Background Cannabis is being legalized in many countries for therapeutic and recreational purposes. The cannabinoid compounds are mainly involved in the host metabolism under the endocannabinoid system, and they regulate the intestinal microbiota via an immunomodulatory mechanism leading to obtaining positive effects on the gastrointestinal and immunological systems.
Objective The review is to systematically evaluate their association and the impact of the microbiome on cannabis treatment to support further clinical trials.
Methods Utilizing online sources like PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library, a literature search was carried out up to July 20, 2022. The search was restricted to adults with clinical abnormalities and the use of English. An examination of predetermined subgroups under various disease conditions was carried out. The data was combined quantitatively.
Result The study comprised 9 studies with 2526 participants; two were clinical trials and the others were observational studies. One significant factor influencing microbiota variation was marijuana (MJ) usage [R2=0.01, p=0.14]. In HIV patients who used MJ, there were elevated levels of Fusobacterium and Anaerotruncus and lower concentrations of Dorea. The genus Rothia was dominant, but Capnocytophaga, Fusobacterium, and Porphyromonas were low at the tongue site, whereas high Selenomonas and low Streptococcus were detected at the oral pharynx region in MJ users in oral cancer patients. Following cannabis use, Lactobacilli and S. mutan were increased in patients with musculoskeletal discomfort. Increases in the circulation of endocannabinoids are associated with an increase in SCFA-producing bacteria and a decrease in the proinflammatory species Collinsella in patients with knee arthritis. Lower Prevotella:Bacteroides ratios were more frequently linked to higher lifetime MJ consumption in those with cognitive impairments (p=0.052). Increased PEA excretion correlated with decreased microbial diversity, which caused anhedonia/amotivation to worsen. A. muciniphila was substantially more prevalent in obese patients after OEA administration.
Conclusion Data from a systematic review suggest that cannabis usage and supplementation of medical cannabis in a variety of clinical problems had links with altering the human microbiome on gut, oral, rectal, and vaginal discharge. It must be taken into consideration in future research on the therapeutic effects of cannabis on patients.
Short Summary As cannabis use is being legalized in more and more countries, it is important to observe how the use of cannabis affects the human body, particularly in those suffering from various clinical conditions. Using the qualitative data collected from the systematic review, it was found that cannabis use in adults with a range of different clinical conditions has associations with altering the human microbiome, a factor that must be considered in future studies of cannabis treatment for beneficial or detrimental effects on patients.
Registration ID PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022354331
Marijuana (MJ), or Cannabis sativa, has a long history of use both for therapeutic and recreational purposes. Chemical constituents of cannabis consist of the complex mixture of natural cannabinoids containing approximately 500 bioactive detected compounds with 70 different cannabinoids.1 The most common chemical compounds are cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid molecule, and the psychoactive cannabinoid, d9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which were discovered in 1963 and 1964, respectively.2
Globally, cannabis is the drug that is used most frequently for psychoactive purposes after alcohol and cigarettes.3 In 2020, the global cannabis user population was over 4% and it is nearly 6% among teenagers.4 Even though there is little evidence that adult patients consume cannabis, its consumption in an older population aged ≥ 50 years has been elevated from 15.1% in 2014 to 23.6% in 2016 since legalization for medical use encourages former non-users to start using it.5 In the United States, the utilization of cannabis is increasing for medical and recreational purposes while the potential risk is declining.6-8 Even though there is little knowledge of the risks and advantages of it, they primarily utilize it to control the symptoms.
Cannabinoids have a well-established proven record as anti-inflammatory drugs with a wide array of immunosuppressive characteristics.9 It was shown that CBD stimulated myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), which both in vitro and in vivo inhibited the proliferation of T cells.10 It has also been demonstrated that THC can stimulate MDSCs without using toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and then stimulates regulatory T cells (Tregs) that play a role in their differentiation and functions and secrete immunosuppressive cytokines such as interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β).11,12
Cross-sectional research of primary care patients also indicated that those who use medical cannabis have more potential advantages than those who don’t, but there are still negative effects.13 From a systematic review of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of medical cannabinoids, the serious adverse events are categorized into respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, nervous system disorders, cerebrovascular disorder, general disorders and administration-site conditions, renal and urinary disorders, neoplasm, psychiatric disorders, and others.14 Furthermore, it is evident that the most frequent physical health reasons are to manage pain (53%), sleep (46%), headaches/migraines (35%), appetite (22%), and nausea/vomiting (21%), while the most prevalent mental health reasons are anxiety (52%), depression (40%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)/trauma (17%).15
A mutually beneficial symbiotic interaction exists between the host and the diverse gastrointestinal microbial population that can be found there.16 Therefore, the gut microbiota plays a major role in host metabolism and is associated with the regulation of the inflammatory status of the host in the gut but is not limited to other organs like the brain.17 The intestinal microbiota affects neurological, endocrine, and immunological networks through the gut-brain axis, which is the bilateral communication between the central and enteric nervous systems.18,19 Recent study reveals that the gut microbiome plays a role in anxiety and depression-like behavior,20 and clinical research indicates that these disease situations are characterized by an abundance of pro-inflammatory and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) producing bacterial species.21 This pathophysiology illustrates that dysbiosis may have either positive or negative consequences on the host’s inflammatory condition.
The positive effects of cannabinoids on the gastrointestinal and immunological systems are lowering intestinal permeability, controlling intestinal bacteria, and reducing inflammation, according to earlier preclinical studies.22,23 Numerous active studies on cannabinoids in the field of natural medicines are underway at the moment since there is evidence to support their potential efficacy in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammation.24-27 On the other hand, it was linked to detrimental impacts on both physical and mental health in a dose-response manner, with daily or nearly daily use being linked to worse results.28
The gut-brain axis has recently come to light as a mechanism by which intestinal bacteria can influence the physiology and inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS).29 These mechanisms are dysregulated and then linked to altered blood-brain barrier permeability and neuroinflammation during dysbiosis.29 A. muciniphila, one of the numerous bacterial species in the gut, contributes significantly to the regulation of the gut barrier and processes roughly 3–5% of the gut microbiota in healthy humans.30,31 The regulation of intestinal barrier integrity, effects on immunological modulation and the enteroendocrine system, and mediators from the microbiome entering the body could all be implicated in this process.
The amount of endocannabinoids that have been linked to alterations in Peptostreptococcaceae, Veillonellaceae, and Akkermansiaceae has been found to elevate in response to dietary treatments using certain fatty acids.32 In addition to enhancing the quality of life (QoL), cannabis use can affect endocannabinoids level and promote mucosal healing in people with ulcerative colitis (UC).33 It has also been documented to favor immune suppression in vivo through the modulation of the endocannabinoids system using cannabinoids.34
In a mouse model of Staphylococcal enterotoxin B-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), AEA treatment increased the abundance of beneficial bacteria producing short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate as well as production of antimicrobial peptides and tight junction proteins, which are essential molecules sustaining epithelial barrier integrity in lung epithelial cells and decreased the pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas.34 While examining the effectiveness of THC therapies, Ruminococcus gnavus, a good bacterium, was discovered to be more prevalent and pathogenic A. muciniphila in the gut and lungs was decreased along with the enrichment of propionic acid.35 Another mouse study found that combining THC and CBD reduced the signs of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), which was characterized by an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokine production, a decline in pro-inflammatory cytokines, a reduction in mucin-degrading A. muciniphila, and a reversal of the high level of lipid polysaccharides.36 Collectively, these findings indicate that cannabis affects the gut microbiome.
There are growing pieces of evidence that cannabis may promote healthy gut flora, communication between the gut and the brain, and overall strong gut health.37,38 Cannabinoids can interact with their receptors in the gut and it has been used for hundreds of years to treat the symptoms of inflammation and gastrointestinal diseases, such as abdominal discomfort, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.39 Hence, the systematic review would be the first to evaluate several observational studies in human and clinical trials using marijuana and cannabinoids on the alteration of the microbiota to treat various diseases, hoping to encourage additional thorough research studies.
Materials and Methods
Protocol and registration
The systematic literature review was registered on PROSPERO ID 2022 CRD42022354331.
Literature search
According to the PRISMA declaration guidelines, a thorough literature review and meta-analysis were conducted.40 The study’s inclusion and exclusion criteria were developed using the PICO/PECOs methodology.41,42 Two of the authors (MT, TO, SH, and AJ) independently assessed each study for inclusion in the systematic review using the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases. Discrepancies were settled through group discussion at each stage. The search was limited to cannabinoids and microbiome-related studies in the English language. Studies that were only conducted on animals or that weren’t peer-reviewed were excluded. These databases consider both epidemiology and intervention research, with a focus on the results of any impacts of cannabis treatment and alteration to the microbiome that were extracted up until July 20, 2022.
Study selection
Before completing full-text reviews, two independent reviewers (MT, TO, SH, and AJ) independently evaluated papers for appropriate research using pre-established inclusion and exclusion criteria. All relevant full-text documents were retrieved to perform additional data extraction. Interventions examining the effects of any cannabis treatment and microbiome modification with or without any active or placebo controls were the defined inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis. The following were not taken into account: animal studies, in vitro research, review articles, peer-reviewed publications, protocols, letters, editorials, comments, suggestions, and guidelines. Arguments amongst the authors were resolved by consensus at every stage of the systematic review screening.
Data extraction
Independent reviewers (MT, TO, SH, and AJ) carried out the data extraction for the following variables: 1) Study characteristics, including author names, published year, study period, study type, country, sample size, and age range; 2) Baseline characteristics of the included studies, including participant information, study region, and clinical conditions gathered by patients and controls; 3) Subgroup evidence by distinct diagnostic health problem; and 4) adverse reactions of the MJ use. All relevant text, tables, and figures were examined during the data extraction process, and any discrepancies between writers were resolved through discussion or agreement.
Risk of bias
The independent two authors (MT, TO, SH, and AJ) assessed the risk of bias (ROB) in the extracted intervention studies. If the studies are non-randomized trials, ROBINS-I (Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies - of Interventions) tool was applied to assess ROB.43 For included cohort and case-control studies, the two independent authors performed the ROB assessment using the Newcastle - Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOS) that was developed from an ongoing collaboration between the Universities of Newcastle, Australia, and Ottawa, Canada for quality assessment in meta-analysis.44
Subgroup analysis
The subgroup analysis of observational studies was performed by different types of clinical abnormalities and adverse events qualitatively.
Statistical analysis
The prevalence of the baseline characteristics was described by total number and percentage by the group. The overall mean age of included studies was calculated using combined mean and standard deviation (SD) techniques. For outcomes related to microbiome diversity in intervention trials, mean differences (MD) and a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) between groups were provided. The clinical and methodological variability of participant characteristics, study time, study type, and study site were also evaluated qualitatively.
Study selection
1,222 duplicate articles were deleted before screening the 4,022 articles that were found during the literature search across different databases. After analyzing the titles and abstracts of the first 2,800 studies, 2,766 publications were eliminated based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After that, we collected 30 articles for full-text screening and determined whether or not they qualified for a systematic review. 21 studies were among them that were disqualified for the reasons listed below: One editorial, one letter to the editor, one protocol, six incorrect study designs, and twelve non-peer-reviewed studies make up these papers. The systematic literature analysis finally included 9 studies (Figure 1).
Study characteristics
Among the included studies, it accounts for 1 case-control, 6 cohorts, and 2 clinical trials, with a total participation of 2,526 people spanning the research period from 1983 to 2021 (Table 1). It was contributed by 4 countries as the United States of America (USA), the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran), the State of Israel, and the United Kingdom (UK). The study period was taken around 1-3 years. The age range of the population was 17-101 years.
Baseline characteristics of the included studies
Subject characteristics
We discovered that 43% of participants played a role as patients, whose ages ranged from 17 to 101, as opposed to control groups, whose ages ranged from 18 to 87. The controls had a lower mean age of 28.4 years, whereas the patients’ average age is 56.5 years. Women make up more than 85% of the participants, with the USA contributing the most. Patients are more likely to suffer cognitive impairment (76.6%) than HIV infection cases (11.1%) and others (Table 2).
Risk of bias
The review includes 7 observational studies that were evaluated for ROB using the NOS assessment technique (Figure 2). Only one study, by Minichino et al., had a very high risk of biases since there is no description of the non-exposed cohort. Furthermore, the outcome assessors cannot be made blind, and no comment regarding follow-up was provided. In previous cohort studies conducted by Newman et al. and Vallejo et al., the inability to blind the outcome assessment and the lack of a description of the follow-up timeline were also discovered. The lack of a statement of case and control selection and exposure contributed to the significant risk of bias in case-control research by Kagen et al.
Because Payahoo et al. did not include the lipid profile analysis that was specified in their protocol, selection bias was present in the reported results of the RCT (Figure 3). The risk assessment to the non-RCT by Habib et al was performed well (Figure 4)
Qualitative analysis
We qualitatively analyzed the microbiota changes in the patients having different clinical conditions on the use of MJ/medical cannabis and supplementation of its compounds, also covering the microbial diversity and associating factors (Table 3).45-53
HIV infection
Male groups were studied by Fulcher et al. concerning the impact of MJ usage in HIV patients,47 whereas female groups were studied by Vallejo et al.52 In the first research, the same patients underwent 2 visits, during which time 49% of them used the MJ and 30% did likewise. The trichomonas infection found in rectal samples decreased throughout the 6 months from 14% to 5% (p=0.08) while gonorrhea and syphilis infections increased from 8% to 11% (p=0.66) and 0% to 5% (p=0.16), respectively. In the subsequent cohort research, only 15% of the 1380 female participants used the MJ, and 80 of them were treated as patients because they had recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV). Between the participants with or without recurrent BV, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like trichomonas, genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and human papillomavirus (HPV) were evaluated. According to the assessment, there is a significant difference between the prevalence of gonorrhea in the BV group and other groups, which is 5% versus 1.3% (p=0.03).
Using data from a 6-week exercise intervention, Vijay et al. investigated the functional relationships between the endocannabinoid system and the gut microbiome in regulating inflammatory markers.45 They discovered that changes in AEA were positively connected with butyrate, and increases in AEA and PEA were correlated with decreases in TNF-α and IL-6, statistically mediating one-third of the effect of the SCFAs on these cytokines. The fact that the EC system plays a role in the anti-inflammatory actions of SCFAs suggests that there may be more pathways involved in the control of the immune system by the gut microbiota.
Obesity is characterized as an excessive buildup of fat that can be unhealthy for health and cause an inflammatory response.54 Currently, herbal remedies are gaining popularity in the treatment of obesity and its co-morbidities, and Cannabis sativa derivatives are receiving a lot of attention. At the randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial, it was discovered that energy intake, fat, protein, and carbohydrate declined significantly (p < 0.001) in the OEA group.50
Cognitive deficits
Both mitochondrial (mt) dysfunction and gut dysbiosis also affect cognition. From the preliminary findings from Panee et al,46 mitochondrial functions correlated positively with scores of Fluid Cognition and Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention in MJ users, but not in non-users (interaction p= 0.0018–0.08).
Marijuana or Medical Cannabis
The dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant are referred to as marijuana.55 The plant includes THC, a substance that alters perception, as well as other related substances. People used it in a variety of ways, including via smoking, inhaling, and as cannabis extracts.
Adverse events
Six patients (21.4%) reported symptoms including coughing and wheezing after using MJ cigarettes, while one patient (3.5%) suffered drowsiness, night sweats, systemic aspergillosis, and coughing bouts. Steven et al. reported these negative consequences, all of which went away quickly after quitting smoking MJ.51
The comprehensive study supported the link between cannabis usage and microbiota in a variety of patients suffering from oral illness, obesity, systemic aspergillosis, pain/inflammation, and HIV infection. The utilization of MJ was performed by substance use, oral capsules, or cigarette smoking, and the supplements used were the endocannabinoids such as 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA), Oleoylethanolamide (OEA), and Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA).
Approximately 77% of HIV patients were lifetime MJ users while the proportion of uninfected counterparts was 44.5% in a nationally representative sample.56 Research in this area suggests that cannabinoids are anti-inflammatory in the setting of HIV through the effect of the endocannabinoid system in the gut and through stabilization of gut-blood barrier integrity.57 Fulcher et al. revealed that MJ use in HIV patients is positively correlated with the increase of Fusobacterium and Anaerotruncus and negatively associated with the decrease in the abundance of Dorea organism.47 Typically, MJ users in HIV patients engage in higher-risk sexual conduct or practices leading to bacterial vaginosis (BV) which is found to be characterized by the lack of Lactobacilli and the overgrowth of facultative anaerobic organisms.52
Musculoskeletal pain is the most common cause of chronic non-cancer pain, and the perceptions of these patients are that cannabis can help to relieve the pain with only minor adverse effects and improve psychological well-being.58 In a clinical trial on patients with musculoskeletal pain using medical cannabis treatment, it found an elevation of S. mutan and Lactobacilli at 4th week even though the first was low at the first week.49 It was unexpected to see levels of S. mutans or Lactobacilli rise after that. It is possible that cannabis either had a favorable or negative effect on these particular bacteria, promoting the growth of these two oral bacteria.
Newman et al found that genera are earlier shown to be enriched on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) mucosa such as Capnocytophaga, Fusobacterium, and Porphyromonas, were at low levels at the tongue site in MJ users, while Rothia, which is found at depressed levels on HNSCC mucosa, was high.53 At the oral pharynx site, differences in bacteria were distinct, with higher levels of Selenomonas and lower levels of Streptococcus which is what is seen in HNSCC. In samples taken from the lateral border of the tongue and the oral pharynx, which are both different when it comes to the MJ-linked microbiome, it was found that daily/almost daily inhalation of MJ over the previous month correlates with differently abundant taxa of the oral microbiome. The use of MJ is correlated with changes in bacteria levels, but it has not been established that it is the cause of how normal tissue develops into disease and then SCC. Furthermore, these changes were not consistent with malignancy. Lateral tongue sites demonstrated microbiological changes with MJ usage.
Moreover, the use of MJ is associated with alterations in gut microbiota and mitochondrial (mt) function, leading to further cognitive deficits.46 It was associated with lower fruit and vegetable consumption and greater animal-based food consumption in both adults and adolescents. It also found that a larger lifetime MJ use tended to associate with a lower Prevotella:Bacteriodes ratio. The authors suggested that MJ use and associated dietary change contribute to microbiome alteration along with lower dietary intake of antioxidants and fibers.46 In a recent microbial study between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and healthy subject, it revealed that different bacterial abundance in the patients was found at the genus level, such as Anaerostipes, Mitsuokella, Prevotella, Bosea, Fusobacterium, Anaerotruncus, Clostridium, and Coprobacillus.59 Therefore, the lower Prevotella:Bacteriodes ratio in adults with cognitive deficits could be likely associated with the use of MJ.
Obesity is obtained from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure and is recognized as chronic low-grade inflammation.60,61 At the review, we found that OEA supplement use significantly decreased the energy and carbohydrate intake of obese participants, and A. muciniphila bacterium increased significantly in the OEA group compared to the placebo group, suggesting that OEA could be used as a supplement for obese people.58 Furthermore, a clinical trial supported that this supplement could be effective to improve inflammation and oxidative stress in obese communities.62
Increases in SCFA-producing bacteria and decreases in the proinflammatory genus Collinsella are correlated with increases in endocannabinoid circulating levels.45 Endocannabinoid system and SCFAs were increased with exercise and further revealed the strong correlation between elevation in endocannabinoids and reduction in proinflammatory cytokines. It is possible therefore that improved endocannabinoids induced by exercise may be mediating the shift in the gut microbiota to increased SCFA producers, thereby increasing the SCFA production without a dietary change.
Our goal was to compile a comprehensive picture of the microbiome associated with MJ use. Since the acquired data was limited by a variety of pathological conditions, the meta-analysis was not able to be conducted. In the systematic review, it was reported that both the MJ use or endocannabinoid supplements and the GI microbiota can individually contribute to the manifestation of pain and others. Despite the limited literature dedicated to these interactions to date, this should be anticipated for further work in this exciting research field.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present work are contained in the manuscript as supplementary files.
Authors’ contributions
MST: Conceptualization (supporting); Methodology (lead); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review and editing (supporting); Formal analysis (lead); Software (lead). TO: Conceptualization (supporting); Writing – review and editing (supporting). SR: Conceptualization (supporting); Writing – original draft (supporting); Writing – review and editing (supporting); Formal analysis (supporting). TN: Conceptualization (supporting); Resources (equal). AJ: Conceptualization (supporting); Formal analysis (supporting). NH: Conceptualization (lead); Writing – review and editing (supporting). KP: Conceptualization (lead); Resources (equal); Writing – review and editing (lead); Supervision (lead). KP is the guarantor of the review.
This study was funded by the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine (DTAM).
Availability of data and materials
All data produced in the present work are contained in the manuscript as supplementary files.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
mst.maysoethu{at}gmail.com, thunnichaon{at}yahoo.com, szayehall01{at}outlook.com, tnopsopon{at}gmail.com, ananyajagota{at}gmail.com, nattiyap{at}gmail.com
- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
- CIs
- Confidence intervals
- Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation
- Newcastle - Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale
- Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-analysis Protocols
- RCTs
- Randomized controlled trials
- Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies - of Interventions
- US
- United States