Article Information
- March 24, 2023.
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Author Information
- Junichi Shimamura, MDa,
- Sho Takemoto, MDb,
- Shinichi Fukuhara, MDc,†,
- Yoshihisa Miyamoto, MDd,
- Yujiro Yokoyama, MDe,
- Hisato Takagi, MD, PhDf,
- Polydoros N Kampaktsis, MDg,
- Dhaval Kolte, MD, PhDh,
- Kendra J Grubb, MD, MHAa,
- Toshiki Kuno, MD, PhDi,#,† and
- Azeem Latib, MDi,#
- aDivision of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
- bDepartment of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan
- cDepartment of Cardiac Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- dDivision of Nephrology and Endocrinology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
- eDepartment of Surgery, St. Luke’s University Health Network, PA, USA
- fDepartment of Cardiovascular Surgery, Shizuoka Medical Center, Shizuoka, Japan
- gDivision of Cardiology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York City, NY
- hDivision of Cardiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- IDivision of Cardiology, Montefiore Medical center, Albert Einstein Medical College, NY
- ↵†Address correspondence to
Shinichi Fukuhara, MD, Department of Cardiac Surgery, University of Michigan., 1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Email: fukuhara{at}, Toshiki Kuno, MD, PhD,Division of Cardiology, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. 111 East 210th St, New York, NY 10467–2401, E-mail: tkuno{at} +1-718-920-2057
↵# Contributed equally as co-senior authors
* Drs Kuno and Fukuhara contributed equally as co-senior authors