Article Information
- February 10, 2023.
Author Information
- Sho Miyamotoa,1,
- Yudai Kurodab,1,
- Takayuki Kannoa,
- Akira Uenoa,
- Nozomi Shiwa-Sudoa,
- Naoko Iwata-Yoshikawaa,
- Yusuke Sakaia,
- Noriyo Nagataa,
- Takeshi Arashiroa,c,
- Akira Ainaia,
- Saya Moriyamad,
- Noriko Kishidae,
- Shinji Watanabee,
- Kiyoko Nojimaf,
- Yohei Sekif,
- Takuo Mizukamif,
- Hideki Hasegawae,
- Hideki Ebiharag,
- Shuetsu Fukushig,
- Yoshimasa Takahashid,
- Ken Maedab and
- Tadaki Suzukia,2
- aDepartment of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tokyo, 162-8640, Japan
- bDepartment of Veterinary Science, National Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tokyo 162-8640, Japan
- cCenter for Surveillance, Immunization, and Epidemiologic Research, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 162-8640, Tokyo, Japan
- dResearch Center for Drug and Vaccine Development, National Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tokyo 162-8640, Japan
- eCenter for Influenza and Respiratory Virus Research, National Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tokyo 208-0011, Japan
- fDepartment of Safety Research on Blood and Biological Products, National Institute of Infectious Diseases; 208-0011, Japan
- gDepartment of Virology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tokyo 162-8640, Japan
- ↵2Corresponding Author:
tksuzuki{at} (TS)
↵1 These authors contributed equally
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, SMi, YK, KM, TS; Methodology, SMi, TA, AU, TK, KM, TS; Investigation, SMi, YK, TK, AU, NS, NI, YSa, NN, TA, AA, SMo, NK, SW, KN, YSe, TM, HH, HE, SF, YT, KM, TS; Data curation, SMi, YK, TK, TA, SMo, SF, SW, TM, TS; Formal analysis and Visualization, SMi, TS; Funding acquisition, SMi, TS; Project administration and supervision, KM, TS; Writing original draft, SMi, TS; Writing – review & editing, SMi, YK, AU, KM, TS. All authors agreed to submit the manuscript, read and approved the final draft, and take full responsibility of its content including the accuracy of the data and statistical analysis.