Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a self-perpetuating inflammatory liver disease with significant morbidity and mortality risks. Patients undergo liver biopsy to confirm diagnosis and affirm subsequent remission. Advances in liquid biopsies show promise to replace tissue biopsy in cancer, however little research has been done in liver disease. Here, we use plasma chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (cfChIP-seq) to analyze cell-free nucleosomes carrying an active histone modification which reports on gene transcription in the dying cells. Comparing plasma samples from pediatric AIH patients to a control group we identify immune-related transcriptional processes activated in hepatocytes of AIH patients. We devise a classifier that based on cfChIP-seq profiles distinguishes AIH from other conditions involving increased liver damage. Our work demonstrates the potential of plasma cfChIP-seq as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for AIH, which could replace the need for liver biopsy, aid accurate diagnoses, and enable further scientific exploration of AIH pathogenesis.
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a rare chronic self-perpetuating inflammatory liver disease, characterized by immune-mediated damage to hepatocytes. The clinical presentation of AIH is heterogeneous and includes elevated serum transaminases and seropositivity of autoantibodies and immunoglobulin G, yet the final diagnosis requires histological evidence of hepatic inflammation and interface hepatitis with increased plasma cell which entails liver biopsy (reviewed in 1,2). Several lines of evidence suggest that hepatocyte damage in AIH is mediated by CD4+ T-cells, particularly the Th17 cells3, though the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Immunosuppression and liver transplantation in severe cases of liver failure or cirrhosis, are the sole therapeutic alternatives. Normalization of transaminase levels along with IgG levels and negative auto-antibodoies define biochemical remission of the disease. Biochemical remission is usually a sufficient indication of successful response to treatment but does not always correlate with histological remission4. Thus, in most cases liver biopsy is needed to confirm histological remission to allow stopping medications.
Cell-free DNA liquid biopsies have emerged in the past two decades as a powerful tool for diagnosing and monitoring diseases and enabled their introduction into clinical practice mainly in the field of cancer5. However, little research has been performed on the use of cfDNA in non cancerous liver diseases, autoimmune maladies, and AIH. We recently reported chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing of cell-free nucleosomes from human plasma (cfChIP-seq) to infer the transcriptional programs by genome-wide mapping of plasma cell free-nucleosomes carrying specific histone modifications6. Specifically, tri-methylation of histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3) is a well characterized histone modification, marking transcription start sites (TSS) of genes that are poised or actively transcribed, and predictive of gene expression 6–9.
We hypothesized that understanding sources of cfDNA in AIH would provide additional insights on the pathogenesis of the disease and assist in the challenging diagnosis process.
Elevated liver-derived cfDNA in AIH plasma samples
Recently we described cfChIP-seq, a method for performing chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing from plasma6. Here, we used cfChIP-seq with H3K4me3-specific antibody which enriches for poised and active transcription start sites (TSS), on plasma samples from 37 plasma samples from pediatric patients with autoimmune hepatitis (n=27 patients) - either at diagnosis, with elevated liver transaminases or in biochemical remission (ALT and AST liver enzymes within the normal range) under immunosuppressive therapy. As control, we also included an additional cohort of 14 self-reported healthy donors (six children and eight adults) and a cohort of 58 samples from 56 patients with other liver diseases (Fig. 1A; Supplementary tables 1-2).
For quality control we examine the yield of the assay and its specificity. The average yield of the cfChIP-seq samples was 2.8 and 1.4 million unique reads for the AIH and healthy samples respectively (Fig. S1A; Supplementary table 3), presumably reflecting elevated cfCDNA levels in the AIH samples. The specificity of cfChIP-seq is defined as the proportion of reads that map to gene promoters vs. reads that are non-specific background. The average specificity of the samples is 70% (Supplementary table 3, Methods).
The self reported healthy control cohort consists of samples from children and adults. The means of the two groups were highly correlated (R = 0.99), and individual samples were also highly correlated (R > 0.95, median R = 0.975; Fig. S1B-C) and were therefore treated as one unified control group for downstream analysis.
The results of cfChIP-seq are analyzed at the level of genes. Briefly, reads are mapped to the genome and the number of normalized reads mapping to every gene’s TSS regions was computed, resulting in gene counts resembling RNA-seq transcription counts (Methods). We then compared the gene counts of plasma samples from AIH patients to a healthy baseline reference (Methods) and found hundreds of genes that were significantly increased in AIH patients with active disease, many of which were shared among several samples. In plasma samples from patients in remission, we observed a smaller group of genes elevated compared to healthy, and some samples seemed identical to healthy plasma with no genes significantly elevated (Fig. 1B-C; S1D).
To identify the tissues and cell types that contribute to the elevated gene signal in AIH patients, we compared the profile of these genes to a comprehensive reference atlas of 182 H3K4me3 ChIP-seq samples from 36 tissues and cell-types, including solid tissues and immune cells 10,11. Examining the set of genes which were significantly elevated in at least 3 AIH samples in the reference data, exhibits a low coverage in the immune cells which are the main source of cfDNA in healthy individuals 6,12. A subset of the genes has some coverage in all solid tissues, and the majority of genes are marked by H3K4me3 only in the liver samples (Fig. 1D). Enrichment tests of this gene set finds a strong enrichment of the liver (EnrichR human gene atlas q<10−80; gene overlap 140/618), reestablishing the identification of the liver as a major source of cfDNA in AIH samples.
cfChIP-seq recovers AIH cell-free DNA cell-of-origin
To quantify the relative contribution of liver-derived cfDNA in the circulation and achieve a systematic view of other tissues contributing to the circulation, we used a linear regression deconvolution of samples to their composing cell-types (Methods). Examining the results we find that in healthy donors, the major components of the cfDNA are the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (neutrophils, megakaryocytes, B cells and monocytes) which is in agreement with previous studies 6,13, while the liver constitutes less than 1% of the cfDNA an average. In contrast, in samples of AIH patients with active disease, the liver accounts for 15%-65% of the cfDNA, and increased levels are observed also in some of the patients in remission (t-test P=0.0002 and 0.01 in the active and remission AIH samples respectively). An additional, more subtle elevation is observed also in the T cell fraction of some AIH samples (Fig. 2A, S2A). Note that the estimated fractions represent the relative contribution of the tissues to the circulation, and not the absolute cell death of these tissues. Thus, an increase in liver fraction must be compensated by reduction of fractions of other tissues even if their absolute levels remain the same (Fig. S2B).
To further test whether cfChIP-seq can provide clues as to the AIH specific cell-type of origin within the liver, we used gene signatures derived from a single cell RNA-seq liver atlas14, since no such ChIP-seq data exist. Across the 10 liver cell-types examined, including hepatocyte, cholangiocyte, endothelial, stellate and immune cells, the AIH samples are enriched specifically for hepatocyte marker genes such as HPX (hemopexin), F12 (coagulation factor XII) and APOB (Apolipoprotein B) (Fig. 2B-C). The remarkably positive correlation of the hepatocyte marker genes and the liver fraction (R = 0.98; Fig. S2C) further corroborates the finding that the hepatocytes are indeed the major source of liver cfDNA in AIH plasma samples.
Comparison of the estimated liver fraction to the liver alanine transferase (ALT) levels measured in time-matched blood samples, displays a good agreement between the two modalities despite the differences in half-life of these analytes 15,16(R = 0.87; p = 7.3-12; Fig. 2D). When performing principal component analysis (PCA) of the samples (Methods) the first principal component (which accounts for 25% of variability) is highly correlated with estimated liver fraction (R = 0.93, p < 1×1015. Fig. 2E-F, S2D).
Overall, these findings show that the predominant abnormality in AIH circulating DNA is an increase in hepatocyte contribution. The auto-immune nature of the disease suggests that this increase is due to immune attack on hepatocytes.
cfChIP-seq identifies hepatocyte immune response
Histone modifications are intimately related to the activity of RNA polymerase 17. H3K4me3 in particular, is a histone modification associated with transcription initiation and transcriptional pause-release 7,18. Thus levels of H3K4me3 are representative of the amount of such events in the cells that contribute to the circulating cfDNA pool. AIH is characterized by a complex process that involves activation of CD4+ effector and regulatory T-cells, cytokine and chemokine production and more (reviewed in 19). We thus seek to explore whether cfChIP-seq can detect such processes in AIH plasma samples.
To distinguish changes within specific cell-types on the background of changes in cell-type composition, we used the following strategy: First, we used deconvolution to estimate cell-type composition of a sample. We then construct composition-informed reference for the specific sample taking into account the relative composition and the estimate of mean and variance gene levels in each cell type. Comparing this reference to the observed values we can identify genes that are significantly above or below the revised reference (fig. 3A; Methods).
Applying this model to the AIH samples we find that the vast majority of observed gene counts (99.98%) do not significantly deviate from the composition-informed reference (fig. S3A). Focusing on the 774 genes with significantly elevated signal in the AIH samples compared to healthy, we find that here too the majority of genes (97%) do not significantly deviate from composition-informed reference suggesting that they reflect the normal transcription patterns of the liver (fig. 3B). However, a close inspection reveals a set of genes with coverage significantly above expected in several samples (fig. 3C; fig. S3A). This group includes the CXCL9-11 (C-X-C motif chemokine ligand) genes, which are expressed in inflamed hepatocytes and play a role in the AIH immune response and liver fibrosis20–23. Importantly, many of these genes, which have high coverage in AIH samples, carry no H3K4me3 signal in normal liver nor in any of the other tissues represented in the reference atlas, indicating that they reflect activation of an abnormal transcription program occurring in the patients with AIH (fig. 3D-E; S3B).
To rule out the possibility that these genes reflect a transcriptional program in other cell types other than the liver, we tested the correlation between the gene levels and the estimated fraction across all tissues composing the samples. This analysis revealed that these genes are positively correlated to the estimated liver fraction in the AIH samples and negatively correlated to all other tissues (fig. S3C-D). We conclude that the activity of these genes is strictly coupled to hepatocyte death, most likely reflecting transcription in the hepatocyte cells of patients with AIH.
Taken together, these results demonstrate that plasma H3K4me3 cfChIP-seq reliably identifies a hepatocyte immune process taking place in the AIH patients.
Plasma based classifier for AIH diagnosis and monitoring
We next sought to test whether this realization can be utilized in the clinical setting in assisting the diagnosis and treatment management of patients with AIH.
The most prominent finding described so far indicates an elevation of liver derived cfDNA in patients with AIH compared to healthy control. Indeed, the single attribute of liver fraction suffices for discriminating between these two groups. In the clinical setting, however, the challenge is often differentiating AIH from other liver diseases and conditions that involve liver damage, such as drug induced liver injury or infections. To identify signals specific to AIH and to design a classifier aimed at distinguishing AIH from other diseases, we made use of previously published cfChIP-seq samples 6 (n= 18) with elevated liver derived cfDNA from patients with various diseases. We performed cfChIP-seq on two additional cohorts of adult (n=30) and pediatric (n=10) patients with various liver-related diseases. The adult cohort includes patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fatty liver, hepatitis B and C, drug induced liver injury, Cholestatic liver disease, primary biliary cholangitis and patients that underwent liver transplant. The pediatric cohort included patients that underwent liver biopsy due to elevated liver enzymes and were diagnosed with metabolic diseases, fatty liver, hypobetalipoproteinemia and with non-specific finding in the liver biopsies that were not compatible with AIH or any other disease.
As above, we neutralize the variable relative contribution of different tissues by computing residual signals — the differences between observed signal and the expected signal given the specific cell-type composition of the sample. Comparing the residual signal of the non-AIH and AIH samples over the group of genes that significantly deviate from the composition-informed reference described above, we find that 15 of the 29 genes are significantly elevated in the AIH group (t-test, q < 0.1 after false discovery rate (FDR) correction). Many of these genes lack signal completely in almost all non-AIH samples, supporting the role of these genes in an AIH unique immune response, as described in the previous section. Based on the differential genes, we define an ‘AIH score’ as the cumulative signal of the genes elevated in the AIH groups (fig. 4A). After computing this score of all samples, a clear distinction is apparent between the AIH and non-AIH samples (fig. 4B). Testing the effect of the liver derived cfDNA fraction on the ‘AIH score’ exhibits a linear relationship between the two in the AIH group. In the non-AIH group in contrast, this phenomenon is much less pronounced, reflecting the fact that this signature captures a transcription program typically inactive in the liver (fig. 4C). Finally, using a classifier based on the AIH-score, demonstrates the capability to accurately discriminate between the AIH and non-AIH plasma samples (AUC = 0.914; fig. 4D).
These results suggest that cfChIP-seq can fill an unmet need in assisting AIH diagnosis in a limited-invasive manner directly from plasma.
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic disease that results in liver damage caused by autoantibodies. Despite progress in understanding the immune response mechanisms involved in this process, diagnosing AIH remains challenging, and traditionally requires invasive liver biopsy to obtain histological specimens33,34. Liquid biopsy is an emerging field of medical research and much effort has been made in the past two decades to develop assays that allow replacement of tissue biopsy with non-invasive liquid biopsy alternatives. However, most of the breakthroughs in the past few years are in the particular fields where changes in DNA sequence are available such as oncology and prenatal genetic screening5,35. More recent methods demonstrate the ability of cfDNA to report on abnormal tissue death also in somatic cells, but very little is known from liquid biopsies on specific transcriptional programs in the cells of origin, specifically in the context of AIH.
Here, we make use of plasma cfChIP-seq which reports on the promoter state of cell-free chromatin to reveal the cellular sources and transcription patterns of dying cells in AIH. We find that cfChIP-seq identifies elevated death of hepatocyte cells in patients with active disease. Moreover, applying a statistical model to explain away expected liver epigenetic landscape highlights abnormal transcription patterns taking place in the liver. Some of the genes with significantly elevated levels that were identified such as the C-X-C motif chemokine ligand family (CXCL9/10/11), have been associated with AIH response in hepatocytes and liver fibrosis20,23. Other genes are known to participate in inflammatory processes and liver related diseases, but were not reported in the AIH context to the best of our knowledge. These include the interferon induced Guanylate binding proteins 1/5 (GBP1/5) that induce liver injury and inflammation in different types of hepatitis and other liver diseases27–29; UBD (Ubiquitin D) and TRIM31 (Tripartite Motif Containing 31) which are induced by pro inflammatory cytokines; HLA-DOB (Major histocompatibility complex, class ll, Do Beta) which was identified as affecting the occurrence and development of hepatitis B (HBV)24–26 and HULC (highly upregulated liver cancer) which is expressed in normal hepatocytes but strongly induced in hepatocellular carcinoma and HBV infection and involved in inflammatory injury in rats with cirrhosis30–32. An additional group of genes (e.g. FOXP3, IL32) exhibits coverage above expected not only in the AIH cohort but also in the cfChIP-seq samples of patients with other liver diseases and they presumably reflects a general stress response of hepatocytes which is not unique for AIH. Our control group is not intended for evaluating differential diagnosis, and includes a wide variety of liver-related conditions beyond those relevant for that task. Systematic identification of genes that are specific for AIH and devising a robust classifier based on them requires a larger and more diverse control group. These examples, however, suggest the widespread applicability of cfChIP-seq for research of liver diseases, and as a potential method for liver liquid biopsy in the clinical setup and precision medicine.
Samples from AIH patients in remission show milder levels of liver-derived cfDNA, which is attributed to successful treatment. Importantly, in one case where there was discrepancy between liver enzyme levels and cfChIP-seq results, while liver enzymes were normal - both liver histology and cfChIP-seq results showed the patient had active disease. These results suggest that cfChIP-seq can be a valuable tool in monitoring the progression of the disease and optimizing treatment. However, this requires extensive longitudinal sampling, which is beyond the scope of the current study.
In summary, our results highlight the potential importance of cfChIP-seq in diagnosis and pathogenesis of liver disease, particularly AIH. Clearly, further studies are needed to establish and validate the clinical performance of cfChIP-seq in wider contexts. The untargeted nature of cfChIP-seq, which provides genome-wide transcription patterns of dying cells, can further serve researchers as a rich source of information to better understand the AIH pathogenesis, particularly cell death involved in this disease.
Plasma samples of patients and healthy controls were collected in the pediatric Gastroenterology institute at Shaare Zedek Medical Center (SZMC). The samples were taken from patients under various clinical conditions: (1) patients undergoing liver biopsy due to persistent elevation of liver enzymes to exclude AIH or other liver diseases or (2) to establish histological remission in patients with established AIH under treatment or (3) patients with established AIH under treatment with no adjacent liver biopsy. The control group comprises patients with normal liver biopsy or with no elevation of liver enzymes nor other liver disease. The study was approved by the Ethics Committees of the SZMC of Jerusalem (0269-19-SZMC). Informed consent was obtained from all individuals or their legal guardians before blood sampling.
Plasma cfChIP-seq
Immunoprecipitation, NGS library preparation, and sequencing
Sample collection and handling, Immunoprecipitation, library preparation and sequencing were performed by Senseera LTD. as previously reported6, with certain modifications that increase capture and signal to background ratio. Briefly, ChIP antibodies were covalently immobilized to paramagnetic beads and incubated with plasma. Barcoded sequencing adaptors were ligated to chromatin fragments and DNA was isolated and next-generation sequenced.
Sequencing Analysis (assay yield and specificity)
Reads were aligned to the human genome (hg19) using bowtie2 (2.4.2) with ‘no-mixed’ and ‘no-discordant’ flags. We discarded fragments reads with low alignment scores (-q 2) and duplicate fragments.
Preprocessing of sequencing data was performed as previously described. Briefly, the human genome was segmented into windows representing TSS, flanking to TSS, and background (rest of the windows). The fragments covering each of these regions were quantified and used for further analysis. Non-specific fragments were estimated per sample and extracted resulting in the specific signal in every window. Counts were normalized and scaled to 1 million reads in healthy reference accounting for sequencing depth differences. Detailed information regarding these steps can be found at supplementary note in 6. See Supplementary Table 3 for full alignment statistics.
Statistical analysis
Differential genes compared to healthy
Statistical analysis of differential genes was performed as previously reported6. Briefly, for every gene in every sample we test whether the observed gene coverage is higher than expected according to the healthy mean/variance estimated from a control group of 26 self-reported healthy donors. Using the background rate of every sample and the scaling factor accounting for the sequencing depth, we define an expected distribution and estimate the probability of the observed coverage under the null hypothesis that the sample came from the healthy population. Genes with a FDR corrected P-value below 0.001 are reported as significantly elevated in the sample.
Cell type composition of samples (deconvolution)
To estimate the tissue composition of every sample, we used a non-negative least square model as implemented in the ‘nnls’ R package (1.4). Given reference matrix XeKxG of the genes in K cell types and vector Y ∊G of observed gene counts in a sample, the objective is identifying non-negative coefficients (cell-type proportion) by solving subject to βi ≥ 0 and For reference tissue atlas we used 182 samples from the Roadmap and Blueprint H3K4me3 ChIP-seq data. Estimated coefficients of similar cell-types were summed and the final composition across 36 distinct cell-types is shown. These results were reproducible when using different features for the regression and with other regression models. A full list of tissues and cell-types used as reference data can be found in supplementary table 5.
Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the AIH and healthy plasma cfChIP-seq Refseq gene counts as implemented in the ‘prcomp’ function of the R ‘stats’ package (4.2.2). Scree plot was generated using the ‘fviz_eig’ function of the R ‘factoextra’ package (1.0.7).
Liver single cell signatures
Identification of liver specific cell-types genes was done based on liver specific marker genes from published liver scRNA-seq data14. To increase the specificity of cell-type signature in the cfDNA context, we exclude genes with mean above 2 reads/progmoer in the healthy reference assuming their promoter is marked by H3K4me3 in non-liver cells contributing to the circulation. In addition we exclude genes where the 95 percentile in all non-liver tissues and cell types is above 50 reads/promoter. These filtering steps resulted in a reduced number of marker genes - particularly of the liver immune cells.
Expected, residual and unexplained genecounts
For every sample we define the expected gene counts to be the mean gene counts of the composing cell types weighted by the contribution fraction of the cell-type as described above To overcome misleading results due to missing tissues in the reference atlas, we added to the atlas an additional healthy profile derived from a large cohort of healthy cfChIP-seq samples.
The residual is defined as log2 (1 + observed) − log 2 (1 + expected). To further account for inter-tissue variability, we estimate the expected variance of every gene based on the weighted empirical variance observed in the replicates of the tissues composing the samples and test whether the null hypothesis that the observed counts are negative binomial distributed with that mean and variance can be rejected.
Formally, given a set of genes G, let:
S1, S2 … S n -set of cfChIP-seq samples
Y i,g- coverage of gene g in samples i
B i,g- background reads in gene g of sample i
Q i-normalization factor of sample i(sequencing rate)
k=1,…K- set of reference cell-types
Xk,g- coverage of gene gin cell-type k
- estimated fractions of cell-types composing sample i
µk,g, σk,g- mean and standard deviation of gene gin cell-type k, were µk,g, σk,gare estimated as previously described6.
For every sample ithe objective is to estimate the distribution: Due to discrete sampling in library preparation and sequencing we assume Yi,g is that Poisson distributed depending on the expected counts and sequencing depth. where
We approximate the distribution of Yi,g as negative binomial . Using linearity of expectation and the law of total variation we can match the mean and variance of the negative binomial to that of the exact distribution: For every gene in every sample we compute the probability of Unexplained genes were defined as genes where the FDR-corrected q-value was less than 0.001 in at least 3 AIH samples.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study will be deposited in public repository. And will be available upon reasonable request.
Data availability
All datasets used in this study are in the process of being deposited to public repositories.
Code availability
All script files used in the analysis in this manuscript will be available online at publication.
Supplementary information
identifying information statement
The encoded patient IDs (e.g., AIH0018, AIH0019, etc.) that appear in the supplementary tables are unknown to anyone outside the research group.
supplementary tables
- Supplementary Table 1 - Individuals and samples information
- Supplementary Table 2 - AIH clinical information
- Supplementary Table 3 - Sequencing statistics for samples sequenced in this study
- Supplementary Table 4 - genes with elevated signal in at least 3 AIH cfChIP-seq samples compared to healthy baseline (figures 1D and 3C)
- Supplementary Table 5 - reference tissues and cell types ChIP-seq used in this work. Reference data was achieved from the encode project, the Blueprint epigenome and the Roadmap epigenomics consortium.
(https://www.encodeproject.org/, https://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/web_portal/, http://dcc.blueprint-epigenome.eu/#/home)
Supplementary figures
We thank the members of the Friedman lab for discussions and comments on this manuscript. This work was supported by the European Research Council’s AdG Grant cfChIP 101019560 (to N.F.) and Israel Science Foundation IPMP Grant 3751/21 (to N.F and E.G.).