22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) contributes dramatically increased genetic risk for psychopathology, and in particular schizophrenia. Sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), are also highly prevalent, making 22q11DS a unique model to explore their impact on psychosis vulnerability. Still, the contribution of sleep disturbances to psychosis vulnerability remains unclear.
We characterized the sleep phenotype of 69 individuals with 22q11DS and 38 healthy controls with actigraphy and sleep questionnaires. Psychiatric symptoms were measured concomitantly with the baseline sleep assessment and at longitudinal follow-up, 3.58±0.85 years later. We used a novel multivariate partial-least-square-correlation (PLSC) approach to identify sleep patterns combining objective and subjective variables, which correlated with psychiatric symptoms. We dissected longitudinal pathways linking sleep disturbances to psychosis, using multi-layer-network-analysis.
22q11DS was characterized by a non-restorative sleep pattern, combining increased daytime fatigue despite longer sleep duration. Non-restorative sleep combined with OSA symptoms correlated with both emotional and psychotic symptoms. Moreover, a sleep pattern evocative of OSA predicted longitudinal worsening of positive and negative symptoms, by accentuating the effects of emotional dysregulation. These results suggest that sleep disturbances could significantly increase psychosis risk, along an affective pathway. If confirmed, this suggests that systematic screening of sleep quality could mitigate psychosis vulnerability in 22q11DS.
1. Introduction
Sleep difficulties occur in up to 80% of individuals diagnosed with a mental health disorder [1]. Still, given seemingly non-specific clinical associations, sleep difficulties has been mostly considered as a secondary consequences of mental health disturbances [1]. Indeed, most conceptual models have considered different psychiatric disorders to be the expression of a series of discrete underlying “disease” mechanisms [2-4]. However, it has recently become clear that early stages in the emergence of psychiatric disorders are not as specific or discrete as it had been previously imagined [5, 6]. For instance, symptoms of emotional dysregulation, such as anxiety or reduced tolerance to stress, strongly increase vulnerability to psychotic disorders among at-risk individuals, along an “affective pathway” towards psychosis [7, 8]. Psychiatric disorders might hence be best understood as complex systems of reciprocally interacting symptoms [2, 9]. Embracing such clinical complexity has spiked interest in identifying disease mechanisms that might bridge across different forms of psychopathology [9-11].
Sleep disturbances could represent a key factor in such complex transdiagnostic clinical trajectories. Indeed, it is now clear that sleep quality can actively influence mental health [12]. Sleep disruption directly modulates limbic functioning, leading to sub-cortical limbic hyperactivity and pre-frontal hypofunction [13]. As a result, disruption, in particular of REM sleep, determines profound alterations in emotional expression and regulation, accentuating negative affect and stress reactivity, diminishing positive affect, and impairing re-organization of emotional memories [13]. From a developmental perspective, early sleep disturbances predict future development of emotional and behavioral problems such as depression, anxiety and ADHD [14] [15-17]. Sleep disruption is also commonly observed in psychotic disorders [18], being identified as a treatment priority by patients [19] and independently predicting quality of life and overall functioning [20]. Moreover, sleep disturbances might actually play an active role in vulnerability to psychosis. Indeed, sleep disorders such as insomnia and nightmare disorders correlate with the severity of psychotic symptoms [21] and represent early predictors of clinical relapse in schizophrenia [22]. Alterations in sleep continuity, sleep duration and circadian rhythm have been recently observed before the first psychotic episodes [23] and might predict longitudinal worsening of positive symptom in youth at Clinical High-Risk (CHR) for psychosis [24-26]. These findings suggest that sleep disturbances could represent a promising target for early preventive interventions in psychosis. To date however, we still have an insufficient understanding of the clinical pathways linking sleep disruption to psychosis, which has limited translation to clinical practice [18]. In the present work, we attempt to address two main research challenges that might have significantly contributed to this lack of knowledge.
A first major research challenge has consisted in obtaining sufficiently precise sleep phenotyping before the onset of full-blown psychotic disorders [27]. Here, we take advantage of the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11DS), which has emerged as a unique genetic model to study early stages of psychosis [28]. 22q11DS is caused by a 1,5-3-Mb deletion on the long arm of the chromosome 22, occurring in 1 of 2148 live birth [29]. Individuals with 22q11DS are typically diagnosed at a young age, due to a complex phenotype, including congenital heart disease, velopharyngeal insufficiency and learning difficulties [30]. Moreover, the syndrome is associated with a unique psychiatric phenotype, characterized by a 30-40% risk of developing a psychotic disorder by adulthood [31]. Aside from psychosis, various other forms of psychopathology, including ADHD, anxiety and mood disorders are also strongly increased in 22q11DS [31]. As in the general population, emotional dysregulation increases risk of psychosis in 22q11DS [8, 32-35]. To date, few studies have investigated sleep in 22q11DS and its contribution to the clinical phenotype typically observed in this population. However, available evidence indicates that sleep disorders might be over-represented [36]. Subjective complaints of sleep onset delay, agitated sleep, and excessive daytime sleep might be more prevalent in 22q11DS [37-39]. Moreover, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) might affect up to 40% of individuals with 22q11DS, due to a combination of risk factors including retrognathia, hypotonia and velopharyngeal abnormalities [36, 40-42]. The high rates of both sleep disorders and psychosis make 22q11DS a unique model to investigate the relationship between these two phenomena. Still, the precise sleep phenotype of 22q11DS remains poorly characterized. Most notably, no longitudinal study has associated subjective and objective sleep measures with subsequent vulnerability to psychosis.
A second major challenge of sleep research is that, from a methodological perspective, most studies have independently associated individual subjective or objective sleep variables with a series of clinical variables of interest [43]. Such uni-variate approaches have significant intrinsic limitations in their characterization of both sleep and mental health. Indeed, sleep is a multidimensional phenomenon, implying that individual sleep variables cannot be interpreted in isolation [43]. For instance, a similar reduction in sleep efficiency can be observed in opposite diagnoses of insomnia [44] or narcolepsy [45], according to whether total-sleep-time is reduced or increased. Moreover, sleep disorders are diagnosed from a combination of objective alterations and subjective complaints of unsatisfactory sleep [46], that are neither interchangeable nor univocally correlated [47]. Finally, as pertains to mental health, the effects of sleep disturbances cannot be fully understood unless reciprocal interactions between different psychiatric symptoms are also considered [1]. To address these challenges, we propose to employ two dedicated multivariate approaches, known as Partial-Least-Square-Correlation (PLSC) [48] and Multi-Layer-Network-Analysis (MLNA) [8], which are ideally suited to shed light on the complex pathways linking sleep disturbances to psychosis vulnerability.
We firstly aimed to precisely characterize the sleep phenotype in 22q11DS. Secondly, we aimed to identify multivariate patterns of sleep disturbances associated with symptoms of psychosis. We hypothesized that using a multivariate combination of objective and subjective sleep variables, we would detect meaningful sleep-patterns that would more tightly correlate with psychiatric symptoms. Thirdly, we investigated the impact of sleep disturbances on longitudinal clinical trajectories using recently developed MLNA. We hypothesized that sleep disturbances might specifically influence the affective pathways towards psychosis and might hence provide additional prognostic information when combined to current clinical assessments.
2. Methods
2.1 Participants
Both healthy controls (HCs) and individuals with 22q11DS were recruited in the context of an ongoing longitudinal study that has been described extensively in previous publications [8, 49]. Participants with 22q11DS were recruited through patient associations or word-of-mouth throughout French and English-speaking European countries. HCs were mostly recruited among non-affected siblings (31/38 HCs). Participants were then followed up longitudinally approximately once every 3 years. All participants and parents provided written informed consent under protocols approved by Ethics Committee Geneva.
For the present study, we included 107 participants, including 69 with 22q11DS (Mean age: 17.5±7.43, age-range: [5.39-34.04], M/F=34:35) and 38 HCs (Mean age: 14.3±6.23 Age-Range: [6.85-31.9], M/F=18:20). For all participants, sleep measures were available at baseline assessment. When exploring clinical correlates of sleep disturbances, we restricted the sample to 46 individuals with 22q11DS for whom the Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes (SIPS) [50] was performed at baseline assessment. In a final longitudinal analysis, we considered a sub-sample of 32 individuals with 22q11DS for whom a longitudinal clinical assessment was available, on average 3.58±0.85 years after baseline assessment. See Table 1 for a full description of demographic features of the sample.
2.2 Sleep measures
Objective sleep measures were collected in a home setting for an average of 7.27±0.65 days using a wrist-worn actigraph (model wGT3X, Actigraph, USA), during the week preceding the clinical assessment. We excluded 2 nights (one for each group) that were shorter than 150 minutes.
Participants and their families also filled in a sleep diary indicating bedtimes and rising times, any nap or removal of the watch. Actigraphy data was visually inspected and subsequently analyzed using the Actilife software (version 6.11.9). Bedtimes and rising times were defined using the sleep diary or, when these were unavailable (77/786 nights), we used the +Sleep autoscoring feature from Actilife. A total of 9 commonly used actigraphy measures were derived from the raw data: sleep-latency, sleep-efficiency, time-spent-in-bed, total-sleep-time, wake-after-sleep-onset (WASO), number-of-awakenings, average-awakening-length, in-bed-time and out-bed-time, using the Sadeh algorithm [51] or the Cole-Kripke algorithm [52], depending on the age of the participant.
Subjective sleep quality during the actigraphy assessment week was measured using the short form of the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire [53]. The questionnaire is subdivided into 4 subparts: bedtime, sleep behavior, morning wake up and waking during the night. Items are rated according to their observed frequency on a 1-to-5 scale. To guarantee consistency across our wide age-range, we adapted the questionnaire for adults and adolescents, by directly addressing the questions to the participants, and removing 8 items that were no longer considered age-appropriate. This yielded 15 items administered across the entire sample.
2.3 Clinical measure
Clinical vulnerability to psychosis was assessed using the Structured Interview for Psychosis-risk Syndromes (SIPS) [50], administered by a single trained psychiatrist (SE). The SIPS yields 19 individual items across 4 symptom domains (positive, disorganized, negative and general symptoms), rated on a 1-6 scale according to their severity. To maximize clinical resolution, symptoms were initially considered individually. The SIPS also defines diagnostic criteria that discretely separate individuals considered either non-at-risk of developing psychosis (CHR-negative), at clinical high-risk of developing psychosis (CHR-positive) or fully psychotic (PSY-positive), based on the positive symptom ratings. These discrete criteria were used for confirmatory analyses to define discrete sub-groups, described in Table 1, according to clinical status at baseline (CHR-negative-baseline vs CHR-positive-baseline) and according to clinical status at longitudinal at follow-up (CHR-negative-follow-up vs CHR-positive/PSY-positive-follow-up).
2.4 Statistical analysis
All analyses were performed using MATLAB (version R2018a). Prior to all analyses, we corrected for the effects of age and psychotropic medication using linear regression.
Univariate analyses
We firstly performed uni-variate comparisons of sleep measures between HCs and 22q11DS using Mixed-Model-Analysis, implemented through a previously published toolbox: https://github.com/danizoeller/myMixedModelsTrajectories [49, 54]. We considered fixed effect of day-of-the-week, diagnosis and day-of-the-week-by-diagnosis interaction and a random intercept per subject. Results were corrected for multiple comparison using the false discovery rate (FDR) [55].
Multivariate Partial-Least-Square-Correlation analysis
We then explored the existence of multivariate sleep pattern associated with clinical outcomes, using a publicly available Partial-Least-Square-Correlation (PLSC) algorithm (https://github.com/MIPLabCH/myPLS). PLSC analysis is designed to detect complex multivariate relationships between different data types, such as complex neuroimaging patterns associated with clinical outcomes. Here, all 9 actigraphy measures were firstly averaged across nights and subsequently combined with all 15 subjective sleep measures in a single data-matrix. Sleep variables were then collectively associated with 3 different clinical outcomes: diagnosis of 22q11DS; severity of all 19 SIPS symptoms at baseline; and longitudinal clinical evolution, characterized by combining all 19 SIPS scores at baseline with 19 SIPS scores at longitudinal follow-up. Through singular value decomposition, PLSC extracts sleep patterns, which are associated with clinical outcomes. Statistical significance is established through permutation testing and corrected for multiple comparisons using FDR [56]. Significant patterns are represented as bar-plots, where the contribution (loading) of each variable is represented as bar-height, and bar-direction (up vs down), reflects whether that contribution is positive or negative. Variables that consistently contributed to a specific pattern are identified through bootstrapping and are highlighted in yellow. Finally, each sleep patterns can be condensed into a single sleep score measured in each individual, through matrix multiplication of observed sleep variables with their respective loading. The sleep-score hence represents the extent to which the specific sleep pattern was present in each individual. For confirmatory analysis, we compared such sleep-scores according to discrete clinical cut-offs, using non-parametric permutation testing [57].
Multi-Layer-Network-Analysis of Longitudinal Clinical Pathways
We used a recently developed Multi-Layer-Network-Analysis approach to precisely characterize clinical pathways of interaction between symptoms across time [8]. We constructed a single Multi-Layer-Network, computing Spearman correlations between all symptoms, both cross-sectionally at each assessment and longitudinally between baseline and follow-up. Symptoms at each assessment and the sleep-score derived from longitudinal PLSC were then represented as individual network nodes. The spatial position of each node was determined using network dimensionality reduction, whereby Euclidian distance between nodes provides an inverse representation of correlation strength between symptoms, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. We employed Floyd-Warshall algorithm, implemented in the brain-connectivity toolbox for MATLAB http://www.brain-connectivity-toolbox.net, to compute shortest pathways connecting baseline to follow-up symptoms, across time. We identified variables that mediated a higher proportion of longitudinal clinical pathways than expected by chance and that can hence be considered to disproportionately affect clinical trajectory. By doing so, we evaluated the additive predictive value of baseline sleep disturbances, when combined with all other clinical variables. Moreover, we obtained a precise characterization of clinical pathways mediating the effects of sleep disturbances on vulnerability to psychosis.
3. Results
3.1 Univariate comparison of sleep variables
Compared to HCs, individuals with 22q11DS presented a significant increase in time-spent-in-bed (Chi2=12.71, DF=1, p=0.003), had an earlier in-bed-times (Chi2=7.98, DF=2, p=0.047) and longer total-sleep-time (Chi2=10.97, DF=1, p=0.004), irrespectively of the day of the week. See figure 1A-C. We also observed a significant non-linear interaction between out-bed-time, diagnosis and the days-of-the-week (Chi2=11.59, DF=3, p-interaction-effect=0.01) leading individuals with 22q11DS to present a significant delay in rising times, particularly on Saturday mornings (Chi2=11.59, DF=4, p-group-effect=0.047). See figure 1D.
3.2 Multivariate sleep pattern associated with 22q11DS
PLSC identified a single sleep pattern that significantly differentiated individuals with 22q11DS from HCs (p=0.002, R=0.55) and was characterized by earlier in-bed-time and longer time-spent-in-bed combined with reduced number-of-awakenings, leading to longer total-sleep-time. See figure 2. Interestingly, despite longer sleep duration, and subjective reports of more regular sleep schedule, the 22q11DS sleep pattern was associated with higher levels of subjective daytime fatigue. This sleep pattern was also characterized by more frequent fear the dark and teeth-grinding.
3.3 Multivariate sleep pattern associated with clinical symptoms at baseline
PLSC analysis identified a single significant sleep pattern that correlated strongly with the intensity of SIPS symptoms at baseline (p=0.001, R=0.80). See Figure 3C. The sleep pattern loaded strongly on subjective measures of daytime somnolence and fatigue, despite objectively reduced sleep-latency and increased total-sleep-time. Symptoms commonly reported in the context of OSA, including loud snoring, multiple awakenings and agitated sleep also strongly contributed to the pattern. Subjective reports of falling asleep difficulties and fear of the dark also contributed, albeit less strongly. See Figure 3A.
The clinical pattern that correlated with disrupted sleep was characterized by a broad combination of several core psychotic and disorganization symptoms, including unusual-thought-content, disorganized-communication, bizarre-thinking and odd-behavior, as well general symptoms such as dysphoric-mood and impaired-tolerance-to-stress. See Figure 3B. A Confirmatory analysis revealed that the corresponding sleep-score was strongly increased in CHR-positive compared to non-CHR individuals (p<0.0001, Cohen’s D: 0.864). See Figure 3D.
3.4 Multivariate sleep pattern associated with longitudinal clinical trajectories
Longitudinal PLSC identified a single component that strongly explained the association between baseline sleep variables and clinical trajectory, measured with a combination of baseline and follow-up symptoms (p=0.001, R=0.83) See Figure 4C.
The sleep pattern loaded strongly on subjective markers of increased daytime somnolence combined with symptoms commonly reported in the context of OSA, including loud snoring, agitated sleep, and more frequent subjective awakenings. This was associated with an objective increase in average-awakening-length and wake-after-sleep-onset, combined with reduced sleep-efficiency and total-sleep-time, suggestive of increased sleep fragmentation. See Figure 4A.
At baseline, such sleep pattern was associated with some positive symptoms, including unusual-thought-content, and most general symptoms. Interestingly, clinical associations became broader and stronger at longitudinal follow-up, with significant loading on most positive and negative symptoms and a strong loading of the general symptoms of dysphoric-mood and impaired-tolerance-to-stress See Figure 4B. The disrupted-sleep-score was also significantly increased among individuals who were either CHR-positive or fully psychotic at longitudinal follow-up, compared to individuals who were either consistently non-CHR or for whom CHR-criteria had remitted (p<0.0001, Cohen’s d: 0.849). See Figure 4D.
We then used Multi-Layer-Network-Analysis to dissect pathways linking sleep disturbances to longitudinal clinical trajectory. Symptoms at both assessments are represented as network nodes and plotted according to network dimensionality reduction. Hence, a shorted Euclidian distances between network nodes reflects stronger correlation between corresponding symptoms (R=-0.43, p<0.0001). The main horizontal dimension separated positive and general symptoms, located on the left side of the graph, from negative and disorganization symptoms located on the right side. See Figure 5. The second vertical dimension, mainly describes the longitudinal time dimensions, separating baseline symptoms on the bottom of the graph from follow-up symptoms, located on the upper part of the graph. The overall structure of the network was extremely consistent with what previously described [8].
The disrupted-sleep-score was located on the left side of the graph, reflecting strong correlations with positive and affective symptoms. Interestingly, the disrupted-sleep-score occupied an intermediary position along the vertical temporal dimension, located closer to follow-up than to baseline symptoms, in the upper part of network. This suggests that sleep disturbances are more tightly associated with clinical trajectory at longitudinal follow-up, than to concomitant clinical difficulties estimated at baseline.
Remarkably, graph-theory revealed that the disrupted-sleep-score was the only baseline variable that mediated a disproportionate number of clinical pathways across time (p=0.002). This suggests that the disrupted-sleep-score might provide additional prognostic value, even when considering all other clinical variables measuring vulnerability to psychosis. In accordance with previous reports [8], the algorithm also identified several follow-up symptoms that acted as funnels for previous psychopathology, including disorganized communication (p=0.003), bizarre-thinking (p<0.001), reduced-occupational-functioning (p<0.001) and reduced-ideational-richness (p<0.001).
We then represented only clinical paths that traversed through the disrupted-sleep-score. See Figure 6. Sleep disturbances mediated the effects of baseline attention and affective difficulties including dysphoric-mood and reduced-experience-of-emotion, on the persistence of homologous affective symptoms at follow-up. Interestingly, sleep disturbances also mediated the effects of affective symptoms on the subsequent development of broader difficulties, including hallucinations or unusual-thought-content, and core negative symptoms such as avolition and reduced-occupational-functioning. As such, disrupted sleep could be characterized as a gateway towards subsequent psychopathology.
4. Discussion
In the present study, we conducted for the first time a comprehensive characterization of sleep quality in 22q11DS, using both subjective and objective sleep measures and novel multivariate approaches. We firstly delineated a specific sleep phenotype suggestive of non-restorative sleep in 22q11DS. Secondly, we described a disrupted-sleep-pattern that was broadly associated with the severity of psychotic symptoms and overall psychopathology. Thirdly, we showed that disrupted sleep strongly predicts longitudinal clinical trajectory towards psychosis in 22q11DS. Finally, we dissected clinical pathways linking sleep disturbances to psychotic vulnerability, using a dedicated network analysis approach. These results suggest that sleep quality represents a novel promising therapeutic target that could significantly influence clinical trajectory in 22q11DS.
Our results indicate that individuals with 22q11DS present a specific sleep-pattern, characterized mainly by increased daytime somnolence despite objectively longer sleep duration. These results could indicate that sleep is insufficiently restorative in 22q11DS, resulting in increased sleep pressure and requiring compensation strategies, such as earlier bedtimes and delayed rising-times. Insufficiently restorative sleep can be observed in primary hypersomnia, or in relation to intrinsic sleep disorders affecting sleep architecture. Actigraphy does not allow to reliably ascertain sleep architecture. However, the only previous polysomnography study in 22q11DS also observed an increased total-sleep-time associated with altered sleep architecture, including increased REM sleep latency, and an increase in N1 sleep [58]. Moreover, 22q11DS might affect sleep architecture due to risk of OSA, which has been observed in up to 40% of individuals with the syndrome [38, 40, 42, 59]. Remarkably, the clinical impact of OSA on the psychiatric and neurocognitive phenotype of 22q11DS remains largely unknown.
When associating sleep variables with psychiatric symptoms, we again observed a pattern of daytime somnolence despite reduced sleep-latency and increased sleep-time, suggestive of non-restorative sleep and increased sleep pressure. Interestingly, non-restorative-sleep was associated with symptoms that are classically reported in the context of OSA, including loud snoring and subjective impression of agitated and disrupted sleep. Remarkably, this disrupted-sleep-pattern was broadly associated with more severe psychotic symptoms, together with symptoms of affective psychopathology. The disrupted sleep pattern was moreover strongly overrepresented among CHR individuals. These results could suggest that disrupted sleep evocative of OSA, might contribute to psychiatric difficulties observed in 22q11DS, including both affective and psychotic symptoms.
Recently, there has been a renowned interest in the relationship between OSA and psychosis [60]. A large epidemiological study reported an association between OSA and increased risk of both mood and anxiety disorders as well as a 35% increase in risk of psychosis [61]. The existing screening studies, performed in relatively small samples, suggest that the prevalence of OSA among psychotic patients is between 12.5% and 25%, which is twice as frequent than what is observed in HCs [21, 62, 63]. Until now, the association between OSA and psychosis has been mostly interpreted in relation to shared risk factors, including mainly increased BMI [62, 64]. Some authors have suggested that symptoms of OSA, including daytime sleepiness, might mimic negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia [65]. However, no longitudinal study has evaluated whether the presence of OSA might increase vulnerability to psychosis among at-risk individuals.
22q11DS is associated with increased risk of both OSA and psychosis, making it a unique model to explore the longitudinal relationship between the two disorders. Our longitudinal analysis identified a sleep pattern that was strongly evocative of OSA, including excessive daytime fatigue, snoring and subjective and objective markers of agitated sleep. Remarkably, this sleep pattern strongly predicted longitudinal persistence or worsening of psychotic manifestations. We used a recently developed Multi-Layer-Network-Analysis to precisely characterize longitudinal pathways linking disrupted sleep to psychosis vulnerability [8]. Firstly, this analysis revealed that sleep disruption was a key mediator influencing clinical trajectories, even when considering all other clinical variables. This would suggest that sleep phenotyping might provide additional prognostic value, even when combined to current gold-standard assessments of psychosis vulnerability. Interestingly, the disrupted-sleep-score specifically mediated the relationship between baseline symptoms of emotional dysregulation, both on the subsequent persistence of emotional symptoms and the subsequent development of psychotic and negative symptoms. These results suggest that OSA might actively influence the clinical trajectory, in particular by promoting an affective pathway towards psychosis [7].
Current models of such affective pathway propose that predisposition to negative affect, observed in early stages of psychosis, results from a state of amygdala hyperactivation, related to altered top-down pre-frontal connectivity and aggravated by environmental stress [66]. Prolonged amygdala hyperactivity could then lead to sub-cortical-dopaminergic and hippocampal hyperactivity observed in psychosis, either by direct influencing GABAergic transmission [67-69] or through indirect effects of hypercortisolemia [70]. This neurobiological pathway has been recently observed in 22q11DS, where anxiety is related to amygdala hyperactivity and amygdala-prefrontal dysconnectivity [71]. Heightened negative affect predicted psychotic vulnerability in 22q11DS, both through amygdala-striatal hyperconnectivity [72] and through altered HPA-axis and hippocampal maturation [33]. Interestingly, as reviewed above, a wealth of studies have demonstrated that sleep disruption, in particular affecting REM sleep, can determine emotional dysregulation through a combination of amygdala and sub-cortical-dopaminergic hyperactivity and HPA-axis/noradrenergic dysregulation [12]. As such, our results could suggest that presence of OSA, which particularly affects REM sleep [73], could accentuate limbic and dopaminergic hyperactivity, predisposing affected individuals to persistent emotional dysregulation and hence increasing risk of progression along the affective pathway towards psychosis. Moreover, genetically-driven alterations in limbic GABA-ergic transmission, observed in animal models of 22q11DS [74], could make individuals with the syndrome particularly vulnerable to the effects of sleep disturbances. These hypotheses could be empirically tested with longitudinal studies combining sleep and clinical phenotyping with neuroimaging, as well as in animal models of the syndrome.
If confirmed, these results carry significant implications for clinical practice and future research. Firstly, they provide a strong rational for systematic screening of OSA and overall sleep quality in 22q11DS, as it is currently recommended for other neurogenetic conditions [75]. Indeed, OSA can be successfully treated in both neurogenetic conditions [76, 77] and idiopathic psychosis [78]. Future research should evaluate the feasibility and clinical impact of treating OSA in 22q11DS. Indeed, our results would suggest that management of sleep disturbances could significantly affect long term psychiatric outcome in the syndrome. Our results also support the need for a more systematic investigation of the relationship between disrupted sleep, including OSA, and vulnerability to psychosis to inform clinical practice. Finally, from a methodological perspective, our results suggest that a multivariate longitudinal approach, that coherently integrates multiple sleep variables, could help shed light on complex pathways linking sleep disruption to developmental psychopathology.
Our results should be interpreted considering several limitations. Firstly gold-standard polysomnography was not available. Consequently, we could measure neither altered sleep architecture nor presence of OSA, rendering our interpretations concerning mechanism underlying the disrupted-sleep-patterns necessarily speculative. Secondly, sleep measures were not available at the longitudinal follow-up, not allowing us to measure the impact of previous psychopathology on subsequent sleep disturbance. Finally, we cannot formally exclude that additional factors might have contributed to our results. We did however make considerable efforts, detailed as supplementary analyses, to explore the contributions of the frequently reported confounds, including age, BMI and psychotropic medications.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (Grant numbers: to SE FNS 320030_179404, FNS 324730_144260) and by the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Synapsy-The Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases (SNF, Grant number: 51AU40_125759). MarS (#163859), MauS (#162006) and CorrS (#209096) were supported by grants from the SNF. We warmly thank all the families who participated in the study.