Large-scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) germline testing is technically feasible today, but variant interpretation represents a major bottleneck in analysis workflows including the extensive variant prioritization, annotation, and time-consuming evidence curation. The scale of the interpretation problem is massive, and variants of uncertain significance (VUS) are a challenge to personalized medicine. This challenge is further compounded by the complexity and heterogeneity of standards used to describe genetic variants and associated phenotypes when searching for relevant information to inform clinical decision-making.
For this purpose, all five Swiss academic Medical Genetics Institutions joined forces with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) to create SwissGenVar as a user-friendly nationwide repository and sharing platform for genetic variant data generated during routine diagnostic procedures and research sequencing projects. Its objective is to provide a protected environment for expert evidence sharing about individual variants to harmonize and up-scale their significance interpretation at clinical grade following international standards. To corroborate the clinical assessment, the variant-related data are combined with consented high-quality clinical information. Broader visibility will be gained by interfacing with international databases, thus supporting global initiatives in personalized health care.
1. Introduction
Assessment of individual genetic risk factors and classification of molecular disease based on genetic contributions are hallmarks of personalized medicine [1-5]. Next to common genetic variants predisposing to, or modulating common diseases, newer evidence also indicates a significant role of individually rare variants in frequently mutated genes with strong functional consequences [6, 7]. Large-scale germline genetic testing is technically feasible today but is hampered by the difficulties in interpreting the clinical significance of variants, lack of knowledge about genotype-phenotype correlation, and long-term clinical history [8, 9]. Accurate pathogenicity interpretation of genetic variants is not only crucial for appropriate medical decision-making based on genetic evidence [10] but also for the correct stratification of research findings by genetic results [11]. A variety of international database initiatives aim to facilitate genetic variant assessment; however, these often are restricted to specific genes and/or (types of) genetic diseases/alterations and contain insufficient or contradictory, sometimes even incorrect public entries [12, 13], which mostly fail to provide accompanying valid clinical data for variant interpretation in their respective phenotypic contexts [14, 15]. Moreover, since genetic variation commonly differs among ethnicities, international data collection may not be representative and comprehensive for specific populations. The importance of local and national genetics has been exemplified by the Genome of the Netherlands initiative [16]. Therefore, the next big challenge in personalized medicine will be the expansion of high-quality genotype-phenotype databases providing “knowledge” over “data” to enable, without dictating, accurate clinical care due to rigid quality management and a sustainable expert variant curation and classification process [17, 18].
In Switzerland, research including human genetic data, as well as diagnostic germline genetic testing is strictly regulated and subject to regular quality control and accreditation procedures. Accordingly, research involving germline genetic data and diagnostic genetic testing is mainly pursued by highly specialized centers including the university and cooperating clinical centers for Medical/Human Genetics. The use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies as the standard of care creates a rich source of genetic data with an in-depth clinical variant assessment that currently is not collected systematically. In Switzerland so far, there exists no nationwide academic/public database for genetic variants obtained from diagnostic procedures or sequencing research projects. Therefore, the considerable potential to promote sharing diagnostic-grade genomic data with patient-related consented high-quality clinical information remains largely untapped. Besides data protection issues, this may be explained, particularly for Swiss institutions, by the previous lack of agreed harmonized standards and concepts for genetic data collection and exchange as well as the absence of a suitable and secure repository infrastructure for genomic and related patient data.
To address these difficulties and leverage the high-quality genetic and accompanying clinical data generated in Swiss academic institutions, all five Swiss university centers for Medical/Human Genetics joined forces with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB, Clinical Bioinformatics) in a nationwide effort to create the SwissGenVar platform within the framework of a Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) [19] infrastructure development project (project page available at [20]). SwissGenVar aims at providing a protected nationwide repository for germline variants identified in patients by Swiss clinical genetic laboratories with accompanying high-quality clinical data and an efficient joint platform for harmonization and up-scaling of expert-curated variant interpretation. However, SwissGenVar not only fosters harmonization and inclusion of diagnostic data, but also of data generated within research projects using genomic sequencing approaches. To this end, SwissGenVar ensures interoperability with international databases and the methodological and technical prerequisites for national and international sharing/storage of genomic data and evidence for standardized variant pathogenicity assessment, to facilitate consensus variant classification by clinical genetic experts. Furthermore, SwissGenVar allows the harvesting of patient-consented clinical data generated during routine health care to assess the clinical significance of a variant for a specific disease in synopsis with associated phenotypic features.
Within this project, we, therefore, defined an interoperable set of genetic and non-identifying clinical data for variant data sharing/storage and clinical interpretation, a consistent genetic variant file upload and annotation process as well as a data ontology appropriate for the creation of a protected nationwide germline variant database with accompanying high-quality clinical data and significance interpretation. The accessibility for clinicians and researchers has been realized through an efficient, scalable, and user-friendly IT infrastructure, integrated within the secure BioMedIT [21] landscape of SPHN. Currently, SwissGenVar is accessible to the project partners only, but with a scope for expansion to further academic and non-academic institutions to establish itself as the Swiss one-stop platform for the interpretation/understanding of genetic germline variants. Thus, SwissGenVar may substantially foster personalized health care, and, on the other hand, be a necessary first step to scale-up clinical-grade genetic testing and data sharing in Switzerland.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Sensitive data hosting and transfers
The SwissGenVar infrastructure development project has been initially funded by the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) [19] initiative which builds on the Swiss national BioMedIT infrastructure, specifically implemented for hosting sensitive data. It, therefore, uses all tools provided by those initiatives and follows their requirements.
The SwissGenVar application and data are hosted on the secure SENSA (Secure Sensitive Data Processing Platform) BioMedIT [21] node in Lausanne and comply with the SPHN and BioMedIT tools and the related Information Security Policy [22]. Data transfers are ensured by the SPHN SETT (Secure Encryption and Transfer Tool) data transfer tool [23], which encrypts, securely transfers, and decrypts data.
Users’ identity and access are managed using the BioMedIT central Keycloak [24] instance, which requires SWITCH eduID [25] two-factor authentication to log in. Keycloak is an open-access IAM platform that secures web applications and RESTful web services using standard protocols such as OAuth2, OpenID Link, and SAML 2.0. In addition, access to the system is restricted to the whitelisted IP (Internet Protocol) address ranges of each participating institution.
All data used for the development of the platform and depicted in the figures are for fictitious individuals, not real patients.
2.2 Software development
SwissGenVar is a web-based application, which backend is written in PHP (using the Laravel framework) and relies on a PostgreSQL database. The frontend is based on Vue.js (using the Nuxt framework). The bioinformatics pipeline is running on a SLURM cluster.
2.3 Public data sources
For all variants in the VCF (Variant Call Format) files, some public information is automatically gathered by the SwissGenVar platform using a local instance of the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) [26] deployed on the SENSA BioMedIT node. This information currently includes the variant type and effect, the genomic position of the variant, and the HGVS (Human Genome Variation Society) variant nomenclature [27].
3. Results
3.1 SwissGenVar governance and layers of access
For implementation and administration of SwissGenVar, a multicenter consortium among all five academic centers for Medical Genetics in Switzerland and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) (Figure 1) has been formed, which is governed by the Steering Board, as defined in the SwissGenVar Consortium Agreement. To combine the use for research and the highest level of data protection, the platform is composed of two different modules with different potential layers of access, which are specified by the Data Transfer and Use Agreement (DTUA). The access-controlled instance is intended to share genetic data and non-identifying associated clinical/demographic metadata in view-only mode, including data submitted by any other registered group. Registered users belonging to a registered group may in addition modify their own data or metadata. The access to the data stored in the access-controlled instance is restricted to registered users of the consortium (full access layer). However, upon approval by the Steering Board, data from the access-controlled instance (including personal data) may be made accessible to users belonging to a third-party group if required for a specific research study and if authorized by the competent ethics committee (restricted access layer). By contrast, the public instance aims to make stand-alone variants and aggregated patient/proband data (without any information related to the specific patient/proband or sample) publicly available and will be freely accessible by all interested parties without registration (public access layer).
3.2 Standardized SwissGenVar dataset specifications
One of the key concepts of SwissGenVar is the combination of diagnostic-grade genetic variant-related data and accompanying consented high-quality basic clinical information to corroborate their diagnostic utility. To harmonize the variant-related and phenotypic ontologies, a cross-expert working group defined a minimal and an extended genetic and clinical data set pertinent for data sharing/storage and the standardized interpretation of the clinical significance of genetic variants, which have been approved by the SwissGenVar board. After several rounds of thorough discussions and board meetings, dedicated clinical and laboratory working groups, which were managed by clinical experts for the addressed issue, elaborated a comprehensive and granular portfolio of parameters and functionalities needed for the objectives of SwissGenVar.
To ensure interoperability with international databases and other SPHN projects, SwissGenVar follows established international standards and the SPHN guidelines for Interoperability Data Standard and Tool Collection [22], whenever applicable. For most items, well-defined existing ontologies are used (Tab. 1). However, for the data fields relevant to the SwissGenVar project where no appropriate data standard was available, the consortium had to define and adapt an internal data catalogue reflecting the consensus between the practices at the different partner institutions.
Furthermore, SwissGenVar enables automated variant annotation from a variety of sources and implements direct links to the well-established NCBI ClinVar [28] and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database (dbSNP) [29] as well as to Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) [30], DECIPHER [31], LOVD (Leiden Open Variation Database) [32] and SVIP-O [33], the latter being a Swiss SPHN platform for the clinical interpretation of genetic variants in oncology (Swiss Variant Interpretation Platform for Oncology). Additionally, the widely-used predictive algorithms SIFT (Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant) [34] and PolyPhen-2 [35] for in silico assessment of amino acid substitutions are implemented using VEP.
3.3 Data management and application workflow
The project partners provide high-quality genetic data mostly from NGS procedures (exome and genome sequencing or other methods in the form of VCF files [Variant Call Format]) either derived from research studies or diagnostic testing with general or dedicated SwissGenVar consent, which are complemented by a minimal set of basic clinical information from the relevant medical history of the patient (Figure 2). These genetic and clinical data are generated either directly by the involved laboratories or by the hospital Clinical Data Warehouses (CDW), depending on each partner institution’s setup. In both cases, genetic data are encrypted and securely transferred using the SPHN BioMedIT transfer tool [23] and are stored and accessed according to BioMedIT access and security standards [24, 25]. Subsequently, after decryption and parsing of the transferred files, patient entries are created and variant calls from the VCF files are loaded into the platform. Before being loaded, the genetic data are going through a technical basic check-up to ensure compliance with the requested VCF file format. The user can then select individual variants as “of interest” so that they are displayed in priority on the interface.
Additionally, using a local instance of the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP), SwissGenVar automatically retrieves publicly available annotations for each variant like gnomAD (Genome Aggregation Database) population frequency, variant effect, and the presence of the variant in public databases such as NCBI ClinVar. The implementation of additional public annotations by the integration of APIs from further data sources is being investigated. For the patients’ phenotypic features, SwissGenVar allows clinical experts to manually enter clinical information and specific findings relevant to the variant assessment on their patients via its web interface using standardized vocabularies agreed upon during the project. Only the data providers are allowed to modify their own data in case corrections or clinical data are added.
3.4 SwissGenVar database structure, data query, and data display
We developed a graphical user interface to visualize and query the data, enabling the users to explore genetic variants in a gene and/or patient of interest or to retrieve patients with specific phenotypic features. Queries can be issued either from a variant or a patient query page (Figure 3). This interface allows the creation of a custom query based on the user’s interest, with one or multiple criteria filters to search the database and display all the variants or patients matching the selected filtering criteria. The query result is displayed in a variant or patient results table, respectively, that show only selected comparable/searchable information items. However, once a specific variant or patient is selected by clicking on the corresponding row of a results table, the user can access the individual detailed page providing more granular information about the variant or the patient of interest. Thus, the detailed variant page comprises a table of all the patients harboring this specific variant along with selected related information as well as shows automatically retrieved variant annotations as detailed in Tab. 1. The detailed patient page contains a table of variants detected in the patient of interest (obtained from the VCF files) and provides diverse phenotypic features. When no filter is used, the variant and patient tables list all the variants of interest by default and patients present in the database. The pages “Uploaded patients” and “Transferred VCF files”, which are accessible via the “My Data” selection panel or menu at the top of the interface, support the users in the management of their own data and provide an overview of their submitted patients and transferred VCF files including their (validation) status. Under the detailed page of the individual patients, the clinical partner of the submitting institution can complement the patient entry with a standardized data set of non-identifying clinical and demographical information and add the granular history of medical contacts with the clinical/phenotypic findings obtained and potential genetic diagnoses. Additionally, the data provider can prioritize clinically (potentially) significant variants by flagging them as of interest (by clicking on the star symbol on the left in the variant table), which is likewise possible directly on the detailed page of the respective transferred VCF file. Finally, the application provides the option of adding variants and patients to a user’s favorite list under the individual detailed page. A notification system will be established to inform the users about any changes or updates concerning their variants or patients of interest.
4. Discussion
SwissGenVar aims to use datasets with general consent or with dedicated SwissGenVar consent to evaluate the landscape of (clinically relevant) genetic variants in Switzerland to improve variant interpretation and risk assessment by studying genotype-phenotype relation and the natural history of genetic predispositions and disorders. This shall increase our knowledge and result in respective standard operating procedures and structures for improved patient care. Therefore, SwissGenVar intends to be a nationwide repository for genetic findings in available and consented genetic data sets across all five academic Medical Genetic institutions in Switzerland and to jointly assess their clinical significance to implement standard operating procedures and improved genetic diagnostics and patient care. As main achievement, SwissGenVar allows for the collection and sharing of genetic and associated clinical data via a secure data transfer and access/query by the project partners. At the same time, it provides a platform for knowledge sharing about variant-related evidence to harmonize and upscale their significance interpretation at clinical grade with interoperability with international efforts.
For this purpose, SwissGenVar supports granular multifactorial filtering for variants and patients in separate query interfaces and details “in-house” variant-related and clinical evidence such as data from local mutation and clinical databases, and segregation as well as experimental analyses. Additionally, SwissGenVar enables its users to submit published information like published literature reports and functional studies as well as includes publicly retrievable variant annotations and links to well-established variant databases following international standards. Compared to existing genotype-phenotype/variant databases, the integration of the complete set of variant calls from the transferred VCF files and of the granular history of medical contacts and portfolio of phenotypic findings can be regarded as a big advantage in addition to the collection of genetic variants found in Swiss subpopulations [45, 46]. This allows for the comprehensive clinical assessment of variants in the synopsis of co-occurring candidate variants and the respective clinical features of the variant-carrying individual, which is supported by the option to flag several variants as of interest in the corresponding VCF files. To prompt expert discussions about significance interpretation, a notification system will inform users about any changes or updates concerning the classification of individual variants or patients of interest. Finally, the SwissGenVar project has strongly contributed to harmonizing diagnostic practices among the participating institutions by defining and standardizing ontologies for variant and related clinical data. The ontology catalogue was provided to the SPHN Data Coordination Center (DCC) [47] to serve as a basis for other (and follow-up) projects in medical genetics.
Individual findings may be followed up and, depending on the consent provided, clearly pathogenic findings with high predictive value may be fed back to the referring medical geneticist for genetic counseling of the patient. The knowledge gained for individual variants shall be annotated in the SwissGenVar database and may become publicly accessible in a public outlet of the platform integrating interfaces with international database efforts. So far, the platform is available to partner groups only, but with a scope for expansion to further academic and non-academic institutions.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, SwissGenVar provides a protected platform for the nationwide collection of genetic germline variants and the sharing of related evidence and curated variant significance interpretations by clinical genetic experts, integrating a consistent genetic variant file upload and semi-automated annotation/curation pipeline. Thus, SwissGenVar may be regarded as a necessary first step to harmonize and scale-up clinical-grade genetic testing in Switzerland, thereby fostering personalized health research involving genetic risk stratification and disease classifications.
Data Availability
The SwissGenVar documentation and public website are available at https://pages.sib.swiss/project/swissgenvar-doc/ and https://pages.sib.swiss/project/swissgenvar/, respectively. The project GitLab site is available at URL https://gitlab.sib.swiss/clinbio/swissgenvar/sgv-knowledge/-/tree/master.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: M.A., W.B., S.C., A.S., A.S.F., V.B. and A.R.; Methodology: D.K., D.T., L.F., I.F., P.J., S.K., F.M., S.M., T.N., J.S., C.Z., M.A., W.B., S.C., A.S., A.S.F., V.B. and A.R.; Software: D.T. and V.B.; Data Curation: D.K., D.T., L.F., I.F., P.J., S.K., F.M., S.M., T.N., J.S., C.Z., M.A., W.B., S.C., A.S., A.S.F., V.B., A.R.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, D.K., D.T., V.B. and A.R.; Writing – Review & Editing: D.K., D.T., L.F., I.F., P.J., S.K., F.M., S.M., T.N., J.S., C.Z., M.A., W.B., S.C., A.S., A.S.F., V.B., A.R.; Visualization: D.K., D.T., V.B. and A.R.; Project Administration: A.R.; Funding Acquisition: A.R.
This platform development was funded as infrastructure development project (2018DEV13) by the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN).
Institutional Review Board Statement
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement
Not applicable. All presented data are for fictious individuals, not real patients.
Data Availability Statement
The SwissGenVar documentation and public website are available at https://pages.sib.swiss/project/swissgenvar-doc/ and https://pages.sib.swiss/project/swissgenvar/, respectively. The project GitLab site is available at URL https://gitlab.sib.swiss/clinbio/swissgenvar/sgv-knowledge/-/tree/master.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.