensively drug-resistant (XDR). The antibiotic susceptibility testing results revealed that all isolates were resistant to amoxicillin, cefepime, cefixime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim, and tetracycline. Among the twelve isolates, the number of isolates that were resistant to piperacillin, meropenem, were 4, 6, and 8, respectively. Among the significant isolates identified, NGCE-635 stands out as a significant isolate obtained from the urine of a female patient. This strain was resistant to numerous antibiotics, including amoxicillin, cefepime, cefixime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, meropenem, nitrofurantoin, piperacillin/tazobactam, polymixin B, trimethoprim, and tetracycline. It produced extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL), signifying increased resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. Another noteworthy strain is NGCE-637, which was isolated from the blood of a female patient. This strain was resistant to a number of antibiotics, including amoxicillin, cefepime, cefixime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, meropenem, nitrofurantoin, and piperacillin/tazobactam. It also tested positive for production of ESBLs. These strains exemplify the emergence of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains, which are resistant to multiple antibiotic classes, including crucial ones such as carbapenems. The presence of ESBL enzymes in these isolates bolsters their resistance even further. Notably, the data does not specify the presence or absence of the carbapenem-resistant New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM) gene in these strains.
Circos plot for the resistance profile across the K. pneumoniae isolates used in the study. Red and Gold denotes the β-lactams and Carbapenems respectively, which were tested against the selected isolates denoted in Gray.
A Circos plot showing the resistance profile of all twelve isolates is presented in Figure 1 [17].
Phage isolation
In Dhaka, Bangladesh, hospital sewage water was used to isolate the lysate phage, Klebsiella phage mfs, which was designed to treat K. pneumoniae. This is the first time a phage has been reported to have been isolated from hospital effluent in Bangladesh. The process of isolation involved a number of distinct procedures and techniques. The phage isolation protocol included multiple steps to assure the phage’s purification and enrichment. Initially, samples of hospital sewage water were collected and filtered to remove larger particles and detritus. The resulting filtrate was then combined with a K. pneumoniae strains host strain and incubated under conditions conducive to phage-host interactions.
Following the incubation period, the mixture was centrifuged to separate the phage-containing supernatant from the bacterial cells. To eradicate any remaining bacterial cells, the phage-containing supernatant was further filtered using a membrane filter with a specific pore size. Using shallow halo rings, the filtered supernatant was subjected to a series of purification processes. This technique involved applying the supernatant to a solid agar medium containing a lawn of the host strain, and then repeatedly applying incised rings to the formed plaques. Each application of the rings enabled the purification of a single phage by isolating individual plaques. Through this purification procedure, a 2-mm-diameter, transparent plaque with a smooth edge and a uniform dimension was produced.
To evaluate the lytic activity of Klebsiella phage mfs, a controlled experiment was conducted. A K. pneumoniae log-phase culture was inoculated with a concentration of 1 x 10^5 plaque-forming units (PFU) of the phage. Changes in optical density at 600 nm (OD600) were measured to determine the lytic efficacy of the phage.
The provided information provides insight into the isolation and purification of phages, emphasizing the use of specific techniques such as filtration, centrifugation, and the application of shallow halo rings. The experimental design for determining the lytic activity of the phage centered on measuring OD600 changes. However, additional information regarding statistical analysis and the number of replicates used would improve the study’s clarity.
Determination of phage host range
The host range of Klebsiella phage mfs was evaluated against twelve clinical strains of K. pneumoniae isolated from different hospitals in Dhaka, Bangladesh (Supplementary table 1). To determine the lytic activity of various phage combinations, each test was repeated three times. The results showed that Klebsiella phage mfs was effective against all of the bacterial strains tested (71% effectiveness).
Genome Sequencing and Sequence Analysis
The complete sequencing of the phage infecting K. pneumoniae was carried out utilizing the Oxford Nanopore MinION platform. The assembled read was found to have a size of 48,780 base pairs (bp) with a GC content of 52.02%. The genome was linear and intact, and the whole sequence of Klebsiella phage mfs (Accession Number: OP611406) was obtained. The genome annotation identified a total of 105 protein-coding sequences (CDS), which include 93 phage proteins and 12 hypothetical proteins. Furthermore, the genome of Klebsiella phage mfs was found to contain u-spanin proteins, which are phage lysis proteins required for the destruction of the outer membrane.
Sequence analysis confirmed that the phage infecting K. pneumoniae belonged to the family Siphoviridae and subfamily Unclassified Webervirus. The use of BLAST analysis further identified that these Klebsiella phages were part of the genus Webervirus (as shown in Figure 3). Multiple sequence alignment revealed that Klebsiella phage mfs was collinear and highly conserved compared to other weberviruses, specifically with phages Klebsiella phage PWKp20 (Accession Number: MZ634351.1) and Bacteriophage sp. isolate 1201_113983 (Accession Number: OP030905.1). Average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between isolated Klebsiella phages mfs and other weberviruses ranged from 81% to 97% (as shown in Table 1), with Klebsiella phage PWKp20 being the closest previously characterized bacteriophage according to ANI values, isolated in Sweden. To obtain a maximum likelihood phylogeny, a multiple whole-genome sequence alignment of Drulisvirus and Klebsiella phages πVLC1-4 (58,184 positions) was utilized. This phylogeny indicated that phages πVLC1-4 formed a monophyletic group (as depicted in Figure 4)
Plaque assay of the novel Klebsiella phage mfs. A) represents halo rings produced against NGCE 706, while B) represents lytic activity against another close strain, NGCE 327. Plaques were allowed to form overnight at 37 ◦C.
Lysis assay. Optical density of cultures of K. pneumoniae belonging to isolate 706 (in pink) and the reference strain of E. coli (in blue). Cultures were inoculated with 105 PFU in three replicate assays for three reads.
Circular phylogenetic tree based on proteomic analysis generated by VIPTree [15]. Red stars represent Klebsiella phage mfs detected in this study. Beside our Klebsiella phage mfs, this tree includes 1526 dsDNA viruses deposited on VIPTree database, classified by their family (inner ring) and their respective hosts taxa (outer ring).
Bioinformatics Analysis
Nucleotide sequences were compared to those in GenBank using BLASTn and BLASTp (Supplementary Table 2). A BLASTn of the assembled long read found the genome to be 96.78% similar to Klebsiella phage PWKp20 (Accession Number: MZ634351.1). The genome had an average of 96.34% ANI with other K. pneumoniae phages. High pairwise nucleotide identities (from 93% to 97%) were also observed. This shows the genome to be a close relative of the K. pneumoniae phages.
The genome contains 93 phage proteins and 12 hypothetical proteins. Among the phage proteins, the genome consists of u-spanin proteins which are phage lysis proteins required to disturb the outer membrane. DNA adenine methyltransferase, putative transcriptional regulator, exonuclease, tail fibre protein, minor tail protein, etc. all of these proteins are illustrated in the figure below (Figure 5). The enzyme or protein information can be found in the supplementary table 3.
Gene map of Klebsiella phage mfs. Different colored arrows depict predicted CDSs coding different functions: green, DNA packaging; cyan, hypothetical protein (hp); purple/pink, DNA replication, transcription, and metabolism function; black, phage structure; blue, tail structure. The genome map was constructed using SnapGene software.
Klebsiella phage mfs has a fast adsorption time, is highly stable over a wide pH and temperature range, and lacks virulence, lysogenic, and antimicrobial resistance genes. The phage was perfectly stable in chloroform, but it completely lost its ability to infect when exposed to ethanol.
The emergence of ESBL-producing and/or carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella strains as a major cause of human diseases has triggered the search for alternative therapeutic options such as phages. While defined bacteriophages are commonly used as antibacterial treatments, their effectiveness is often limited against newly identified bacterial strains. Therefore, phage cocktails are utilized to minimize global resistance by the target bacterium, which has prompted the identification of additional potential therapeutic phages [7, 18].
In this study, a novel K. pneumoniae phage genome was isolated from hospital sewage water in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Although viruses were only found in the samples from locations with increasing reports of K. pneumoniae infections, such as public hospitals, this study highlights sewage samples as a promising source of bacteriophages against medically important pathogens. Further exploration of environmental samples may lead to the discovery of more broadly acting phages. The article describes the phage species, with certain features annotated via prokka. Whole-gene sequencing was also performed to evaluate the phage protein content.
To fully characterize the phage genetically and physiologically, additional research will be required. For instance, Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) can be used to estimate the length of a phage genome, generate a restriction digestion profile, and clone and sequence the phage genome to gain a comprehensive understanding of the genes involved in the phage life cycle [19]. Moreover, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) documentation of phage morphology is also necessary for phage classification, following International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses guidelines. Protein profiling using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is required to determine the amount of structural proteins present in the bacterium. Further genomic analysis results will allow for determination of virulence factors, as well as a better understanding of the propagation and mode of action of the isolated phage.
Similar to this study, other researchers have identified novel phages from diverse environmental sources, such as soil, sewage, and fecal samples, which could potentially be used against K. pneumoniae strains [22, 23, 24]. Furthermore, some studies have demonstrated the efficacy of phage therapy against carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae infections in animal models [25, 26].
However, challenges such as bacterial resistance development and the specificity of phages still need to be addressed for effective clinical application.
The high specificity of Klebsiella phages and other phages is a double-edged sword. While specificity allows for precise targeting of a particular bacterial pathogen and aids in the prevention of dysbiosis by having little impact on the normal microbiota, it also makes treatment options less straightforward and requires significant effort in characterizing and exploiting natural phage diversity. Despite these challenges, phages hold great promise as a potential alternative to antibiotics for treating K. pneumoniae infections, particularly in the era of increasing antimicrobial resistance.
In summary, this study emphasizes the potential utility of sewage samples as a promising source of bacteriophages against medically significant pathogens, particularly in regions with high rates of MDR/XDR and ESBL-producing and/or carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella infections. The discovery of a novel K. pneumoniae phage genome from hospital sewage water in Dhaka, Bangladesh serves as a positive foundation for the development of phage therapy against this pathogen. While the specificity of Klebsiella phages and other phages is beneficial in selectively targeting particular bacterial pathogens and reducing harm to normal microbiota, there is still a need to further explore the natural diversity of phages to identify more broadly acting phages. Future studies can expand on the genomic and physiological characterization of this phage and explore the potential use of phages as diagnostic tools, biosensors, and in bioimaging. In general, the use of phages as a complementary approach to antibiotics in the battle against bacterial infections shows promise and merits further investigation.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable
Availability of data and materials
All of the data are included in the article.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests
Email addresses of authors: Fahad Khan: fahadkhanbd911{at}gmail.com
Mohammad Sami Salman Bhuiyan: sami.salman.bd{at}gmail.com
Syeda Naushin Tabassum: naushintabu{at}gmail.com
Md. Sakib Abrar Hossain: blsakib{at}gmail.com
Aura Rahman: aurarahman4{at}gmail.com
Abdus Sadique: sadique004{at}gmail.com
Abdullah All Jaber: mradnanjaber{at}gmail.com
Fariza Shams: fariza.shams{at}northsouth.edu
Sudhakar Bhandare: sudhakar.bhandare{at}nottingham.ac.uk
Maqsud Hossain: muhammad.maqsud{at}northsouth.edu