Article Information
- March 14, 2024.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (June 20, 2023 - 15:18).
- Version 2 (January 22, 2024 - 14:18).
- You are viewing Version 3, the most recent version of this article.
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Author Information
- Sebastian Reinig1,
- Chin Kuo1,*,
- Chia-Chun Wu2,
- Sheng-Yu Huang1,
- Jau-Song Yu2,3,4,5 and
- Shin-Ru Shih1,6,7,8,9
- 1Research center for Emerging viral infections, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 2Molecular research center, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan,
- 3Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 4Liver Research Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou 33305, Taiwan
- 5Research Center for Food and Cosmetic Safety, College of Human Ecology, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan 33302, Taiwan
- 6Department of Laboratory Medicine, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 7Research Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine, Research Center for Food and Cosmetic Safety, Graduate Institute of Health Industry Technology, College of Human Ecology, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 8Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 9Clinical Virology Laboratory, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- ↵*Correspondence
: Corresponding Author Shin-Ru Shih srshih{at}