Association between spironolactone use and COVID-19 outcomes in population-scale claims data: a retrospective cohort study
View ORCID ProfileHenry C. Cousins, View ORCID ProfileRuss B. Altman
Henry C. Cousins
1Department of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
Russ B. Altman
1Department of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
2Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
3Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
4Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

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Posted March 02, 2023.
Association between spironolactone use and COVID-19 outcomes in population-scale claims data: a retrospective cohort study
Henry C. Cousins, Russ B. Altman
medRxiv 2023.02.28.23286515; doi:
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