Microbiome Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge: Crowdsourcing Machine Learning Approaches to Advance Preterm Birth Research

Data availability
Sequence data and associated metadata for Study SDY465 were downloaded from ImmPort57 via the March of Dimes Preterm Birth database38. Sequence data and associated metadata for BioProjects PRJNA242473, PRJNA294119, PRJNA393472, and PRJNA430482 were downloaded from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive55. Additional associated metadata for PRJNA430482 were requested through and obtained from the RAMS Registry (https://ramsregistry.vcu.edu).
Sequence data and associated metadata for Projects PRJEB11895, PRJEB12577, PRJEB21325, and PRJEB30642 were downloaded from the Sequence Read Archive of the European Nucleotide Archive56, with associated metadata for PRJEB11895 and PRJEB12577 downloaded from Additional Files 4 and 6 from the paper by the Kindinger et al.60. Additional associated metadata for Projects PRJEB11895, PRJEB12577, PRJEB21325, and PRJEB30642 were requested from the senior author.
Sequence data and associated metadata for accession number phs001739.v1.p1 were downloaded from the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)37.
The training dataset representing 7 of the 9 aggregated studies and the validation dataset for our Challenge are available under Study ID SDY2187 from the MOD Preterm Birth Research Database (https://pretermbirthdb.org/mod/studydata). Two of the nine training data (PRJNA430482 and phs001739.v1.p1.) are exclusively available via dbGap after following the application procedures there.
Subject Area
- Addiction Medicine (413)
- Allergy and Immunology (727)
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- Cardiovascular Medicine (3126)
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