In autoimmune Type 1 diabetes (T1D), immune cells progressively infiltrate and destroy the islets of Langerhans – islands of endocrine tissue dispersed throughout the pancreas. However, it is unclear how this process, called ‘insulitis’, develops and progresses within this organ. Here, using highly multiplexed CO-Detection by indEXing (CODEX) tissue imaging and cadaveric pancreas samples from pre-T1D, T1D, and non-T1D donors, we examine pseudotemporal-spatial patterns of insulitis and exocrine inflammation within large pancreatic tissue sections. We identify four sub-states of insulitis characterized by CD8+T cells at different stages of activation. We further find that exocrine compartments of pancreatic lobules affected by insulitis have distinct cellularity, suggesting that extra-islet factors may make particular lobules permissive to disease. Finally, we identify “staging areas” – immature tertiary lymphoid structures away from islets where CD8+T cells appear to assemble before they navigate to islets. Together, these data implicate the extra-islet pancreas in autoimmune insulitis, greatly expanding the boundaries of T1D pathogenesis.
In Type 1 diabetes (T1D), autoimmune insulitis drives the progressive destruction of insulin-producing β-cells, resulting in a critical requirement for exogenous insulin. T1D affects over 8 million individuals world-wide with an estimated half-a-million new diagnoses each year (Gregory et al. 2022).
Recently, the first immunotherapy for delaying T1D onset teplizumab (a human anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody) was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Hirsch 2023). However, this treatment and other immunotherapies only benefit some patients for reasons that are unclear (Herold et al. 2013; Perdigoto et al. 2019; Herold et al. 2019; Pescovitz et al. 2009; Orban et al. 2011; 2014; Bluestone, Buckner, and Herold 2021). A better understanding of T1D pathogenesis is essential to building on this success.
T1D pathogenesis encompasses immune infiltration of the islets, also known as ‘insulitis’, and inflammation of the non-islet pancreas. Insulitis has been extensively investigated and the major cell types associated with β-cell killing have been identified; however, any understanding of how the inflammation in non-islet pancreas contributes to insulitis is lacking.
One of the challenges of studying human T1D pathology is the availability of suitable tissue samples. Obtaining pancreatic biopsies raises the risk of surgical complications and the progressive nature of T1D would necessitate serial, longitudinal studies over time, which is prohibitive (Krogvold et al. 2014). Fortunately, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD) have provided human pancreatic tissues from cadaveric donors for this study (Campbell-Thompson et al. 2012; Pugliese et al. 2014). nPOD has enabled substantial progress towards characterizing the cell types comprising insulitis and extra-islet inflammation (Wilcox et al. 2016; Arif et al. 2014; Leete et al. 2016; Martino et al. 2015).
The development of highly multiplexed tissue imaging technologies has empowered these efforts. Recently, Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) was used to uncover changes in T1D islets, including alterations in β-cell phenotypes, immune composition, vascular density, and basement membrane (Damond et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019).
Despite these advances, our understanding of certain key features of human T1D pathology remains limited. In particular, insulitis is regulated by checkpoints that ultimately fail in T1D. However, a comprehensive and quantitative search for insulitis checkpoints has not been performed to date. Furthermore, islets in different regions of the pancreas are infiltrated at strikingly different rates for reasons that are unclear. Several lines of evidence suggest that the non-islet pancreatic tissue could be responsible by governing the targeting of islets: First, peri-insulitis, which is the accumulation of immune cells outside the islet, is observed in tissues from patients with T1D (Korpos et al. 2013), indicating that not all T cells extravasate directly into islets (Savinov et al. 2003). Second, the composition and functionality of immune and epithelial cells outside islets differ in T1D patients compared to non-diabetic controls (Rodriguez-Calvo et al. 2014; Bender et al. 2020; Campbell-Thompson et al. 2012; Campbell-Thompson, Rodriguez-Calvo, and Battaglia 2015; Fasolino et al. 2022). Finally, tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS), which are dense aggregates of lymphoid cells indicative of local immune activation, are observed outside islets in T1D patients (Korpos et al. 2021). To date, multiplexed imaging studies have only examined islets. A comprehensive, spatially resolved cellular analysis of whole pancreatic tissue in T1D is lacking.
Here, we investigated both islet and non-islet pancreatic tissue in the progression of T1D. We applied the highly multiplexed tissue imaging platform CO-Detection by indexing (CODEX) with an antibody panel targeting 54 antigens to samples from a cohort of T1D patients with insulitis as well as non-T1D individuals with and without autoantibodies obtained through the JDRF nPOD program. We analyzed approximately 2000 islets and broad swaths of surrounding tissue to evaluate local and distal spatial architecture. We then used pseudotime analysis to characterize insulitis sub-states based on the activation states of islet-infiltrating CD8+T cells. We further investigated the cellular changes in niches and lobules beyond islets. Our results implicate both the local islet microenvironment and inflammation at distal sites within the pancreas in insulitis progression, greatly expanding the boundaries of pathologic inflammation in T1D.
Cohort curation, image acquisition, and cell annotation
The JDRF nPOD is a national registry of cadaveric pancreases donated by T1D patients that has transformed the ability to investigate the pathways underlying the development and progression of human T1D (Campbell-Thompson et al. 2012; Pugliese et al. 2014). At the time of our study, 17 cases with insulitis were available from nPOD, from which we selected 10 that had visible insulitis in preliminary IHC analyses. The final cohort included two autoantibody-positive, pre-T1D cases, eight T1D cases, and three non-diabetic controls. Cases were selected by surveying the nPOD online immunohistochemistry database which contains images of tissue sections triple-stained for Insulin, Glucagon, and CD3. T1D and pre-T1D cases that had CD3+ staining in islet or peri-islet spaces and tissue still available were selected for our study. The cases varied in the time between diagnosis and death from 0 years (diagnosed at death) to 6 years (Figure 1.A, left). The causes of death were mostly unrelated to T1D complications (Methods). Therefore, the time since diagnosis is not a reflection of the severity or aggressiveness of the individual’s disease.
A Left: Schematic of the workflow for selection of nPOD cases. Blues, greens, and reds indicate non-diabetic, pre-T1D, or T1D status, respectively. Center: Schematic for acquisition and processing of CODEX highly multiplexed imaging dataset. Right: Schematic of islet and non-islet pancreatic regions.
B UMAP and Leiden clustering of major cell types. Colors match those in heatmap shown in Figure 1D, except for the immune cluster, which is shown in red.
C UMAP of immune cluster further clustered from the immune population identified in Figure 1B. Colors match those in heatmap shown in Figure 1D.
D Heatmap of mean z-normalized marker expression in each cell-type cluster (color-coded on the left). Only a subset of the markers used for the UMAP are included in the heatmap to facilitate visualization. A full description of the markers used for the clustering stages is available in Supplemental Table 2.
E Frequency of β-Cells per donor determined by dividing the number of β-cells by the total number of β-cells, ⍺-cells, and δ-Cells. Blues, greens, and reds indicate non-diabetic, pre-T1D, or T1D status, respectively. Significance was determined using the t-test (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001)
F Principal component analysis of islet compartment. The number of cells of each cell type (omitting ⍺-, β-, and δ-cells) were divided by the number of endocrine cells to adjust for different islet areas. Blues, greens, and reds indicate non-diabetic, pre-T1D, or T1D status, respectively.
G Principal component analysis of non-islet compartment. The number of cells of each cell type (omitting ⍺-, β-, and δ-cells) were divided by the number of acinar cells to adjust for different areas imaged. Blues, greens, and reds indicate non-diabetic, pre-T1D, or T1D status, respectively.
Large regions averaging 55 mm2 were imaged with CODEX as previously described (Schürch et al. 2020; Phillips, Matusiak, et al. 2021; Hickey et al. 2021). Regions were imaged to capture islets and the surrounding region simultaneously (Figure 1.A, center and right). The algorithm CellSeg was used to segment cell nuclei and quantify marker expression from CODEX images as previously described (Lee et al. 2022). Between 3.0x105 and 9.8x105 cells per donor were obtained resulting in 7.0x106 cells in total. Twenty-one cell types were identified with Leiden clustering and manual merging and visualized using Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) (Figure 1.B). Endocrine cells were manually gated from UMAP embeddings derived from Proinsulin, Glucagon, and Somatostatin to identify β-cells, a-cells, and d-cells. Immune cells were sub-clustered with the Leiden algorithm using immune-specific markers (Figure 1.C, Supplemental Table 2). A heatmap of all cell types and their marker expression is displayed in Figure 1.D. Of note, we could not accurately identify macrophage subsets or distinguish dendritic cells from macrophages due to panel design, complex combinations of co-expression, and the difficulty in segmenting and quantifying markers on myeloid populations. Therefore, dendritic cells are contained within the ‘macrophage’ group for all analyses. In addition, we identified a cell population that could not be definitively annotated, expressing high levels of CD45, CD69, Granzyme-B, and CD44, intermediate levels of CD16, S100A6, Galectin-3, and Hyaluronan, but not expressing lineage markers CD3, CD20, CD56, CD57, CD15, or MPO. We confirmed from the raw images that CD3, CD4, and CD8 were not internalized, indicating activation, nor did these cells express other T cell activation markers CD45RA, CD45RO, PD-1, or LAG-3. This population could represent a type of innate lymphoid cell or mast cells (Dalmas et al. 2017; Martino et al. 2015) and was labeled Granzyme-B+/CD3-(Figure 1.D).
Islet- and non-islet regions are altered in T1D
We first sought to identify cellular changes in T1D within islets specifically. Previous reports observed that insulin-containing islets are significantly more common in recent-onset T1D cases than cases with diabetes durations of greater than one year (In’t Veld 2011). Similarly, we found that samples from patients who had been diagnosed with T1D for 0-2 years had significantly reduced β-cell frequencies compared to non-diabetic controls. Lastly, samples from subjects with disease durations of 5-6 years had minimal remaining β-cell mass (Figure 1.E). Whereas one Pre-T1D case had β-cell mass comparable to those of cases with disease duration of 0-2 years, the other Pre-T1D case was comparable to non-diabetic controls (Figure 1.E).
Next, we investigated how the abundances of non-endocrine cell types inside islets differed across donors. We performed Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the frequencies of non-endocrine cell types located in islets in each donor. Donors were clearly separated into two groups by the first two principal components; one group included all T1D cases and one pre-T1D case and the second group included all non-diabetic cases and the other pre-T1D case (Figure 1.F). In this analysis, we did not consider β-cells, ⍺-cells, and δ-cells. Thus, donors were stratified by disease duration strictly according to the abundances of immune and other pancreatic, non-endocrine cell types in the islets.
We next considered only cells located outside islets. Again, donors were clearly separable by the first two principal components (Figure 1.G). The first principal component separated cases with times since diagnosis between 0-2 years from non-T1D, pre-T1D, and cases with diabetes durations of 5-6 years (Figure 1.G). The second principal component separated cases with diabetes durations of 5-6 years from the rest (Figure 1.G). Therefore, both the islet and non-islet spaces of T1D and non-T1D cases were distinct.
Many cell types were increased in T1D cases with times since diagnosis of 0-2 years relative to non-diabetic controls. In T1D cases with times since diagnosis of 5-6 years, the abundance of different cell types either remained higher than healthy controls or returned to baseline (Supplemental Figure 1). This trend was present in both islet and non-islet regions. These data demonstrate that the immune activity between the islet and extra-islet compartments are coordinated but the cellular programs underlying this crosstalk are unclear.
Pseudotemporal reconstruction of islet pathogenesis identifies a conserved trajectory of insulitis
In human T1D, β-cell destruction does not occur simultaneously in all pancreatic islets in an individual and even neighboring islets can be at different stages of destruction (In’t Veld 2011; Damond et al. 2019). We therefore used pseudotime analysis to infer the most likely progression of a single islet through disease space (Damond et al. 2019). To develop a pseudotemporal map of the islets in our study, we quantified the cellular composition of each islet, including cells within 20 µm of the islet’s boundary, and applied the pseudotime algorithm PArtition-based Graph Abstraction (PAGA) (Figure 2.A; Figure 2.B), (Wolf et al. 2019). PAGA was selected because it is a high-performing algorithm able to identify multiple trajectories, if they exist, while making minimal assumptions about the true structure (Saelens et al. 2019).
A Schematic of islet segmentation and quantification of islet cellular composition.
B PAGA-force directed layout of islets colored by pseudotime. The start point of pseudotime was calculated as the centroid of the non-diabetic islets. Representative islets from different stages of pseudotime are indicated with black points and their raw images are depicted in Figure 2.D Healthy, Inflamed, and β-Cell Depleted were identified by examining the cell composition of the clusters obtained internally by the PAGA algorithm (Supplemental Figure 2.A).
C Islet distribution across pseudotime for each donor. The titles indicate nPOD case IDs as in Supplemental Table 1.
D Images of Proinsulin, HLA-ABC, CD163, and CD8 staining in islets representative of different points along pseudotime as indicated in B. Scale bars (lower left of each column) indicate 100µm.
E Quantification of selected features across pseudotime overlaid onto the PAGA force-directed layout. For β-cells, macrophages, and CD8+T cells, the values correspond to log(# cells/# endocrine cells). For HLA-ABC, the mean HLA-ABC expression for each cell in the islet was computed and log transformed.
F Quantification of selected features across pseudotime. For β-cells, macrophages, and CD8+T cells, the values correspond to log(# cells/# endocrine cells). For HLA-ABC, the mean HLA-ABC expression for each cell in the islet was computed and log transformed. Color legend: Healthy islets: pink; Inflamed islets: brown; β-Cell Depleted islets: purple. Black points demarcate LOWESS regression.
G Representative image of an islet from the Inflamed group stained with IDO and, from left to right, Synaptophysin, CD31, and CD45. Arrows indicate IDO+/CD31+ vasculature. Right shows that IDO+ cells are negative for CD45and therefore, are not myeloid cells associated with vasculature. Scale bar (bottom left image) indicates 50 µm.
H Distribution of IDO expression on islet vasculature across pseudotime.
I Association of IDO+ islet vasculature with islet CD8+T cell density. The y-axis corresponds to the number of CD8+T cells per endocrine cell per islet. CD8+T cell counts were normalized to adjust for islet size. The x-axis indicates islets whether islets contain IDO+ vasculature. Each color corresponds to a donor. All donors with detectable IDO+ Islet vasculature are displayed which consisted of 6480, 6267, 6520, 6228, and 6362. Colors are same as in Figure 2.C. IDO+ vasculature was manually quantified. For combined donors, significance was determined with a mixed-effect linear model, p = 1.5 x 10-12 (Satterthwaites’s method lmerTest R package).
Displayed in Figure 2.B is the PAGA force-directed layout where each point represents an islet. Each islet’s color corresponds to its pseudotemporal distance from the centroid of non-diabetic islets. As expected, the different donor groups (no T1D, pre-T1D, T1D) had different distributions of islets across the PAGA map (Figure 2.C). In the PAGA map, a continuum is apparent from islets abundant in insulin-expressing β-cells on the left of the map to islets depleted in β-cells on the right of the map (Figure 2.D, Figure 2.E, Figure 2.F, top row). PAGA uses Leiden clustering internally, enabling the following regions of the pseudotime map to be labelled objectively (Supplemental Figure 2.A): 1) Islets with low pseudotime values on the left of the map were labelled ‘Healthy’ even if they originated from T1D donors. 2) Islets in the middle of the map were elevated in HLA-ABC (MHC Class I) expression, CD8+T cells, and macrophages (Figure 2.D, Figure 2.E, Figure 2.F, rows 2-4) and were labelled ‘Inflamed’. 3) Islets with late pseudotime values on the right of the map were devoid of β-cells and were labelled ‘β-Cell Depleted’ (Figure 2.D, Figure 2.E, Figure 2.F, top row). In addition, islets lacking β-cells occasionally contained CD8+T cells and were labelled ‘β-Cell Depleted + Immune Islets’ (Figure 2.D, Figure 2.E, Figure 2.F, rows 2-4). The presence of these islets suggests that the signals retaining CD8+T cells in the islets linger after β-cell death.
Islets from non-diabetic controls and one of the pre-T1D donors (6314) were primarily in the Healthy group to the left of the map (Figure 2.C). Islets from subjects who had had T1D for of 5-6 years (cases 6195 and 6323) were primarily in the β-Cell Depleted group to the right of the map (Figure 2.C). All the remaining T1D donors and the other pre-T1D donor were distributed broadly throughout the map (Figure 2.C).
Together, these results illustrate a single, non-branching progression from Healthy Islets to β-cell depleted Islets via Inflamed Islets, consistent with previous pseudotime analyses (Damond et al. 2019).
IDO expression on islet vasculature is linked to T cell infiltration and β-cell death during insulitis
While inspecting images of islets, we occasionally observed islets with vasculature that stained positive for indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO). In the tumor microenvironment, IDO is expressed by myeloid cells and suppresses CD8+T cell activity through multiple mechanisms including induction of FOXP3+ regulatory T cells and inhibition of CD8+T cell proliferation (Munn and Mellor 2016). In islets, IDO was expressed by CD31+ vasculature and not CD45+ immune cells adjacent to vasculature (Figure 2.G). IDO was not expressed by other cell types in islets or by vascular cells outside islets (Supplemental Figure 2.B). We manually quantified vascular expression of IDO on islets throughout pseudotime and found that all but two IDO+ islets were in the Inflamed group (Figure 2.H). Therefore, IDO expression by islet vasculature was tightly associated with inflammation.
We hypothesized that IDO expression was induced by infiltrating immune cells during insulitis. A major inducer of IDO expression is interferon-γ, a cytokine highly expressed by T cells and macrophages (Munn and Mellor 2016). We compared the frequency of CD8+T cells and macrophages in islets from the Inflamed group with and without IDO+ vasculature and found that CD8+T cells were significantly more abundant in islets with IDO+ vasculature than islets without IDO+ vasculature (Figure 2.I). The abundance of macrophages was not significantly different in the islets with and without IDO+ vasculature (Supplemental Figure 2.C). This implies that during CD8+T cell infiltration, IDO is induced on vasculature to subdue the inflammation.
Due to IDO’s immunosuppressive role in the tumor microenvironment (Munn and Mellor 2016), IDO may protect β-cells from inflammation. If so, for β-cells to be eliminated, IDO-mediated suppression would need to be circumvented through its inhibition or a reduction in IDO’s expression. We observed that only 3.3% of islets in the β-Cell Depleted + Immune group had IDO+ vasculature, whereas 23.9% of islets in the Inflamed group had IDO+ vasculature (p = .017 chi-square test) (Figure 2.H). This is consistent with the hypothesis that IDO expression is suppressed prior to β-cell loss.
In summary, IDO expression by islet vasculature is associated with T cell infiltration and its loss during insulitis is associated with β-cell depletion. Together, these suggest that IDO+ vasculature is an immune regulatory checkpoint that fails in T1D.
Insulitis has sub-states, defined by functional states of CD8+T cells
Insulitis is regulated by checkpoints that fail to control inflammation in T1D. For example, the islet capsule restricts CD8+T cells from entering islets (Korpos et al. 2013) and PD-L1 on β-cells suppresses infiltrating CD8+T cells (Osum et al. 2018). By definition, a checkpoint prevents an islet from progressing and thus can halt islets in an insulitis ‘sub-state’. Cell differentiation studies have demonstrated the utility of using high-parameter data to infer checkpoints from their corresponding sub-states (Satpathy et al. 2019). We reasoned that we could identify immunoregulatory checkpoints in T1D by identifying sub-states of insulitis. To identify insulitis sub-states, we began by characterizing the functional states of CD8+T cells in islets. Although, quantifying the expression of functional markers from tissue images can be challenging due to autofluorescence, non-specific antibody staining, and signal spillover between adjacent cells, we overcame these by training a neural network to detect marker expression of single cells from raw cell-images (Figure 3.A, Supplemental Figure 3.A). Using our neural network, we quantified the expression of T cell markers on islet CD8+T cells (Figure 3.B).
A Schematic of marker-quantification with a ResNet50 neural network. Raw images are input, and the neural network outputs a number between 0 and 1 indicative of the level of confidence that the cell expresses that marker with 1 indicating the highest confidence.
B Heatmap of all 2,855 Inflamed Islet CD8+T cells, hierarchically clustered according to marker expression predicted by the neural network.
C Top) UMAP of Inflamed Islets based on frequencies of markers on CD8+T cells in islets. Bottom) Mean frequencies of each marker on CD8+T cells in islets of each inflamed sub-cluster.
D Representative images of islets from each subcluster with associated immune markers. Scale bars indicate 50 µm.
E Frequencies of islets from each subcluster per donor in pre-T1D and T1D samples. Color indicates subcluster as in panel C.
F Distribution of the islets of Inflamed-I through -IV on the PAGA force-directed layout shown in Figure 2.B
G Differences in marker expression frequencies between CD8+T cells in islets from the Inflamed group and from the β-Cell Depleted + Immune group. T cells from all islets of the specified groups were pooled within each donor to compute the frequencies of marker expression. Significance was determined using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001) and was not corrected for multiple hypothesis testing.
H Proposed model of coordinated T cell states in islets due to stimulation and re-stimulation of CD8+T cells in islets.
Overall, markers of antigen experience (PD-1, TOX, CD45RO, CD69, CD44) were the most commonly expressed on islet-infiltrating CD8+T cells (Supplemental Figure 3.B). CD8+T cells expressing CD45RA (which are either naïve or terminally differentiated effector memory cells) were detectable in islets, as previously reported (Damond et al. 2019) (Figure 3.B). PD-1 and TOX were commonly co-expressed on CD45RO+ CD8+T cells detected in islets (Figure 3.B). We also observed expression of CD69 on CD45RO+ CD8+T cells, which are likely tissue-resident memory cells (Kuric et al. 2017). CD69 was co-expressed with CD45RA+ CD8+T cells indicating that naïve T cells are being activated in islets. In addition, we observed a rare population of CD45RO+ CD8+T cells that co-expressed multiple functional markers including CD69, CD44, LAG-3, Granzyme-B, and ICOS (Figure 3.B bottom clade). Lastly, a rare population of CD57+ CD8+T cells was present but these cells rarely co-expressed LAG-3, Granzyme-B, or ICOS (Figure 3.B top clade). These populations bear a resemblance to the two exhausted T cell populations identified in the peripheral blood of T1D patients that were associated with responsiveness to alefacept (Diggins et al. 2021). The heterogeneous functional states of CD8+T cells in islets demonstrate varying stages of activation, suggesting that they receive additional stimulation after reaching islets.
We expected that insulitis sub-states would be characterized by specific combinations of CD8+T cell states found in islets together. To interrogate this, we performed UMAP only on Inflamed islets, using the frequencies of CD8+T cells expressing each functional marker. Leiden clustering identified four inflamed sub-clusters, I-IV, (Figure 3.C top). Here, the term “sub-cluster” is used to highlight that these groups were all contained within the previously defined “Inflamed” cluster and the roman numerals are expressly not intended to imply a temporal ordering. Inflamed–I contained only CD8+T cells that did not express any of the functional markers analyzed (Figure 3.C bottom, top row). Inflamed–II was characterized by a high frequency of CD45RA+CD8+T cells (Figure 3.C bottom, second row from top and Figure 3.D top row). Inflamed–III was characterized by a low frequency of CD45RA+ cells and high frequency of CD45RO+ and PD-1+ cells that did not co-express any functional markers (Figure 3.C bottom, third row from top and Figure 3.D middle row). Inflamed–IV was characterized by an enrichment of CD8+T cells expressing CD57 or LAG-3, ICOS, and Granzyme-B in addition to PD-1 and CD45RO Inflamed–III (Figure 3.C bottom, bottom row and Figure 3.D bottom row). In summary, the diversity of CD8+T cells in any particular islet is much more restricted than the diversity of total islet CD8+T cell states.
The fact that the inflamed sub-clusters are characterized by CD8+T cells at different stages of activation suggests that the inflamed sub-clusters represent different stages of a progression rather than distinct trajectories (either within or across patients). In support of this, each individual donor possessed islets that belonged to more than one inflamed islet sub-cluster (Figure 3.E). Therefore, Inflamed–I through Inflamed–IV do not represent patient subtypes but insulitis sub-states conserved among T1D patients.
Regulation of insulitis sub-states by the islet microenvironment
To identify cellular or molecular factors that regulate the state of CD8+T cells in islets, we first asked if CD8+T cell states are enriched in islets or extend into the peri-islet and exocrine space. To this end, we computed the frequencies of each CD8+T cell state inside the islet and in separate swaths of 0-25µm, 25-50µm and 50-100µm away from the islets (Supplemental Figure 3.C). We found that for islets of Inflamed-II, -III, and -IV, functional markers characterizing the CD8+T cells were expressed more frequently inside islets than in the surrounding tissue areas. This demonstrated that differences in the compositions of CD8+T cell states in different islets were due to the islet microenvironment and not the surrounding exocrine spaces.
Although macrophages are abundant in islets from the Inflamed group (Figure 2.E,Figure 2.F) and are capable of interacting with T cells through antigen presentation and cytokine secretion, neither the expression of markers of macrophage activity nor macrophage abundance was significantly associated with islets from inflamed sub-clusters (Supplemental Figure 3.D). Similarly, no other cell-type nor the vascular expression of IDO was linked to CD8+T cell programs in islets (Supplemental Figure 3.D). These negative data suggest that transitions between insulitis states are independent of changes in the abundance of any of the cell types identified in our tissues. Consistent with this, the four inflamed sub-clusters had identical distributions throughout the original PAGA force-directed layout (Figure 3.F). These data suggest that insulitis sub-states are transient over the course of insulitis and the CD8+T cell states are being regulated by highly dynamic processes.
Lastly, β-cells are likely to influence the state of T cells within islets. We reasoned that islets lacking β-cells but containing immune cells could provide information regarding the role of β-cells in regulating the CD8+T cell compartment. We therefore examined CD8+T cells in islets from the β-cell Depleted + Immune group relative to those in islets from the Inflamed group. We found that TOX was expressed by a higher frequency of CD8+T cells in β-Cell Depleted + Immune islets than CD8+T cells in Inflamed islets (Figure 3.G), indicating that TOX- CD45RO+ T cells are either short lived or exit upon loss of β-cells. In addition, CD45RA was enriched in CD8+T cells in β-cell Depleted + Immune islets and that CD45RO was depleted (Figure 3.G). This suggests that CD45RA+ CD8+T cells convert to CD45RO+ in islets and that β-cells are necessary for this process. If this model is correct, CD45RA+ CD8+T cells in Inflamed islets are specific for islet antigens and are not inert bystanders. Together, these data indicate that islet CD8+T cells are stimulated upon entering islets and the factors that regulate this process are highly dynamic (Figure 3.H).
Vasculature, nerves, and Granzyme-B+/CD3-cells outside islets are associated with the lobular patterning of islet pathogenesis
The destruction of islets in T1D is known to exhibit lobular patterning (Gepts 1965). Specifically, islets in the same lobule are likely to be in the same stage of disease. This architecture suggests that the states of islets within the same lobule are coordinated but the cell types responsible are unknown. To systematically investigate lobular patterning in T1D, we used a neural network to segment lobules and assign each single cell to its lobule. We used the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) to quantify the variation in islet pseudotime within a lobule relative to variation in islet pseudotime donor wide. ICC ranges from 0 to 1 with cases closer to 1 having a stronger lobular effect on islet pseudotime (Figure 4.A). Islets of non-T1D cases and 6314, 6195, and 6323 did not have appreciable variability in their pseudotimes, so the ICC was not applicable, but in the remaining cases, the ICCs ranged from 0.17 to 0.74 (Figure 4.B). This highlights that the magnitude of lobular patterning ranges widely across T1D cases with insulitis and thus could be influenced by donor characteristics such as the time since diagnosis, etiology or genetics.
A A schematic of the method for quantifying lobular patterning of insulitis. Lobules were segmented and individual islets were mapped back to the lobules where they were found. Top: An example region with a strong lobular grouping effect and an ICC closer to 1. Bottom: An example region with a weak lobular grouping effect and an ICC closer to 0.
B Islet pseudotimes in each nPOD donor with pre-T1D or T1D grouped by lobule. Each point represents an islet. The x-axis represents the islet pseudotime. The y-axis represents each lobule ranked by the mean pseudotime of islets in that lobule. Violin plots per lobule are overlaid. Abbreviations: ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient.
C Cell types associated with lobular patterning. Top: Schematic of the hierarchical linear model. Cells in islets were omitted when computing the lobular abundance of each cell-type. Bottom: Coefficients of two-level models trained on each donor separately (columns labeled by donor) and a three-level model (right column). Color corresponds to the coefficient and features with p>0.05 are white. Significance was determined using Satterthwaites’s method in the lmerTest R package. No adjustment for multiple hypothesis testing was applied.
D Visualization of vasculature (top), Granzyme-B/CD3-cells (middle), and nerves (bottom) in two lobules. The left lobule represents lobules with islets earlier in pseudotime and a lower abundance of the given cell type in the lobule. The right lobule represents lobules with islets late in pseudotime and a greater abundance of the given cell type in the lobule.
To identify cell types that coordinate the behavior of islets within lobules, we employed hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), a statistical framework designed to identify relationships between different levels of multi-level data. HLMs are standard in many fields where multi-level data are common (Gelman et al. 2014.) and have been applied in biomedical settings (Jerby-Arnon and Regev 2022; Yi et al. 2019). We were interested in cell-types if their abundance per lobule correlated with the average islet pseudotime per lobule. Importantly, we omitted cells located in islets from the calculation of a cell type’s lobular abundance so that information from the pseudotime analysis would not leak into this analysis. For each cell type, we estimated the effect of its total abundance in a lobule (the number of cells divided by the number of acinar cells to normalize for lobule area) on the pseudotimes of islets in that lobule. We performed this analysis in two-level HLMs for each donor and a three-level HLM considering all donors together.
We then examined cell types that were significantly associated with lobules across multiple T1D tissue donors. The abundance of three cell types were associated with pseudotime in more than two cases. These were vasculature, Granzyme-B+/CD3-cells, and nerves, all of which were more abundant in lobules with islets late in pseudotime (Figure 4.C boxed rows, Figure 4.D). Samples from cases 6323 and 6195 which had very few insulin-containing islets, had increased abundances of vasculature, Granzyme-B/CD3-cells, and nerves (Supplemental Figure 1), indicating these changes persist at least until the entire tissue is afflicted. In addition, vasculature, Granzyme-B+/CD3-cells, and nerves were increased in Inflamed islets compared to Healthy islets indicating that they may serve a role in islets in addition to their role in the non-islet compartment (Supplemental Figure 4). It was noteworthy that the conventional pathogenic immune cells comprising insulitis were not associated with lobular patterning. For example, CD8+T cells and macrophages were only significant in one donor, and CD4+T cells and B cells were significant in only two donors (Figure 4.C). Therefore, they may depend on detecting signals from vasculature, Granzyme-B+/CD3-cells, and nerves in the extra-islet tissue to target a given lobule and the islets therein.
Immature tertiary lymphoid structures far from islets are enriched in subjects with T1D
We hypothesized that pancreatic niches may influence the extravasation, migration, or activation of T cells prior to them reaching islets. To characterize pancreatic niches that might influence CD8+T cells, we identified Cellular Neighborhoods (CNs) in the pancreas (Schürch et al. 2020; Bhate et al. 2021). CNs are tissue regions that are homogeneous and have defined cell-type compositions. To identify CNs, briefly, single cells were clustered according to the cell-type composition of their twenty nearest spatial neighbors and automatically annotated with the names of enriched cell types (Figure 5.A, See Methods). This resulted in 75 CNs.
A Schematic of algorithm for identifying CNs. Red point indicates index cell for the CN. Orange points indicate the nearest neighbors of the index cell. Windows are collected for each cell in the dataset (indicated by orange arrows).
B Cell-type compositions of the top CNs organized in decreasing order of the fold increase in abundance in T1D vs. non-T1D samples. Each column in the heatmap indicates the mean density of that cell type in the 20 nearest spatial neighbors of cells assigned to the CN designated for that row. Abundance was calculated as the number of cells assigned to the given CN divided by the number of acinar cells. Abbreviations: Vasc.: vasculature; Mac.: macrophages; Lym.: lymphatics. Neu.: neutrophils; CD8 T: CD8+T cells; CD4 T: CD4+T cells. Endocrine cell types were merged during CN annotation and are labeled “Islet”.
C Mean abundances of the CD8+T cell and B cell CNs per donor. Abundance was calculated as the number of cells assigned to the given CN divided by the number of acinar cells. Significance was determined using the Mann-Whitney U test (* p<0.05,** p<0.01, *** p<0.001). No adjustment for multiple hypothesis testing was applied.
D Top: Adjacency frequencies of (CD8+T cells| B Cell CN) with (Macrophage|Stroma|B Cells) and (Vasculature| B Cells) CNs. The adjacency frequency was calculated as the number of instances of the source CN adjacent to the destination CN divided by the total number of instances of the source CN. Bottom Left: Raw image of a representative assembly of the three CNs (CD8+T cells| B Cell CN), (Macrophage|Stroma|B Cells), and (Vasculature| B Cells) displaying CD8 and CD20 staining. Bottom Right: The same assembly as to the left colored by CN. Scale bar indicates 50µm).
E Representative images of co-localization of PNAd+ endothelium and CD45RA+ CD62L+ CD8+T cells located in the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN. Scale bar indicates 50µm.
F Enrichment of CD45RA expression on CD8+T cells located in (CD8+T cell | B cell) CN relative to CD8+T cells throughout the tissue. Significance was determined with a Wilcoxon signed-rank test (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001).
G Representative images in case 6209 of (CD8+T cells|B Cells) instances adjacent to islets (G.1) and not adjacent to islets (G.2). Scale bars indicate 200µm.
H Quantification of the adjacency frequencies between the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN and CNs rich in endocrine cells (i.e “Islet CNs”). Mean, std: mean and standard deviation adjacency frequency across T1D donors. Abbreviations: Vasc.: vasculature; Mac.: macrophage.
I Representative images in case 6209 of islet-associated CD45RA+ CD62L+ CD8+T cells. Scale bar indicates 50 µm.
J Image in case 6209 showing the spatial distribution of the (CD8+T cells|B cells) CN instances relative to islets and the enrichment of (CD8+T cells|B cells) CN instances in areas of the pancreas with islets lacking β-Cells.
K Proposed model of coordinated T cell stimulation in islets in T1D rejuvenated by naïve T cells that enter the pancreas at the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN outside islets.
Next, we identified CNs that were more abundant in T1D than non-T1D tissues (Figure 5.B). The top three CNs (fold change of abundance in T1D relative to abundance in non-T1D) were (CD8+T cells|B Cells), (Macrophage|Stromal Cells|B Cells), and (Vasculature|B Cells). All were rich with B cells (Figure 5.B, Figure 5.C). We asked whether these three CNs were commonly adjacent to each other this could indicate that they act as components of a larger structure playing a functional role in the tissue (Bhate et al. 2021). Measuring the adjacency of the three B cell CNs demonstrated that the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN is predominantly found adjacent to both the other CNs but that (Macrophage|Stroma|B Cells) and (Vasculature|B Cells) are less commonly adjacent to each other (Figure 5.D).
We next asked whether these CN assemblies corresponded to either peri-vascular cuffs (Agrawal et al. 2013; Wekerle 2017) or tertiary lymphoid structures (TLSs) (Korpos et al. 2021; Rovituso et al. 2016; Agrawal et al. 2013), as these are two lymphoid-rich structures commonly present in autoimmune conditions. Although the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN was adjacent to vessels (Figure 5.D, Figure 5.E), it was not in the fluid-filled perivascular space, as is the case with perivascular cuffs (Figure 5.E). In our samples, the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN did not have segregated T cell and B cell zones as seen in mature TLSs, but the size, abundance, and association with vasculature was comparable with those previously described of TLSs in human T1D (Korpos et al. 2021).
In summary, the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN is more abundant in T1D tissues that are undergoing active inflammation than in non-T1D tissues as well as in tissues of patients who had T1D for more than 4 years. Finally, this CN shares many architectural features of immature TLSs.
Immature tertiary lymphoid structures are potential staging areas for islet-destined CD8+T cells
We next asked whether the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN had high endothelial venules (HEV), specialized blood vessels that enable naïve lymphocytes to extravasate into peripheral tissues, which are commonly found in TLSs. We observed expression of peripheral lymph node addressin (PNAd), an HEV marker, in the vessels associated with the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN (Figure 5.E left image) but not in other vessels (data not shown). Although we could not assess the presence of other TLS traits such as follicular dendritic cells, fibroblastic reticular cells, or follicular helper T cells, the cellular composition and presence of HEVs indicate that instances of the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN represent immature TLSs.
Next, we asked if immature TLSs were supporting the entry of naïve CD8+T cells into the pancreas. We observed CD8+T cells co-expressing CD45RA and CD62L (the ligand for PNAd) near PNAd+ vasculature (Figure 5.E, middle and right image respectively). Thus, naïve CD8+T cells in the pancreas can adhere to HEV receptors. Furthermore, CD45RA+ was enriched three-fold on CD8+T cells in the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN relative to CD8+T cells in the tissue as a whole (Figure 5.F), providing additional evidence that naïve T cells enter the pancreas through HEVs in the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN.
To determine if immature TLSs delivered naïve lymphocytes directly to islets or acted as “staging areas” by depositing them far from islets, we quantified the frequency of TLSs adjacent to islets. We found that instances of the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN both adjacent (Figure 5.G.1) or not adjacent (Figure 5.G.2) to islets. Quantifying this adjacency frequency revealed that fewer than half were adjacent to islets (Figure 5.H). We reasoned that even if TLSs were far from islets, extravasating cells may migrate to islets from TLSs. Accordingly, islet-adjacent CD45RA+ CD8+T cells (that were not in islet-adjacent TLSs) co-expressed CD62L, suggesting that they originated from the (CD8+T cells|B Cell) CN (Figure 5.I). Consistent with this, in one notable tissue donor, regions of the pancreas with β-cell depleted islets were enriched in the (CD8+T cells|B Cell) CN relative to regions of the pancreas with β-cell containing islets (Figure 5.J). This spatial correlation between the (CD8+T cells|B Cells) CN and the destruction of islets implicates the CN directly with islet pathology even when it is not adjacent to islets (Figure 5.J). Therefore, our data indicate that immature TLSs act as staging areas by enabling naïve CD8+T cells to enter the pancreas far from islets where they then traffic to islets.
We have performed a comprehensive, pseudotemporal analysis of whole pancreatic tissue in T1D using CODEX imaging of cadaveric pancreatic tissues from T1D subjects and computational approaches. Our data support several conclusions.
First, a conserved trajectory of insulitis is present across individual donors and stages of T1D progression. This trajectory is comprised of four sub-states of insulitis each characterized by CD8+T cells at different stages of activation. Moreover, they indicate that T cells receive additional stimulation after entering islets. Multiple inflamed sub-clusters were represented in all T1D donors, indicating that the sub-clusters reflect sub-states capable of inter-converting rather than distinct trajectories of insulitis that stratify patients.
In addition, we observed that IDO+ vasculature was present in inflamed islets with higher frequencies of CD8+T cells but rare in islets that have lost insulin and contain immune cells, suggesting that IDO is a tolerogenic checkpoint that is lost prior to β-cell death. Leveraging this checkpoint to protect transplanted β-cells from rejection has shown promise (Alexander et al. 2002) and could be combined with similar approaches using programmed death-ligand 1 (Yoshihara et al. 2020; Castro-Gutierrez et al. 2021).
These data support a model wherein all islets in all T1D cases pass through a series of insulitis substages – perhaps corresponding to immunoregulatory checkpoints – before β-cells are destroyed. This model extends the one previously suggested by Damond et al, who proposed a single trajectory for insulitis (Damond et al. 2019).
Second, pancreatic lobules affected by insulitis are characterized by distinct tissue markers. We discovered that lobules enriched in β-cell-depleted islets were also enriched in nerves, vasculature, and Granzyme-B+/CD3-cells, suggesting these factors may make particular lobules permissive to disease. This could be through recruiting immune cells selectively into islets of particular lobules. Alternatively, the infiltration of a small number of islets in an otherwise unaffected lobule could be a rate-limiting step after which the exocrine space promotes fast dissemination of pathogenic immune cells within the lobule. The role of islet enervation in T1D has been studied but such work has focused on nerves in the islet rather than nerves throughout the lobule (Christoffersson, Ratliff, and von Herrath 2020). It is noteworthy that the cell types linked with direct islet invasion were distinct from those linked to lobule targeting even though both sets of cell types were found across islet and non-islet regions. Therefore, for insulitis to consume every islet, crosstalk may be required between the cell types of both compartments. Conversely, inhibiting this interaction might contain pathology to isolated lesions.
Finally, we identify “staging areas” – immature tertiary lymphoid structures away from islets where CD8+T cells assemble, most likely before they navigate to islets Our pseudotime analysis data suggest naïve CD8+T cells can enter the pancreas within these “staging areas” before migrating to islets. Similar structures were observed in mice where blocking immune egress from lymph nodes led to a contraction in the size of TLSs and halted diabetes (Penaranda et al. 2010). Thus, therapeutic targeting of immune cell trafficking to TLS could mitigate sustained autoimmunity against β-cells in human T1D.
Together, these data implicate both the local islet microenvironment and inflammation at distal sites within the pancreas in insulitis progression. Our findings expand both the anatomical and cellular scope of autoimmunity in T1D.
A major limitation for the study is the cohort size. Cases with documented insulitis are very rare, significantly limiting the feasibility of curating large cohorts. While we did examine over 2,000 individual islets and included both non-diabetic and pre-diabetic controls, larger studies with more diverse patient donor cohorts are needed.
Another limitation is our limited perspective on myeloid cell populations. Although antibodies in our panel detect numerous myeloid markers, we failed to identify any heterogeneity in myeloid populations during insulitis. This was likely due in part to the difficulty of segmenting myeloid cells and quantifying marker expression due to their morphology. Combining spatial or non-spatial transcriptomics could be used in future studies to better define the myeloid populations and extend the CODEX panel.
Lastly, our samples are 2-dimensional sections which could affect some of the adjacency relations.
In conclusion, using a data-driven approach, we mapped conserved sub-states of insulitis to infer regulatory checkpoints that fail in T1D and integrated the spatial pathology of islet and non-islet regions into a single model of T1D pathogenesis. The tools and computational pipelines developed here will enable further investigation of immune pathology at the tissue scale that may lead to development of therapies for T1D.
Human tissues
Cadaveric pancreatic FFPE tissue sections were obtained through the nPOD program, sponsored by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund. Case numbers cited herein are assigned by nPOD and comparable across nPOD-supported projects. 17 cases in the nPOD biorepository had been previously documented to possess insulitis. For each of these 17 cases, we examined the triple stained IHC images (CD3, Insulin, and Glucagon) using nPOD’s online pathology database to select blocks in which insulitis was present. To ensure that the tissue regions still contained insulitis (and had not been sectioned extensively since their images were uploaded to the nPOD pathology database), we re-sectioned and visualized CD3, Insulin, and Glucagon. We then selected 2 cases at different stages of disease (as defined by time since diabetes diagnosis). 3 non-diabetic age matched cases were selected as negative controls. The use of cadaveric human tissue samples is approved by Stanford University’s Institutional Review Board.
CODEX data collection
CODEX Antibody Generation and Validation
Oligonucleotides were conjugated to purified, carrier-free, commercially available antibodies as previously described (Schürch et al. 2020; Kennedy-Darling et al. 2021). For validation experiments, human tonsil and pancreas tissues were co-embedded in a new FFPE blocks so both tissues could be stained and imaged simultaneously. Each antibody in the CODEX panel was validated by co-staining with previously established antibodies targeting positive and negative control cell-types. Once validated, the concentration and imaging exposure time of each antibody were optimized. The tissue staining patterning was compared to the online database, The Human Protein Atlas, and the published literature. The specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility of CODEX staining has been previously validated (Schürch et al. 2020; Kennedy-Darling et al. 2021; Black et al. 2021; Phillips, Schürch, et al. 2021; Phillips, Matusiak, et al. 2021)
CODEX Staining
Staining and imaging was conducted as previously described (Schürch et al. 2020; Kennedy-Darling et al. 2021; Phillips, Schürch, et al. 2021; Black et al. 2021). Briefly, FFPE tissues were deparaffinized and rehydrated. Heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER) antigen retrieval was conducted in Tris/EDTA buffer at pH9 (Dako) at 97°C for 10 minutes. Tissues were blocked for 1 hour with rat and mouse Ig, salmon-sperm DNA, and a mixture of the non-fluorescent DNA oligo sequences used as CODEX barcodes. Tissues were stained with the antibody cocktail in a sealed humidity chamber overnight at 4°C with shaking. The next day, tissues were washed, fixed with 1.6% paraformaldehyde, 100% methanol, and BS3 (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and mounted to a custom-made acrylic plate attached to the microscope.
CODEX Imaging
Imaging was conducted using the Keyence BZ-X710 fluorescence microscope with a CFI Plan Apo λ 20x/0.75 objective (Nikon). “High resolution” mode was selected in Keyence Navigator software, resulting in a final resolution of .37744 µm/pixel. The exposure times are listed in Supplemental Table 3. Regions for imaging were selected by rendering HLA-ABC, Proinsulin, and CD8 and selecting multiple bounding boxes to maximize the amount of tissue imaged and minimize imaging of empty coverslip. Depending on the tissue shape and islet distribution, each donor was imaged across 2-7 regions ranging from 5x5 to 10x 3mm per region. The full antibody panel and cycle-ordering is detailed in (Supplemental Tables 3 and 4). Biotinylated hyaluronan-binding protein was rendered by adding streptavidin-PE at 1:500 concentration to the 96 well plate containing fluorescent oligos in the last cycle and running the CODEX program normally. DRAQ5 was added to the last cycle because we found it stained nuclei more evenly than HOECHST which slightly improved segmentation. Tissues took between 3 and 7 days to image depending on the tissue area.
Image Pre-processing
Drift compensation, deconvolution, z-plane selection was performed using the CODEX Toolkit uploader (github.com/nolanlab/CODEX, Goltsev et al. 2018). Cell segmentation using the DRAQ5 nuclear channel and lateral bleed compensation was performed with CellSeg (Lee et al. 2022).
Cell Type Clustering and Annotation
Marker expression was z-normalized within each donor and subsequently clustered in two steps. First, cells were projected into 2 dimensions using the ‘Tissue markers’ indicated in Supplemental Table 2 and Parametric Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (pUMAP)(Sainburg, McInnes, and Gentner 2021) was applied on a downsampled dataset. The fit model was used to transform the remaining cells. Cell types were gated using Leiden clustering and manual merging. The cluster containing immune cells was sub-clustered using the ‘Immune Markers’ detailed in Supplemental Table 2. Acinar cells contaminating the Immune cluster were gated out and merged with the Acinar cluster from the previous step. The Endocrine class was sub-clustered into ⍺-, β-, and δ-Cells using Glucagon, Proinsulin, and Somatostatin respectively. Clusters were annotated according the heatmap marker expression.
Islet Segmentation and Pseudotime
Windows consisting of the twenty nearest spatial neighbors surrounding each single cell were clustered according to their cell-type composition using Mini Batch K Means with k=200. For this analysis, ⍺-, β-, and δ-Cells were combined into one ‘Endocrine’ cell type. One cluster was highly enriched in Endocrine cells and accurately defined the islet area. Individual islets were identified using the connected components algorithm and filtering out islets that had fewer than ten total cells. For each islet, the number of each cell type inside the islet and between the islet edge and 20µm beyond were extracted. To adjust for variation due to the islet size, the cell type counts were divided by the number of endocrine cells inside the islet. Data were then log-transformed.
PAGA Analysis
The PAGA embedding was computed using the default parameters except for the following: The neighborhood search was performed using cosine distance and 15 nearest neighbors; Leiden clustering used a resolution of 1. For computing the pseudotime values (used in the colormap in Figure 2B, the x-axis in Figure 2F, and Figure 4), the path through the inflamed islet was isolated by temporarily omitting 25 islets positioned in the middle of the map between Healthy and β-cell depleted islets. Only 9 of these were from T1D or pre-T1D donors.
Quantification and Validation of Functional Marker Gating
Annotation of Ground-Truth Dataset
3963 CD8+T cells were labelled for fifteen markers by an immunologist familiar with the staining patterns of each marker using VGG Image annotator (Abhishek Dutta and Andrew Zisserman 2019).
Automated Thresholding
For each functional marker of interest, the lateral-bleed-compensated mean fluorescence (Lee et al. 2022) of background cells were used to calculate a background distribution. Background cells were cells except those assigned to cell types that were known to express the markers of interest or autofluorescence. Marker-positive cells were defined as those whose expression was greater than the 99th percentile of the background distribution.
Gating with Neural Network
Cell images were split into training, validation, and test splits (60/ 15/25). The ResNet50 architecture and initial weights were imported from the Keras library pre trained on ImageNet. Image augmentation consisted of random flips, rotations, zooms, contrast, and translation (+/-ten pixels only). All weights were unfrozen, and the model was trained for 100 epochs (see attached source code for training details).
Sub-clustering of Inflamed Islets with Cell-Type specific Functional Markers
For each Inflamed Islet (n=351), the frequency of each marker expressed by CD8+T cells was computed. Single cells inside the islet and within 20µm from the islet’s edge were combined before the frequency was measured. The subsequent matrix underwent z-normalization followed by UMAP and clustering using Bokeh. β-Cell Depleted + Immune Islets were defined as islets without β-cells with greater than two CD8+T cells and greater than seven macrophages. These thresholds correspond to the 95th percentiles of CD8+T cells and macrophages in Healthy islets.
Identification of Cellular Neighborhoods
Previously, CNs (Schürch et al. 2020) were identified by, for each single cell, defining its ‘window’ as the 20 spatial nearest neighbors. Cells were clustered according to the number of each cell type in their windows using Mini Batch K-Means. The output clusters corresponded to CNs. To ensure our method was sensitive to rare neighborhoods, we adapted this algorithm by intentionally over-clustering, using k=200 in the K-Means step rather than using a k ranging from 10-20 as used elsewhere (Bhate et al. 2021; Phillips, Matusiak, et al. 2021; Shekarian et al. 2022). Next, to determine which cell types were characteristic of each cluster, we identified, for each cluster, the set of cell-types that were present in more than 80% of the windows allocated to that cluster. We named the clusters according to this set of cell-types and merged all clusters with the same name, resulting in seventy-five CNs. Acinar cells and epithelial cells were used in the kNN graph and in the clustering but were not considered when merging clusters. Note that this method does not differentiate neighborhoods that have the same combination of cell types but different stoichiometries.
Lobule Segmentation
A training dataset was generated by manually tracing the edges of lobules in ImageJ using the ROI function. The ROI were then floodfilled in Python and used as masks for training. For each tile, the blank cycle was selected to distinguish tissue from background coverslip. A U-Net model was trained for 10 epochs (see attached source code for training details). After stitching together all masks, the resulting images required slight refinement where lobules were not completely separated, and this was done manually in ImageJ. The connected components in the stitched image defined the lobule instances. Cells were assigned to a lobule by indexing the lobule mask with their X and Y coordinates. Cells in the inter-lobular space were assigned to one “edge” lobule. This resulted in 464 lobules.
Formulation of Hierarchical Linear Models
For each lobule, the number of each cell type in non-islet cells was divided by the number of acinar cells in the lobule. For all HLMs, the lme4 package for R was used (Bates et al. 2015) and statistical significance was computed using the lmerTest package for R (Kuznetsova, Brockhoff, and Christensen 2017). Lobular cell-type abundance was z-normalized within each donor and the pseudotime was z-normalized across the entire dataset prior to fitting. For each cell type, a two-level, random intercept HLM within each donor was constructed with the following formulation (in R formula syntax): pseudotimeislet ∼ celltypelobule + (1|lobuleID) and a three-level random intercept, random slope HLM including islets from all donors was formulated: pseudotimeislet ∼celltypelobule +(1+celltypelobule|donorID)+(1|lobuleID). Here, pseudotimeislet equals the pseudotime of each islet, celltypelobule equals the number of the given cell type in a particular lobule divided by the number of acinar cells in that lobule, z-normalized within each donor, and lobuleID and donorID are categorical variables specifying the lobule and donor that the given islet belongs to.
Neighborhood Adjacency
The adjacency between neighborhoods was computed as in (Bhate et al. 2021). The only modification was that neighborhood instances were identified using connected components of the k-NN graph with k=5 rather than from the thresholded images.
Supplemental Information
A Changes in cellular abundance in Islet (top) and non-islet (bottom) regions. The Y-axis corresponds to the number of the given cell type / number of endocrine cells in the top row and the number of a given cell type / number of acinar cells in the bottom row in each donor. These frequencies were then z-normalized across donors.
A Leiden clustering computed by PAGA algorithm internally. Clusters 0 and 5 were assigned to the ‘Healthy’ group. Clusters 6, 2, and 8 were assigned to the “Inflamed” group. Clusters 1,3,7, and 4 were assigned to the “β-Cell Depleted” group.
B Frequency of IDO on vasculature at different distances from islets. Dashed line indicates the frequency in and around islets where IDO+ was detected in islet vasculature (n=84) as in Figure 2.H. Solid line indicates the frequency in and around Inflamed Islets in which IDO was absent (n=267). Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals obtained by iteratively calculating the marker frequency in re-sampled islets with replacement (n=200)
C Macrophage abundance in IDO+ and IDO- islets. Same as Figure 2.I. Asterisks in figure indicate significance within each donor. For combined donors, significance was determined with a mixed-effect linear model, p = 0.72 (Satterthwaites’s method lmerTest R package).
A Validation of neural network for detecting expression of weak antigens. Left: Recall and Precision for the automated gating scheme (see Methods). Right: Recall and Precision for the neural network. Both tables were computed using cells in the “Test” dataset unseen by the neural network.
B Frequency of functional markers on CD8+T cells inside islets. Colors correspond to donor. Only Pre-T1D and T1D donors are displayed.
C Frequency of functional markers on CD8+T cells at different distances from islets. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals obtained by iteratively calculating the marker frequency in re-sampled islets with replacement (n=200).
D Association of islet features with Inflamed-I through -IV. For each feature (columns), a mixed-level model adjusting for donor was fit in a one-vs-all design and the p-value was determined using Satterthwaites’s method in lmerTest R package. Values in the heatmap were corrected for multiple hypotheses using the Benjamini, Hochberg method.
A Changes in cell types identified by HLM in insulitis. Each point represents and islet. Islets are grouped according to the pseudotime analysis from Figure 2. The y-axis corresponds to the log-transformed values for the number of the given cell type / number of endocrine cells. Significance was determined using the t-test (* p<0.05,** p<0.01, *** p<0.001). No adjustment for multiple hypothesis testing was applied.
Channels in the “Both” column were used for clustering all cells and specifying immune cells. Channels in the “All” column were only used for clustering all cells and the UMAP in Figure 1.B. Channels in “Immune” columns were only used for sub-clustering immune cells and the UMAP in Figure 1.C. Channels in “Endocrine” column were used for sub-clustering endocrine populations. Channels in “Un-used” column were not included in the clustering or UMAP step because they were either too weak to aid clustering or were expressed on multiple cell-populations and confounded cell-type identification.
Author information
G.L.B curated data, wrote software, and analyzed data. D.P. and C.M.S contributed significantly to validating the antibody panel and assisted with analysis. S.D., S.S.B, A.Y., H.A.M., G.K.K., N.N., S.R., and J.M. assisted with analysis. G.L.B., J.A.B., G.P.N., and P.L.B., conceptualized the study and wrote the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Ethics declarations
P.L.B.: Founder, Halo Biosciences.
N.N.: Founder, Halo Biosciences.
PLB, NN and GK have filed intellectual property around 4-MU. PLB, NN and GK hold a financial interest in Halo Biosciences, a company that is developing 4-MU for various indications.
G.P.N. has received research grants from Vaxart and Celgene during the course of this work and has equity in and is a scientific advisory board member of Akoya Biosciences. Akoya Biosciences makes reagents and instruments that are dependent on licenses from Stanford University. Stanford University has been granted US patent 9909167, which covers some aspects of the technology described in this paper.
J.A.B.: Board of director for Gilead and CEO and President of Sonoma Biotherapeutics; scientific advisory boards of Arcus Biotherapeutics and Cimeio Therapeutics; consultant for Rheos Medicines, Provention Bio; stockholder in Rheos Medicines, Vir Therapeutics, Arcus Biotherapeutics, Solid Biosciences, Celsius Therapeutics; Gilead Sciences, Provention Bio, Sonoma Biotherapeutics.
C.M.S.: Scientific advisory board of, stock options in, research funding from Enable Medicine, Inc.
This research was performed with the support of the Network for Pancreatic Organ donors with Diabetes (nPOD; RRID:SCR_014641), a collaborative type 1 diabetes research project supported by JDRF (nPOD: 5-SRA-2018-557-Q-R) and The Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (Grant#2018PG-T1D053, G-2108-04793). The content and views expressed are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official view of nPOD. Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO) partnering with nPOD to provide research resources are listed at http://www.jdrfnpod.org/for-partners/npod-partners/. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers K99CA246061, 5U54CA209971-05, 5U2CCA233195-02, 1U2CCA233238-01, 5U2CCA233195-02, 5U01AI101984-09. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. C.M.S. was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (P300PB_171189, P400PM_183915). We like to thank Yury Goltsev, Pauline Chu, Sarah Black, Gustavo Vazquez, Aviv Hargil (Stanford University), and Irina Kusmartseva (nPOD) for excellent assistance. We like to thank Dr. Xavier Rovira-Clavé (Stanford University) for critical comments on the manuscript.
↵‡ Lead Contact
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact, Paul Bollyky (pbollyky{at}stanford.edu).