Data Availability
The data was provided to the Akhter Hameed Khan Foundation (AHK-F) team for this study as part of its work with Pakistan’s Federal Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination (MoNHSR&C) and the National Command & Operation Centre (NCOC) in Islamabad, which are leading Pakistan’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The AHK-F team has provided analytical support to the above entities, and such created knowledge that has directly informed pandemic policy-making in Pakistan. COVID-19 data is compiled and shared in daily National Situation Reports, or Sitreps, by the National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC). Each day’s Sitrep is compiled as a PDF file. The data used for this study was manually compiled from these PDF files and then used in STATA. The parentage of this data is with the NCOC and the MoNHSR&C. The AHK-F team received this data with the express understanding that it would be kept confidential. However, the data can be obtained independently from the NEOC, through a data request procedure, which is subject to approval from the MoNHSR&C. The data request itself is to be addressed to: Dr. Shahzad Baig, National Coordinator, National Emergency & Operation Center, D Block, EPI Building, Chak Shahzad, Park Road, Islamabad. Email: eocpakistan{at} Phone: +92-51-8730879. The data on Oxford Health and Containment Index is taken from and publicly available at the following GitHub repository: