Article Information
- March 18, 2023.
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Author Information
- Manuel Vives-Sotoa,*,
- Amparo Puerta-Garcíaa,
- José-Luis Pereirab,
- Esteban Rodríguez-Sánchezb and
- Javier Solerac,d,*
- aInternal Medicine Department, Albacete QuironSalud Hospital. Pl del Madroño 11, E-02008-Albacete, Spain
- bCZ Vaccines, Zendal Group. Pol. La Relva, Torneiros s/n, E-36410-O Porriño (Pontevedra), Spain
- cInternal Medicine Department, Albacete General Hospital.C/ Hermanos Falco 37, E-02008-Albacete, Spain
- dUniversity of Castilla – La Mancha at Albacete, Faculty of Medicine.C/Almansa14, E-02008-Albacete, Spain
- ↵*Corresponding author, email: solera53{at}