Article Information
- February 14, 2023.
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Author Information
- Henry Surendra1,2,*,
- Iqbal RF Elyazar1,
- Evelyn Puspaningrum1,
- Deddy Darmawan1,
- Tiffany T Pakasi3,
- Endang Lukitosari3,
- Sulistyo Sulistyo3,
- Shena M Deviernur3,
- Ahmad Fuady4,5,
- Guy Thwaites6,7,
- Reinout van Crevel6,7,8,
- Anuraj H Shankar1,6,
- J Kevin Baird1,6 and
- Raph L Hamers1,6
- 1Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
- 2Monash University Indonesia, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
- 3Sub-Directorate of Tuberculosis, Ministry of Health of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
- 4Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
- 5Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 6Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- 7Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 8Department of Internal Medicine and Radboud Center for Infectious Diseases, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- ↵*Corresponding author:
Henry Surendra PhD., Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 6, 10430 Jakarta, Indonesia. Phone: (021) 3910414, Email: hsurendra{at}; henrysurendra{at}