Healthcare Stakeholder Perspectives on a Value Assessment Approach for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Therapies
Ryan Fischer, Pat Furlong, Annie Kennedy, Kelly Maynard, Marissa Penrod, Debra Miller, View ORCID ProfileChamindra G. Laverty, View ORCID ProfileLinda Lowes, View ORCID ProfileNancy L. Kuntz, View ORCID ProfilePerry B. Shieh, Jane Kondejewski, Peter J. Neumann, View ORCID ProfileJason Shafrin, View ORCID ProfileRichard J. Willke
Ryan Fischer
aParent Project Muscular Dystrophy, Washington, DC;
Pat Furlong
aParent Project Muscular Dystrophy, Washington, DC;
Annie Kennedy
bEveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Washington DC;
Kelly Maynard
cLittle Hercules Foundation, Dublin, OH;
dDuchenne Family Assistance Program;
Marissa Penrod
dDuchenne Family Assistance Program;
eTeam Joseph, West Bloomfield, MI;
Debra Miller
fCureDuchenne, Newport Beach, CA;
Chamindra G. Laverty
gUC San Diego, San Diego, CA;
MDLinda Lowes
hNationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH;
PhDNancy L. Kuntz
iNorthwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL;
MDPerry B. Shieh
jUCLA, Los Angeles, CA;
MD, PhDJane Kondejewski
kSNELL Medical Communication, Inc., Montreal, QC;
PhDPeter J. Neumann
lCenter for Evaluation of Value and Risk in Medicine, Boston, MA;
ScDJason Shafrin
mFTI Consulting, Los Angeles, CA;
PhDRichard J. Willke
nInternational Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Lawrenceville, NJ
- Table S1[supplements/292507_file04.docx]
- Figure S1[supplements/292507_file05.tif]
Posted July 12, 2023.
Healthcare Stakeholder Perspectives on a Value Assessment Approach for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Therapies
Ryan Fischer, Pat Furlong, Annie Kennedy, Kelly Maynard, Marissa Penrod, Debra Miller, Chamindra G. Laverty, Linda Lowes, Nancy L. Kuntz, Perry B. Shieh, Jane Kondejewski, Peter J. Neumann, Jason Shafrin, Richard J. Willke
medRxiv 2023.07.11.23292507; doi:
Healthcare Stakeholder Perspectives on a Value Assessment Approach for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Therapies
Ryan Fischer, Pat Furlong, Annie Kennedy, Kelly Maynard, Marissa Penrod, Debra Miller, Chamindra G. Laverty, Linda Lowes, Nancy L. Kuntz, Perry B. Shieh, Jane Kondejewski, Peter J. Neumann, Jason Shafrin, Richard J. Willke
medRxiv 2023.07.11.23292507; doi:
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